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Ex- FM Surapong readies to end political life


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1 hour ago, robblok said:


Of course they will say its unfair.. totally unfair to hand 2 passports back that were taken away by a court. Totally unfair opening a building that is flooded just for the issuing of passports for a criminal. Does not even look like abuse of power or nepotism.


Its fun how these red supporters keep calling everything political. 

It was not a court decision. It was the government decision from recommendation of an internal kangaroo commission. THen police chief Somyot was cautious to recommend stripping of the rank. Perhaps he knew that you can't rank stripped an officer after he left the force. The verdict of the kangaroo commission was expected.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

It was not a court decision. It was the government decision from recommendation of an internal kangaroo commission. THen police chief Somyot was cautious to recommend stripping of the rank. Perhaps he knew that you can't rank stripped an officer after he left the force. The verdict of the kangaroo commission was expected.


On history rewrite duty today are we el.


Somewhere in this saga, without any doubt whatever, nobody wanted to sign the paper.


Why? Good question, simple answers:


- Extreme fear of a certain person / personal army, etc.


- Extreme fear of persons within, very aligned to a certain rich man.


- Extreme concern for the safety of family.


Get the drift el?

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Same old Same old from the same people, you will never ever move forward until you learn one thing and that is forgiveness. History of our world has proved this many times. All I see to day is persecution lies and deceit from a few to to strengthen their hold over the masses.


For those who live in denial and misguided lies there is no future except the standard of China and Russia as per last night. Search The Tiananmen Square on a certain search engine and what do you get a plain and simple "This Is A Myth" answer. But do it on Google and a different story plus billions of others know it happened.


If you want to live like this that's up to you but most do not.


In the end you will be left out in the cold like NK


Make your decision but do not come crying when the S its the fan as it will one day

Edited by wakeupplease
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30 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Same old Same old from the same people, you will never ever move forward until you learn one thing and that is forgiveness. History of our world has proved this many times. All I see to day is persecution lies and deceit from a few to to strengthen their hold over the masses.


For those who live in denial and misguided lies there is no future except the standard of China and Russia as per last night. Search The Tiananmen Square on a certain search engine and what do you get a plain and simple "This Is A Myth" answer. But do it on Google and a different story plus billions of others know it happened.


If you want to live like this that's up to you but most do not.


In the end you will be left out in the cold like NK


Make your decision but do not come crying when the S its the fan as it will one day

You mean forgive and forget like Thaksin did when provinces did not vote for him and he cut of funding and changed projects and so on ?


Whoever is in power here does not forgive or forget.. they go after their enemies.. PTP is the same. 

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Just now, robblok said:

You mean forgive and forget like Thaksin did when provinces did not vote for him and he cut of funding and changed projects and so on ?


Whoever is in power here does not forgive or forget.. they go after their enemies.. PTP is the same. 

I mean everyone, like they had to do in other countries to be successful. or is that a word not in the dictionary here as it looks like it from reading your comments day after day. Robblok nothing will ever move forward until all sides stop the bulls>>> and work together. I wonder do you remember two world wars, lets take UK and Germany (they burnt books to?)  Today friends. Tomorrow I wish Yellow and Red could be, but know it will never happen while so many use propaganda like is used in your neck of the woods.


Leave you with this


You can fool some of the people sometimes but all of the people never


maybe you like the way it is, as it comes across that way to me, yet you are on in 67.5 million, do they not have a say? Do they not have rights?


A decade has passed and you are still where you where back in the 40's mate Lost in a time warp.


So bloody sad as a lovely country but lacking ?????????????



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Just now, wakeupplease said:

I mean everyone, like they had to do in other countries to be successful. or is that a word not in the dictionary here as it looks like it from reading your comments day after day. Robblok nothing will ever move forward until all sides stop the bulls>>> and work together. I wonder do you remember two world wars, lets take UK and Germany (they burnt books to?)  Today friends. Tomorrow I wish Yellow and Red could be, but know it will never happen while so many use propaganda like is used in your neck of the woods.


Leave you with this


You can fool some of the people sometimes but all of the people never


maybe you like the way it is, as it comes across that way to me, yet you are on in 67.5 million, do they not have a say? Do they not have rights?


A decade has passed and you are still where you where back in the 40's mate Lost in a time warp.


So bloody sad as a lovely country but lacking ?????????????



I think you have no idea how Thai politics work, in power.. steal money (no matter who is in power) and go after your political enemies. This has not changed in years and will not change there is too much money to be made and to stay in power you need to go after your enemies and place your friends in good places.


That is how Thai politics work and that is how they all play it, they don't forget they don't work together. Forget about that as long as there is so much money to be made in politics the conflict will always be there. 


And whatever we write here has absolutely zero influence on what is happening in Thailand so your barking up the wrong tree mate. 

