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Obama denies Trump claim he wiretapped him during campaign


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Trump simply opens his mouth, without any vetting, consideration, judgment, or thought, to the impact his words might have. And the really frightening part is that he simply does not care. I believe the man is a paranoid schizophrenic, and is off of his medication. He sees conspiracies all around him. A classic symptom, of this terrible disease. Not a good quality for a world leader to have. 


I also think the he believes if he just makes this stuff up, it will distract for the firestorm he finds himself within. I think he just thought that if he won the election, he could run the country a bit like a king, without anyone really questioning what he does and says.


Well, he is finding out that this war, and this battle he picked with the media is coming back to haunt him. This is a man so completely lacking in vision, that he cannot see three feet in front of himself. 

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21 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

He already looks like a fool.  Has for years.

Well he was elected President of the United States so he can't be that much of a fool.  Your personal hatred is a bit OTT and many millions of Americans support him so maybe things will calm down and none of us know how this will turn out

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3 minutes ago, binjalin said:

Well he was elected President of the United States so he can't be that much of a fool.  Your personal hatred is a bit OTT and many millions of Americans support him so maybe things will calm down and none of us know how this will turn out

Just because he was elected president doesn't mean he's a perfect individual.  Look at the vile things said about previous presidents here.  Many being called things far worse than a fool! LOL


I don't hate Trump.  Just don't respect him.  Especially as POTUS.  We sure hope things calm down, but so far, it doesn't look that way.  Trump's brought this upon himself.  He's nobody to blame for this but himself.

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17 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Just because he was elected president doesn't mean he's a perfect individual.  Look at the vile things said about previous presidents here.  Many being called things far worse than a fool! LOL


I don't hate Trump.  Just don't respect him.  Especially as POTUS.  We sure hope things calm down, but so far, it doesn't look that way.  Trump's brought this upon himself.  He's nobody to blame for this but himself.

Actually, according to Trump, he has everybody to blame but himself.

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It would seem that "the Donald" can't hack the pressure of the Oval Office. It turns out that when Sessions recused himself from any further investigations of the Russian scandal that the so-called President went ballistic, telling aides as he was leaving the White House for his weekly golf outing at Mar-a-Lago (at a cost to taxpayers of $3 million per trip...the same guy who swore that he would seldom leave Washington because there was too much work to be done and repeatedly blasted Obama for his vacations) that Sessions shouldn't have recused himself and that it was all "bull" (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/report-trump-furious-that-sessions-recused-himself/ar-AAnNc7p). Trump has now lost control of the unfolding scandal and is no longer able to command the Attorney General to quash any investigations. I think that a large element of what we're seeing in this latest Trump-ed up allegation is panic laced with paranoia. He thinks everyone's out to get him...and he's correct. In his previously insular universe of TrumpWorld, he controlled all of the levers of power. Now he's in a totally new environment where his control is limited. Not something he's used to, and not something he likes. Before he could do as he pleased and no one knew or could object. Now, the entire world is watching and demanding transparency...again, not something he's used to or something he likes. Get used to it, Mr. so-called President. It's only going to get worse.

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38 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Just because he was elected president doesn't mean he's a perfect individual.  Look at the vile things said about previous presidents here.  Many being called things far worse than a fool! LOL


I don't hate Trump.  Just don't respect him.  Especially as POTUS.  We sure hope things calm down, but so far, it doesn't look that way.  Trump's brought this upon himself.  He's nobody to blame for this but himself.

thats right but he's far from a fool hes a megalomaniac and dangerous and to dismiss him as a fool is, well, foolish

Edited by binjalin
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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

He already looks like a fool.  Has for years.

Exactly.  If you lived in New York, you heard of Donald Trump from the mid-70s on, and the overwhelming majority of the news articles about him were negative - his skirting and sometimes breaking laws, cheating investors, etc. He actually seemed to revel in the negative press at times.


All of this information has been readily available for decades, which means that his supporters either didn't know it, didn't take the time to research his background, or simply don't care about his sleaziness.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

paranoid schizophrenic


39 minutes ago, binjalin said:


Megalomaniac might be more accurate than paranoid schizophrenic.  Sociopath seems to fit even better.


A sociopath is characterized by a disregard for the feelings of others, a lack of remorse or shame, manipulative behavior, unchecked egocentricity, and the ability to lie in order to achieve one's goals (Google).


Power has a scary effect on the brain...



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4 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

In spite of what many people think Donald Trump is a very insecure person emotionally .

He shows the classic symptom of the fat rich boy in school with no friends who  imagines any opposition to him s conspirouscy  against him personally.

Unable to deal with rejection, he thinks everybody is out to get him, never considering  the  possibility that he may be at fault,



So like, what happens when he and the other one from North Korea go at it?

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46 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Exactly.  If you lived in New York, you heard of Donald Trump from the mid-70s on, and the overwhelming majority of the news articles about him were negative - his skirting and sometimes breaking laws, cheating investors, etc. He actually seemed to revel in the negative press at times.


All of this information has been readily available for decades, which means that his supporters either didn't know it, didn't take the time to research his background, or simply don't care about his sleaziness.

I lived in NYC for a bit. Been to Trump Towers in Jersey. Read the stories about the many people who lost their investments with him.

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3 hours ago, binjalin said:

It's bizarre the latest Trump claim and he'd better have evidence to back it up or he'll look a fool 

That has never worried him before. He has made many, many ridiculous claims with no evidence, looked like a fool, and simply done it again.

He will probably tell us he saw an article about this on Breitbart, which for him and his loony followers, will make it all OK.

I do hope mental health can be grounds for impeachment.

