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Mexico presidential hopeful files complaint against Trump wall


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Mexico presidential hopeful files complaint against Trump wall




Mexican politician Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, leader of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) gestures as he addresses the audience during a meeting at Plaza Zaragoza in Monterrey, Mexico February 25, 2017. REUTERS/Daniel Becerril


MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican presidential hopeful Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador filed a complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on Wednesday against U.S. President Donald Trump's planned border wall and his administration's treatment of immigrants.


Lopez Obrador, a fiery leftist who has led recent polls for the 2018 election, said he expects the commission to "speak out in accordance with the law to protect immigrants from the harassment they are suffering since Trump took office."


Trump has ordered a wall built along the nearly 2,000-mile (3,200-km) U.S.-Mexico border, has moved to strip federal funding from "sanctuary" states and cities harbouring illegal immigrants, and expanded the force of U.S. immigration agents.


During his election campaign, Trump described Mexican illegal immigrants as rapists and criminals and insisted that Mexico would pay for the wall. That caused simmering diplomatic tension and angered everyday citizens south of the border.


Lopez Obrador, a former Mexico City mayor and two-time runner-up for the presidency, said he hoped the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights would view Trump's moves as a "violation of human rights and discriminatory."


The commission, an autonomous organ of the Organization of American States (OAS), is tasked with promoting and protecting human rights in the American hemisphere.


(Reporting by Anthony Esposito; Editing by Paul Tait)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-16
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This is proving to be (another), very bad day for the Trump administration.

First his muslim ban (Let's call it what it really is), gets stopped in its tracks by the courts again.

Now he is facing a Human Rights complaint by his neighbour.

I wish someone would make the retards running Trumps administration understand, that you can't just trample over any minority, when there are very specific laws preventing it.

Those laws were put in place to ensure that common decency takes precedent. The attempts to walk roughshod over them shows how those doing so, lack that very basic decency.

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Perhaps Trump should make a complaint to the OAS that Mexico is not doing enough to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into the US.

I wonder how Andres would like it if the US started telling Mexico how to run it's affairs?


As I shall not be commenting further on this Trump thread, do not take my silence to indicate agreement with whatever follows.

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This is laughable and will go nowhere.

Sorry, you're not going to make us feel guilty for securing our borders and attempting to keep our country safe.

Go deal with your own human rights issues for which there are many LEGITIMATE issues to start with.

The nerve of this bozo...

Edited by Rigby40
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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps Trump should make a complaint to the OAS that Mexico is not doing enough to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into the US.

I wonder how Andres would like it if the US started telling Mexico how to run it's affairs?


As I shall not be commenting further on this Trump thread, do not take my silence to indicate agreement with whatever follows.

And just what should Mexico do to stop people from leaving?   The US doesn't stop citizens from leaving.   Next time you go to Canada, Mexico, or get on a plane to fly to whatever destination you want, whether it's legal for you to be there, the gov't won't stop you.   There's a bigger chance of the airlines stopping you than there is of the gov't.   


3 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

This is laughable and will go nowhere.

Sorry, you're not going to make us feel guilty for securing our borders and attempting to keep our country safe.

Go deal with your own human rights issues for which there are many LEGITIMATE issues to start with.

The nerve of this bozo...

The wall will not protect the US from anyone.   Mexican's are really not an enemy to begin with.   Walls have to be maintained, watched and guarded all the time, otherwise they just go over or under them.   


If you want a secure border, go the one between North and South Korea, and even then people manage to leave.   The route is different but the outcome is the same.   

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I just read that Mexico is buying rice from Thailand now. Coincidence? Mexico is opening its market to Asia and other countries, to be prepared to stop with USA exports. for good.... Americans looking for better life...... move to Mexico now before Trump start building the wall!

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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

Those pesky Mexicans are up to no good again .... 


Best they stick to making Burritos & Margarita's .......

Sure thing esse, and those inscrutable trumpists should stick to ignorance, racism, and xenophobia. 

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3 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

This is laughable and will go nowhere.

Sorry, you're not going to make us feel guilty for securing our borders and attempting to keep our country safe.

Go deal with your own human rights issues for which there are many LEGITIMATE issues to start with.

The nerve of this bozo...

A good way for the U.S. government to ACTUALLY start keeping Americans safe is to shift to a health care system that actually provides health care to all Americans, rich and poor. This wall thing is just the kind of foreign boogeyman noise that you'd expect from any autocratic fear mongering regime in history. 

