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France's Le Pen says the EU 'will die', globalists to be defeated


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France's Le Pen says the EU 'will die', globalists to be defeated

By Michaela Cabrera




Marine Le Pen, French National Front (FN) political party leader and candidate for the French 2017 presidential election, gestures as she speaks with journalists at Hotel National in Moscow, Russia March 24, 2017. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov


LILLE, France (Reuters) - The European Union will disappear, French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen told a rally on Sunday, aiming to re-enthuse core supporters in the final four weeks before voting gets underway.


Buoyed by the unexpected election of Donald Trump in the United States and by Britain's vote to leave the EU, the leader of the anti-EU and anti-immigrant National Front (FN) party, told the rally in Lille that the French election would be the next step in what she called a global rebellion of the people.


"The European Union will die because the people do not want it anymore," Le Pen said to loud cheers and applause.


"The time has come to defeat globalists," she said, adding: "My message is one of emancipation, of liberation ... a call for all the patriots to gather behind our flag."


Opinion polls forecast that Le Pen will do well in the April 23 first round of the presidential election only to lose the May 7 run-off to centrist Emmanuel Macron.


Its anti-EU, anti-euro stance is one of the FN's standard-bearing policies, both a mark of its anti-establishment stance that pleases grass-roots supporters and attracts voters angry with globalisation, and a likely obstacle to its quest for power in a country where a majority oppose a return to the franc.


Le Pen has over the past few months tried to accommodate this opposition to leaving the euro by continuing to criticise the unpopular EU while telling voters she would not abruptly pull France out of the bloc or the euro but instead hold a referendum after six months of renegotiating the terms of France's EU membership.


On Sunday she told the rally she would seek to replace the EU by "another Europe," which she called "the Europe of the people," based on a loose cooperative of nations.


"It must be done in a rational, well-prepared way," she told Le Parisien in an interview published earlier on Sunday. "I don't want chaos. Within the negotiation calendar I want to carry out ... the euro would be the last step because I want to wait for the outcome of elections in Germany in the fall before renegotiating it."


Reacting to Le Pen's comments on the death of the EU, France's ambassador to the United States, Gerard Araud, tweeted: "That'll be the real significance of the French elections: the survival or the demise of the EU. A quasi-referendum."


Some 72 percent of French voters want to keep the euro, an Ifop poll published in Le Figaro newspaper showed. But unlike voters overall, a large majority of FN voters back a euro exit, the poll showed.


(Additional reporting by Jean-Baptiste Vey; Writing by Ingrid Melander; Editing by Greg Mahlich)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-27
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The French can say a great "Thank you" to the British for having opened their eyes to the dramatic consequences of a useless isolation.


Marine Le Pen will not be elected president in France. Her popularity rating has been falling since the Brexit, as in Austria, Holland in Belgium and Sweden for her right-wing friends.


Thank you again, British friends, for showing us the way we should not follow ... 



Edited by happy Joe
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44 minutes ago, happy Joe said:

The French can say a great "Thank you" to the British for having opened their eyes to the dramatic consequences of a useless isolation.


Marine Le Pen will not be elected president in France. Her popularity rating has been falling since the Brexit, as in Austria, Holland in Belgium and Sweden for her right-wing friends.


Thank you again, British friends, for showing us the way we should not follow ... 



As a French european guy, I like what you say, opposite to the too many TV members who don't like EU and think that solution of problems is isolation 

I can tell you that a poll last week showed  that 72% French want to stay with Euro currency

Le Pen will lose because she wants to leave Euro and EU 

Long live to EU and euro 

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It is strange that at a time when the world is largely coming closer together that the UK chose to go it alone.

It does show that the EU has serious problems to deal with in the way it is managed, when these is such discontent across so many member nations.

I personally believe the UK should have been trying to bring about changes to how all aspects of the EU work, especially in immigration,  rather than walking away.

