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Fake breakdowns and other roadside hustles


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In the last six months I’ve stopped to give people roadside assistance twice, and both times I was left wondering if it was a scam.


The first time a guy with the hood of his pickup truck up flagged me down. He claimed he had run out of gas, had no money, needed to get home to Korat, and offered me 2-3 cheap-looking amulets as collateral if I would lend him 1,000 baht which he promised to repay as soon as he got home. Something just didn’t sound right about that story. Who runs out of gas a day’s drive from home with no cash and no ATM card? The other thing that was weird was that his car was headed in the opposite direction from Korat when he supposedly ran out of gas. So truth be told, I told the guy to hang on a second while I moved my pickup, but when I got in the truck, I just drove off.


The second time was a couple of days ago, not far from home. I pass this teenage boy pushing a motorcycle uphill in the noon day heat. His mother and four year old brother are following along behind him. Thinking they have run out of gas, and just happening to have a full can of gas, I pull over. But the problem, they quickly tell me, isn’t that the motorcycle has run out of gas, it’s that it won’t start. But then the mother quickly moves on to the real problem:  ‘I have no money for food, and we are hungry.’ There’s no question this family was poor. The motorcycle was ancient, and everyone looked unwashed and was wearing dirty clothes. So I give them 200 baht. No suspicions whatsoever up until this point.


But then, when I offer to take them to the repair shop which they claimed they were headed to, they say they didn’t need my help. I say to the teenage kid, ‘What are you talking about, we’re 2 kilometers from town, you’re mother and kid brother are here, what do you mean you don’t need help?’ First we try to lift the motorcycle into the back of the truck, which the scrawny teenage boy and I can’t do by ourselves. But across the street there’s a restaurant, where I happen upon several neighbors who help lift the motorcycle into the truck.


The mother’s in back making sure the cycle doesn’t fall over, and the two boys are up front with me in the cab. I ask the older boy how much he thinks the motorcycle repair is going to cost. He says 300 baht. I say, ‘But you don’t know what’s wrong with the bike, so you’re not really sure how much it’ll cost, right?’ So he says, 'Just take us back home, which is what we ended up doing. But I'm left wondering why, if the bike needed repair, they didn’t want to go to the repair shop.


On the way to their house, I ask what his father does for a living, and he tells me his father can’t work. But when we get to the house, the father helps unload the motorcycle and immediately starts expertly tinkering with fuel lines and what not. I give them another 800 baht, telling them I’d like to help them out. They live about 5 kilometers away from me, and as I was driving home, I said to myself I hope they don’t figure out where I live.


But the next afternoon, sure enough, they show up at my house. It kind of freaked me out, because as much as I hate to say it, I got this unmistakable predatory vibe from the teenage boy. No doubt he had a tough life that probably necessitated a hustler mentality, but I didn’t feel comfortable around him. He had kind of a cold look in his eyes. He kept trying to peer in the windows of the house, and later I found a forehead and nose print on my car window which looked like someone about his height had been peering through the tinted windows to see what was inside.


The mother starts telling me ‘It cost 1200 baht to repair the bike,’ kind of implying that they needed more money to cover the bill. When I said, ‘Are you asking me for more money?’ she said, ‘No, no, no, I just came by to thank you for giving us the money yesterday.’ But later, the teenage boy tells me that they didn’t actually have to send the bike to the repair shop after all, because the problem turned out to be that they had run out of gas. And get this, as they were leaving, the kid starts trying to tell me that the bike had run of gas AGAIN, and that they needed money to get home. I was like, ‘You expect me to believe you ran out of gas two days in a row?’ That’s when I really started to feel like the whole roadside breakdown thing the day before must have been some kind of a ruse.


So I’m just kind of curious if anybody else has experienced roadside scams or hustles in Thailand?

Edited by Gecko123
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Wasn't a hustle or a scam when we were driving from Chiang Mai to Utteradit last Tuesday. We were well out of towns etc, a guy with a motorcycle and 2 kids flagged us down, very old bike, kids about 9 and 12 yrs old. Said he'd run out of fuel, next village bout 4km away, could get fuel there.
Anyway we drove there got 1ltr of fuel drove back, gave fuel, water and biscuits and 50bt, to see the look on their faces you would think they'd won the lottery!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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It is a sad fact of life today that many deserving cases will be ignored because of the number of scams.

There is an old man who sits on the street a few kms from us, we give him all our plastic etc for recycling, and also food and water, unfortunately we cannot give him money as he tells us his Son steals it all from him. He is always grateful, and whenever he sees the car pull up his face lights up.

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Sorry, i know this sounds hard, but i never stop for anybody, kids, women, included.Its not safe in this country to do so.You stop, you get knifed, your body is hidden,your money is taken,your life is over. Your wife, gf, family never see you again. They might not ever find out what happened to you.And , this, all because of one act of intended kindness.

