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One week to go: Walking Street more like Hell Zone than Happy Zone as man attacked

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12 minutes ago, shaurene said:

It is time for the main world countries give strong warnings to their citizens about Thailand being unsafe with no Police authority to protect them. Then Thailand may do something. But another big dream.

I would use the term, "show caution" instead but nothing will be done regardless.  Take the money and brush everything else under the rug.

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Walking Street is living on borrowed time. Each one of these incidents put the nail in the coffin sooner not  later.  The police are irrelevant.  The Army is in control and they don't even tell the police when a raid is coming.  The Army is trying to drive out this type of business and it will not be deterred.

If a bar does not want pictures taken- it needs to put up a prominent sign. Taking a customer out back and threatening his life is called 'terrorist threatening' and illegal in Thailand. I hope he gets plenty of compensation and the bar closed.  

I and many others will be glad when Walking Street is finally gentrified. The place is a drag on the real Thailand and sends the wrong message Worldwide about Thailand. Even if the powers to be did nothing- it will eventually die a natural death- There is a lack of customers; the price of drinks will continually go up until the bars/clubs will have priced themselves out. Why would a tourist want to go to Walking Street with inflated prices; security staff that beat up people; an uncaring police force; and bar staff that could care less whether you ever come back.   There are many other countries that have lower prices; more friendly girls; and you don't have to worry about getting beat up or an inflated bar tab.

6 minutes ago, shaurene said:

It is time for the main world countries give strong warnings to their citizens about Thailand being unsafe with no Police authority to protect them. Then Thailand may do something. But another big dream.


Turn t up.

the main world counties you refer to are bombing Syrian women and children in their homes daily, before it was Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos etc etc. No protection there.


Do you really think some story about an Indian in a Pattaya nightclub who claims he was attacked by ten men, but with no obvious wounds, is really significant or will even be remembered in a month.


This story has as much credablity as the fake Irishmens claims that the Thai van driver stole his money and beat him up. The Irishmen made it up and so did this Indian. And even if it was true, it was Indian verses Indian anyway. 


The thais do an excellent job controlling the thousands of drunken idiots on walking street night after night. For such an alcohol fueled zone it is very safe. Idiots are dealt with swiftly.and very effectively. 

IT is remarkable really. I have been a regular visitor to walking street since before it was even walking street. I have never seen Thais starting trouble, but when needed they certainly know how to finish it and keep it safe for the happy partygoers.


And yes they all unite at the drop of a hat and work as a team when required, which is the best way to deal with out of control drunks, drug affected fools and general trouble making idiots who can't control their excitement, unlike in the "main world" countries where bystanders are too scared to get involved.


While there are plenty of drunks wandering around Walking Street- most do not cause trouble- and most are taken advantage of by the bars and its 'staff'. The whole atmosphere that have developed there is not a fun atmosphere but one in which the establishments are looking for every opportunity they can to rip off customers and when someone protests- they get beat upon.

While  this last incident involved a customer of Indian background- the nationality is not important- it is a reasonable account based upon the things that happen constantly on this street.

To those who like getting ripped off- keep going. In a few more years- it will be completely changed with the influx of Chinese and middle to upper class Thais who will not put up with the current situation.

The establishment owners have caused the decline in business by being greedy; not controlling their staff and allowing the use of guns and drugs on their premises. It won't be long before they are back in the rice fields of Issan.


Walking street is a cheap night out. $3 icy cold frothies brought to you in air conditioned comfort with beautiful naked dancing Angels dancing for you, or a happy nightclub where the drinks are a bit pricier, or cheapish oceanfront seafood while looking  out at the ocean or a range of bands with Farang or Thai music with no cover charge.


It is that cheap, I have to ask myself sometimes, can really I afford NOT to go?


Ripped off you say? 


Upper class Thais you say? How many do you think a gentrified walking street will attract. They have other places to go. Keep dreaming?


much funner  than sitting at home watching the idiot box.


Turn t up.

the main world counties you refer to are bombing Syrian women and children in their homes daily, before it was Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos etc etc. No protection there.


Do you really think some story about an Indian in a Pattaya nightclub who claims he was attacked by ten men, but with no obvious wounds, is really significant or will even be remembered in a month.


This story has as much credablity as the fake Irishmens claims that the Thai van driver stole his money and beat him up. The Irishmen made it up and so did this Indian. And even if it was true, it was Indian verses Indian anyway. 


The thais do an excellent job controlling the thousands of drunken idiots on walking street night after night. For such an alcohol fueled zone it is very safe. Idiots are dealt with swiftly.and very effectively. 

IT is remarkable really. I have been a regular visitor to walking street since before it was even walking street. I have never seen Thais starting trouble, but when needed they certainly know how to finish it and keep it safe for the happy partygoers.


And yes they all unite at the drop of a hat and work as a team when required, which is the best way to deal with out of control drunks, drug affected fools and general trouble making idiots who can't control their excitement, unlike in the "main world" countries where bystanders are too scared to get involved.