That said, the reasons that brought about Brexit are still there and need to be addressed if the EU wants to still be there some years down the road.

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26 minutes ago, Aforek said:

As a French european guy, I like what you say, opposite to the too many TV members who don't like EU and think that solution of problems is isolation 

I can tell you that a poll last week showed  that 72% French want to stay with Euro currency

Le Pen will lose because she wants to leave Euro and EU 

Long live to EU and euro 

I agree, I am sad at the direction the UK has taken but unlike many TV posters I wish the EU well. It is certainly not in the interests of anyone least of all the UK for the EU to implode.

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15 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:


'On Sunday she told the rally she would seek to replace the EU by "another Europe," which she called "the Europe of the people," based on a loose cooperative of nations.'

On returning from  a visit to Putin , she wants to lift russian sanctions

She does sound like Trump.  Will she turn up the heat, and claim all sorts of horrible things will happen to the French, if she's not elected?  It worked for Trump.  Hopefully, French right wingers aren't as easily duped as American right wingers.   

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

She does sound like Trump.  Will she turn up the heat, and claim all sorts of horrible things will happen to the French, if she's not elected?  It worked for Trump.  Hopefully, French right wingers aren't as easily duped as American right wingers.   

There is an opinion piece in the Independent today by Denis McShane (sorry, on my phone so cannot link to it) that suggests that, with the results seen in Austria, Netherlands etc, and the stalling of Le Pen's momentum, that we are passing peak-populism as people wake up to the reality of emotion based actions.

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

It is strange that at a time when the world is largely coming closer together that the UK chose to go it alone.

It does show that the EU has serious problems to deal with in the way it is managed, when these is such discontent across so many member nations.

I personally believe the UK should have been trying to bring about changes to how all aspects of the EU work, especially in immigration,  rather than walking away.

That said, the reasons that brought about Brexit are still there and need to be addressed if the EU wants to still be there some years down the road.

The EU was idealistic failure from the beginning but with the enthusiastic   participation of idealist believing that The EU could take over from The US as the leaders of the free world.They had the natural resources to contribute bu there were too many nation members with nothing to offer to the Union.They had more members receiving then giving.It took 24 years of the loosing effort before a nation like the UK finally had enough of fighting the leaders in Brussels and Germany to ask their own people " What next?" .It looks like now some of the other "Giving" nations will start to grow some back bones and leave also.

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One of the advantage that The UK had during their membership in The EU was that they kept their monetary system in  the  pound ( Thank you Iron Lady) and not in Euros.so their exit will be less of an economical impact as it will in some other countries as they leave.

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The European rightists thought that a Trump victory would propel them to the same. The sad part is that American voters actually thought Trump was going to change their life. Instead they are beginning to find out that he has sold them a bunch of snake oil and nothing will really change. 

Voters in the EU will not be so fooled as we are already seeing. the UK is a special case because they see a direct threat to their culture from unfettered Immigration. I doubt the EU will break apart but individual countries may seek further loosening of regulations.


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I voted remain and expect us Brits will face some economic turbulance in the future. However many of us have always been sceptical of the ' European project ' and the Brexit fallout may be far less severe than might be the case if it happened in France.

To be honest I get a bit queezy when hearing about the wonderful gift that is the Euro , tell that to the Greeks for example.

Yes Greece brought its troubles on itself but the EU waived or ignored all manner of its own financial edits which hugely exasperated the problems.

It seems that turning a blind eye , corruption and sweeteners are a price deemed worth paying in pursuit of the federalist dream.

If the EU is to survive and prosper , it needs to take a good hard look at itself.

Blaming Brexit , or a bunch of right wing popularists , for the current state of play , is just a self indulgent cop out.

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Anecdotally, many of the people who want out of the European Union seem to have now redefined it as the Eurabian Union.  It seems to be a matter of national identity, which many who voted remain believed they were losing. Secondarily, after becoming independent of the EU they wanted to have those individuals calling the shots that affect them directly within their own borders, not in Brussels or elsewhere.  