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1 hour ago, ramrod711 said:

Crimes committed by your allies, I take it that you condemn the red shirts for following Thaksin's orders. I'll tell you what I'm willing to do though, if you're man enough to admit that changing the tax laws as a PM days before you sell your corporation in order to save billions and then selling the shares to your children and household staff for pennies on the dollar is wrong, I'll apologize for calling Surapong a knob.

In an ideal world Thaksin, Dr. Ear Medicine and a number of other red shirts should be put on (a fair) trial and each handed lengthy prison sentences based on their crimes (including tax evasion). But whatever crimes they have committed in no way excuses what the junta/old elite has done and is doing. That's been my point all along.

And you don't need to apologize for calling Surapong a knob (he very well might be one). I thought you were calling one of the posters a knob - my bad.

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28 minutes ago, robblok said:

You mean forgive and forget like Thaksin did when provinces did not vote for him and he cut of funding and changed projects and so on ?

But you must admit that taking away peoples voting rights because they did not vote for the "good" people is taking it one step further, right?

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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

I think you have no idea how Thai politics work, in power.. steal money (no matter who is in power) and go after your political enemies. This has not changed in years and will not change there is too much money to be made and to stay in power you need to go after your enemies and place your friends in good places.


That is how Thai politics work and that is how they all play it, they don't forget they don't work together. Forget about that as long as there is so much money to be made in politics the conflict will always be there. 


And whatever we write here has absolutely zero influence on what is happening in Thailand so your barking up the wrong tree mate. 

Robblok for once I have to agree with a comment you wrote and that is whatever we write here has absolutely zero influence on what is happening, but that is all.


Your a Dutch lad?? of 10 years there so I have picked up from posts. I am a Brit with 30 years (but out now) so you saw a decade and not before I saw before during and now and I know when it was the best. For a Dutch lad you seem to have got over involved for some reason which is not good.


Politics is a game played by all regardless of the party or people in green, one end themselves. So you need newspapers and media to keep them in check, right now I do not see any able to make some see where they are going wrong and they are big time. Today I have freedom I can do as I want (not being stupid as over here in London last week) say what I want, ask questions and demand answers. I can demand a government body give me all details they hold on me (under data protection), but can you?


Why in a certain country are you not able to get Human Rights and Robbok your comments are just making it worse here and prolonging the misery for millions.


The country should by now be the equivalent of any European country with the help and money its been given, its not or will ever be carrying on at this rate.


If you want to live like a Russian/chinese/nk  your in the right place. Me I like to be free, safe and happy which I now am for the first time in years, but love a country I may never return to.

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12 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Robblok for once I have to agree with a comment you wrote and that is whatever we write here has absolutely zero influence on what is happening, but that is all.


Your a Dutch lad?? of 10 years there so I have picked up from posts. I am a Brit with 30 years (but out now) so you saw a decade and not before I saw before during and now and I know when it was the best. For a Dutch lad you seem to have got over involved for some reason which is not good.


Politics is a game played by all regardless of the party or people in green, one end themselves. So you need newspapers and media to keep them in check, right now I do not see any able to make some see where they are going wrong and they are big time. Today I have freedom I can do as I want (not being stupid as over here in London last week) say what I want, ask questions and demand answers. I can demand a government body give me all details they hold on me (under data protection), but can you?


Why in a certain country are you not able to get Human Rights and Robbok your comments are just making it worse here and prolonging the misery for millions.


The country should by now be the equivalent of any European country with the help and money its been given, its not or will ever be carrying on at this rate.


If you want to live like a Russian/chinese/nk  your in the right place. Me I like to be free, safe and happy which I now am for the first time in years, but love a country I may never return to.

I think you misunderstand me, i like the verbal sparring here about politics. I dislike Thaksin that is true.. but if he arrived here tomorrow I would not lose any sleep over it. Because in general nothing that happens in Thai politics affects us foreigners much.  For me topics like this are like cheering a football team.. nothing more nothing less. Just fun and games.


As for free speech.. its nice but it does not really influence my quality of life here. I don't like how the junta is muzzling the press but I also did not like all the lawsuits Thaksin filed against the press to muzzle them. I prefer a free press would be good for Thailand but the first thing they should do is remove the defamation laws.. however that wont happen. PTP uses them, democrats uses them.. whoever is in power uses them to muzzle the press and other opponents. (just think about Andy Hall and others). Without the defamation laws this place would be good.. but nobody in power wants to remove them. 


But seriously.. in general the freedom of speech and stuff does not really affect me one bit. Back home having it did not make me extra happy. Things that affect me and most expats are exchange rates, crime, income, what stuff you can buy. Those rate far higher on my list. Its good that it makes you happy you can demand things from the government.. back home i could.. but I never did I did not care.. nor do I care about it here.