Interesting experience with Indians at a gogo the other night. They were allowed to sit there with no drinks which I thought was incredibly generous. But give them an inch and they take a mile, so one of them started discretely taking pics... Got busted and were immediately set up on by the lady staff screaming at them to delete the pictures this went on for 10 minute's while he refused to hand over his phone at which point the door man strode in, grabbed him by the hair and dragged him outside.

I nearly cheered lol

But the headline will read Indians bashed at gogo

Much of the crappie news on TV is only one sided.. Stupid farang take the bait every time

1 hour ago, Bartman1369 said:

Where is this encyclopedia of "resarch" I have lived here 18 months and it's the first I've heard about not taking pictures in a bar. If you cannot use cameras there should be a sign on the entrance to the establishment. 

Try taking a picture in a strip bar in the US and see what happens.


Walking Street cheap? I know of other places in Asia where you can get the same atmosphere for half the price and the girls actually like the customers as opposed to thailand where the only goal is to rip a customer off as quick as possible and at the same time speak badly about them. Once one learns Thai- it is perfectly obvious what Walking Street is about. 

As I said keep going to Walking Street- because the owners and staff love those who know nothing about their method of operation.  The Army is going to demolish the seaside operations and the continual raids will destroy the GoGo and sex places within a 2 year period. 

After that you will still be able to visit your favorite 'service girl' but you may have to travel to Issan to find her planting rice.

6 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

"Come to a settlement"..... the guy had a gun in his ribs, death threat and beaten up, left alone in investigation room with assailants.....  the RTP are turning Thailand into the Liberia of S.E. Asia.

There is no settlement in Thailand, especially not @ walking street, you only get to bribe the RTP and then paying off the bouncers. 

Boycott all tourist places with corrupted police. 

24 minutes ago, Philthyphil said:

Walking street is a cheap night out. $3 icy cold frothies brought to you in air conditioned comfort with beautiful naked dancing Angels dancing for you, or a happy nightclub where the drinks are a bit pricier, or cheapish oceanfront seafood while looking  out at the ocean or a range of bands with Farang or Thai music with no cover charge.


It is that cheap, I have to ask myself sometimes, can really I afford NOT to go?


Ripped off you say? 


Upper class Thais you say? How many do you think a gentrified walking street will attract. They have other places to go. Keep dreaming?


much funner  than sitting at home watching the idiot box.

Of course,  as you are championing,  theres a place for sex tourism so old fellas can slaver over young girls, but the constant rip offs do the reputation no good at all and should be better monitored.  

30 minutes ago, payttayasquirt said:

Interesting experience with Indians at a gogo the other night. They were allowed to sit there with no drinks which I thought was incredibly generous. But give them an inch and they take a mile, so one of them started discretely taking pics... Got busted and were immediately set up on by the lady staff screaming at them to delete the pictures this went on for 10 minute's while he refused to hand over his phone at which point the door man strode in, grabbed him by the hair and dragged him outside.

I nearly cheered lol

But the headline will read Indians bashed at gogo

Much of the crappie news on TV is only one sided.. Stupid farang take the bait every time

And whats the betting they'll be no headline at all.  More fool the owners for letting them sit without paying for a drink in the first place.  Schoolboy error, especially with that tourist demographic.

5 minutes ago, carmine said:

And whats the betting they'll be no headline at all.  More fool the owners for letting them sit without paying for a drink in the first place.  Schoolboy error, especially with that tourist demographic.

Lets u sit in a gogo without order a drink hahaja thats a good one..

3 hours ago, reallybigken said:

Ok, Maybe I'm missing something.


"He had been taking some pictures with his mobile phone "


He is in side a club on walking street taking pictures, while the government is trying to clean up the area. They have already had a few clubs raided in the last few weeks because of someone calling into the police and complained.


And what does nationality (owner Indian and he is Indian) have to do with it.


I not condoning there action, if that is really what they did, but I kind of get the feeling they asked him to erase the pictures and/or he mouthed off at them.


What happen to the pictures?



Probably a lot more than is being told in this report....


most of us do know that taking pics inside a club/go-go is a no-no and most have signs up saying no pics


they are worried about competitors/posting on web sites etc.  I bet this guy got a tap on the shoulder and carried on regardless 

9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

He said that police at the scene did not lift a finger to help him. Despite being in some distress he was not even given first aid or a drink.

OOops so much for the Happiness Zone. Hold off on implementation we/they need more times to get the wrinkles out. Attacked by 10 bouncers hmm sure does not show up on his face. Post a sign Please leave all cameras and mobile phones and guns of course at the door.  

Lets u sit in a gogo without order a drink hahaja thats a good one..

That was shocking. But they were there before me
Perhaps they had several drinks and paid already and were just staying for a few happy snaps [emoji33]
13 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Lets u sit in a gogo without order a drink hahaja thats a good one..

Quite, prior to that post, totally unheard off!!!

1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

Walking Street is living on borrowed time. Each one of these incidents put the nail in the coffin sooner not  later.  The police are irrelevant.  The Army is in control and they don't even tell the police when a raid is coming.  The Army is trying to drive out this type of business and it will not be deterred.

