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Greetings all, I recently visited the hospital nearest and asked whether it was possible to be prescribed Testosterone as a friend, who was a medic for many years, suggested it as the best option. Unfortunately the reasons behind that are personal and not something I would like to discuss on-line, although I suspect many can get the gist of it.  I made the mistake if not being so upfront with the doctor either, partly because it was a woman and her English was not so great, so I wasn't sure she would understand. In any event I left and nothing was achieved. I wondered if it is necessary to go to a hospital to get a prescription of that or not? What other options are there?


I am not prepared to go into the cause as to why it was asked for and I am certainly not interested in any opinions whatsoever concerning alternatives to it and so on, all such comments will be ignored immediately. All I want to know is if someone is advised to take testosterone, do they have to go to a hospital and consult a doctor or are there alternative options. No references to fake products, enhancing products or any silly nonsense, just answer the question.


Well Pard neer,


Been on the trail with not wanting to be up front with a female MD.  However, it is best to consult an MD....just go to another clinic... chances are you going to hit a male doctor, if you are in BKK, plenty about.  


It is best so you get the right strength and route of administration,  and schedule as this will most likely be injectable.  Best to have this down.


Going to a Pharmacy, well if you get a pharmacist, they will try to advise you to see the MD first.. the Owner, some will try to sell you something, better not.


Best to take care or your body ..


All the best...  simply see a male MD..plenty about...after hours clinic...


It is possible to buy this over the counter and DIY, but it is not advisable.


You should get a proper medical work up first, including T levels, digital prostate exam and PSA. It is important to exclude a pre-existing cancer of the prostate before strarting T replacement. And if your T levels are already normal, you will undergo unnecessary expense and soem risks by taking it when the cause of the problem might in fact lie elsewhere.


There are male doctors specializing in male health issues who can help you with this. Where in Thailand are you located?

15 hours ago, Deserted said:

I suspect that is over-priced. 

  • Did you even bother to inquire?
  • Do you know which services the clinic offers? 
  • Have a nice day.

I know this is a bit out of the way, but I go and see Dr. Olivier Meyer in Pattaya. I have seen him several times over the last 10 years, always have a good talk and discuss the meds that he uses. I have got Nebido (Bayer) which is once every three months and Testoviron. I suffer with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, plus my Test level was about 12 on the scale they use in Australia. Under 7 I would have got the drug for $6.20, but I pay in OZ $147.00. Its always hard to go somewhere and ask only to be rejected. Dr Olivier I believe is a good doctor, if you want to go that far. No appointment needed. http://www.dr-olivier-clinic.com/


Whatever you decide you want to put into your body just make sure its authentic and from  a reputable qualified  source.

Dont risk it! 


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On 26-3-2017 at 8:39 PM, whoareyou said:

Testocaps can be bought at chemist in BKK with out prescription.
Dosage can be researched on countless Internet sites and forums.
It's not at dangerous drug.

Yes dosage can be researched, however its also smart to do some blood tests to see what levels your at.


I know  this will disappoint many, but the syndrome of "Low T" is not as widespread as  claimed and is specific to individuals with a defined medical problem, hypogonadism.  

What is known and is now  the subject of extensive litigation is that  Androgen Replacement Therapy, has significant risks and there are adverse reactions. The use of testosterone to boost energy levels and "cure" erectile dysfunction was and is inappropriate in most cases. In plain language, testosterone pills, injections or potions cannot and will not "cure" erectile dysfunction. It is  impossible.

The physician acted appropriately in denying a prescription for an inappropriate use. Yes, there are some charlatans who will dispense the product. There are also idiots  who  hand out antibiotics like candy. Self medication  with testosterone will  cause many of its uses to suffer cardiac injury.  


I tested low for testosterone a few years ago but never did anything about it until a month ago when I could no longer tolerate the fatigue and other common symptoms.


So, I started at Urology at Bumrungrad to get a psa test and digital rectal exam. Passed both and asked for standard testosterone blood tests. The doctor said he only tests total T and not free T or other blood tests. Wrong. So, referred to endocrine doc in Urology and got tests back low. Dr. recommended adrogel sachets which are widely available here (2800 baht at Boots and 2300 Baht at On Nut pharmacy)


I am hesitant on the gels and wanted injections. The Bumrungrad endo doctor said Thailand does not allow patients to self inject. ?? So I said thank you very much and went to see Dr. OLivier in Pattaya. I did not know about Vitalife at Bumrungrad and thought Urology was the place to go for TRT. A mistake. Vitalife sounds like it is worth a try.


