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Five dead, at least 40 injured in UK parliament 'terrorist' attack


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2 hours ago, vogie said:

Yes Andrew Neil was spot on, but I'm not sure even he could give a "solution" to the crisis, there isn't one. The seed has now been sowed and I'm afraid it's something we are going to live with. We cannot send them back as they are british (small 'b' intentional). They all sing from the same song sheet, but some just sing a little louder than others!

What Andrew Niel, the politicians and the rest of the media don't seem to understand is that these

radicalised islamic scum are retaliating to the western forces bombing and maiming of civilians in Syria,

Iraq, and Afghanistan.


They strongly believe in an "eye for an eye" and that's how they understand to respond.


He's way off the mark when he compares the British publics resolute against the Luftwaffe because we

could identify who the enemy were as they were a military force, not a terrorist organisation. 


The only way we can have a chance of peace is to withdraw all western military activity from the above

mentioned countries and leave them to their own resources. 

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1 minute ago, sotsira said:

What Andrew Niel, the politicians and the rest of the media don't seem to understand is that these

radicalised islamic scum are retaliating to the western forces bombing and maiming of civilians in Syria,

Iraq, and Afghanistan.


They strongly believe in an "eye for an eye" and that's how they understand to respond.


He's way off the mark when he compares the British publics resolute against the Luftwaffe because we

could identify who the enemy were as they were a military force, not a terrorist organisation. 


The only way we can have a chance of peace is to withdraw all western military activity from the above

mentioned countries and leave them to their own resources. 

Carry on killing and raping women and children is your fix....?


The West fixed Bosnia when enough was enough.....Sadly Rwanda did not have the Wests help..

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Not a joke,  how on earth do you know what their thinking,  haven't you learnt anything about their religion.

I can only speak of my experience of living and working with many Muslims during my many years of living and working in London. Also, I don't consider myself to be Islamophobic.
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1 minute ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I can only speak of my experience of living and working with many Muslims during my many years of living and working in London. Also, I don't consider myself to be Islamophobic.

So YOU know what folk are thinking about YOU...........?

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7 minutes ago, sotsira said:

What Andrew Niel, the politicians and the rest of the media don't seem to understand is that these

radicalised islamic scum are retaliating to the western forces bombing and maiming of civilians in Syria,

Iraq, and Afghanistan.


They strongly believe in an "eye for an eye" and that's how they understand to respond.


He's way off the mark when he compares the British publics resolute against the Luftwaffe because we

could identify who the enemy were as they were a military force, not a terrorist organisation. 


The only way we can have a chance of peace is to withdraw all western military activity from the above

mentioned countries and leave them to their own resources. 

You don't think the islamic workshop manual has anything to with it then. 

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

Carry on killing and raping women and children is your fix....?


The West fixed Bosnia when enough was enough.....Sadly Rwanda did not have the Wests help..

No trans it's not my fix and neither is bombing innocent women and children,

but sadly that is the reality of the situation if people want this to stop happening on British


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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

You don't think the islamic workshop manual has anything to with it then. 

Not as much as the actions of the western military has especially 

when you look back at the time all this kicked off.

The Islamic workshop manual has been around for 1600 yrs where as the 

perverted radicalisation of it started 16 yrs ago with 9/11.

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Just now, sotsira said:

No trans it's not my fix and neither is bombing innocent women and children,

but sadly that is the reality of the situation if people want this to stop happening on British


Brits are stronger than that....We came to the aid of Poland and France with NOTHING......


Ordinary street Brits paid in a big way for helping ordinary folk against a shit regime...


Ordinary Brits do NOT give a shit about these religious nutters, nutters that like what Brits have and milk, until they go into a "fuzz" and become confused about happiness....

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3 minutes ago, sotsira said:

Not as much as the actions of the western military has especially 

when you look back at the time all this kicked off.

The Islamic workshop manual has been around for 1600 yrs where as the 

perverted radicalisation of it started 16 yrs ago with 9/11.

And in the same breath the dislike of islam also, I can show you men being burned alive in cages, eyes cut out whilst alive, people paraded and having their heads cut off, women stoned to death for no reason, can you show me acts of similar sordid degradation performed by the west. Maybe if one of the victims had been your wife, your sister or your son or daughter maybe you would be singing from a different songsheet. 

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

Brits are stronger than that....We came to the aid of Poland and France with NOTHING......


Ordinary street Brits paid in a big way for helping ordinary folk against a shit regime...


Ordinary Brits do NOT give a shit about these religious nutters, nutters that like what Brits have and milk, until they go into a "fuzz" and become confused about happiness....

Like i said before, this problem has no comparison to World War Two,

This is a terrorist organisation not a military fighting against us.

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1 minute ago, sotsira said:

Like i said before, this problem has no comparison to World War Two,

This is a terrorist organisation not a military fighting against us.

It is a religion offshoot with guns............Anyone with guns is military....

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18 minutes ago, sotsira said:

No trans it's not my fix and neither is bombing innocent women and children,

but sadly that is the reality of the situation if people want this to stop happening on British


If security analysts are correct the military defeat of ISIS / al Qaeda i.e. Salifi motivated groups will not bring about the cessation of Islamist terror attacks in the West and elsewhere. In fact analysts are forecasting the West will face ongoing challenges from Islamist extremist terrorism for decades as will other regions. Let's hope the analysts are incorrect, but for the moment it doesn't seem that any group/s are able to identify and implement lasting solutions to remove the threat in the near term.

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11 minutes ago, sotsira said:

Like i said before, this problem has no comparison to World War Two,

This is a terrorist organisation not a military fighting against us.