If a bar does not want pictures taken- it needs to put up a prominent sign. Taking a customer out back and threatening his life is called 'terrorist threatening' and illegal in Thailand. I hope he gets plenty of compensation and the bar closed.  

I and many others will be glad when Walking Street is finally gentrified. The place is a drag on the real Thailand and sends the wrong message Worldwide about Thailand. Even if the powers to be did nothing- it will eventually die a natural death- There is a lack of customers; the price of drinks will continually go up until the bars/clubs will have priced themselves out. Why would a tourist want to go to Walking Street with inflated prices; security staff that beat up people; an uncaring police force; and bar staff that could care less whether you ever come back.   There are many other countries that have lower prices; more friendly girls; and you don't have to worry about getting beat up or an inflated bar tab.

I liked your post rather left me with the glass is half full or half empty feeling. Again words by officials mean little to nothing when not backed up by police action. Maybe the police did not get the Happiness zone flyer. 


I remember when I actually used to enjoy a night out on Walking Street. For at least the last ten years (possibly more) it has become a complete freak show and I can barely stand spending more than five minutes there.


I wouldn't want to see them "gentrify" it,  just somehow return it to the way it was in the early nineties. Not much chance of that I guess.


Maybe its safe to say that incidents in night life areas will always happen whatever name u give for a zone.but a mandatory temporarily closure of a bar once bar staff have started with any type violence against its customers is the only way to have the number of incidents to drop down in the future.first incident one month closure second incident 3 month closure etc etc.I have not heard the police talk about any consequences for a bar in case of misbehaving.


The reason they cannot bring it back to when it was actually a fun place to go is that Thailand opted for mass tourism and in came the bad and the ugly. In addition, the owners got greedy; the girls became indifferent and the whole mood changed from making an honest Baht to making it anyway we can get it. In addition, most of the girls have no real ties to these establishments. Agencies find them and they are there for one thing only- money and more money. The girls speak poorly about the customers; use drugs and many are alcoholics.  Walking Street now reminds me of the more hardened bar areas in such places as the Reeperbahn in Hamburg; the window prostitutes in Amsterdam and the Combat Zone in Boston USA. Rip offs all around. When it goes the way of  extinction- it won't be missed.

7 minutes ago, charmonman said:

I remember when I actually used to enjoy a night out on Walking Street. For at least the last ten years (possibly more) it has become a complete freak show and I can barely stand spending more than five minutes there.


I wouldn't want to see them "gentrify" it,  just somehow return it to the way it was in the early nineties. Not much chance of that I guess.

Walking street its less in u face and ears now then one year ago.maybe u liked walkingstreet more in the nineties because u was 20 years younger that u are today.

1 hour ago, payttayasquirt said:

Interesting experience with Indians at a gogo the other night. They were allowed to sit there with no drinks which I thought was incredibly generous. But give them an inch and they take a mile, so one of them started discretely taking pics... Got busted and were immediately set up on by the lady staff screaming at them to delete the pictures this went on for 10 minute's while he refused to hand over his phone at which point the door man strode in, grabbed him by the hair and dragged him outside.

I nearly cheered lol

But the headline will read Indians bashed at gogo

Much of the crappie news on TV is only one sided.. Stupid farang take the bait every time

very true Malaysians are bad at this too buy a bottle water and take pics of the girls with signs everywhere saying no pics this guy almost certainly took the piss and got chucked out


Frankly, I never liked it because it is phony and there is no reality to any of the conversations between the customers and the service personnel. Even when speaking in Thai- the smiles are phony; the attitudes are bad and sometimes the girls are not real. It has never really been a fun place because the bars and girls exist for only one reason- to get as much money as they can with the least amount of effort. It has nothing to do with age but understanding what is really gong on behind the smiles.


The owners in Pattaya are touchy after the Daily Mirror coverage. Yes there have been plenty of UK tabloid exposes of Pattaya before but this time it seems to have hit the mark much more than previously. That accounts for the "Who are you working for" questioning.


A troll post has been removed along with one reply to it

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

4 hours ago, Bartman1369 said:

Where is this encyclopedia of "resarch" I have lived here 18 months and it's the first I've heard about not taking pictures in a bar. If you cannot use cameras there should be a sign on the entrance to the establishment. 

It's not about a bar, but about a Disco, and yes there are sign inside this one to not take photos.


5 hours ago, reallybigken said:

// And what does nationality (owner Indian and he is Indian) have to do with it. //


Sorry but the nationality has a lot to do in this case.

This Indian guy was in the Walking Street Indian-owned disco who targets quiet-exclusively people from India and Pakistan. Because this category of people tends to like rather "large" ladies (yes, a generalisation, but real enough) you find in this disco many "African ladies" (mainly from Madagascar) and many large "Russian ladies" (mainly from Afghanistan). The owners clearly don't want too much advertisement about what happens inside this disco, and there are "No photos" signs inside. (Photos are not a problem in many other WS discos). It's still possible to get pics  from your friends by asking to an employee, same as in many agogos.


Now taking pictures is not an excuse enough for violence, but I disagree on some previous posts that Pattaya or Walking Street is dangerous for tourists. Tourists usually respect such rules and then have no problems :)


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