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Video: Young Thais step in to help foreigner after theft of phone by ladyboy


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Video: Young Thais step in to help foreigner after theft of phone by ladyboy



Picture: Thairath


BANGKOK: -- A video is doing the rounds of social media that shows a young Thai man and his friends helping out a foreigner who has had his phone and some money stolen by a ladyboy.


Thought the origin and cause of the theft are unknown the video shows the foreign man looking forlorn and perhaps the worse for a beverage Thai Rath reported.


The group of Thai youngsters came across him in distress and decided to help out.


Most of the conversation centers around one man reasoning with the lady boy in the car that it is bad to steal from tourists. They are

here on holiday - they have families too. It's not right.


He tries to persuade the lady boy to return the phone initially in exchange for 1,000 baht. The poster of the clip, a 16 year old called Jakrapong told Thai Rath later that the ladyboy returned the phone to the tourist.


Thais online praised the group of guys for stepping in to help the tourist in distress.


Source: Thai Rath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-03-14
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11 minutes ago, webfact said:

it is bad to steal from tourists. They are

here on holiday - they have families too. It's not right.

Maybe they should have explained that it is bad to steal from ANYONE, full stop !

Edited by Thaiwrath
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This would be good news if it hadn't started with theft from a foreigner, by another Ladyboy.

It does show though, that there are many right minded Thai people.

We see many stories here that show hyprocrisy, theft, lying and we all have some fun giving them a verbal bashing.

Fair play to the lads doing what is right. I hope to see more of the same.


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3 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Maybe they should have explained that it is bad to steal from ANYONE, full stop !

Maybe they shouldn't have said anything after their good deed because they'll always be someone who's sole purpose in life is to bash Thais.

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2 minutes ago, darren84310 said:

Maybe they shouldn't have said anything after their good deed because they'll always be someone who's sole purpose in life is to bash Thais.

Like the one who kicked(and kicked and kicked) that security guard

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I think there's way too much emphasis on "Thais helping foreigners". It should be "People helping people in need". 


Glad to see the problem was resolved without anybody resorting to violence. 



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38 minutes ago, bangkoken said:

You of course are a highly trained criminal investigator to make such an assumption.  You are an idiot!!!

Actually, if you understand Thai you will hear the ladyboy say, "He sucked my pu**y. I need to be paid for it."

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4 hours ago, AlexRich said:

I wonder if there is more to this story than meets the eye? Did the drunk foreigner fail to cough up for services rendered? 

No suggestions of such a thing in the video 


one day you you might recognise that saying such things reflect your own mind and character, not those of the people you are speaking of 

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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Maybe they should have explained that it is bad to steal from ANYONE, full stop !

They were attempting to help, not delivering a prepared speech at an awards ceremony. I wonder how often you've intervened in a similar situation where a foreigner in your country was in trouble.


1 hour ago, catman20 said:

wow what great kids....................................makes a nice change.

No change here at TV though. All the usual cranks can take any positive event and smear mud on it.

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Good to see this story on the same day as the one about the vicious attack on the security guard by another group of youths. Shows that we shouldn't tar all Thais or all young Thai males with the same brush. It's a lesson some TV readers could reflect on...

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Kudos to these guys for helping. It was the right thing to do. I am sure there are some well adjusted ladyboys out there, but you sure do not hear their stories. Seems like so many of them are troublemakers and thieves. There are alot of decent Thai people out there. Happy to see a story about them. 

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No matter what the relationship between the youth and the farang it is good to see him step in and help. Clearly the Farang is under the weather from booze or drugs and the fact that the youth had his keys indicates they knew each other. The lady boy epidemic in this country would not be so bad if they were not mostly violent, scheming lowlifes. Having said that I know quite a few ladyboys that are good workers and pleasant people.


Hope the situation was resolved to everyone's satisfaction!

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34 minutes ago, NextStationBangkok said:

These boys should be recruited for Police jobs, they will deal better legally when there is dispute between anyone in Thailand.


Especially Thailand should open special Police station for Lady Boy related crimes, to strip search and bash when required.


Sick of seeing lady boys, they are criminals.

Ask ANY Westerner what they know about Thailand, Ladyboys is the first thing they come up with and not in a good way.

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6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Maybe they should have explained that it is bad to steal from ANYONE, full stop !

Well done, you managed to find something to criticise about a 100% positive report.

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Good Thai young guys are a lot like good Thai cops............. When one or a few do some good deeds it is a reminder for us all that  there are many good ones out there....

In every day life we tend to see more of the young Thai boys who give the girls a baby then they are gone when it comes time to show some responsibility and the 'Mang-da's"  (Thai for Cockroach) that literally live off many young working girls then slap the girls around when they don't have enough cash for all their bad habits.

When we see Thai young men, Thai taxi drivers, and decent  productive cops doing a good job, It takes our focus off all those bad examples..................

It's great to see These Thai young men in the news..............

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

How old is this movie?? It's raining and the streets are wet....must be many months ago.

It rained a couple of times last week in Bangkok, why shouldn't it rain there, wherever it was?

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1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

The "worse for the beverage" (read 'drunk') farang pathetically stands by while apparently decent Thai young men argue the toss with the LB over the possession of the phone. Thais 1 - farang 0.

Perhaps he doesn't have the Thai language ability needed to negotiate this kind of incident.  Being pathetic doesn't come into it and the Thais assisting were not "apparently" decent, they were decent.

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