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Thousands demonstrate in London against leaving the EU


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Thousands demonstrate in London against leaving the EU


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Demonstrators hold banners during a Unite for Europe march in central London, Britain March 25, 2017. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls


LONDON (Reuters) - Thousands of people marched through London on Saturday to protest against Britain leaving the European Union, just four days before Prime Minister Theresa May launches the start of the formal divorce process from the bloc it joined 44 years ago.


The Unite for Europe march was due to end with a rally in Parliament Square, scene of this week's attack by British-born Islam convert Khalid Masood in which four people died.


Marchers observed a minute's silence in memory of the victims at the start of the demonstration.


In bright sunshine, they waved EU flags and banners with slogans like "So what's the Plan" and "Stop Brexit" as they made their way to parliament.


One banner from a marcher in Hastings on the south coast - scene of England's epoch-defining defeat to William, Duke of Normandy - read: "Hastings, in Europe since 1066."


Another simply said "Happy Birthday EU" in a reference to this weekend's 60th anniversary of the bloc's founding, currently being commemorated in Rome.


Joss Dennis was one of three coach loads of protesters who had travelled from Bristol in western England, which voted 62 percent to stay in the EU in last June's referendum compared with the national 52-48 percent vote to leave.


"With such a close vote, I don't see how anyone can call this the will of the people," she told Reuters. "We have so much to lose: environmentally, politically and financially.


"A terrible mistake has been made but the situation is not beyond redemption," she added.


May has been adamant she intends to take Britain out of the EU following the referendum and will formally announce the start of the two-year leaving process on Wednesday.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-26



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Bunch of cry baby anti-democratic losers.


"With such a close vote, I don't see how anyone can call this the will of the people," she told Reuters. "We have so much to lose: environmentally, politically and financially.


As if the lunatic europhiles would have given a damn about British parliamentary and judicial sovereignty if they'd have won.??????

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30 minutes ago, watso63 said:

Bunch of cry baby anti-democratic losers.


"With such a close vote, I don't see how anyone can call this the will of the people," she told Reuters. "We have so much to lose: environmentally, politically and financially.


As if the lunatic europhiles would have given a damn about British parliamentary and judicial sovereignty if they'd have won.??????


In a 2012 speech on the European Union (EU), Mr David Davis (now Brexit Secretary) said: “If a democracy cannot change its mind, it ceases to be a democracy”.

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1 hour ago, watso63 said:

Bunch of cry baby anti-democratic losers.


"With such a close vote, I don't see how anyone can call this the will of the people," she told Reuters. "We have so much to lose: environmentally, politically and financially.


As if the lunatic europhiles would have given a damn about British parliamentary and judicial sovereignty if they'd have won.??????


52 minutes ago, pitrevie said:


In a 2012 speech on the European Union (EU), Mr David Davis (now Brexit Secretary) said: “If a democracy cannot change its mind, it ceases to be a democracy”.

I think M.Gove summed it up in 2000 when he opposed the Good Friday Agreement


' THIS PAMPHLET OPENED WITH the contention that the surest guarantee of the health of a democracy is opposition.

There is merit in opposition for its own sake. No case is so virtuous it cannot benefit from testing. There is nothing wrong, and much to be said, for issuing a simple warning against a clearly disastrous course. On one level it is enough simply to counsel against a clearly disastrous course. The best alternative to joining the Gadarene swine is simply to say no. But there is also an obligation on those providing that opposition to offer a positive alternative. '

Edited by rockingrobin
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  • 1964 London convention allows European countries to fish in Britain's waters
  • Theresa May is expected to announce scrapping the deal within weeks
  • In combination with Brexit the move could spell a fresh start for UK fishermen



Britain is to pull out of a deal that allows European fishing vessels access to its waters, Theresa May is expected to announce.

The move would see the UK taken out of the 1964 London convention, which predates the establishment of the EU, and effectively give the country's fishermen a fresh start after Brexit.

Currently the agreement allows vessels from twelve other European countries to fish within six to 12 nautical miles of the British coast.




This lady is growing on me everyday, dailymail btw

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"A terrible mistake has been made but the situation is not beyond redemption,"

Only one thing for it, duck, fo over to be with your beloved friends. But just look at the loonies holding up the placards! No-hopers. No sense, no patriotism, no balls, mawkish, PC-'liberal'-minded fools, the lot of em. Makes me barf. If Britain ever has a proper war again, we'd be doomed putting up oxygen thieves like this.

