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Do we need Foreign Radical Feminists in Thailand?  

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We need radical feminists everywhere.


Equity feminist= liberal feminist.  You want to be equal to men. 

Why be equal to men - and everything that entails, such as militarisation, state deregulation and liberal markets, colonialism/post-colonialism etc - when we could be liberated from all that?

And darling, you don't need make-up!!  It's OK to be yourself!  Love yourself as you are!

Hi, MsNina,

Nice to read your opinion, however what means WE?

We need radical feminists everywhere

Who is WE?

For sure, I am excluded, as I think, I do not need radical feminists in Thailand nor anywhere else in this world, and to say it clearly, I do not need anybody, who is a radical.....neither radical feminists, nor radical Moslems or radical racists or radical whoever.....

It seems, out of this excellent posting made by *Amyji*, she is very happy with her life, feels equal to men, and likes to make make-up for her husband....

Please, do not interfere into her way of life!

And darling, you don't need make-up!!  It's OK to be yourself!  Love yourself as you are!

She is not your *darling* and she loves not herself, but her Thai husband....


Your question:

Why to be equal to men?

What do you want to be instead of it?

Do you want to be superior to men?

I like to ask you something....do you know what is the opposite of a feminist?

An anti-feminist? Who is an anti-feminist? Is it a woman-hater? But I am not a woman-hater....more the opposite.

What am I in your eyes? Maybe a malinist? (my own word-creation) or a radical masculinist?


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That's kind of inherent in being radical - you are automatically on the margins (though of course I find it sad that it is radical for women to have all their body hair, to call for an end to violence against women, to exercise autonomy etc.).

Equity feminist= liberal feminist. You want to be equal to men. Why be equal to men - and everything that entails, such as militarisation, state deregulation and liberal markets, colonialism/post-colonialism etc - when we could be liberated from all that?

And darling, you don't need make-up!! It's OK to be yourself! Love yourself as you are!

c'mon nina love, lighten up a bit, this is thailand, come here and give us a kiss,and then put the kettle on ducks,i'm dyin' for a cuppa....aren't those shirts ironed yet........... :o


I also yearn to be the best wife I can be for my wonderful husband... believe me he wants to stay at home with me at nights, if you know what I mean...


DO TELL ...........................!!!!!!


I could say a lot about feminism, radical or otherwise and the advent of political correctness in the early 80s...but I won't.

This thread is dustbin material as most of the posts are non-Thai related...


as he is led to the place of execution foemen with imprecations roar 'what'cha gonna do now sissy warrior'?...'death!...death to compassion and neauveou communist pretenders!'...

tutsi is stripped naked and thrashed with a bicycle chain before lashed to the stake and set ablaze...

'forgive them Father for they know not what they do...'


Good evening, SBK


I, personally, find it quite amusing that the men complaining about feminists are the same ones complaining about their Thai wives not getting equal treatment under Thai law.


Do I think that women deserve equal rights under the law and respect? Absolutely. But then,  I think all human beings deserve this.


Enough of the name calling and aggressive postings on this forum lately. It is getting very tiresome.


I do not think, these 2 points are connected to each other.....

Question: Is there equal treatment under Thai law for the foreign husband with a Thai wife - comparing a Thai husband with a foreign wife?

Is this the same legal status or is it not the same legal status.....???

If there is any difference, then it is not equal, and what is wrong to discuss about it?

In Thailand it is not the same, if the foreign partner is a man or a woman, and the law is favoring the Thai man. This is what I heard.....

Is this correct or is it not correct?

What has this question to do with foreign radical feminists in Thailand?


It is a difference, if you are looking for equal rights or if you are doing your best, to take advantages out solely of the fact, that you are a woman.

Can you explain me, what are *equal rights*?

May I give you an example:

Women rights in my native country (Austria, Europe), which is a female dominated society....(for the reason to prevent any advantage of being a working male)

retirement for men, 65-67 years old

retirement for women, 53-55 years old

husband dies, wife gets his pension for lifetime

wife dies, husband will not get a single cent

wife cheats the man, divorce only, if the man pays her support

man cheats the wife, divorce only, if the man pays her support

(this is NO typing mistake! Cheated by your wife is no reason for legal divorce!)

women: no military services, no services for old/disabled

men: obligatory military services or services for old/disabled (unpaid, 8 months)

woman: may refuse work on Sundays, nightwork (woman labour protection law)

men: cannot refuse or risk losing the job

Do you call this EQUAL?

