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Thousands demonstrate in London against leaving the EU


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58 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Good you realise that! Thank you.


I am not going to bother answering someone with so little knowledge that they can not name a single positive about the EU.

Still waiting for your elusive list of positives, Mr Grouse! 



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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

I have a long list


I am not sure you have the intellectual capacity to understand any of them if  you have no idea whatever.


Like most wise people, I saw pros and cons. Numpties are of course single ( small ) minded.




I am not sure you have the intellectual capacity to understand any of them if  you have no idea whatever. CONDESCENDING!


Like most wise people, I saw pros and cons. Numpties are of course single ( small ) minded. ARROGANT AND NARROW MINDED!



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2 hours ago, true word said:

If there was a second referendum, majority will definitely vote to stay, but who cares Brits deserve to suffer for their horrible treatment to other nations they colonized.


You base that on what exactly?  It seems like most people voted to remain because they were scared into it by the government and big business's propaganda that they would be punished and world war 3 would erupt the day after the vote.  Seeing as none of that happened, the UK has been thriving since the vote and the future is the total opposite of what Project Fear threatened everyone with, I would say that more people would vote to leave than last year.


The EU dictators' repugnant attitude and behaviour since we dared to vote to leave has also made the remainers see what the EU mafia is really about so if we ran the vote again it wouldn't be as close as it was before.

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5 hours ago, petermik said:


Spain is <deleted>,Portugal is <deleted>,Greece is <deleted> we were nearly <deleted> but we saw the light before it was too late..........OUT and bladdy good riddance  :thumbsup:

Well I disagree. Would they have been better under dictatorships? No, of course not. Are there problems with The Euro? Yes.


I think the EU will become more flexible but will certainly survive.


The EU will be better without England as many don't even understand the benefits. England should keep close to Trump's USA. Much more suitable bed fellows ?

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1 hour ago, i claudius said:

Talking to the remainers are you?

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No, I'm referring to the numpties who voted leave to try and improve their lot. Are you a remainers?

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1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Freedom to live and work anywhere in the EU.  Peace in our time.

All right, but apart from freedom to live and work anywhere in the EU and peace in our time, what has the EU ever done for us?

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

Well I disagree. Would they have been better under dictatorships? No, of course not. Are there problems with The Euro? Yes.


I think the EU will become more flexible but will certainly survive.


The EU will be better without England as many don't even understand the benefits. England should keep close to Trump's USA. Much more suitable bed fellows ?


You can be as condescending and as arrogant as you've been for the last year, but you've been wrong the whole time about everything.  You were so sure that we wouldn't vote for Brexit and then we did, then you were so sure that the UK would be in turmoil after the vote but you were wrong, now you are saying that the EU is fine and that they would be better off without the UK but you are also wrong.  Your entire argument is based on nothing but an arrogant year long tantrum because you didn't get the result you wanted.


Nothing you say matters or is true though.  Can't wait for your epic tantrum on Wednesday once we finally Brexit.  Hahahahaha

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  • 1964 London convention allows European countries to fish in Britain's waters
  • Theresa May is expected to announce scrapping the deal within weeks
  • In combination with Brexit the move could spell a fresh start for UK fishermen



Britain is to pull out of a deal that allows European fishing vessels access to its waters, Theresa May is expected to announce.

The move would see the UK taken out of the 1964 London convention, which predates the establishment of the EU, and effectively give the country's fishermen a fresh start after Brexit.

Currently the agreement allows vessels from twelve other European countries to fish within six to 12 nautical miles of the British coast.


This lady is growing on me everyday, dailymail btw

The Times says she'll close the fisheries IF talks over Brexit break down.


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2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Freedom to live and work anywhere in the EU.  Peace in our time.

Freedom to live and work anywhere in the EU is IMHO a double-edged sword these days in the light of the Paris and Brussels terrorist outrages.


As for peace in our time, my impression is that NATO has been far more instrumental in promoting peace in Europe since the end of WW2.

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:


My mindful reasons were posted long ago and you know it. It's your turn to argue properly. Stop dodging.


By the ridiculous number of self-opinionated posts that you slap on here, it is obvious what kind of life you live. 


I almost feel sorry for you, Grouse. 

Hard to feel sorry for him.  He seems to be the epitome of "stupid people are too stupid to realise that they are stupid", but his stupidity and arrogance makes him believe that he is superior and better than everyone else.


If you want proof of this, just look at how wrong he has been about Brexit for the last year.  Not one thing he said or predicted has been correct or come true.  His opinions are based on nothing more than feelings.  None of this has made him step back and realise that even with a 100% track record of being wrong that maybe he should reconsider his views.


This is something we are seeing with most remainers.  It's more important to them to believe in their wrong opinion than what is really happening with Brexit and the EU.


But not to worry because their arrogance and conceit cost them the vote.   Brexit is happening in spite of all the dirty underhanded tricks to try and derail it.  Wednesday is going to be a beautiful day and I'm looking forwarded to reading all of the triggered comments from these crybabies.

