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15 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

Selling things = begging? 

Do tell JayBird what fascist communist wierdo country do you come from to have such dumba$$ beliefs ? Or are you just a Bernie Sanders supporter who want welfare freebies instead of working ?

Well, if it's not begging, it's working.  Oh wait - I'm sure they have the required permit...


But who cares?  As long as they're not hassling passersby, it really is Thailand's problem, not ours.

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5 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Well, if it's not begging, it's working.  Oh wait - I'm sure they have the required permit...


But who cares?  As long as they're not hassling passersby, it really is Thailand's problem, not ours.

I didn't consider it a problem in the least.  Just (at least to my eyes) unusual.  Normally when I see people laying out a cloth and selling on the street it's a Thai person (usually old, or a student trying to get enough money to pay for books).  So I did a double-take when I saw they were not Thai.


Also, whoever thought I was suggesting they were American (USA) really has an odd ability to mis-interpret things... It was quite the opposite, as I did not presume them to be from USA at all. 


One person gave a good suggestion that they may be backpacking their way across Asia for a year or so.  In which case I could then understand them willing to take a few days off to raise some funds.  However, still odd (surely the amount they make in the streets of Bangkok is miniscule compared to what they would make at home).

10 hours ago, silverado said:

by the way , tell me how you regconize people from some baltic country (rumania , you mean ???? ) , please :post-4641-1156693976::post-4641-1156693976::post-4641-1156693976:

White and sorter stupid looking. :biggrin:

2 hours ago, JayBird said:

One person gave a good suggestion that they may be backpacking their way across Asia for a year or so.

Please put some here out of there misery Jay and go and ask them where there from and what they are doing, it a standard Thai question. :biggrin:

2 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Please put some here out of there misery Jay and go and ask them where there from and what they are doing, it a standard Thai question. :biggrin:


Maybe we can convince ThaiVisa to send a reporter to the scene and get the full scoop on what's happening?!  I can see the headline now:
Tonight On Thai Visa -- Farlangs Who Peddle Wares On The Streets Of Bangkok: The Face Of The New Breed Of Quality Tourists!





20 hours ago, billd766 said:


I am trying to be correct. Would they be North, Central or South Americans.


If you are going to bash a nation at least specify which nation you are bashing. It is annoying otherwise.


Argh, I was not the one bashing any country. Please read my response carefully. I was criticizing the poster that was bashing countries. Good lord, you really need to read more carefully.

22 hours ago, silverado said:

but but but what you write about is not really begging to me.....  :post-4641-1156693976:

and off topic , to me :post-4641-1156693976::post-4641-1156693976: 

by the way , tell me how you regconize people from some baltic country (rumania , you mean ???? ) , please :post-4641-1156693976::post-4641-1156693976::post-4641-1156693976:


Your nice!

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