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Thaksin files defamation complaint against two TV hosts


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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


But, some people swallow the propaganda, even when research is so easy these days, and believe it's all political. The only thing political is using political positions and influence to steal very large sums of money

It is political motivated when the corruption agencies only investigated and charged him while corruption of others aligned politicians and military personnel are never investigated and charged ??

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He did do a job of running the country, but imo i believe he did exploit the loophole in the tax laws.


If he just paid all the taxes, then all other reasons to oust him would not stand, but he would still be ousted for being too popular.


Whether u r on any side , none of them is clean. Thats politics n politicians for u.

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On ‎3‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 10:42 PM, thai3 said:


More like fled the country to avoid political persecution, good luck to him.

Well the deck was stacked against Thaksin, however all self inflicted , like the inquiry into Shincorp with massive profits since he became PM,  the deal with Burma , the four thousand drug related executions  and disappearing's without trial,  that the UN was investigating, the murders of Muslims herded  into that mosque,  yeah you could say he was persecuted. .......................................:coffee1:

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thai politics  a never-ending tragi-drama; entertaining , sure; but pity, really; happens everywhere ? perhaps to a degree but thailand is really a wide outer orbit;

not proud of it but when my nephew graduated from high school , he asked my opinion on what path to take; at that time; 5 years ago, i said 1) corrupt politician 2) corrupt police 3) corrupt beauracrat;

he wanted to be a teacher but i told him thailand does not have an education system

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On 25/03/2017 at 1:55 PM, scorecard said:


- Massive abuse of power to aid his family to buy land which is the common wealth of all Thai, documents all signed on TV, numerous state officials standing around all looking very sheepish, 'this is illegal probably on their mind' but too scared to say anything.


- Involvement is the massive KT bank totally innappropriate loan to Myanmar government so that they had the funds to buy the paymasters products. Case already heard and several KT senior staff now in jail on 18 year sentences.


- Some 15 more cases, already shown many times that the evidence is overwhelming... 


But of course it's all just politically motivated. 



Not all of it perhaps but a lot of it is.Even his political opponents don't deny that - see Wikileaks and passim.However the old dinosaurs on Thai Visa are content to repeat the same old lies, though to be fair so did the silly old Sino Thai matrons in my muubaan, though they unlike you have long become tired of the subject.

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58 minutes ago, jayboy said:

Not all of it perhaps but a lot of it is.Even his political opponents don't deny that - see Wikileaks and passim.However the old dinosaurs on Thai Visa are content to repeat the same old lies, though to be fair so did the silly old Sino Thai matrons in my muubaan, though they unlike you have long become tired of the subject.


Lies, please share.

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3 hours ago, YetAnother said:

thai politics  a never-ending tragi-drama; entertaining , sure; but pity, really; happens everywhere ? perhaps to a degree but thailand is really a wide outer orbit;

not proud of it but when my nephew graduated from high school , he asked my opinion on what path to take; at that time; 5 years ago, i said 1) corrupt politician 2) corrupt police 3) corrupt beauracrat;

he wanted to be a teacher but i told him thailand does not have an education system

Sound advice. Met my friend last night, been a Thai Teacher for 5 years. Barely above 10k THB per month. Could not even afford to buy a house in BKK. He had to save n build a house in Ratchaburi for 300k on his father's land n request for a transfer to a school in his home province.



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Lies, please share.

You can't even get basic facts right.KT loan was nothing to do with Burma.You have confused it with expert credit support from Eximbank, exactly the kind of work the latter is meant to do.Was Thaksin imprudent? Of course.Was the judicial attack on Thaksin politically motivated? Of course - nobody denies it except the geniuses who explain everything wrong with the country as Thaksin related.

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Don't you just love the judicial system here :) Defamation is a criminal offense so from the cops to GA everybody has to investigate - having of course nothing to due whether you are a fugitive of law, neither the fact you don't have to even present the case yourself. 

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Found this article whilst surfing the web. Nine people have been arrested since the raid and seizure of arms in Pathum Thani. One of these people claimed Charupong knew about the weapons.Theerachai Uttarawichien, one of the nine suspects, told a media briefing at the CSD that he believed there was a link between the seized weapons and Mr Charupong.


