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Thousands demonstrate in London against leaving the EU


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1 minute ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Another incorrect fact emoji19.png

Sorry but I was being sarcastic if you read my reply to George FC I made just that point. Then you followed by accusing correctly Brexiters of misrepresenting the facts which Nauseus asked what would they be.

One of the most common stated claims of Brexiters on the forum is that on Wednesday we are out of the  EU. I have lost count of the times they have been corrected on that. In fact the more enthusiastic often claim we are out already.

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4 minutes ago, nauseus said:


I won't argue with that but it might take a couple of years to complete the departure.

How many times have Brexiters stated in recent weeks that come Wednesday we are out of the EU. These are the very people who would have you believe that Maastrich, Lisbon etc was a step to far. So they have paid so much attention to these complex treaties and that was the tipping point but something that has been in the news for almost the past year has gone right past them.

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52 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

One of the common features of the Leave campaign was their, possibly deliberate in some cases, misunderstanding and blatant misrepresentation of the facts about the EU. Common to their points on this thread too!

Some had the character to form an opinion and stick with it long before any of that started...

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34 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

Sorry but I was being sarcastic if you read my reply to George FC I made just that point. Then you followed by accusing correctly Brexiters of misrepresenting the facts which Nauseus asked what would they be.

One of the most common stated claims of Brexiters on the forum is that on Wednesday we are out of the  EU. I have lost count of the times they have been corrected on that. In fact the more enthusiastic often claim we are out already.

I have yet to meet a Brexiter who believes the nonsense you're peddling in their name. A common ploy by you lot is to assume that the opposite camp are mentally deficient simply because they aren't toeing the line.


The starting gun will be fired on Wednesday, starting a process that will end with UK being more 'out' than Michael Barrymore :smile:


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1 minute ago, evadgib said:

I have yet to meet a Brexiter who believes the nonsense you're peddling in their name. A common ploy by you lot is to assume that the opposite camp are mentally deficient simply because they aren't toeing the line.


The starting gun will be fired on Wednesday, starting a process that will end with UK being more 'out' than Michael Barrymore :smile:


"toeing the line" nope its just that many of them keep getting their facts wrong as we have just recently seen.  However please explain  what is meant by OUT. Is that the OUT we were promised by many of the Prncipal Brexiters including Johnson where we would retain access to the single market despite leaving the EU or the OUT as the PM has said where we leave the single market. Did you pick up on the link I posted earlier where 9 out of 10 poll wanted the UK to retain access to the single market irrespective of whether they voted to remain or leave. What camp are you in or don't you give a damn?

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1 hour ago, pitrevie said:

Sorry but I was being sarcastic if you read my reply to George FC I made just that point. Then you followed by accusing correctly Brexiters of misrepresenting the facts which Nauseus asked what would they be.

One of the most common stated claims of Brexiters on the forum is that on Wednesday we are out of the  EU. I have lost count of the times they have been corrected on that. In fact the more enthusiastic often claim we are out already.

Apologies!  Was posting rather rapidly on the BTS this morning...!

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21 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

"toeing the line" nope its just that many of them keep getting their facts wrong as we have just recently seen.  However please explain  what is meant by OUT. Is that the OUT we were promised by many of the Prncipal Brexiters including Johnson where we would retain access to the single market despite leaving the EU or the OUT as the PM has said where we leave the single market. Did you pick up on the link I posted earlier where 9 out of 10 poll wanted the UK to retain access to the single market irrespective of whether they voted to remain or leave. What camp are you in or don't you give a damn?

If you're that perfect how did you lose?

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20 minutes ago, evadgib said:

If you're that perfect how did you lose?

Now you have just given a perfect example of what I mean, Please show me where I have made that claim.

I note also you avoided answering the question I put to you, but then I didn't expect an answer. I have posed the same question to several people on here and at no time have I got a answer. These are people who will tell you that having a say on Lisbon and Maastricht was so important to them but ask them about the the final deal and the silence is deafening.