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4 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Hard to feel sorry for him.  He seems to be the epitome of "stupid people are too stupid to realise that they are stupid", but his stupidity and arrogance makes him believe that he is superior and better than everyone else.


If you want proof of this, just look at how wrong he has been about Brexit for the last year.  Not one thing he said or predicted has been correct or come true.  His opinions are based on nothing more than feelings.  None of this has made him step back and realise that even with a 100% track record of being wrong that maybe he should reconsider his views.


This is something we are seeing with most remainers.  It's more important to them to believe in their wrong opinion than what is really happening with Brexit and the EU.


But not to worry because their arrogance and conceit cost them the vote.   Brexit is happening in spite of all the dirty underhanded tricks to try and derail it.  Wednesday is going to be a beautiful day and I'm looking forwarded to reading all of the triggered comments from these crybabies.

Well I did say almost!

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I can't understand all these pro brexit postars. Do they live in Thailand or the UK?. For those of us who live here, the only concern is our pensions and UK investments. And I would think most of them would have wanted the UK to remain as part of the EU, rather than see the Pound go down. We don't care about immigration, getting your borders back and all the other rants about how good brexit is. Our home is in Thailand and unless we are working here we have no intention of going back to the UK. We don't continually criticise and rant against brexit ,like you rant against remainers. we accept the fact that the majority want  brexit. So why all these boring posts?

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22 minutes ago, gamini said:

I can't understand all these pro brexit postars. Do they live in Thailand or the UK?. For those of us who live here, the only concern is our pensions and UK investments. And I would think most of them would have wanted the UK to remain as part of the EU, rather than see the Pound go down. We don't care about immigration, getting your borders back and all the other rants about how good brexit is. Our home is in Thailand and unless we are working here we have no intention of going back to the UK. We don't continually criticise and rant against brexit ,like you rant against remainers. we accept the fact that the majority want  brexit. So why all these boring posts?

I moved back to the UK 18 months ago with my wife and kids so I voted for Brexit because I want what is best for the country.


I totally understand the selfish nature that you are talking about though, how some people think it's perfectly fine to throw your own country and people under the bus so you can get a little bit more pension for a little while.


I voted for my country and the future of my children, and I was more than happy to accept any short term costs and problems.  But of course, the doomsday and punishments they promised would start the day after the vote was just a pack of lies to blackmail the UK into staying part of the EU for their own selfish needs and agenda.


Thankfully, the correct decision was made in the end.  I'm so sorry that you will have to cut down on the bar fines because the exchange rate is currently 10% lower than it was pre-Brexit, in the bigger picture I really don't care though.

Edited by KunMatt
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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

Good you realise that! Thank you.


I am not going to bother answering someone with so little knowledge that they can not name a single positive about the EU.

wow!  i did'nt realise that there was one unless your name is Juncker 


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3 minutes ago, gamini said:

I can't understand all these pro brexit postars. Do they live in Thailand or the UK?. For those of us who live here, the only concern is our pensions and UK investments. And I would think most of them would have wanted the UK to remain as part of the EU, rather than see the Pound go down. We don't care about immigration, getting your borders back and all the other rants about how good brexit is. Our home is in Thailand and unless we are working here we have no intention of going back to the UK. We don't continually criticise and rant against brexit ,like you rant against remainers. we accept the fact that the majority want  brexit. So why all these boring posts?


I live in Thailand but I remain a patriot and I still care about the UK. I especially care about the youngsters in my family that have their lives to begin in the UK. The only passport I have is issued by the UK and there is no telling if I might need to make use of the "right of abode" feature in the future. I don't continually rant about this, however the same cannot be said of the majority of the pro EU camp. Your concerns are obviously selfish - but don't worry about the pound - it will be far stronger and better than the (Euro) alternative in the long-term.



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15 minutes ago, gamini said:

I can't understand all these pro brexit postars. Do they live in Thailand or the UK?. For those of us who live here, the only concern is our pensions and UK investments. And I would think most of them would have wanted the UK to remain as part of the EU, rather than see the Pound go down. We don't care about immigration, getting your borders back and all the other rants about how good brexit is. Our home is in Thailand and unless we are working here we have no intention of going back to the UK. We don't continually criticise and rant against brexit ,like you rant against remainers. we accept the fact that the majority want  brexit. So why all these boring posts?

Sounds a very selfish reply, many still have family there and do care what happens to them.

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No, I'm referring to the numpties who voted leave to try and improve their lot. Are you a remainers?