Now to quote:-

About 300 golden teak planks were found buried about three metres under ground.

More diggings are to be carried out to search for war weapons thought to be hidden in the resort.

Dr Charuwong was not at the resort and was believed to have escaped overseas while Mr Charupong is also living in exile abroad.

This article is dated :- August 09, 2014


So the former interior minister Charupong Ruangsuwan is also under suspicion of storing weapons so it is understandable why he is linked to Ko Tee and maybe even to Thaksin.

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On 3/25/2017 at 9:39 AM, maoro2013 said:

As Thaksin is a convicted criminal I wouldn't have thought he had the right to bring charges against anyone.

There are some regimes,where they can apply this sort of punishment:

"deprive of public rights";where are you from?former Stasi agent left behind?

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A small correction Scorecard.
The loan to Myanmar was through the Eximbank. The KT loan, in which Oak was involved, was AFAIK property related.

Hardly a small correction.He obsessively bangs on year after year to the exclusion of any nuance or context ( especially the undoubted witch hunt aspects ) but doesn't even understand the basic facts of the charges against Thaksin.

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On 26/03/2017 at 6:06 PM, Eric Loh said:

It is political motivated when the corruption agencies only investigated and charged him while corruption of others aligned politicians and military personnel are never investigated and charged ??

The "Little Johnny did it too!" defence. Who cares if the prosecution is politically motivated when the charge is proven. Does the political motivation reduce the level of his criminality?

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The "Little Johnny did it too!" defence. Who cares if the prosecution is politically motivated when the charge is proven. Does the political motivation reduce the level of his criminality?

It certainly brings it into question and in any event very few of the alleged offences have come to trial so talk of "criminality" is largely beside the point.

But the real issue is that when a person is pursued by his enemies in the state through a vindictive witch hunt ( for reasons which have nothing to do with alleged offences ) there is no justice at all - and rogues like Thaksin get way with it and end up claiming the moral high ground.

No civilised country would dream of extraditing Thaksin for the reasons I have outlined above.The fact that his alleged offences are all rather trifling simply confirm that fact.And of course his pursuers do not dare invoke Thaksin's really serious alleged offences (drugs war, atrocities in South etc ) because they themselves are often complicit.

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On 24 March, 2017 at 11:37 AM, darksidedog said:

He will have to appear personally, or send someone with Power of Attorney. What do you think he will do?

This is what legal counsel does. When I litigate against someone, I am not going to waste my time  going to court. legal counsel is paid to represent my interests.

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On 29/03/2017 at 5:37 PM, jayboy said:


It certainly brings it into question and in any event very few of the alleged offences have come to trial so talk of "criminality" is largely beside the point.

But the real issue is that when a person is pursued by his enemies in the state through a vindictive witch hunt ( for reasons which have nothing to do with alleged offences ) there is no justice at all - and rogues like Thaksin get way with it and end up claiming the moral high ground.

No civilised country would dream of extraditing Thaksin for the reasons I have outlined above.The fact that his alleged offences are all rather trifling simply confirm that fact.And of course his pursuers do not dare invoke Thaksin's really serious alleged offences (drugs war, atrocities in South etc ) because they themselves are often complicit.

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His offences haven't come to trial because he refuses to face his accusers, even when his sister is PM. By your definition Al Capone wasn't a criminal, only a tax-dodger, just another similarity.

There is nothing trivial in the theft of a billion baht from KTB for which his co-accused have been given lengthy jail terms, or the financing of terrorism.

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On 26-3-2017 at 7:16 PM, jayboy said:

Not all of it perhaps but a lot of it is.Even his political opponents don't deny that - see Wikileaks and passim.However the old dinosaurs on Thai Visa are content to repeat the same old lies, though to be fair so did the silly old Sino Thai matrons in my muubaan, though they unlike you have long become tired of the subject.

Even if a lot of it is motivated politically that leaves enough things that are not and show how corrupt the guy is and that he deserves to be in jail. None of these charges are made up, they are all valid. 