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Mexico will fight back. Don't forget Mexico is America's 3rd largest trading partner and projected in 10 years to have the World's 9th largest economy.

Trump's border wall is nothing more than another effort by he and his 'regime' to cast aspersions on a friendly country because Trump is unable to realize that what America needs is a real Immigration policy that leads illegals to legality; a worker Visa program that allows Mexicans to come in as guest workers so they do not need to come in as illegals.

American business needs guest workers in  agriculture; poultry and meat processing and construction labor because Americans refuse these jobs. Trump purports to be a smart businessman yet  his border wall is one of the worst business decisions that can be made.

The construction of a border wall will cost billions and upset not only the Mexicans but the American holders of land in Texas who will be forced under eminent domain to give up their land.

HOw about taking these billions and give seniors a real social security raise; or providing healthcare for poor Americans.

Donald Trump and his minions have their priorities all wrong and the majority of Americans know it and that is why his support continues to go down.

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps Trump should make a complaint to the OAS that Mexico is not doing enough to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into the US.

I wonder how Andres would like it if the US started telling Mexico how to run it's affairs?


As I shall not be commenting further on this Trump thread, do not take my silence to indicate agreement with whatever follows.

the Trump administration is already trying to tell Mexico how to run its affairs as well as expecting the Mexicans to pay for a border wall, at least East Germany paid for its own wall to prevent unauthorised border crossings

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9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

This is proving to be (another), very bad day for the Trump administration.

First his muslim ban (Let's call it what it really is), gets stopped in its tracks by the courts again.

Now he is facing a Human Rights complaint by his neighbour.

I wish someone would make the retards running Trumps administration understand, that you can't just trample over any minority, when there are very specific laws preventing it.

Those laws were put in place to ensure that common decency takes precedent. The attempts to walk roughshod over them shows how those doing so, lack that very basic decency.

What trump is doing is enforcing laws that are on the books already

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8 hours ago, USPatriot said:

What trump is doing is enforcing laws that are on the books already

In reality, he is trying to enforce laws that seem to give him unfettered power; however, he is ignoring laws which place restraints on those powers.


The powers of the presidency do not include establishment of a dictatorship, as Trump is discovering on a daily basis....

Edited by WaywardWind
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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Sure thing esse, and those inscrutable trumpists should stick to ignorance, racism, and xenophobia. 

not ignorance ....  just staying focused on border security and keeping the bad guys out.

It's a pity other countries don't have the same balls .....   if they did there would not be any people smugglers making thousands of dollars of these country shoppers.

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19 hours ago, darksidedog said:

This is proving to be (another), very bad day for the Trump administration.

First his muslim ban (Let's call it what it really is), gets stopped in its tracks by the courts again.

Now he is facing a Human Rights complaint by his neighbour.

I wish someone would make the retards running Trumps administration understand, that you can't just trample over any minority, when there are very specific laws preventing it.

Those laws were put in place to ensure that common decency takes precedent. The attempts to walk roughshod over them shows how those doing so, lack that very basic decency.

I have yet to hear of a legal immigrant being deported, just the illegal migrants/immigrants and as far as the "Muslim ban" with more than 85% of the worlds Muslims allowed to visit the US with the correct paperwork calling it a "Muslim ban" is simply  hyperbole. Where does is stop. If one American makes

a racist statement does that make a reference to all Americans being racists correct. If one Muslim carries out a terrorist act does that make all Muslims terrorists. Trumps temporary halt of citizens of 6 countries from entering the US is clearly not a Muslim ban and Trumps efforts to halt illegal immigrants/migrants should at least be understood. Which laws should be enforced. All, none, some.

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18 hours ago, steven100 said:

Those pesky Mexicans are up to no good again .... Best they stick to making Burritos & Margarita's .......

               It will be interesting if/when Mexico sues the USA for its territory which was taken by force less than 200 years ago.  Not a whole lot different from the Israeli/Palestinian imbroglio.   Already, AZ, NM, and half of Texas and California are immersed in Mexican culture.  Interesting to note that both those halves (of Texas and California) voted overwhelmingly against Trump in the Nov' election.


13 hours ago, BKResort said:

I just read that Mexico is buying rice from Thailand now. Coincidence? Mexico is opening its market to Asia and other countries, to be prepared to stop with USA exports. for good.... Americans looking for better life...... move to Mexico now before Trump start building the wall!