But i liked the drug laws back home better :stoner: 

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46 minutes ago, robblok said:

I think you have no idea how Thai politics work, in power.. steal money (no matter who is in power) and go after your political enemies. This has not changed in years and will not change there is too much money to be made and to stay in power you need to go after your enemies and place your friends in good places.


That is how Thai politics work and that is how they all play it, they don't forget they don't work together. Forget about that as long as there is so much money to be made in politics the conflict will always be there. 


And whatever we write here has absolutely zero influence on what is happening in Thailand so your barking up the wrong tree mate. 

wake up wrote:



'...maybe you like the way it is, as it comes across that way to me, yet you are on in 67.5 million, do they not have a say? Do they not have rights? ...'


This brings up the junta lover / junta hugger words...roblock never said he likes the current situation in fact he's said in numerous posts that he doesn't like the current situation, I had said the same thing numerous times, so have many others.


It's not my place to say anything further about what roblock thinks, but I will expand my comments - I agree that in many ways the current situation is far from desirable. I also believe (just my opinion) that a situation was present where many folks were seriously not playing by the rules and violence was getting too prevalent and the army stepped in to try to calm it down etc.


Is the military taking too long to get to a point where a fair and free election could take place with no vote buying (yes vote buying has happened with all parties but that's not the point - vote buying is wrong no matter where / how it happens, it's not democracy) and all parties can campaign without harassment or fear, etc. Yes they are taking too long.


I also believe that thee should be reform of the party rules etc., to make it compulsory for all parties to have a very specific and detailed manifesto, all focused on development of Thailand, reduction of the gap, building of a better quality of life, equal education and equal opportunity,  and in the Thai context there should be a mechanism to hold the elected parties to their manifesto, or disbanded by law.


Also, IMHO some of the antics we've seen in the last few weeks / days give me (just my opinion) some concern that the red folks are just not interested in a level playing field. It's their way or the highway. If everybody could make any comment / gather in any type of groups then a certain party would quickly take up back to the situation 4 years ago.


You mention '... no rights...' . Yes this is not the way it should be and yes it's a concern.


Unfortunately a long way to go yet and personally I hope there is fast progress on the major reforms, especially rebuilding the RTP and a total rework of everything to do with education. These two items (and more of course) could have enormous impact on taking Thailand forward.

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1 minute ago, scorecard said:

wake up wrote:



'...maybe you like the way it is, as it comes across that way to me, yet you are on in 67.5 million, do they not have a say? Do they not have rights? ...'


This brings up the junta lover / junta hugger words...roblock never said he likes the current situation in fact he's said in numerous posts that he doesn't like the current situation, I had said the same thing numerous times, so have many others.


It's not my place to say anything further about what roblock thinks, but I will expand my comments - I agree that in many ways the current situation is far my desirable. I also believe (just my opinion) that a situation was present where many folks were seriously not playing by the rules and violence was getting too prevalent and the army stepped in to try to calm it down etc.


Is the military taking too long to get to a point where a fair and free election could take place with no vote buying (yes vote buying has happened with all parties but that's not the point - vote buying is wrong no matter where / how it happens, it's not democracy) and all parties can campaign without harassment or fear, etc. Yes they are taking too long.


I also believe that thee should be reform of the party rules etc., to make it compulsory for all parties to have a very specific and detailed manifesto, all focused on development of Thailand, reduction of the gap, building of a better quality of life, equal education and equal opportunity,  and in the Thai context there should be a mechanism to hold the elected parties to their manifesto, or disbanded by law.


Also, IMHO some of the antics we've seen in the last few weeks / days give me (just my opinion) some concern that the red folks are just not interested in a level playing field. It's their way or the highway. If everybody could make any comment / gather in any type of groups then a certain party would quickly take up back to the situation 4 years ago.


You mention '... no rights...' . Yes this is not the way it should be and yes it's a concern.


Unfortunately a long way to go yet and personally I hope there is fast progress on the major reforms, especially rebuilding the RTP and a total rework of everything to do with education. These two items (and more of course) could have enormous impact on taking Thailand forward.

I don't like the current situation at all, its bad. I don't like the press being muzzled, i don't like the idea of an internet gateway. There are many things I don't like. I don't like how the PM's his brother and nephew seem to be corrupt but nothing is really done (makes the corruption fight look bad)


I do like how the Shins and the reds are finally paying for their crimes, I highly doubt this would have happened if the PTP was in power, because they protect their own. 


I feel its really time for the junta to hold elections.


The problem here was that the PTP thought if they were voted in they could do whatever they want and the hell with rules and regulations. The passport case is just one of many such cases. Just getting voted in and then abusing the rules, not being transparant and abusing power to do whatever they want is not democratic. Now the junta does the same thing and the PTP is crying when they take some of their own medicine. 