That they go after him because he is not liked does not make it political.. it does not change that the crimes he committed are real however much you might want to think different. If we both drive through red and I get stopped and you are not does that make me innocent too ? or are we both guilty and you were just lucky to get away with it. 


The crimes are real.. the prosecution might be based on who he is.. but that does not change the crimes. In a perfect world everyone get prosecuted and jailed for the crimes. But I still prefer that some go to jail for real crimes then none at all. Because that is what many Shin supporters suggest. let him go because others are not held accountable.


Id say.. don't do the crime then you wont be convicted of stuff.  


At least now at least some politicians will be less corrupt because they know what can happen if they fall out of grace.. if there is no punishment ever for the politicians then the corruption would be far worse then it is now. 



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10 minutes ago, robblok said:

Even if a lot of it is motivated politically that leaves enough things that are not and show how corrupt the guy is and that he deserves to be in jail. None of these charges are made up, they are all valid. 


That they go after him because he is not liked does not make it political.. it does not change that the crimes he committed are real however much you might want to think different. If we both drive through red and I get stopped and you are not does that make me innocent too ? or are we both guilty and you were just lucky to get away with it. 


The crimes are real.. the prosecution might be based on who he is.. but that does not change the crimes. In a perfect world everyone get prosecuted and jailed for the crimes. But I still prefer that some go to jail for real crimes then none at all. Because that is what many Shin supporters suggest. let him go because others are not held accountable.


Id say.. don't do the crime then you wont be convicted of stuff.  


At least now at least some politicians will be less corrupt because they know what can happen if they fall out of grace.. if there is no punishment ever for the politicians then the corruption would be far worse then it is now. 



The naivety and ignorance is staggering.Has he read any of the available source materials all easilyavailable? He actually believes "they" go after Thaksin because of the latter's corruption, as though "they" were not wallowing in corruption up to their armpits.It's nothing to do with corruption of course as the intelligent opponents of Thaksin freely admit.Certainly it's about power and influence but political strife was ever thus.I have ignored another genius of the same stripe who has started wittering on about the financing of terrorism.I think most Thais know who the real terrorists are.

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Poor old boy; haven't heard anything positive from the other side for a while and this one pops up. He has done this before and won. Might be looking under a pineapple or in the can for support on this one.


Come on Robbo, there are two types of corruption the one you get caught for as being on the wrong side and the one you don't as its the party. Far worse, sounds like an understatement.


Any way I will have those really big prawns with my sub's and extra military hardware. and some gold bars. The tooth fairy will bring the bars and leave them under my pillow! What a surprise!

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The naivety and ignorance is staggering.Has he read any of the available source materials all easilyavailable? He actually believes "they" go after Thaksin because of the latter's corruption, as though "they" were not wallowing in corruption up to their armpits.It's nothing to do with corruption of course as the intelligent opponents of Thaksin freely admit.Certainly it's about power and influence but political strife was ever thus.I have ignored another genius of the same stripe who has started wittering on about the financing of terrorism.I think most Thais know who the real terrorists are.

Are his crimes real or not. Is he setup or did he break the law ?

Just a simple reply.. yes or no.
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And no answer to your question. 

The political card is boring. He broke the law and gets punished. It would be political if he was set up.

Sure others are not prosecuted and that is wrong but that does not make him innocent.

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The political card is boring. He broke the law and gets punished. It would be political if he was set up.

Sure others are not prosecuted and that is wrong but that does not make him innocent.

Nobody ever suggested Thaksin is innocent.To help you understand consider the case of Anwar in Malaysia.Perhaps he was guilty of the offence he was jailed for but only an ignorant turnip head would deny that the campaign against him was not politically motivated.

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17 minutes ago, jayboy said:

Nobody ever suggested Thaksin is innocent.To help you understand consider the case of Anwar in Malaysia.Perhaps he was guilty of the offence he was jailed for but only an ignorant turnip head would deny that the campaign against him was not politically motivated.

Lets make it easy for you. If he was not corrupt and had not abused his power he would not have any problems.