If its a scam,and you don't stop, you've possibly saved your life.If its not a scam and you don't stop, maybe someone else will.

Think of yourself and yours first.

I'm sorry but this country has shown it is not safe to try and help strangers.


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such a heart-breaking story told at length; the only valid guide-line for me has always been: Never stop in Th. for anything along the road- side. I even don't stop in the middle of nowhere if I see two fancy police buggers with some shabby Toyota "police" pickup who put up a traffic check point

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I got scammed recently too. Two very good looking voluptuous 20-21 year-old girls came over to my car as I was packing my shopping into the boot. They both started cleaning my windscreen, their boobs almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. When I thanked them and offered them a tip, they said 'No' and instead asked me for a lift to another supermarket. I agreed and they both got in the back seat. On the way, they started undressing, and both got completely in the buff. Then, when I pulled over to remonstrate, one of them climbed over into the front seat and started crawling all over my lap, trying to kiss me and touch me intimately, thrusting herself against me. While the other one stole my wallet! I had my wallet stolen February 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th, and 28th. Also March 1st, 4th, and twice yesterday.

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The rule in Thailand is NEVER stop , to assist at the scene of an accident , being flagged down or any other similar situation .  Keep going no matter what , call at a police station to report what you have seen and where .  In the worst scenario you may be robbed , either of your money or car/motorcycle , failure to comply may result in you being bludgeoned , beaten , stabbed or shot . 

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2 hours ago, Jai Dee said:

I got scammed recently too. Two very good looking voluptuous 20-21 year-old girls came over to my car as I was packing my shopping into the boot. They both started cleaning my windscreen, their boobs almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. When I thanked them and offered them a tip, they said 'No' and instead asked me for a lift to another supermarket. I agreed and they both got in the back seat. On the way, they started undressing, and both got completely in the buff. Then, when I pulled over to remonstrate, one of them climbed over into the front seat and started crawling all over my lap, trying to kiss me and touch me intimately, thrusting herself against me. While the other one stole my wallet! I had my wallet stolen February 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th, and 28th. Also March 1st, 4th, and twice yesterday.

Yesterday was 4th March. You have clearly been advance-scammed twice tomorrow - a well-known Thai phenomenon.

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Hmmm,....Most of the time I stop to help if someone has trouble on the road, but I listen to my feelings at the moment.

sometimes i don't trust he settings. I have experienced scams like this in the Moroccan dessert, a car on the side of the road, (dust track) and a guy who said the car has problems !, I offered him to bring him to the next village he refuses and said that i can go to the next village and tell hes family. Hes family lives in a carpet store, they offer me a mint tea, and all the time wants to sell me a carpet when I refuse they show me a other carpet, and nobody goes to pick up the guy in the dessert....I had the feeling something was wrong all the time....

From then on I always trust my feeling, sometimes I stop and help other times i just continue on my way....

Edited by off road pat
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1 hour ago, Toscano said:

The rule in Thailand is NEVER stop , to assist at the scene of an accident , being flagged down or any other similar situation .  Keep going no matter what , call at a police station to report what you have seen and where .  In the worst scenario you may be robbed , either of your money or car/motorcycle , failure to comply may result in you being bludgeoned , beaten , stabbed or shot . 


If you try the light switch and it doesn't work - don't go down into the cellar.

Always check the back seat before driving off from the gas station.

Never agree to split up the group to search the creepy forest.

Don't stay at a motel if you suspect that the manager is deranged and, especially, don't take a shower there.

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But,  if you  are a Farang and you stop on the side of the road and put your hood up. Within minutes you will have a traffic jam with all the cars trying to stop and help.  If you know what I mean.................................................

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12 minutes ago, kowpot said:

But,  if you  are a Farang and you stop on the side of the road and put your hood up. Within minutes you will have a traffic jam with all the cars trying to stop and help.  If you know what I mean.................................................

I've been helped roadside a number of times riding a bicycle…nobody had their hand out, or was looking for a big pay day.

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Another big scam near Pataya that i've witnessed a couple times.


A Car/Truck driven by a farang pulls into the petro station, faring says how much he needs, and heads into the convenience store while 2 guys on a motorbike drive past your radiator and pokes a wire into it a couple time (the vehicle front was not facing storefront.)


So, while you are driving, your car overheats, some good samaritan pulls up in a truck (the motorbike friends).

Then they tell them they can send someone to look at your problem..........I think you get the scam

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Another big scam near Pataya that i've witnessed a couple times.
A Car/Truck driven by a farang pulls into the petro station, faring says how much he needs, and heads into the convenience store while 2 guys on a motorbike drive past your radiator and pokes a wire into it a couple time (the vehicle front was not facing storefront.)
So, while you are driving, your car overheats, some good samaritan pulls up in a truck (the motorbike friends).
Then they tell them they can send someone to look at your problem..........I think you get the scam

Did you mention to the foreign driver what you just witnessed?