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You perhaps havent considered that I'm using a thumb-operated bluetooth remote on a telly therefore unable to prepare in depth replies. Nothing posted as yet has given me the urge to reach for a computer & as a b-b-brexiter I probably struggle to turn one on :smile:



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"toeing the line" nope its just that many of them keep getting their facts wrong as we have just recently seen.  However please explain  what is meant by OUT. Is that the OUT we were promised by many of the Prncipal Brexiters including Johnson where we would retain access to the single market despite leaving the EU or the OUT as the PM has said where we leave the single market. Did you pick up on the link I posted earlier where 9 out of 10 poll wanted the UK to retain access to the single market irrespective of whether they voted to remain or leave. What camp are you in or don't you give a damn?

All campaigners when asked confirmed we would leave the single market, the customs union and so on.

It's going to take a lot of negotiation but it's not in the UK's or Europe's interest to provide the UK a bad deal.

I think something along the lines of we pay for access to both these. However we then get to restrict free movement and can pick and choose the migrants that come here unlike the poor screwed over German people.

When you remoaners keep harping on at the one fact you have, which is we aren't out tomorrow then you have no basis for a civilised debate.

Nothing will really change for 18-24 months but I'm glad that pretty soon the UK will once again be masters of our own destiny.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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I think you hit the nail on the head with the mention of patriotism. Brexit is all about that - a large number of people who struggle to accept the fact that British exceptionalism is nothing but a myth, and has been for a century or more, and they think that by rejecting Europe, somehow we will ascend above our mediocrity and become imperious once again. Once this proves to be a non-starter and the UK continues to decline, what else have we got to rail against?

My god you have a very low opinion of your country.

Where is your pride man?

The UK is currently the 6th largest economy in the world yes before the Brexit vote we were 5th but due to the uncertainty of the deal we might get the markets built in the potential for a bad deal.

I expect to see sterling rise by 30% over the next 2 years as we see we won't get shafted by Europe and if as expected the whole EU machine comes crumbling down expect that rise to be around 50%

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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38 minutes ago, englishinsiam said:


All campaigners when asked confirmed we would leave the single market, the customs union and so on.

It's going to take a lot of negotiation but it's not in the UK's or Europe's interest to provide the UK a bad deal.

I think something along the lines of we pay for access to both these. However we then get to restrict free movement and can pick and choose the migrants that come here unlike the poor screwed over German people.

When you remoaners keep harping on at the one fact you have, which is we aren't out tomorrow then you have no basis for a civilised debate.

Nothing will really change for 18-24 months but I'm glad that pretty soon the UK will once again be masters of our own destiny.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


When they campaigned for an OUT vote all the campaigners were stating just the opposite. Boris Johnson was adamant that leaving the EU did not mean leaving the single market, in other words he seemed to think we could have our cake and eat it. 

However you refer to a civilised debate while in the same sentence referring to REMOANERS, perhaps you should try engaging in a civilised debate without feeling the need for snide labels.

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13 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

When they campaigned for an OUT vote all the campaigners were stating just the opposite. Boris Johnson was adamant that leaving the EU did not mean leaving the single market, in other words he seemed to think we could have our cake and eat it. 

However you refer to a civilised debate while in the same sentence referring to REMOANERS, perhaps you should try engaging in a civilised debate without feeling the need for snide labels.

Boris Johnson wasn't the PM during the referendum campaigns.  The guy was who the PM stated several times that voting to leave the EU meant voting to leave the single market.


All of this "soft Brexit" nonsense only started after the vote by Remoaners desperate to keep us in the EU as much as possible.

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45 minutes ago, englishinsiam said:


My god you have a very low opinion of your country.

Where is your pride man?

The UK is currently the 6th largest economy in the world yes before the Brexit vote we were 5th but due to the uncertainty of the deal we might get the markets built in the potential for a bad deal.

I expect to see sterling rise by 30% over the next 2 years as we see we won't get shafted by Europe and if as expected the whole EU machine comes crumbling down expect that rise to be around 50%

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk



These are the people who would love nothing more than to see the UK obliterated by Brexit so they can say "see, I was right, we shouldn't have voted to leave the EU".