Radical feminists are telling me, this is still not enough!

If this is not equal, what is it to be called then? And what must be done, to be called equal?


To call postings aggressive or tiresome, is an often used argument, to avoid answers to uncomfortable questions by people, who are sitting on their privileges and do not have any valid argument to defend them.

I, personally, find it quite amusing that the men complaining about feminists

I do not find it amusing. I am not complaining about women generally (= whatever they like to be called a feminist), I am defending myself against radical feminists, who are interfering into family life and considering any man as a criminal and his wife as a victim of rape.

And yes, for sure, there are men from Europe, who prefer to marry a Thai lady or any other Asian wife for the reason to be away from all this Femi-Nazi related arguments.

My personal opinion is, that if you decide to marry an Asian woman, the RISK for the man, that your marriage fails, is much much smaller compared to an European woman as partner.

This might not be very much important for the woman, but it is significant important for the husband, because in case of divorce, it is ALWAYS the man, who pays....regardless if it was his fault or if he was cheated.....

Who wants to lose his own home or 50 percent of his property, because he was married for some months?

By the way, the divorce rate in my native country is almost 50 percent....why not to choose a foreign lady?


Yes, radical feminists do not like to answer this question....


I could say a lot about feminism, radical or otherwise and the advent of political correctness in the early 80s...but I won't.

This thread is dustbin material as most of the posts are non-Thai related...

This is not true, as the question is:

Do we need radical feminists in Thailand?

There are various replies to this subject.

Your offer to say something about political correctness in the early 80s - and beside that some (many?) of your postings in various threads are indeed not-Thai related AT ALL....

Up to you to post something related to Thailand.....

About myself, if you prefer, I might post something more about the History of Thai-Muslim. It is a very interesting subject and I am sure, you will like it.


relax, Johann...I was just referring to a number of posts preceding my own...looked to me like folks were getting a bit off the subject...

OK OK Tutsi, I understand.... relax.....

No Thai-Muslim girlie love story tomorrow.....

Halimah was great, one of my first loves in Kedah (but this is Malaysia and not Thailand related).....but Fatimah was a lovely brown girl with very very long beautiful hair near Pattani.....

(Luckily my wife cannot read her letter in Jawi, but I do - sweet rememberances,but many many years ago)

Foreign radical feminists? In Pattani? Converted to Islam?

What a horror-version of a peaceful South Thailand....can you imagine that?

Anyway, no need to tell more, just relax....

Good night



As my friend once remarked, "Women should be kept barefoot and pregnant" his barefoot pregnant wife came out of the house.

As my former fire chief wife once remarked, "Men who argue the loudest against womens liberation usually suffer from STS. Shrinking Testical Syndrome. The poor things tend to shrivel into acorns when a self assured woman is present."

Sign of the back of the Ferrari owned by 'corporate terrorist', feminist lawyer:

They're men! Shoot low!

All in all, the mentality usually displayed by liberated women is a little more insiteful, in my idiotic opinion.

But to the point. With 30 years of emergency services under my belt, a few observations in regards to those related fields, ambulance, police, and fire services. Women normally keep their cool a little better under pressure. They don't tend to get 'red light fever' as easily. They tend to be more thoughtful and methodical. Since they are often physically weaker, they tend to compensate with thinking out a situation a bit more carefully.

As for radical feminists in Thailand, the same as anywhere else. If they get lost in defending theirs and women in generals rights, infinite digression not worth listening to. Anyone who puts great effort into trying to convince someone else to think like them is insecure. See the missionaries for a classic example.

However, liberation generally means thinking for oneself. Socrates recognized how crucial that was and Plato well documented this school of 'modern thought'. Ultimately, it only benefits mankind as whole when people think instead of simply reacting to their environment.

Thai women generally react to their environment, most often compromising themselves in the short run to keep from being compromised in the greater picture. That is sad and a strong statement for the need of liberation of women here.

