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EXCLUSIVE: Fears grow as Thai girl disappears after taking US "teacher" to Rayong - but he is a "known rapist"


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2 hours ago, toenail said:


There is a strict vetting system to teach at  legitimate or "legal" schools in Thailand. Paperwork has become more detailed the past couple years: document from your local police stating you have no past record ; original or certified copy of your university degree getting it verified from your embassy in Bangkok, physical from certified doctor; record of your past schools & references---a lot of "hoops" to go through & it can take over 3 months to get everything approved along with a couple trips to immigration to get ones work visa ( officials in immigration want to see you in person- not an expeditor's face). But this fellow was an imposter & could never be a teacher at a legitimate school or university. How he snuck through USA customs is another big question.


Government schools are both legitimate and legal but they do not require a police check, not as a matter of course anyway, some may ask for it but it is not a requirement in optaining a work permit for a teaching job. 

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19 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Possibly so but I don't understand how it's possible to leave the country , in this case the USA ( with chip-embedded passports with full security features) on a false document. If the system has flaws no one seems to be talking about it. 

In Australia it's impossible to leave without a chip passport and facial recognition screening: even so, some people do it. Same with UK.


It wasn't stolen it was fake, as in he applied for a passport using someone else's details, not at all difficult if they have never had a passport before, how could the authorities know that the picture was not who it should be, it is only on the word of the guarantor.

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2 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Is there any substantiation for these allegations that Tyler Smith is really Jackson Hall other than this Facebook allegation ?


I am surprised that the US Embassy would release information to a Thai i.e family had contacted the US embassy and understood that Hall was using a fake passport and besides was on overstay. Which means they are not complying with there own Data Protection policy.


If he is then there is cause for concern. If there is no substantiation than is could be a mischievous, vicious little Thai tart out to make trouble perhaps because he rejected her advances, possibly to improve her grades. Just saying.

Unfortunately, your conspiracy theory is totally plausible in Thailand...lots of vicious women here who will allege rape just to stir the waters...

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39 minutes ago, NoBrainer said:


Did you even consider that the Thai Police (who are on the case) may have received information from the U.S. Embassy, and subsequently passed it on to the family?


All this needs is lot's of publicity. You can run, but hiding is far more difficult these days. Remember the movie scenes where a wanted man, sees his face plastered on the front page of newspapers, and on the local TV station

playing everywhere he looks. Well now it is a hundred times worse, with potentially every person with a smart phone having a picture of the wanted party.




So what are you now saying  The family were pretending to be Thai Police when they contacted the Embassy ? What is it you do not understand about this simple and very clear part of the original statement "family had contacted the US embassy " ?

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I think this story is fishy - like many I read here - and many comments replying to it. I think people should lay off the "unqualified farang teachers scenario"; sure there are idiot teachers, but most are good and the stupid stringent Thai laws keeps many of us from working - even on a voluntary basis - it's not worth it; as for the criminal teacher misfits, they can easily find other means in which to ply their immoral activities. Furthermore, it's easy enough to teach and bribe an official for a visa anyway. So, lay off the teacher scene. It's unfortunate he used teaching as an avenue for his behavior (again, there are other ways to lure young women to the wayside, many of them). IF he is guilty of any misconduct... hang 'im high.

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:


About high time that all those foreigners vying for teaching jobs in Thailand

will be  thoroughly vetted and closely looked at, as many of them are of dubious

and questionable characters and using Thailand as a place for their less than

honorable intentions....

Because a lot of the so called "international" schools just want a foreign face in front of the class so the parents will continue to pay good money,they seem be letting a lot of shady people to be teachers.

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27 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

So what is your take on this part of the article again ?

"Her sister Jamjit said on Facebook on the "Teaching Jobs in Thailand" page that the family had contacted the US embassy and understood that Hall was using a fake passport and besides was on overstay."

My take is that the ways it is written, it looks as though there is a link between contacting the US Embassy and understanding about the fake passport. 


But it knowing how poor the quality of writing is routinely in these articles, there could be no link between the two issues at all

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The minutiae up for debate here is just incomprehensible, here we have a person who has been charged with raping a five-year-old, escaping his country with a falsified passport and some people are more concerned about various informations than the fate of the woman this article refers to. Unbefuckenlievable

Sent from my SM-A910F using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

"She said that the matter has been reported to police but they had said that her sister will not be easy to find."

And how do the Police know she will be hard to find, when they haven't got off their fat <deleted> to even start looking yet?

Brown envelopes make every search a lot easier...

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2 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

If he is then there is cause for concern. If there is no substantiation than is could be a mischievous, vicious little Thai tart out to make trouble perhaps because he rejected her advances, possibly to improve her grades. Just saying.

This discussion thread, if you pay attention and read carefully, has descended into gibberish. Apart from the occasional reference to first degree sodomy or rape to encourage a hopeful reader I have no idea what the OPs actually want to say. Like Obi Wankanobe on LSD.