He caused his own problems without it they could not bring him down.

Are you suggesting he should not be prosecuted because others are not too ?

Do you prefer a criminal to walk because an other gets off ?

I prefer one in jail over 0.

Guess we got different morals. He is guilty and should pay. That others get off is bad but no reason to let him go.





And comparing Anwar his charges with those of Thaksin.. you are trying to make them less then they are.. naughty boy.






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46 minutes ago, jayboy said:

The naivety and ignorance is staggering.Has he read any of the available source materials all easilyavailable? He actually believes "they" go after Thaksin because of the latter's corruption, as though "they" were not wallowing in corruption up to their armpits.It's nothing to do with corruption of course as the intelligent opponents of Thaksin freely admit.Certainly it's about power and influence but political strife was ever thus.I have ignored another genius of the same stripe who has started wittering on about the financing of terrorism.I think most Thais know who the real terrorists are.

More wittering on (to use your own term) in defence of Thaksin.

Yes there is the power & influence bit about Thaksin's crimes, but to say there is no corruption factor is amazing from one who thinks he's somewhere above the general plebs who post on TV.

Using a term like 'rogue' and attempts to downplay the size ('trivial') of the billions that Thaksin has extracted from the Thai taxpayers is nothing but praising him with faint damnation, although it's probably more fake than faint.

He's now filed yet another defamation case against a Thai journalist & her paper - another attempted pound of flesh from a cowardly bloodsucker.


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23 minutes ago, robblok said:

Lets make it easy for you. If he was not corrupt and had not abused his power he would not have any problems.

He caused his own problems without it they could not bring him down.

Are you suggesting he should not be prosecuted because others are not too ?

Do you prefer a criminal to walk because an other gets off ?

I prefer one in jail over 0.

Guess we got different morals. He is guilty and should pay. That others get off is bad but no reason to let him go.





And comparing Anwar his charges with those of Thaksin.. you are trying to make them less then they are.. naughty boy.






His problems mostly derive from the fact he encouraged the rural majority and paid attention to their concerns.He became the most successful politician in Thailand and upset deep vested interests.He was neither virtuous nor personally admirable.If you are too dense to understand the Anwar point, it's hardly worth my while elaborating.Most will understand very well.

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4 minutes ago, khunken said:

More wittering on (to use your own term) in defence of Thaksin.

Yes there is the power & influence bit about Thaksin's crimes, but to say there is no corruption factor is amazing from one who thinks he's somewhere above the general plebs who post on TV.

Using a term like 'rogue' and attempts to downplay the size ('trivial') of the billions that Thaksin has extracted from the Thai taxpayers is nothing but praising him with faint damnation, although it's probably more fake than faint.

He's now filed yet another defamation case against a Thai journalist & her paper - another attempted pound of flesh from a cowardly bloodsucker.


Since I have specifically discussed Thaksin's corruption, it's odd to be accused of denying it.The charges levied against Thaksin are relatively trivial: the serious ones have never been in play for reasons most understand.Thaksin has the moral values of the Sino Thai tycoon class, ie very little but it's absurd to suggest he is somehow unique.

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8 minutes ago, jayboy said:

His problems mostly derive from the fact he encouraged the rural majority and paid attention to their concerns.He became the most successful politician in Thailand and upset deep vested interests.He was neither virtuous nor personally admirable.If you are too dense to understand the Anwar point, it's hardly worth my while elaborating.Most will understand very well.

Yes its hardly worth debating with someone who equals gay sex with massive corruption.


Its also hard to debate with someone who skips all the questions. He would never have had the problems if he did not break the law..  and the laws he broke were not minor at all like Anwar. Next time your comparing him with Ghandi. 



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6 minutes ago, jayboy said:

Since I have specifically discussed Thaksin's corruption, it's odd to be accused of denying it.The charges levied against Thaksin are relatively trivial: the serious ones have never been in play for reasons most understand.Thaksin has the moral values of the Sino Thai tycoon class, ie very little but it's absurd to suggest he is somehow unique.

Trivial.. massive corruption.

Talk about downplaying something. 



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