I think the comparison is that they are both trying to kill us.

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21 minutes ago, vogie said:

And in the same breath the dislike of islam also, I can show you men being burned alive in cages, eyes cut out whilst alive, people paraded and having their heads cut off, women stoned to death for no reason, can you show me acts of similar sordid degradation performed by the west. Maybe if one of the victims had been your wife, your sister or your son or daughter maybe you would be singing from a different songsheet. 

The ultra violence and resultant chaos we see today was documented as a political strategy by an al Qaeda member in a document called the  "Management of Savagery" and followed through by ISIS.



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The ultra violence and resultant chaos we see today was documented as a political strategy by an al Qaeda member in a document called the  "Management of Savagery" and followed through by ISIS.

Al Qaeda and ISIS are not the same.

Different origins and different leadership...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
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4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

The ultra violence and resultant chaos we see today was documented as a political strategy by an al Qaeda member in a document called the  "Management of Savagery" and followed through by ISIS.



I'll give the link a pass I think, 280 pages is too much for me thanks. Your summary would suffice?

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36 minutes ago, vogie said:

I'll give the link a pass I think, 280 pages is too much for me thanks. Your summary would suffice?

It's laughable to think that they have any form of coherent intellectually reasoned strategy. I have no doubt that in due course some university will be offering PHD places in Islamic Terrorism and spokesmen will be styling themselves as Dr.......

We might even get to the stage where one of their leaders shakes hands with the Queen. Such a spectacle is not unknown in recent history !

In reality they are nothing more than psychopathic murderous scum who deserve the same brutal treatment as they mete out to others. 

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7 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

Ridiculous response.

First, he offers no understanding of what this kind of thing is all about, and obviously has no understanding.

Second, this wasn't an attack on British democracy, that's just ethnocentric insecurity.

Third, the UK is in the grip of absolute terror over this - they really are making themselves look weak and timorous with the frantic, blanket coverage since the attack - in that respect, this act of terrorism has absolutely succeeded - absolutely succeeded - Brits need to be playing this down, not up - we don't need the Archbishop of Canterbury making speeches outside Parliament.

Fourth, I don't go for the relentless hagiography over the dead policeman, who was doing the job he chose to do and knew precisely the danger he was exposed to at that post. Other people died too. Victim-sympathy seems to be the growing the new trend - we get personal sob-stories about all of them - to my mind, that's unseemly and inappropriate.



I agree. The media completely over egged the situation. Starve them of publicity. Embarrass them if you can. Pour scorn on them.

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1 hour ago, Thorgal said:


Al Qaeda and ISIS are not the same.

Different origins and different leadership...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


Never said they are the 'same', but it is confirmed ISIS follow the strategy outlined in Management of Savagery, taken up by AQI, who were eventually defeated by the "Anbar Awakening" project.

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16 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Andrew Neil hits the nail on the head.



 Indeed he did.


Throughout the piece, and at 3:02.


They come in all shapes, all sizes, all colours, all faiths. They are the British people.


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3 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I can only speak of my experience of living and working with many Muslims during my many years of living and working in London. Also, I don't consider myself to be Islamophobic.

Fair call,  maybe depends on what Muslim believe they follow if you follow my meaning.

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26 minutes ago, nontabury said:

This problem will only be sorted by the williness of all, to INTEGRATE.


 So how are we doing so far.




I posted a detailed comment on that video, broadcast by Channel 4 in 2011, the last time it was posted here.


I wont do so again, you can search back for it if you like; but in it I did show the problems in that particular school, measures that had been taken against those problems and that, sadly, all is still not well with it.


The measures taken included Dispatches Mosque teacher jailed


A teacher secretly filmed by Channel 4's Dispatches hitting and kicking children during Qur'an lessons at a Mosque in Keighley was today (23rd November 2012) sentenced to ten weeks in prison for assault on children in his care.

At a separate Islamic school, Dispatches exposed what the Department for Education (DfE) has described as ‘a culture of intolerance'. The headmaster at Darul Uloom Islamic High School in Birmingham has since been replaced and a number of teachers have been dismissed following a crackdown on intolerant teaching by DfE.

Was that school typical? I don't know;  but it is not just Muslim schools which teach intolerance.


The PM must crack down on madrassas, but it’s not just Muslim schools that breed intolerance


It is underreported, for instance, that thousands of Jewish children in strictly Orthodox yeshivas grow up learning no English, cut off from the rest of society and taught to fear or even hate those outside their immediate communities. It is underreported that a huge number of children continue to be fed homophobic and racist doctrine in a variety of Christian settings. Earlier this year a Christian school was even placed in special measures after failing to tackle homophobic bullying.


Intolerance of others with different beliefs; teaching children to hate others because they have a different faith, ethnicity or sexuality is evil and must be stopped; wherever it occurs.


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5 hours ago, transam said:

I was with Christianity a zillion years back, religious instruction at school, even Sunday school at the local church, but the big but there was.....NO mention of other folks religions, NO mention of killing other folk, in fact quite the opposite...When my life moved on I dismissed all religious stuff....There was no proof, there still is no proof....End of story...

Yeah Sunday school and Jesus stuff and the virgin Mary thing got to me even at a young age thinking Joseph was a bit thick in the brain department. :laugh:

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7 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Intolerance of others with different beliefs; teaching children to hate others because they have a different faith, ethnicity or sexuality is evil and must be stopped; wherever it occurs.

Well you should tell the sharia law muslins followers that before you lose your head, and l mean literally.

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