The fact that the UK has been thriving and received nothing but Brexit boosts must infuriate them.  They were wrong and nothing will make them accept it.


But don't forget about "the bus", because that's the most heinous thing of the whole Brexit campaign and it's gonna be brought up forever.  Forget the entire catelog of lies that Project Fear was to literally blackmail people into doing the Europhiles bidding, no Leavers make much of a do about that, but "the bus", "the bus", boohoohoo.



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1 minute ago, KunMatt said:

Boris Johnson wasn't the PM during the referendum campaigns.  The guy was who the PM stated several times that voting to leave the EU meant voting to leave the single market.


All of this "soft Brexit" nonsense only started after the vote by Remoaners desperate to keep us in the EU as much as possible.

Boris Johnson was the leader of the OUT campaign and he told the public what OUT meant. It meant a big red bus, it meant reducing immigration, it meaning leaving the EU but remaining in the single market.

Since then the big red bus has disappeared along with its message. Nobody now talks about reducing immigration in fact Boris even admitted it might even go up. I actually posted the link to Daniel Hannan being interviewed and when he told the interviewer that it wasn't about reducing immigration even the interviewer shook his head is disbelief.

Strange that you now chose to quote one of the men who was so often accused of scare tactics.

Just to add in a recent poll 9 out of 10 polled whether they voted to remain or leave wanted to remain in the single market .


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Just now, pitrevie said:

Boris Johnson was the leader of the OUT campaign and he told the public what OUT meant. It meant a big red bus, it meant reducing immigration, it meaning leaving the EU but remaining in the single market.

Since then the big red bus has disappeared along with its message. Nobody now talks about reducing immigration in fact Boris even admitted it might even go up. I actually posted the link to Daniel Hannan being interviewed and when he told the interviewer that it wasn't about reducing immigration even the interviewer shook his head is disbelief.

Strange that you now chose to quote one of the men who was so often accused of scare tactics.

Just to add in a recent poll 9 out of 10 polled whether they voted to remain or leave wanted to remain in the single market .



See?!  "The bus".



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7 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Boris Johnson wasn't the PM during the referendum campaigns.  The guy was who the PM stated several times that voting to leave the EU meant voting to leave the single market.


All of this "soft Brexit" nonsense only started after the vote by Remoaners desperate to keep us in the EU as much as possible.

This is missing the point.

D Cameron who stated leave meant leaving the SM is no longer in position to influence that choice.

The Brexit campaigners who stated leaving did not mean leaving SM are now in a position to fulfill that claim 

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Just now, KunMatt said:


See?!  "The bus".



Why was that the only thing that I said but of course you chose to ignore the rest. However I like Professor Michael Dougan's description the best when he said that there were those in on the remain said did lie and exaggerate but nothing compared to the industrial scale that came out of the Brexit side. 

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1 minute ago, pitrevie said:

Why was that the only thing that I said but of course you chose to ignore the rest. However I like Professor Michael Dougan's description the best when he said that there were those in on the remain said did lie and exaggerate but nothing compared to the industrial scale that came out of the Brexit side. 

I'm sorry, but unless Prof Michael Douglas wrote it on the side of a bus in the form of a vague suggestion then I don't want to hear about it.


From now on we live our lives based on things we see written on the side of  busses.  Only those suggestions are contractually binding in a post Brexit UK.

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1 minute ago, rockingrobin said:

This is missing the point.

D Cameron who stated leave meant leaving the SM is no longer in position to influence that choice.

The Brexit campaigners who stated leaving did not mean leaving SM are now in a position to fulfill that claim 

You are quite correct and its much like to listening to Trump who forgets that he is the president and it doesn't matter what the losing side said or promised the issue has got nothing to do with them.

This is about what was promised by those who wanted us OUT. Now the Brexiters are walking back each and everything they said during their campaign.

There will be no extra money for the NHS arising from any so called savings by not being in the EU.

Immigration is unlikely to be reduced.

And we will probably no longer be in the single market. 

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2 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

I'm sorry, but unless Prof Michael Douglas wrote it on the side of a bus in the form of a vague suggestion then I don't want to hear about it.