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3 hours ago, binjalin said:

Well he was elected President of the United States so he can't be that much of a fool.  Your personal hatred is a bit OTT and many millions of Americans support him so maybe things will calm down and none of us know how this will turn out

His actions, irrational tweets, extraordinary behaviour at press conferences and general demeanour scream fool, regardless of what position he has been elected to.

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3 hours ago, binjalin said:

Well he was elected President of the United States so he can't be that much of a fool.  Your personal hatred is a bit OTT and many millions of Americans support him so maybe things will calm down and none of us know how this will turn out

Oh, but I do...with a whimper or a bang - but not at all well.

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2 hours ago, rijb said:


Megalomaniac might be more accurate than paranoid schizophrenic.  Sociopath seems to fit even better.


A sociopath is characterized by a disregard for the feelings of others, a lack of remorse or shame, manipulative behavior, unchecked egocentricity, and the ability to lie in order to achieve one's goals (Google).


Power has a scary effect on the brain...




That sure explains the 3,600 lawsuits he was involved in at the time of his campaign. 2,600 people suing him, and 1,000 with him as the plaintiff. Just a tad litigious by nature? And devious? And dishonest and willing to take the little guy for a ride, to make an extra buck? The question I have is, what happens to those lawsuits now? I guess they continue, against his companies, rather than agains the sitting president. 

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10 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


That sure explains the 3,600 lawsuits he was involved in at the time of his campaign. 2,600 people suing him, and 1,000 with him as the plaintiff. Just a tad litigious by nature? And devious? And dishonest and willing to take the little guy for a ride, to make an extra buck? The question I have is, what happens to those lawsuits now? I guess they continue, against his companies, rather than agains the sitting president. 

According to this, Trump is not immune.


on July 19, 1962, Judge Emil Gumpert of Superior Court in Los Angeles ruled against Mr. Brill, holding that the President could be sued like any other citizen.  Mr. Kennedy then settled out of court



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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

 If there were wiretaps, it was most likely NSA- CIA- or FBI-instigated.  I don't think the former president of the US needed to personally sign-off on such things.  He already had lots do.


             More importantly, there have been indications for many moons that Trump was likely involved with nefarious communications with top Russian officials.  There was a story (September?) which indicated there was a dedicated internet connection between a computer in Trump tower and a computer in a Moscow bank owned by a bosom buddy of Putin's.  Encrypted emails could only be sent between those two computers.   

The POTUS cannot approve domestic wiretaps. Only the FBI Director or the US Attorney General can make the request and approval must come from the 11-member FISA Court if foreign agents are believed to be involved. Requests and FISA action is classified information and leaking such is criminal.


9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!"

Ummm. Does Trump forget he already has a "good lawyer?" His name is Attorney General Sessions. But maybe he's trying to forget after disclosures of Session's lying before the Senate judiciary committee.

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"Trump had suggested Obama had improperly tapped his phones, without citing evidence, in a series of tweets on Saturday morning."


Says it all, then! Obama's previous record of his standard of behaviour speaks for itself, and Trump's probable type of future behaviour is starting to show already.

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His actions, irrational tweets, extraordinary behaviour at press conferences and general demeanour scream fool, regardless of what position he has been elected to.

I lived in NYC for a bit. Been to Trump Towers in Jersey. Read the stories about the many people who lost their investments with him.

That has never worried him before. He has made many, many ridiculous claims with no evidence, looked like a fool, and simply done it again.
He will probably tell us he saw an article about this on Breitbart, which for him and his loony followers, will make it all OK.
I do hope mental health can be grounds for impeachment.

He was even more irrational when he got elected and always said he would do it his way. Nobody should now be surprised
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3 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

The evidence is the FISA order. There is a paper trail that Trump was wire tapped and nothing was found to link Trump to Russia.

Now let's investigate Obama's wire tapping.

The Democrats are OFFICIALLY DONE after this. GAME OVER.

We're talking about indictments of the former sitting President and his staff.

Read it again. Properly this time. Read it all, even the inconvenient bits that make your post spurious.

The FISA warrant was in relation to a server, not his phone.

It was a perfectly legal thing to do, given the warrant, the like of which are issued by courts as routine..

This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the Democrats, who weren't involved in the application for the warrant.

Hence, I fail to see how it is Game Over for them.

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

That has never worried him before. He has made many, many ridiculous claims with no evidence, looked like a fool, and simply done it again.

He will probably tell us he saw an article about this on Breitbart, which for him and his loony followers, will make it all OK.

I do hope mental health can be grounds for impeachment.



Not "impeachment" per se...


Article 25, Section 4


but more likely he'd resign, to spend more time with his family, then President Pence (gack) would pardon him.




The FISA warrant was in relation to a server, not his phone. 


Possibly. This server was connected to Alfa Bank in Russia. Franklin Foer of Slate covered this story from a technical perspective; certainly some smoke and any fire was extinguished once the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank were asked to comment..


I suspect there's a literal jet-plane load of nastiness waiting to drop?




Amazing how Rybolovlev's jet follows Trump around.









Edited by mtls2005
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6 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

The evidence is the FISA order. There is a paper trail that Trump was wire tapped and nothing was found to link Trump to Russia.

Now let's investigate Obama's wire tapping.

The Democrats are OFFICIALLY DONE after this. GAME OVER.

We're talking about indictments of the former sitting President and his staff.

So you're saying that an FBI tapping under FISA was ordered by Obama?


As for what was found, I find it hard to believe ANYTHING coming from the USA anymore. Now that's a great indictment.


I'm sure GCHQ knows the truth ....

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