As a final word, men who do not wish 'their women' to think for themselves and to be docile, well, can't handle the heat comes to mind. Also the posssessive 'their' speaks eloquently.

The bottom line is this thing called respect. The more you can extend it, freely without qualifications attached, the more you can extend it to yourself. If you honestly respect, yourself and others, a liberated who or whatever won't bother you in the least.

I could say a lot about feminism, radical or otherwise and the advent of political correctness in the early 80s...but I won't.

This thread is dustbin material as most of the posts are non-Thai related...


We need radical feminists everywhere.
If they really wanted to make a big change, why don't they first try going to all of the arabic countries where women are by and large treated far worse?

Spee, by saying that Arabic women are treated worse , you are saying that women in Thailand are treated badly. And there have already been huge feminist campaigns around female genital surgery, which have resulted in FGS being outlawed in a number of countries, Egypt being one example.

Amyji, who are these radical feminists controlling the education agenda?? They certainly don't control it here in Australia. And honestly, radical feminists do not control the academy in the US either. That's kind of inherent in being radical - you are automatically on the margins (though of course I find it sad that it is radical for women to have all their body hair, to call for an end to violence against women, to exercise autonomy etc.).

Equity feminist= liberal feminist. You want to be equal to men. Why be equal to men - and everything that entails, such as militarisation, state deregulation and liberal markets, colonialism/post-colonialism etc - when we could be liberated from all that?

And darling, you don't need make-up!! It's OK to be yourself! Love yourself as you are!

Jeepz, what's the relevance of individual choice when one suffers structural violence such as gender, race and class-based discrimination? When choices are extremely limited, it is more illuminating to look at structures in order to understand an individual's life than it is to look at their 'choices'.

Quoting this post as an example of how to express one's opinion and disagree without insulting everybody left, right and centre. What is it with you folks? :o

This discussion reminds me also of where the political cutting edge was in the eighties, thanks for reminding me of a few truths, MsNina, life is so different here, it is easy to forget.

It would be quite a challenge to marry feminist ideas and the Thai way of life, not something I would attempt, also not on my list of priorities.

What I have learned though, it is the privilige of those in power to ignore issues of inequality, be it gender issues or the simple fact Thai immigration doesn't provide longterm visa solutions for a lot of decent people.

Come on folks, it is 2004, still claiming there are no priviliges attached to being a man? Ever wondered how the majority of Thai men get away with not contributing anything to the wellbeing of their unwanted children?

Welcome, radical feminists...

Maybe not all of it is quite so radical. :D

Come on folks, it is 2004, still claiming there are no priviliges attached to being a man? Ever wondered how the majority of Thai men get away with not contributing anything to the wellbeing of their unwanted children?

Welcome, radical feminists...

Maybe not all of it is quite so radical. :o


Please can you make a list and explain me exactly where I can find my personal priviliges for being a man?

I do not see them.....

As you are claiming, they are existing, then tell me where they are......


As I can see in Thailand, many children are not living with their mother either....

What does the mother in this case contribute to the wellbeing of her unwanted children? Or is she not responsible for that?

Are we not talking about equality?


By the way, radical feminists are pro-abortion (paid by tax payers money in my native country) - against marriage - atheists - not against prostitution, if lucrative - do not like to talk about interracial marriage (recommending masturbation for men instead of it) - accept even bestiality - and they never will consider the question, how a man should earn money to pay for housing, school, elderly care and other family related expenses, as they do not have a family....

Welcome, radical feminists......

Maybe not all of it is quite so radical..........

If this is a radical feminist and is not so quite radical, then please explain me, what is truly radical?




One fears what one does not know, and it is dark and dangerous...

1. there are so many, you don't see the wood for the trees.

Just some small everyday priviliges I am glad about having:

I enjoy going out for a late beer on my own just for the sake of it.

And I can do that quietly enjoying myself without having to explain to a dozen drunks that I don't wish to be shatted up right now, and yes I do drink and smoke, but I am perfectly normal...

Nobody tries to belittle me or invalidate my arguments because it might be 'this time of the month'

Most of these 'small priviliges' will only become apparent when you don't have them, or you use your much propagated choice to think about it, but that may be radical, or would have been 20 years ago.

