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Harold and Nat - it's all over as former sex queen moves to reignite adult film career with boob job


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Only 12 months ago that old fool was "the love of her life", which she asserted would "last forever." The signs were good initially, as he showered her with expensive gifts that she triumphantly showed off to her brain dead "followers" together with lovey-dovey pics of her nursing chubby hubby as if he was a three-year-old. Well, it is often said that old people become children again...


But apparently pricey presents weren't enough to keep the eternal flame burning. True love must also be fed by generous financial contributions. Everybody knows that, especially a certain type of women. And that financial aspect seems to have been lacking a bit. After all, the poor thing must now return to the soft porn arena "to make ends meet." But it sounds more dramatic than it actually is, because she is apparently "keen" to go back to the "business that she loves" anyway.


Luckily she was able to at least pinch a few measly bucks from the ungrateful miser to get her boobs renovated. Otherwise rejuvenating her beloved true career would be as futile an endeavor as her failed attempt at being a geriatric nurse. Perhaps the commitment of marriage wasn't the right choice for her to begin with. Because as the saying goes, "people should stick with what they're good at." And in her case that is...   

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But but but...this means that the bald headed,  red nosed, socks pulled up to their knees while wearing sandals and shorts  brigade could be WRONG about prostitutes 20 years younger than themselves being genuine in their intentions!!!!????? This is a Wikileaks type revelation to me....I REALLY thought she loved Harold for his shiny forehead, wit and charm. Guess I was wrong.....:passifier: 

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I always found Nat hot and have been a fan for some time.


The problem with these women is even if money is not an issue for you there will be many other things that will drive you nuts. Women like this are really not worth it. Extremely selfish and unbelievably stupid except the part where they part you from cash.


Was never jealous of Harold as this relation will  probably shed a few  years of his life. 





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Shocking.. Harold you old dog stay on the 1st floor of any building you enter in Thailand. 


Who would have thought this would end after all of the praying she did to get Harold. 

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Looking at the photo, she needs more than a boob job.

Get out there Harold plenty more girls around, probably not as vain as her.



22 minutes ago, Don Mega said:



I agree she looks rather ordinary, does the birth certificate say male or female ?


How long till Harold takes up balcony diving ?



In the interests of seeking the truth, i happened to view a movie of hers and IMO she already has a pair of boobs {natural too} that make the majority of Thai females very envious.


As she said, she is just going to re shape them.

As for Harold?

Who knows..time will tell.

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2 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

If she is that vain regarding her looks she should have spent the money ( Harolds ? ) on her face first,  hardly a stunner in my view.

Yeah, but she .....s****ked, swa***ed, & had 3 h***es.


That's why he liked her.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

roundly criticized

What does this jibberish mean ?



4 hours ago, webfact said:

breasts upgraded

 What does this mean ?

Upgraded to what ?


And she wasted all that time sitting at his bedside when he was poorly, hoping he would pass-on. 


Joker !!

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51 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

think she would have been happy enough not to have to shag Harold. doubt may thai girls like to shag the old western men who are supporting them. 

and yet, they overestimate the value of their pussy...this is thailand...any woman who begins to flash their "pussy pass" must surely know that a more beautiful, younger, and smarter girl is right next door...it amazes me that so many girls who want to bag a westerner are such <deleted>...doesn't speak well of the guys who tolerate such attitude...hope this guy harold had a pre nup.

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1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

Who is going to tie his shoe laces and put on his

underpants now ?  poor bugger.

regards worgeordie

I am sure there will an endless line of Thai girls and boys ready to say I love you very much.

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There should be a law that prevents millionaires from entering the country. All they do is spoil things for the rest of us by throwing too much money at Thai women. Like the song goes....."money can't buy you love."

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Aaaaand that folks is pretty much a blow by blow account (pun intended) of what you can expect in the land of Nod. A warning to those just getting off the boat to be very very careful of falling in love with a slapper (that advice applies anywhere in the world). Unfortunately for 99.99999% of you, thats the only ones you will meet here. A good rule of thumb...if she initiates the contact...its a slapper!

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56 minutes ago, helloagain said:

Well said. I suppose chief of pattaya police its the business mans fault she is returning back to the thailand SEX INDUSTRY ?

As if she ever left it!
She will just not be under contract soon. 

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Well, I think she IS a very beautiful woman and has the kind of face I like,


It's her brain that is the wrong shape for me.


I wouldn't touch her with my barge pole - unless SHE was the millionaire

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  • Could it be that Harold wasn't really as wealthy as the honorable Ms. Kesarin had been led to believe?
  • Could it be that prior to the union as husband and wife an ironclad prenuptial  agreement was signed?
  • Could it be that it's Harold who wants an upgrade for the next great love of his life?
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As if Thailand has an exclusive on women spreading their legs and flashing their goods to get a man. This has been going on since the beginning of time everywhere on the planet. It still comes down to supply and demand. There's plenty of women to choose from here in Thailand and there's no shortage of foolish men who throw way too much money unnecessarily at Thai women. 

Edited by joejai
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