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New vaccum recommendation wanted...


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Hi Chiang Mai folks,


I would like to purchase a new vacuum but...which model? Can anyone point me in the right direction based on personal experience? I've always liked shop vacs as they are strong, indestructible, and will suck up anything but I am not necessarily stuck on a shop vac. I don't have any carpeting. I have a lot of space so not worried about size. I do have a lot of dirt and dust and debris. My current little Phillips model of at least 5 years  shuts down due to overheating after 10 or 15 minutes (depending on season); I certainly would like to avoid that problem. And they don't even make bags for it anymore. Thank you.

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From what you say Im not sure if you want a vacuum for your workshop or your house! If its for a workshop then Id say stick with a big shop type beastie (Like those wet and dry ones) If however its for around your house then Id reccomend an Electrolux Ergo Easy.  We have one at home its a 2000w model with Hepa filter and no requirement for damn bags.


Its very good in capturing dust and has loads of power. Perhaps the only downside is that the hepa filter can get clogged up rather fast if there is lots of dust in your house.  However it does come with 2 filters and they are easy to clean.


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Have recently replaced a Hitachi no bag CVSH18 with a Sharp no bag EC-LS20.  The Hitachi was very noisy from day one and got ear piercing loud and was also a bear to clean.  The Sharp is half the price and seems to work just as well and much more quiet and easy to clean.  At the price consider it a throw away item if ever fails.

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thanks Kiwi. I don't know, too, exactly what I'm looking for! I like the ability of the shop vacs to suck up everything in their path...they don't seem persnickety about it. They are bigger, yes, so maybe a hassle to bring up the stairs. And not good on carpets. But on a hard floor they seem to work great. The ones I saw at Tesco were rated a lot lower in wattage than the small ones. But what does this translate to? Since you can't test them out it's a dilemma. 2000w sounds like a lot on your model. I'm from the States and I have a Craftsman big 'ol wet/dry shop vac that was used heavily 20 years ago (when I still lived there and was doing construction) and is still going strong (just cleaned out my dad's barn last I was there). I guess that's my reference point.

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Yeah, I'm probably giving too much thought on the issue. But it annoys me to go into the store, stare at 25 different models and have it come down to color, style, and price and not what should matter: function (since you can't try them out!). That's why I'm on here asking.


Thanks guys...


On a digression but...we once bought my mother a vacuum cleaner for Christmas back when I was just a pup. I mean, my sister, dad, and me. Can you believe that, a vacuum cleaner? What a slap in the face. I mean, we didn't know any better we were just kids but my dad.... So much for romanticism, among a host of other isms....

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Seen them in Central Pattaya and in Bangkok. I bought mine overseas before they were available here. The price is on par with other brands premium range. A little cheaper than Aust but higher than UK. 

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