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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4 hours ago, Jai Dee said:

I got scammed recently too. Two very good looking voluptuous 20-21 year-old girls came over to my car as I was packing my shopping into the boot. They both started cleaning my windscreen, their boobs almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. When I thanked them and offered them a tip, they said 'No' and instead asked me for a lift to another supermarket. I agreed and they both got in the back seat. On the way, they started undressing, and both got completely in the buff. Then, when I pulled over to remonstrate, one of them climbed over into the front seat and started crawling all over my lap, trying to kiss me and touch me intimately, thrusting herself against me. While the other one stole my wallet! I had my wallet stolen February 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th, and 28th. Also March 1st, 4th, and twice yesterday.

How much cash do you carry in your wallet ?  200B

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5 hours ago, Jai Dee said:

I got scammed recently too. Two very good looking voluptuous 20-21 year-old girls came over to my car as I was packing my shopping into the boot. They both started cleaning my windscreen, their boobs almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. When I thanked them and offered them a tip, they said 'No' and instead asked me for a lift to another supermarket. I agreed and they both got in the back seat. On the way, they started undressing, and both got completely in the buff. Then, when I pulled over to remonstrate, one of them climbed over into the front seat and started crawling all over my lap, trying to kiss me and touch me intimately, thrusting herself against me. While the other one stole my wallet! I had my wallet stolen February 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th, and 28th. Also March 1st, 4th, and twice yesterday.

I have heard this story before Jai Dee, and very good it is too,,,,,,,,,,,,But pleeeeeese.........can you tell me where the supermarket is because it's costing me a fortune in Diesel driving around trying to find it !!!!...:smile:

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Why on earth would you stop and believe someone that has run out of gas with the hood up? Why have the hood up - The fuel gauge tells you the gas level not the engine!


Then you pull over for someone pushing a bike and hand over 200 Baht in cash....Why? Do you normally do this in London or New York?


Why did you ask the older boy how much the repair cost would be and when he gave you an estimate you questioned his response? Why did you even ask in the first place if you were so sure that he didn't know what was wrong?


Then you take them home and give them a further 800 Baht!


And you wonder why they turn up at your house? Are you stupid or just gullible? You must look like the goose that lays golden eggs.....Sorry, but you are a fool, and you could end up getting yourself in some pretty deep SH$T if you drive around Thailand doing what you are doing.


However, I seem to have run out of gas and my bike is broken, if possible can you transfer to my bank account 1000 baht for the bike repair and 500 Baht for gas....thanks!


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Why on earth would you stop and believe someone that has run out of gas with the hood up? Why have the hood up - The fuel gauge tells you the gas level not the engine!
Then you pull over for someone pushing a bike and hand over 200 Baht in cash....Why? Do you normally do this in London or New York?
Why did you ask the older boy how much the repair cost would be and when he gave you an estimate you questioned his response? Why did you even ask in the first place if you were so sure that he didn't know what was wrong?
Then you take them home and give them a further 800 Baht!
And you wonder why they turn up at your house? Are you stupid or just gullible? You must look like the goose that lays golden eggs.....Sorry, but you are a fool, and you could end up getting yourself in some pretty deep SH$T if you drive around Thailand doing what you are doing.
However, I seem to have run out of gas and my bike is broken, if possible can you transfer to my bank account 1000 baht for the bike repair and 500 Baht for gas....thanks!

Hood up is international signal for a vehicle in distress. Hood down parked at the side of the road is signal for "I'm parked at the side of the road" !
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1 hour ago, richusa said:

Another big scam near Pataya that i've witnessed a couple times.


A Car/Truck driven by a farang pulls into the petro station, faring says how much he needs, and heads into the convenience store while 2 guys on a motorbike drive past your radiator and pokes a wire into it a couple time (the vehicle front was not facing storefront.)


So, while you are driving, your car overheats, some good samaritan pulls up in a truck (the motorbike friends).

Then they tell them they can send someone to look at your problem..........I think you get the scam

What kind of radiator can be punctured by a piece of wire?


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8 hours ago, Jai Dee said:

I got scammed recently too. Two very good looking voluptuous 20-21 year-old girls came over to my car as I was packing my shopping into the boot. They both started cleaning my windscreen, their boobs almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. When I thanked them and offered them a tip, they said 'No' and instead asked me for a lift to another supermarket. I agreed and they both got in the back seat. On the way, they started undressing, and both got completely in the buff. Then, when I pulled over to remonstrate, one of them climbed over into the front seat and started crawling all over my lap, trying to kiss me and touch me intimately, thrusting herself against me. While the other one stole my wallet! I had my wallet stolen February 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th, and 28th. Also March 1st, 4th, and twice yesterday.

there's a sale on wallets at Tesco

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