Very pleased with Dr. Olivier in Pattaya. Got everything from him and now doing my own injections and will get some blood tests done in Bangkok on my own. I am on testoviron injection 250 mg every 2 weeks and feel great the first week and tired the second week so will need some adjustments and more blood tests to get dosage right. But already dropped some weight (flab around the middle) and have enough energy and desire to do some exercise. 


As has been stated before blood tests are required before doing anything. Just going to a pharmacy and buying androgel in crazy. Once on trt your testicles shut down and it is difficult to get them started again. So be sure you need this. 


The testocaps were available in many pharmacies until a few months ago. Suddenly no one currently has these any longer and say they can not reorder. 

I tested low for testosterone a few years ago but never did anything about it until a month ago when I could no longer tolerate the fatigue and other common symptoms.
So, I started at Urology at Bumrungrad to get a psa test and digital rectal exam. Passed both and asked for standard testosterone blood tests. The doctor said he only tests total T and not free T or other blood tests. Wrong. So, referred to endocrine doc in Urology and got tests back low. Dr. recommended adrogel sachets which are widely available here (2800 baht at Boots and 2300 Baht at On Nut pharmacy)
I am hesitant on the gels and wanted injections. The Bumrungrad endo doctor said Thailand does not allow patients to self inject. ?? So I said thank you very much and went to see Dr. OLivier in Pattaya. I did not know about Vitalife at Bumrungrad and thought Urology was the place to go for TRT. A mistake. Vitalife sounds like it is worth a try.
Very pleased with Dr. Olivier in Pattaya. Got everything from him and now doing my own injections and will get some blood tests done in Bangkok on my own. I am on testoviron injection 250 mg every 2 weeks and feel great the first week and tired the second week so will need some adjustments and more blood tests to get dosage right. But already dropped some weight (flab around the middle) and have enough energy and desire to do some exercise. 
As has been stated before blood tests are required before doing anything. Just going to a pharmacy and buying androgel in crazy. Once on trt your testicles shut down and it is difficult to get them started again. So be sure you need this. 
The testocaps were available in many pharmacies until a few months ago. Suddenly no one currently has these any longer and say they can not reorder. 

The half life is 8 days.

Better to inject 125mg per week then 250 per 2 weeks.
23 hours ago, robblok said:

The half life is 8 days.

Better to inject 125mg per week then 250 per 2 weeks.

Better not to inject unless one has an actual case of hypogonadism, which is rare. Once on the drug, it is extremely difficult to come off. It's the gift that keeps on giving.


In the USA, there are now in excess of 7,000 claims alone against the suppliers of some androgen replacement therapy drugs. The common allegation is that the drug manufacturers failed to issue adequate warnings about the risks of the products, risks which are ignored on this thread and which are very serious.

The reality for  users of testosterone  is that they will have an increased risk of heart attacks, stroke, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism, and other circulatory complications. Physicians have been warned not to dispense the drug without thorough testing, a confirmed diagnosis, and an attempt at alternative strategies including  diet and exercise as well as a psychiatric assessment if the problem presents in the absence of actual damage to the testes.


Better not to inject unless one has an actual case of hypogonadism, which is rare. Once on the drug, it is extremely difficult to come off. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
In the USA, there are now in excess of 7,000 claims alone against the suppliers of some androgen replacement therapy drugs. The common allegation is that the drug manufacturers failed to issue adequate warnings about the risks of the products, risks which are ignored on this thread and which are very serious.
The reality for  users of testosterone  is that they will have an increased risk of heart attacks, stroke, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism, and other circulatory complications. Physicians have been warned not to dispense the drug without thorough testing, a confirmed diagnosis, and an attempt at alternative strategies including  diet and exercise as well as a psychiatric assessment if the problem presents in the absence of actual damage to the testes.

Injecting or creme or caps all shut you down. 7000 cases is not a lot given how widely it is used.

But its good to mention the risks people should know the dangers too.

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