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9 minutes ago, TerrylSky said:

I think this story is fishy - like many I read here - and many comments replying to it. I think people should lay off the "unqualified farang teachers scenario"; sure there are idiot teachers, but most are good and the stupid stringent Thai laws keeps many of us from working - even on a voluntary basis - it's not worth it; as for the criminal teacher misfits, they can easily find other means in which to ply their immoral activities. Furthermore, it's easy enough to teach and bribe an official for a visa anyway. So, lay off the teacher scene. It's unfortunate he used teaching as an avenue for his behavior (again, there are other ways to lure young women to the wayside, many of them). IF he is guilty of any misconduct... hang 'im high.


What are these stupid stringent laws that keep many from working, all you need is a  lower degree, which is hardly stringent or stupid, in my opinion, and where could you teach with less?  Not sure what you are thinking with the "even on a voluntary basis" either, a type o volunteer visa is only $80, no more than any other long stay visa, so what is "not worth it"?

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16 minutes ago, exalll said:

beMy take is that the ways it is written, it looks as though there is a link between contacting the US Embassy and understanding about the fake passport. 


But it knowing how poor the quality of writing is routinely in these articles, there could be no link between the two issues at all

Sorry don't buy that.  The original post was written in English on her Facebook page !! Why would that be , a Thai writing in English and on her Facebook page then asking people to tell the police if you see him ?  Sounds suspicious to me . Guess most of her Facebook friends must be English speaking then  not Thai ?   So if this guy pictured is innocent, there is now the potential for him to be hounded and possibly violently attacked because of this dubious allegation.


Of course if this guy really is a turd than how would the sister know he has taken her to Rayong ? He would hardly have told the victim prior to an abduction, if it really is an abduction, that I have going to my evil way with you in Rayong but please don't tell anyone first !!!


Edited by whatawonderfulday
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14 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

Because a lot of the so called "international" schools just want a foreign face in front of the class so the parents will continue to pay good money,they seem be letting a lot of shady people to be teachers.


Where are these "so called" international schools?  The title is awarded by an external body, you cannot just call your school an international unless it has passed the adjudication of one of the foreign examination boards, and all the jobs I see going at internationals only accept applications from qualified teachers, generally with prior home experience teaching the examinations they use.

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:


About high time that all those foreigners vying for teaching jobs in Thailand

will be  thoroughly vetted and closely looked at, as many of them are of dubious

and questionable characters and using Thailand as a place for their less than

honorable intentions....

Please eighten us, name a country with no crime or rapists?

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3 minutes ago, Miss Pickle said:

How is this guy even in the country !!! It's time they had a huge clear out of the Rubbish in this country. I hope this girl is safe and they find her soon . And the Horror she is with send him back to the US . Do these people not flag up at immigration.


No, people using a fraudulently made passport do not flag up at immigration, funny that!

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1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

Interesting story. As an American I have to say I am sorry this POS got out of my country.


Obviously, like governments everywhere, the US failed its people in its responsibly to keep this animal locked up. 


I would like to know how he got out of the country. Fake passport from where?


It will be interesting to know how the Thai family knows who he is. Did the missing woman figure it out and tell her family? Then why go with him? 


I hope she is still alive.



I will speculate but I think it will be close to correct. This guy left the US for Cambodia as report by another member. In Cambodia he bought a fake passport but with his own photo in it (they steal real passports and change the photo). He then crossed the land border into Thailand. After a whole he started to run out of money and needed a job. He contacted an agency for which the missing girl work. They made coppies of his passport as part of the application process. They got a job interview for him and they where on their way when she disappeared. The family used the coppy of the guys passport to go to the US embassy. The embassy found out that this was a fake/fraudulent passport and contacted Thai immigration which in turn confirm his overstay. To assist the family the embassg told them everything, as with holding information could endanger the girls life. My theory for what its worth. 

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2 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

I think this story is fishy - like many I read here - and many comments replying to it. I think people should lay off the "unqualified farang teachers scenario"; sure there are idiot teachers, but most are good and the stupid stringent Thai laws keeps many of us from working - even on a voluntary basis - it's not worth it; as for the criminal teacher misfits, they can easily find other means in which to ply their immoral activities. Furthermore, it's easy enough to teach and bribe an official for a visa anyway. So, lay off the teacher scene.

The Immigration officers could, if insistent, find a humungous heliotrope.  And that's just for starters if Trump had any interest in Homeland security.  The idiots want to enjoy rape and mixed with necromancy.

Yes Shawnoon, I understand exactly what you meant.  What say you Greenbottle?  Any teacher qualifications could turn students upside down and mark footprints on the ceiling, after all.  Can't professionals work together if parents agree for the greater good?

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3 hours ago, Thechook said:

A known rapist and he is allowed into the country?  There is a huge amount of misfits and undesirables who seek Thailand as a refuge.

but a guy who started a thread in the Visa section of this forum last week who said he was holding a new tourist Visa, the required amount of Cash and a ticket out of Thailand was denied entry by immigration because he didn't have a hotel booking:blink: I think they need to get their priorities right.

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