2.The children live with the mother's relatives, the mothers are out earning money by servicing the men who don't pay maintenance and tell us the women exercise their free will to do this work.

Yes, we are talking about equality, and I am tired of explaining it to people who do not want to understand, the key lies in the unequality of power, which makes a farce of the notion of choice and the loud shouting of those who have the advantage offending.

3."They" are all the same??? And if 'they' are pro-abortion, I fail to see how this is a point against 'them', and who do you suggest should pay the hospital bill?.

Finally, radical or not radical? I said maybe some of it is not so radical, it is not all the same. I also get offended by women suggesting intercourse equals rape and such nonsense, but a lot of the criticism and comments about political and economic power are so obviously justified!


Since everyone else is mouthing off about this non-subject, I might as well too! :o

Like every political ideology, Feminism embraces a range of opinions. Mainstream Feminism is about equal pay for equal work, the right of a woman to control her own body, equal job opportunities and equal educational opportunities. The majority of people in Europe, America, Oz, and Thailand believe that these are positive values and take for granted that women should have these rights. However, as with many other ideologies, a small but very loud group of extremists have taken their views much further and hijacked Feminism into a radical movement that few women want to be identified with.

As for allowing Foreign Radical Femminists into THailand, why not? We're talking about letting them in, not turning the place over to them! Anyway, I think that the Thai's might have something to say about that! :D

Anyone who has lived here for any period of time knows that the old "geisha" image of an obedient woman who walks two steps behind her man isn't true here and probably never was. The person who pays me at work is a woman, many doctors and dentists here are women. Many, possibly a majority, of university students are women. Women in Thailand have had better rights and opportunities for the past couple of generations than most Muslim women have today!

Finally, I have noticed that there is very little corelation between personality and politics. Many of my best friends have had very different political viewpoints from me, while I sometimes find that I don't always like people that share most of my political views! From her posts, I suspect that MsNina would be a fun person to have a beer with, provided we don't start talking politics :D


With the exception of matriarchal societies which are rare, until very recently women have been second class citizens. More or less, they have only enjoyed equality with men within the last 100 years and that, only in a very few countries. They still seek the right to vote in many countries, still face lower pay than a male in an equal position in many places and so forth.

In Thailand the discrmination is often subtle but it exists. Perhaps the most blatant and obvious is the average college graduate. Without status and connections, the average female graduate is hired as office decoration, menial duties and potential dalliances. When the women were getting ready to serve internship prior to graduation and my wifes college they were given an all day seminar that included how to refuse sexual advances.

Subsequently, radical feminists, those who purvey womens equality are very much needed round these parts.

Lets add a quote from the head honcho of the medico's of Texas, USA in a comment to George W. Bush to which Bushey concurred:

"Women should not have the right to decide whether to have an abortion. "

He went on to explain that only men should be able to make that decision. The obvious arguement radical feminists instantly pointed out is, a woman cannot make a responsible decision regarding her own body but is capable of bearing and raising a child??

If there are problems with radical feminists, take a good close look at why there are radical feminists first.

Thai women in general are very clever. they know how to use a 'feminine touch'

to get what they want out of men. They don't use mass protest marches, bullhorns,

motorcycle parades or legislation to go forward in life. They use good looks, charm,

a sense of humor, intelligence (cunning) and wicked bedroom antics to get what they need.

Don't forget the dreaded 'silent treatment', something akin to Chinese water torture only 100x worse. :o


One fears what one does not know, and it is dark and dangerous...

1. there are so many, you don't see the wood for the trees.


2.The children live with the mother's relatives, the mothers are out earning money by servicing the men who don't pay maintenance and tell us the women exercise their free will to do this work....

3."They" are all the same??? And if 'they' are pro-abortion, I fail to see how this is a point against 'them', and who do you suggest should pay the hospital bill?.

Finally, radical or not radical? I said maybe some of it is not so radical, it is not all the same. I also get offended by women suggesting intercourse equals rape and such nonsense........

Good afternoon, Natee1

Your reply is like from a poet.....



where are my personal priviliges for being a man?

I do not see them.....

