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Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness dies aged 66


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5 minutes ago, thequietman said:

Didn't invade another country ?

Didn't try to wipe out the entire Irish population ?


 "The truth is startling, 67 out of 130 regiments of Britain's Empire army were in Ireland in this period (100,000 at any one time). The troops were not on a humanitarian mission. Their job was to remove food by force." - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2015/06/irish-potato-famine-was.html#sthash.0NU0OZuO.dpuf

So this guy didn't enforce blowing up soft targets....?

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Please do not derail this topic into discussing historic events, the topic is reporting on the death of an individual not politics and certainly not about Irish history or "the troubles" in Ireland.


If you wish to debate those, open another topic.

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1 hour ago, thequietman said:

Didn't invade another country ?

Didn't try to wipe out the entire Irish population ?


 "The truth is startling, 67 out of 130 regiments of Britain's Empire army were in Ireland in this period (100,000 at any one time). The troops were not on a humanitarian mission. Their job was to remove food by force." - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2015/06/irish-potato-famine-was.html#sthash.0NU0OZuO.dpuf

What did you make of the Enniskellen remembrance day bombing 30 years ago this year?


The day someone dies is not the time to stir up a sh1t-storm, & certainly not by rubbing the noses of present generations in the actions or otherwise of their forbears. If anyone feels otherwise I'd gladly join in if we (yes the ENGLISH too) could first start at the Romans, followed by the Danes, Normans........


You could hear a pin drop when the Chingford Skinhead was asked for his opinion on live TV an hour ago.




Edited by evadgib
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2 hours ago, thequietman said:

Didn't invade another country ?

Didn't try to wipe out the entire Irish population ?


 "The truth is startling, 67 out of 130 regiments of Britain's Empire army were in Ireland in this period (100,000 at any one time). The troops were not on a humanitarian mission. Their job was to remove food by force." - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2015/06/irish-potato-famine-was.html#sthash.0NU0OZuO.dpuf

This article is promoted by a writer who laments that -


"Ireland like many European nations is undergoing the genocide by cultural Marxism, mass immigration of third worlders, minority rights of LGBT, feminists to undermine marriage, gender leading to moral collapse."


I wonder how they feel about the large number of Thai's who live in Ireland nowadays? Must really hate any katoys who managed slip through the immigration dragnet.


Let us only hope that the IRA are as dead a part of history as the Potato famines and that MM's murderous activities are buried deep in histories dung pile. 


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2 hours ago, evadgib said:

What did you make of the Enniskellen remembrance day bombing 30 years ago this year?


The day someone dies is not the time to stir up a sh1t-storm, & certainly not by rubbing the noses of present generations in the actions or otherwise of their forbears. If anyone feels otherwise I'd gladly join in if we (yes the ENGLISH too) could first start at the Romans, followed by the Danes, Normans........


You could hear a pin drop when the Chingford Skinhead was asked for his opinion on live TV an hour ago.




I condemned this act as did Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness.  


"I hope there will be no more Enniskillen's and I am deeply sorry about what happened in Enniskillen," Mr Adams told the BBC.

"But I think we can only have a guarantee of a peaceful future when we tackle the root causes of the conflict and when we resolve them," said the leader of Sinn Fein, the political wing of the IRA.


We could go around and around with this contentious topic. The reality is the British should never have been in the North of Ireland and to quote many people on here in regards to Thailand.....................if they weren't there then none of this would have happened.

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2 hours ago, Goldpanner said:

The man was a cold blooded murderer of men women and children. THAT fact cant be ignored. He never had the balls to admit he pulled the trigger either.

He should have been hanged or been in Prison for his life. I hope he died slowly and painfully and there will be parties in N Ireland tonight.

<removed>. He wont be missed.

Not true, in fact, he always admitted his involvement.


Quote : “I was proud to be a member of the IRA. I am still - 40 years on - proud that I was a member of the IRA."

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48 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

I suspect there won't be an outpouring of grief, nor of sympathy.

I fear this is incorrect Recently in the Northern Ireland elections Sinn Fein polled 224,245 votes up 3.9% to 27.9%. That's significantly more people than will mourn your death when you go.

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More off topic posts removed.


Anyone else persisting to expand this thread into debate on the Irish "troubles" of the past or other Historic events will now be suspended without further warning.

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