I really hope for a real democratic government here that is clear and transparent and does not abuse the rules. However I doubt it is in the near future.

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Me I like the drug laws here UK, much safer for everyone, drugs are a menace to one and all seen too many friends fall by the wayside and the rest of us have to pay to look after them.


If it was free your quality of life would be better that is for sure.


The CCA is an insult to all and used simple to shut up people or of late to rip off people, even in the villages far from BK its now used to screw people as for Andy Hall, Jonathon Head, Ian and others I know this law inside out. It says to the world do not do business here and don't bother to visit the place as a comment on trip advisor could get you arrested.


But seriously.. in general the freedom of speech and stuff does not really affect me one bit


I thought that until I got up and did something about my position, but now I realize it makes a big difference to the quality of my life.


One day you will say the same, until then enjoy what you enjoy and remember the grass in this case is greener on the other side

keep well

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5 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Me I like the drug laws here UK, much safer for everyone, drugs are a menace to one and all seen too many friends fall by the wayside and the rest of us have to pay to look after them.


If it was free your quality of life would be better that is for sure.


The CCA is an insult to all and used simple to shut up people or of late to rip off people, even in the villages far from BK its now used to screw people as for Andy Hall, Jonathon Head, Ian and others I know this law inside out. It says to the world do not do business here and don't bother to visit the place as a comment on trip advisor could get you arrested.


But seriously.. in general the freedom of speech and stuff does not really affect me one bit


I thought that until I got up and did something about my position, but now I realize it makes a big difference to the quality of my life.


One day you will say the same, until then enjoy what you enjoy and remember the grass in this case is greener on the other side

keep well

I doubt it mate.. freedom of speech so far does not effect me one bit.. back home I had it here I don't have it and I can't say i miss it. I have lived with freedom of speech longer then without and it can't really see it affecting the day to day things in my life. 


We are all different.. you think drugs are a menace (bet you do drink the harddrug alcohol), I think drugs are fine in moderation. As for paying for people on drugs.. we pay far more for all the obese people and their diseases. 


Anyway as I said we are all different have different priorities.. you got yours and I got mine. 

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8 minutes ago, robblok said:

I don't like the current situation at all, its bad. I don't like the press being muzzled, i don't like the idea of an internet gateway. There are many things I don't like. I don't like how the PM's his brother and nephew seem to be corrupt but nothing is really done (makes the corruption fight look bad)


I do like how the Shins and the reds are finally paying for their crimes, I highly doubt this would have happened if the PTP was in power, because they protect their own. 


I feel its really time for the junta to hold elections.


The problem here was that the PTP thought if they were voted in they could do whatever they want and the hell with rules and regulations. The passport case is just one of many such cases. Just getting voted in and then abusing the rules, not being transparant and abusing power to do whatever they want is not democratic. Now the junta does the same thing and the PTP is crying when they take some of their own medicine. 


I really hope for a real democratic government here that is clear and transparent and does not abuse the rules. However I doubt it is in the near future.


That is the first time I have read a comment from you that says what you should be saying well done, if you drop the red and PTP you would have a lot more friends. Sometimes think it and keep it to yourself and not try to make others see it your way.


I really hope for a real democratic government here.


Me to as many people will be a lot happier including me.






This is an English word that has two meanings and is used when it is necessary to cover both ends


Maybe he thought like that


Maybe he did not think like that


hope that helps

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

I doubt it mate.. freedom of speech so far does not effect me one bit.. back home I had it here I don't have it and I can't say i miss it. I have lived with freedom of speech longer then without and it can't really see it affecting the day to day things in my life. 


We are all different.. you think drugs are a menace (bet you do drink the harddrug alcohol), I think drugs are fine in moderation. As for paying for people on drugs.. we pay far more for all the obese people and their diseases. 


Anyway as I said we are all different have different priorities.. you got yours and I got mine. 

I like a glass of wine with a meal now and again (Red) and thats wine Robbolk not MU shirts


  but love tea and coffee only 30 cups a day


beer hate the stuff


hope that helps

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6 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:


That is the first time I have read a comment from you that says what you should be saying well done, if you drop the red and PTP you would have a lot more friends. Sometimes think it and keep it to yourself and not try to make others see it your way.


I really hope for a real democratic government here.


Me to as many people will be a lot happier including me.






This is an English word that has two meanings and is used when it is necessary to cover both ends


Maybe he thought like that


Maybe he did not think like that


hope that helps

Then you havent been reading my posts.. the comments I made there I have made quite often. There are plenty of things I don't like about the junta.

Commented on the subs too.. not a good idea.. So many other things I don't agree with.

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