I try it again:

These are the woman rights in my native country (Austria, Europe), which is a female dominated society....(for the reason to prevent any advantage of being a working male)

retirement for men, 65-67 years old

retirement for women, 53-55 years old

husband dies, wife gets his pension for lifetime

wife dies, husband will not get a single cent

wife cheats the man, divorce only, if the man pays her support

man cheats the wife, divorce only, if the man pays her support

(this is NO typing mistake! Cheated by your wife is no reason for legal divorce!)

women: no military services, no services for old/disabled

men: obligatory military services or services for old/disabled (unpaid, 8 months)

woman: may refuse work on Sundays, nightwork (woman labour protection law)

men: cannot refuse or risk losing the job

Do you call this EQUAL?


There are NOT so few children, who are living with the father, and mother is gone for what reason ever..... but you ignore them, and you do not want to talk about it because you are a woman.... (I do not ignore that however, as I was also such a child.....) - I understand it is difficult for you to admit that there are bad women too. Any kind of feminist cannot talk anything bad about another woman....(or she is no feminist anymore....)

Any government related support money will be paid directly to the mother, regardless, if the child is living with her or not....Yes, this is the law in my country, and she is not obliged to use it for the child, and can use it for herself, all legally ok - the father pays then the rest (=everything) and usually he will never see any money from the mother.....


Seems you also do not feel well with bestiality, rape or as you said, such nonsense... but this is RADICAL

And yes, abortion, no reason required, is paid out of the health insurance 100 percent in my country....


Finally as I said,

who cares about the question, HOW a man should earn money to pay for housing, school, elderly care and other family related expenses......

It is OK for me, as I have (still) as a man the right, to choose my female partner....even if this is a foreign woman and it is done out of interracial marriage.....

I know, many women in Europe and in the States do not like that.....



For one thing, you shouldn't assume I am a woman, just because I defend issues with which YOU as a man feel uncomfortable.

I am a 45 year old straight male, if I may. And I think you know the answers to your questions only too well, or you are making a pretty good job of keeping your eyes and ears shut.

Your post reminds me of the kind of emotionally charged, twisting ranting over a few beers at the 'Stammtisch' which was one of the reasons I left Germany 25 years ago...

I do apologize, I am getting wound up now, originally I just wanted to balance the one-sidedness of the posts a little bit, obviously did a bad job.

Thank you Otherstuff and Snark for making some sense here.

And I can do that quietly enjoying myself without having to explain to a dozen drunks that I don't wish to be shatted up right now

Nobody tries to belittle me or invalidate my arguments because it might be 'this time of the month'

Your a 45 year old straight male???

Errr----Let me see---the drunks were girls then???

Ummm---That time of month---Fine tale erco.

For one thing, you shouldn't assume I am a woman, just because I defend issues with which  YOU as a man feel uncomfortable.

I am a 45 year old straight male, if I may.


For one thing, you shouldn't assume I am a woman, just because I defend issues with which  YOU as a man feel uncomfortable.

I am a 45 year old straight male, if I may. And I think you know the answers to your questions only too well, or you are making a pretty good job of keeping your eyes and ears shut.

Your post reminds me of the kind of emotionally charged, twisting ranting over a few beers at the 'Stammtisch' which was one of the reasons I left Germany 25 years ago...

I do apologize, I am getting wound up now, originally I just wanted to balance the one-sidedness of the posts a little bit, obviously did a bad job.

Thank you Otherstuff and Snark for making some sense here.

Hi, Natee1

Thanks for your great postings....First of all, this thread is NOT single-sided, with MsNina on one side, and me (Yohan) on the other side.....

Internet is full of fakes (maybe MsNina is a man), and I do not take anything seriously, until I meet that person face to face.

This is maybe my strongest point: I NEVER post anything anonymous, I always sign with my true name and everybody can verify my identity by homepage, radio-amateur callsign, email and so on.....

You know, who I am - but I do not know, who you are.

You are not the first case, where a man likes to write postings like a woman...I cannot do that, as I feel to be a man.... somewhat against my nature -

Some men like to dress up as a woman or to imitate voice and behaviour as a woman.....or in your case, to defend radical women....a feminist male...

I feel very happy to see, that this thread is running in about the same way as all the other discussions I had during the last years about that subject.