Am I hell,I voted for the winning side,but if I had lost I wouldn't be grousing about it constantly, I accept what the majority want even if I don't agree, not go marching around and throwing my toys out of the pram constantly

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7 minutes ago, i claudius said:

Am I hell,I voted for the winning side,but if I had lost I wouldn't be grousing about it constantly, I accept what the majority want even if I don't agree, not go marching around and throwing my toys out of the pram constantly

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk


"Grousing about it"


1.  To throw a year long tantrum because you were wrong about something.

2.  To be a huge cry baby.

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Am I hell,I voted for the winning side,but if I had lost I wouldn't be grousing about it constantly, I accept what the majority want even if I don't agree, not go marching around and throwing my toys out of the pram constantly

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

So now it looks like we'll be getting a "hard Brexit" and all that that means, none of which was declared at the referendum, presumably you're happy for a referendum to be held to approve such a deal?
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Fortunately Scotland has the chance to leave the sad Little Englanders to go on fantasising about the glories of the Empire and imagining the UK is still a big player on the world stage. Meanwhile the older voters responsible for Brexit, Trump, and other right wing successes have betrayed their children's generation who can't work in Europe, can't buy a house, and are paying for the "Boomers" mainly largely inflated pensions. For those of you whose brains are small enough to think that not listening to experts ( as Michael Gove advised) is clever, I recommend the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, and the Sun, you can get your idiotic prejudices confirmed there. 


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Screen Shot 2017-03-26 at 10.31.43.png

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Fortunately Scotland has the chance to leave the sad Little Englanders to go on fantasising about the glories of the Empire and imagining the UK is still a big player on the world stage. Meanwhile the older voters responsible for Brexit, Trump, and other right wing successes have betrayed their children's generation who can't work in Europe, can't buy a house, and are paying for the "Boomers" mainly largely inflated pensions. For those of you whose brains are small enough to think that not listening to experts ( as Michael Gove advised) is clever, I recommend the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, and the Sun, you can get your idiotic prejudices confirmed there. 

I agree. The saddest aspect of Brexit is the effect it will have on the future ambitions and life chances of the younger generation. It wasn't by chance that the vast majority of young people voted Remain. If Cameron had had the guts to reduce the voting age to 16, the outcome might have been very different. That man has a lot to answer for!
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2 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Fortunately Scotland has the chance to leave the sad Little Englanders to go on fantasising about the glories of the Empire and imagining the UK is still a big player on the world stage. Meanwhile the older voters responsible for Brexit, Trump, and other right wing successes have betrayed their children's generation who can't work in Europe, can't buy a house, and are paying for the "Boomers" mainly largely inflated pensions. For those of you whose brains are small enough to think that not listening to experts ( as Michael Gove advised) is clever, I recommend the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, and the Sun, you can get your idiotic prejudices confirmed there. 


Screen Shot 2017-03-26 at 10.33.41.png

Screen Shot 2017-03-26 at 10.31.43.png

You might have missed it, but Scotland had a "once in a lifetime" vote on Independence a few years ago.  Despite totally loading the hand in favour of the SNP, the Scots voted to remain a part of the UK.


Lucky for you really seeing as your biggest commodity (which the UK owns) dropped to $20 a barrel soon after.


Dodged a bullet there, didn't you?

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Scotland won't leave,they get given to much by England,they know which side their breads buttered, like the news they are going to get free ivf treatment on the nhs while everyone else pays for it,and their prescriptions and university fees ,widow Twanky will soon be a thing of the past ,oh by the way I don't dislike Scotch people

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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I agree. The saddest aspect of Brexit is the effect it will have on the future ambitions and life chances of the younger generation. It wasn't by chance that the vast majority of young people voted Remain. If Cameron had had the guts to reduce the voting age to 16, the outcome might have been very different. That man has a lot to answer for!

Woulda shoulda coulda.


In the end the correct decision was made on the Scottish Independence and Brexit, and no amount of "what ifs" is going to change anything.

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14 minutes ago, i claudius said:

Am I hell,I voted for the winning side,but if I had lost I wouldn't be grousing about it constantly, I accept what the majority want even if I don't agree, not go marching around and throwing my toys out of the pram constantly

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

This from a leading Brexiter Bill Cash.


If David Cameron wins the European referendum he will declare it has settled Britain’s destiny.

Bill Cash says it will do nothing of the sort. Bill Cash believes that even if the Leave side lost, the struggle would continue. 


Nigel Farage said back in May 2016 that 52-48 win for the Remain side in the EU referendum would be “unfinished business”.



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2 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

You might have missed it, but Scotland had a "once in a lifetime" vote on Independence a few years ago.  Despite totally loading the hand in favour of the SNP, the Scots voted to remain a part of the UK.


Lucky for you really seeing as your biggest commodity (which the UK owns) dropped to $20 a barrel soon after.


Dodged a bullet there, didn't you?

The hypocrisy of the average Brexiter is well known (a' la "We want our sovereignty back from Brussels but you Scots will do as you are told.") but this takes the biscuit. Project Fear, that you Brexiters constantly harp on about (and where is the 350 million for the NHS? More UKIP / Brexit lies to fool the aged numpties with) was perfected by the Yoons in their desire to keep the English empire intact. Thankfully, the writing is on the wall - you have elected for isolation - meanwhile, the rest of us will keep building something positive.

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