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50 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Only one thing for it, duck, fo over to be with your beloved friends. But just look at the loonies holding up the placards! No-hopers. No sense, no patriotism, no balls, mawkish, PC-'liberal'-minded fools, the lot of em. Makes me barf. If Britain ever has a proper war again, we'd be doomed putting up oxygen thieves like this.

I think you hit the nail on the head with the mention of patriotism. Brexit is all about that - a large number of people who struggle to accept the fact that British exceptionalism is nothing but a myth, and has been for a century or more, and they think that by rejecting Europe, somehow we will ascend above our mediocrity and become imperious once again. Once this proves to be a non-starter and the UK continues to decline, what else have we got to rail against?

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1 hour ago, i claudius said:

Pick up your toys ,stick your dummies back in your mouths , get back in your prams , you lost ,now f off back to your homes babys .

How very erudite!


Let's see what the numpties think after they've been right royally shafted by the Con Party! I hope they have plenty of Vaseline handy!


As always, the biggest fools can not stand to hear an opposing argument.

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1 hour ago, daveAustin said:

Only one thing for it, duck, fo over to be with your beloved friends. But just look at the loonies holding up the placards! No-hopers. No sense, no patriotism, no balls, mawkish, PC-'liberal'-minded fools, the lot of em. Makes me barf. If Britain ever has a proper war again, we'd be doomed putting up oxygen thieves like this.

With people like you, I'd say it's odds on that the English will be in a war with anyone sooner or later. Why is it that Brexiteers are so uniformly awful?

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7 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

I think you hit the nail on the head with the mention of patriotism. Brexit is all about that - Once this proves to be a non-starter and the UK continues to decline, what else have we got to rail against?

We stand and fall by our own decisions.....not what some beaurocrats...who do not give a <deleted> about what is best for the UK.......tell US what to do.............onwards and upwards Great Britain :thumbsup:

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3 hours ago, pitrevie said:


In a 2012 speech on the European Union (EU), Mr David Davis (now Brexit Secretary) said: “If a democracy cannot change its mind, it ceases to be a democracy”.

OK Then,After the exit those that want to stay in The EU can surly find their way across the channel to be with their brethern.By now,and don't let the door hit you in the axx.

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7 minutes ago, petermik said:

We stand and fall by our own decisions.....not what some beaurocrats...who do not give a <deleted> about what is best for the UK.......tell US what to do.............onwards and upwards Great Britain :thumbsup:

No, we stand and fall by the numpties' decision.

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The EU project is doomed because they will have to give Turkey full membership, or get blackmailed and harassed by  Erdogan who will release millions of migrants that will make the union collapse, needless to talk about the debts of Italy, Portugal and Greece that will drag down the EU sooner or later, it s matter of time before we can say I told you so. The average gullible sheeple don't understand that China and the US are having surplus trading balance with the EU bloc, yet they are not members.

Edited by heroKK
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20 minutes ago, petermik said:

Mr "superiority" I assume,congratulations :cheesy:



Good you realise that! Thank you.


I am not going to bother answering someone with so little knowledge that they can not name a single positive about the EU.

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7 minutes ago, heroKK said:

The EU project is doomed because they will have to give Turkey full membership, or get blackmailed and harassed by  Erdogan who will release millions of migrants that will make the union collapse, needless to talk about the debts of Italy, Portugal and Greece that will drag down the EU sooner or later, it s matter of time before we can say I told you so. The average gullible sheeple don't understand that China and the US are having surplus trading balance with the EU bloc, yet they are not members.



The USA has a trade deficit of 153B Euro with the EU.


Turkey will NEVER be a member of the EU ( it might survive in NATO ). It might form a free trade block with England. The UK sells arms and buys fruit.



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6 hours ago, petermik said:

Mr "superiority" I assume,congratulations :cheesy:




5 hours ago, Grouse said:

Good you realise that! Thank you.


I am not going to bother answering someone with so little knowledge that they can not name a single positive about the EU.

Spain is <deleted>,Portugal is <deleted>Greece is <deleted> we were nearly <deleted> but we saw the light before it was too late..........OUT and bladdy good riddance  :thumbsup:

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How very erudite!
Let's see what the numpties think after they've been right royally shafted by the Con Party! I hope they have plenty of Vaseline handy!
As always, the biggest fools can not stand to hear an opposing argument.

Talking to the remainers are you?

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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