However Thaivisa is surprisingly OK, I did not receive yet hatemail or personal racist attacks and I am still allowed to post my opinion - will see, when they ban me......

When I asked for a clear information, there was not even one clear reply.

Just confirms my feelings...

Yes, I feel not really comfortable to see, that the woman, who was working in the same room as I do, and who is almost of same age as I am, retired already, (healthy and 53 years old) and I have to do the same work (for the same salary as she received) for additional 14 years or even longer....

you might call this fair or equal.....

No reply.....

Somebody said in this thread, Thai Immigration is discriminating....and I asked, if this is the same if the foreigner is a man, and the Thai is a woman, or if the husband is a Thai and the foreigner is his wife....

Something wrong with this question?

No reply.....

I asked,

who cares about the question, HOW a man should earn money to pay for housing, school, elderly care and other family related expenses......

No reply.....

It is OK for me, as I have (still) as a man the right, to choose my female partner....even if this is a foreign woman and it is done out of interracial marriage..... I did so 27 years ago....

I do not need MsNina's great advice to masturbate......

I know, many women in Europe and in the States do not like that.....

maybe some men too do not like Asian girls, too - maybe they like to masturbate....I do not care...


And btw, 14 years additional work, because I am a man, is not the same as a discussion about 2 or 3 bottles of beer....


And I can do that quietly enjoying myself without having to explain to a dozen drunks that I don't wish to be shatted up right now

Nobody tries to belittle me or invalidate my arguments because it might be 'this time of the month'

Your a 45 year old straight male???

Errr----Let me see---the drunks were girls then???

Ummm---That time of month---Fine tale erco.

Wata you think Doc.

This is what I replied to:


Please can you make a list and explain me exactly where I can find my personal priviliges for being a man?

I do not see them.....

And this is what I replied:

1. there are so many, you don't see the wood for the trees.

Just some small everyday priviliges I am glad about having:

I enjoy going out for a late beer on my own just for the sake of it.

And I can do that quietly enjoying myself without having to explain to a dozen drunks that I don't wish to be shatted up right now, and yes I do drink and smoke, but I am perfectly normal ....

Please do not quote out of context!

This is getting worse by the hour. First I am supposed to be a woman, now I am suspected to be 'erco'.

Any other suggestions?

Please make an effort to read and understand posts before replying.

O.k.: in contrast to women, I have as a man amongst other priviliges this one:

I enjoy going out for a late beer ........etc. as above...

Other men such as Johan also have this privilige amongst other priviliges, because they are men and not women. Those in the more powerful position in society, in a hierarchy, often are not aware of their priviliges or take them for granted, and consequently fail to understand the basis of complaint of the less priviliged, less empowered. Another, more grave example: it is not the man but the woman who gets pregnant and does not have the privilige to walk away from this situation. For somebody who can walk away and believes this to be his right, it will seem unreasonable for the woman to demand to decide whether to abort or not, and for a financial if not emotional contribution to be made by the man who is equally responsible for creating this situation.

I hope I made it clearer what I am on about, I hope some misunderstandings are lifted now.

This is getting worse by the hour. First I am supposed to be a woman, now I am suspected to be 'erco'.

Any other suggestions?

What about


And you are responsible for your own situation, you are a man, not like before, when you were a woman (transgender-responsibility)

And about pregnancy.....there are always 2 persons required for that situation, and they should do that by their own will.....(equal rights = equal responsibility)

A woman - we are always talking about equality - yes, she is also responsible, if she is pregnant.....how can it be a surprise?.....the woman is also responsible, if she enjoys unprotected sex.....

Do not push ALL the responsibility to the man.....what about 50/50 ?

(Excuse me, it is the man, who is the criminal, I forgot that for a moment)


And my wife is many times out (2 or 3 times a week) for any kind of parties and so on.....while I have still to work.....

My wife is not my prisoner..... what a nonsense....However I would be surprised, if she is pregnant, as she is now 50 over..... seems she drinks too much beer, while I am still in office...

I hope, you make me not responsible now for controlling her diat.....



Nobody tries to belittle me or invalidate my arguments because it might be 'this time of the month'

Natee---- Can you please explain this one to me. If you are a man?? Whats with the statement? :o

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