 Even if the wall were built, Americans and Mexicans will be able to cross the border quite easily.  Before during and after Trump's wall, Mexicans come to the USA by plane and car.  The Wall will have as much affect on immigration as the US Army had in the VN war in trying to save Viet Cong controlled villages.  It may slow down a few dozen people a month.   Let's say the wall stops 100 people/month from crossing.   At the reasonable expenditure of $33 billion over 33 years (a billion/yr average), that would cost $834,000 per Mexican.   In the VN war, I think it was estimated to have cost the US $1 million for each VC killed.   Instead of paying $834,000 per Mexican (kept out of the US), why not just buy each one 3 big houses and new SUV?  It makes as much sense as a wall that accomplishes the following:

>>>   makes building contractors rich

>>>   sours relationships between US and Mexico

>>>   sparks multiple lawsuits by Americans (Native Americans, homeowners, USFS, BLM, municipalites, etc) against the Federal gov't

>>>  gets more redneck votes for Trump

>>>  further bankrupts the US (Trump knows a lot about bankrupting large entities)

>>>  blocks natural migration of desert animals

>>>  hundreds of miles of new roads, and new construction-related factories in the region.

>>>  make it difficult for American businesses and farms to find workers.

>>>  creates jobs for a few hundred border patrol agents who mostly sit in their SUV's and look through sighting devices.  It fits with Trump 'create jobs' dynamic:  each job Trump creates, costs taxpayers about $300,000.




Edited by boomerangutang
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16 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

In reality, he is trying to enforce laws that seem to give him unfettered power; however, he is ignoring laws which place restraints on those powers.


The powers of the presidency do not include establishment of a dictatorship, as Trump is discovering on a daily basis....

He is enforcing laws on the books and it give power to any president to ban people from any country.


Federal immigration law also includes Section 1182(f), which states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate

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51 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

He is enforcing laws on the books and it give power to any president to ban people from any country.


Federal immigration law also includes Section 1182(f), which states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate

And if that executive order were to say these alien are to be summarily executed, would that also lie within the scope of his powers?

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Here's an article that the evil leftist new york times posted about mexico. Considering the source, I'd say that it's all lies.

While Scolding Trump, Mexico Seeks to Curtail Citizens’ Rights

Even as Mexico fumes over President Trump’s aggressive stance toward its people, the Mexican government is quietly trying to rip up basic legal protections for its citizens at home and gut longstanding efforts to fix the nation’s broken rule of law.


Legal experts fear the move will set back human rights in Mexico by decades.


The tool is an innocuous-sounding bill, submitted last month by a close ally of President Enrique Peña Nieto — only a day after his government publicly chided the Trump administration to respect the rights of all Mexicans.


Of course, if it's true, I suspect that it would make Trump feel a lot more warmly towards his southern neighbor. And more than a little envious.                      

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5 hours ago, USPatriot said:

He is enforcing laws on the books and it give power to any president to ban people from any country.


Federal immigration law also includes Section 1182(f), which states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate

Once again we hear from a Trump supporter who likes to quote the provision granting discretionary powers to the president, but inevitably fails to add the provision which limits those powers:


8 U.S.C. § 1152(a)(1)(A)

This provision provides"... no person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of the person's race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence."


These kinds off shenanigans might work well at a political rally, or on Twitter, but they fail miserably when advanced in the bright lights of a federal court.




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22 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And if that executive order were to say these alien are to be summarily executed, would that also lie within the scope of his powers?

See your not even realistic he is using constitutional powers given to the president.

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On 3/17/2017 at 0:23 PM, WaywardWind said:

Once again we hear from a Trump supporter who likes to quote the provision granting discretionary powers to the president, but inevitably fails to add the provision which limits those powers:


8 U.S.C. § 1152(a)(1)(A)

This provision provides"... no person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of the person's race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence."


These kinds off shenanigans might work well at a political rally, or on Twitter, but they fail miserably when advanced in the bright lights of a federal court.




Nobody has mentioned that this authority has been exercised by presidents since Reagan at various times, including the messiah, Barack Obama.  Trump did not pull this authority out of his hat.

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1 hour ago, landslide said:

Nobody has mentioned that this authority has been exercised by presidents since Reagan at various times, including the messiah, Barack Obama.  Trump did not pull this authority out of his hat.

You are welcome to provide examples of instances where other presidents banned immigrants and refugees on the basis of their religion after boasting for over a year that they were going to do so.


We will all be interested in seeing your proof....

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