From now on we live our lives based on things we see written on the side of  busses.  Only those suggestions are contractually binding in a post Brexit UK.

Yep that is what your argument has been reduced to. Whereas I can refer to multiple issues your singular obsession is a bus.

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UK folk want their country back.....They don't want to be controlled by those over the channel that have totally feeeeeeeerked up in the past......


Let's get back on OUR feet again as we have always done via brain power, whether English, Welsh or Scots...A weeee Union  that made a difference to the world....




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3 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

Yep that is what your argument has been reduced to. Whereas I can refer to multiple issues your singular obsession is a bus.


Your brought up "the bus" as part of your argument therefore you forfeit the right to be debated with as an adult.


You couldnt have timed it any better as I had just posted that "the bus" is the most pathetic argument that the Remoaners have but one that they return to on every single discussion.  You have nothing better than "the bus", this is your biggest gripe about the whole Leave compaign; a twisted out of context quote, because you have nothing.


So whenever a Remoaner brings up "the bus" then any rational debate is over.





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4 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


  19 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

When they campaigned for an OUT vote all the campaigners were stating just the opposite. Boris Johnson was adamant that leaving the EU did not mean leaving the single market, in other words he seemed to think we could have our cake and eat it. 

However you refer to a civilised debate while in the same sentence referring to REMOANERS, perhaps you should try engaging in a civilised debate without feeling the need for snide labels.

Boris Johnson wasn't the PM during the referendum campaigns.  The guy was who the PM stated several times that voting to leave the EU meant voting to leave the single market.


All of this "soft Brexit" nonsense only started after the vote by Remoaners desperate to keep us in the EU as much as possible.

Johnson wasn't the PM during the referendum campaigns.  The guy was who the PM stated several times that voting to leave the EU meant voting to leave the single market.


All of this "soft Brexit" nonsense only started after the vote by Remoaners desperate to keep us in the EU as much as possible.


The referendum voters had a simple choice of in or out. There were a fair amount of prophesies of doom and promises made by both campaigning sides but anyone with a basic understanding of the EU membership rules would know that leaving the EU also means leaving the single market.


The only person that was in a position to promise an attempt at a unique deal for the UK to remain in the single market through post Article 50 negotiation (in the event of the UK leaving the EU as a result of the referendum) was David Cameron, who was responsible for the referendum itself. He. of course, was also responsible for formulating any exit plan, which many stay voters now complain is missing. How could anyone else promise any exit arrangement without being in power?? 


Hard Brexit! Soft Brexit! I don't remember these beauties being quoted until after the referendum result was known. Sounds like we are dealing with a boiled egg! Well if this goes on for 2 years I suppose it won't be very runny, unlike the noses of the in crowd!  

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2 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Your brought up "the bus" as part of your argument therefore you forfeit the right to be debated with as an adult.


You couldnt have timed it any better as I had just posted that "the bus" is the most pathetic argument that the Remoaners have but one that they return to on every single discussion.  You have nothing better than "the bus", this is your biggest gripe about the whole Leave compaign; a twisted out of context quote, because you have nothing.


So whenever a Remoaner brings up "the bus" then any rational debate is over.





Yes of course because it was exposed as fake at the time and even Farage tried to distance himself from it later. It was one of those industrial lies that Professor Micahel Dougan referred to but of course your are not interested in anything he says unless it is on the side of a bus.

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1 minute ago, pitrevie said:

Yes of course because it was exposed as fake at the time and even Farage tried to distance himself from it later. It was one of those industrial lies that Professor Micahel Dougan referred to but of course your are not interested in anything he says unless it is on the side of a bus.


A suggestion cannot be a lie.  Also, we are still paying into the EU so that suggestion cannot have happened yet according to the Gospel on the side of the bus.


Who wouldn't want to fund the NHS?  Oh that's right, Remoaners because you used your vote to make sure that the NHS got zero extra funding.  You voted for no change.  Only now are you all so concerned about the NHS.  Total hypocrites who don't care about the NHS, you just don't like to not get your own way so you bring up "the bus" on every Brexit discussion.

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