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German Nightclub Owner Arrested For Employing Underage Boys For Sexual Services

sriracha john

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Andreas Hubbinger

German nightclub owner arrested for employing underage boys

The German owner of the Lacopa Night Club in Soi Sunee was arrested in the early hours of December 7 for employing underage boys for sexual services.

Andreas Hubbinger was arrested under a warrant issued in Germany.

Pol Col Norasak Hemnithi, deputy commander-in-chief of the department for suppression of crimes against women and children, Pol Col Suthin Srappuang, superintendent at Pattaya Police Station, and Ms Warunee Changmuang, head of the social welfare department’s children and youth safety division, led the team of officers that raided the premises.

The officers found 10 boys aged between 15-18 years sitting in the nightclub. Also in the Lacopa was Andreas Hubbinger, a 53-year-old German national who was arrested under a warrant issued in Germany.

Three transvestites were also arrested on charges of pimping. They were named as Tam Saengchan, 18, Pongpipat Maneerat, 18, and Sirapat Butprasert, 27. They admitted to having employed sexually attractive boys at this nightclub for a long time, saying they charged 1,000-1,200 baht per occasion for sexual service and that most of their customers were foreigners.

Pol Col Norasak said the police had acted upon information received from the European Union. He added that the EU believes Pattaya City is the largest source of sexual services in this region.

A team of investigators had checked out the Lacopa before the raid and discovered that underage boys were being brought onto the premises to provide sexual services for foreign tourists.

The boys taken into care were also being tested for drug use.

- Pattaya Mail

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I read an earlier post relating to underage sex and most people denied that this kind of thing is common in Pattaya?

Sure it goes on . Common, i would say no. The article in the post you are reffering to was so inaccurate it was verging on the rediculous.

Its very good to see that the authorities are paying some attentuion to Soi Sunnee.

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..... but the fact remains that if the authorities REALLY wanted to stop it they could do so in one day.

Yes of course they could, There must be zero tollerance where this is concerned. They should keep the pressure on them untill they can stand it no more and leave, never to return.

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I am not interested in the gay sex scene at all, but I have to admit that I have real misgivings about procecuting anyone for having consenting sex with teenage boys. These guys in the nightclub ranged from 15 to 18 years old.

Most boys at that age will shag anything that moves for free. Once they make the decision to sell their bodies to gay men, I doubt if they ever feel any real qualms about it. It really is no ones business, but the people involved.

More and more, Big Brother really is watching you. :o

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I am not interested in the gay sex scene at all, but I have to admit that I have real misgivings about procecuting anyone for having consenting sex with teenage boys. These guys in the nightclub ranged from 15 to 18 years old.

Most boys at that age will shag anything that moves for free. Once they make the decision to sell their bodies to gay men, I doubt if they ever feel any real qualms about it. It really is no ones business, but the people involved.

More and more, Big Brother really is watching you. :o

Teenagers are immature in their thinking and therefore have to be protected. They might not feel any qualms at this time but later on when they have matured they may very much regret what they got up to in their teenage years. Mentally they might be badly screwed. That's why there's laws against it. Big Brother has to watch over the vulnerable - and that includes teenage boys.

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I am not interested in the gay sex scene at all, but I have to admit that I have real misgivings about procecuting anyone for having consenting sex with teenage boys. These guys in the nightclub ranged from 15 to 18 years old.

Most boys at that age will shag anything that moves for free. Once they make the decision to sell their bodies to gay men, I doubt if they ever feel any real qualms about it. It really is no ones business, but the people involved.

More and more, Big Brother really is watching you. :D

Teenagers are immature in their thinking and therefore have to be protected. They might not feel any qualms at this time but later on when they have matured they may very much regret what they got up to in their teenage years. Mentally they might be badly screwed. That's why there's laws against it. Big Brother has to watch over the vulnerable - and that includes teenage boys.

Most people that I know are "immature" from cradle to grave.

Are you saying that the whole world should be a Police State? :o

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I am not interested in the gay sex scene at all, but I have to admit that I have real misgivings about procecuting anyone for having consenting sex with teenage boys. These guys in the nightclub ranged from 15 to 18 years old.

Most boys at that age will shag anything that moves for free. Once they make the decision to sell their bodies to gay men, I doubt if they ever feel any real qualms about it. It really is no ones business, but the people involved.

More and more, Big Brother really is watching you. :D

Teenagers are immature in their thinking and therefore have to be protected. They might not feel any qualms at this time but later on when they have matured they may very much regret what they got up to in their teenage years. Mentally they might be badly screwed. That's why there's laws against it. Big Brother has to watch over the vulnerable - and that includes teenage boys.

Most people that I know are "immature" from cradle to grave.

Are you saying that the whole world should be a Police State? :o

Happily, you and I know different people.

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i would say that those who think that it is ok for middle aged or older europeans to be paying for sex with teenage thai prostitutes have themselves become so jaded and conditioned to the abuses that pass for normality in this country that their opinions can only be regarded with amazement and pity.

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i would say that those who think that it is ok for middle aged or older europeans to be paying for sex with teenage thai prostitutes have themselves become so jaded and conditioned to the abuses that pass for normality in this country that their opinions can only be regarded with amazement and pity.

Seconded Tax, but what about: "middle aged or older Thai" doing the same thing, already for centuries ?

Europeans/Westerners reach the headlines....Thai don't.

On my first ever trip to Thailand (in BKK) I watched 2 old Thai guys eating lunch whilst an old Thai Mamasan was sitting at the next table, waiting for them to finish, accompanied by two extremely young girls (10-12 years old...).

When they finished the lady was handed money and off they went, backstage where the bedrooms were.

True story ! :o

I simply couldn't believe my eyes and at first I didn't believe it untill someone else explained me the situation....

This was long before Thailand was a tourist destination.


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"middle aged or older Thai"

thats a good point , and difficult to answer.

that might have been acceptable behaviour for thais 20 or 30 years ago , and in some backwaters of thai society it may still be acceptable today , "droite de siegnior" ? and all that , although i doubt it , but westerners know how wrong it is in their (our ) society , both morally and legally , and just because these things are on offer here , it doesnt mean they are suddenly morally right .

they (we) should know better.

there is a whole variety of sexual services on offer here from people who know what they are doing and have chosen to offer them , without these ashen faced sleazoids having to resort to taking advantage and abusing those who are least able to look after themselves and who probably have had little choice in the matter.

it stinks , and thailand should be ashamed of its countrymen for pimping these kids and the police forces for not being harsher with those involved in it , and in many cases just ignoring it.

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Anyone who comes to Thailand as an entrepeneur in the drug dealing or prostitution trade is just plain stupid and should be put away on ice for their own protection as well as society's. The underage boy thing is just icing on the sleazy cake.

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it stinks , and thailand should be ashamed of its countrymen for pimping these kids and the police forces for not being harsher with those involved in it , and in many cases just ignoring it.

I was told by one farang bar owner that some of the bars in Sunnee Plaza are owned by policemen!

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