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46 minutes ago, Hulu said:

All People wich vote for European Union should read Georg Orwell 1984

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

As should those who voted for Brexit. Our authoritarian PM advocate of the Snoopers' Charter now has one of her stooges suggesting that online privacy is not acceptable.

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5 hours ago, Aforek said:

Le Pen will lose because she wants to leave Euro and EU 

I would think your figures are right but I believe that the person that will get the job done is presently walking on this planet at present. Miracles always take a bit longer. 

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4 hours ago, clockman said:

The EU is riddled with corruption. Costing yearly at least 120bn Euro. And they know the countries! involved..

What costs 120 billion Euro?  ....the governmental apparatus in Brussels?   I'm asking that sincerely.   


Overall, I think EU is a good thing.  I recommend they keep Turkey out, as Turkey is culturally closer to the M.East, as much as it would like to be considered European.   With Turkey as a member, it would serve as a sieve, with easy access into Turkey by Middle Easterners, who would thereby migrate northwest by the millions.    The migration problems we're seeing now would increase ten-fold.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

What costs 120 billion Euro?  ....the governmental apparatus in Brussels?   I'm asking that sincerely.   


Overall, I think EU is a good thing.  I recommend they keep Turkey out, as Turkey is culturally closer to the M.East, as much as it would like to be considered European.   With Turkey as a member, it would serve as a sieve, with easy access into Turkey by Middle Easterners, who would thereby migrate northwest by the millions.    The migration problems we're seeing now would increase ten-fold.

EU has approved Visa-Free Schengen travel for Georgia & Libya

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

EU has approved Visa-Free Schengen travel for Georgia & Libya


Really? Facts say

1. "Georgians who hold a biometric passport will have the right to enter the EU visa-free for 90 days in any 180-day period, for business, tourist or family purposes, but not to work."



Libyan nationals must have a visa when travelling to the Schengen area.

Generally, a short-stay visa issued by any Schengen country entitles its holder to travel in any of the 26 countries for up to 3 months (in a 6-month period).

For longer visits, you will need to obtain a visa from the national authorities in the country/ies concerned.



1. https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/19797/georgia-visa-waiver-approved-parliament_en

2. https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/libya/1449/travel-eu-libya_en


But it's always a pity to let facts get in the way of a good story....

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9 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

There is an opinion piece in the Independent today by Denis McShane (sorry, on my phone so cannot link to it) that suggests that, with the results seen in Austria, Netherlands etc, and the stalling of Le Pen's momentum, that we are passing peak-populism as people wake up to the reality of emotion based actions.


IMO, it's less a question of whether such right-wing/populist forces winning elections this time around. For one thing, they do not seem to suffer all that decisive defeats, and some of the these can be attributed to ad-hoc political allegiances and maneuvering. The parties, their leaders and inasmuch that they represent a popular sentiment - are still in place.


On the other hand, winning or not, they have positioned themselves as a credible alternative (or threat, as some would have it) to the existing political order of things. This was mainly achieved by harping on some public sentiments which were not properly addressed by governments.


Cases were such challenges were met with adjustments to policies can be seen as mere campaign trail and re-election efforts, depending on one's level of cynicism. But even if these do not amount to actually incorporating right-wing/populist views, they do represent a dent in previous political positions.


What I would be worried about is the above being exactly what it seems - a temporary means to retain power, and less of an actual consideration relating to different points of view. In other words, governments failing to address some of the issues contributing to the rise of these forces, will only postpone a harsher backlash down the road.

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12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

It is strange that at a time when the world is largely coming closer together that the UK chose to go it alone.

It does show that the EU has serious problems to deal with in the way it is managed, when these is such discontent across so many member nations.

I personally believe the UK should have been trying to bring about changes to how all aspects of the EU work, especially in immigration,  rather than walking away.

That said, the reasons that brought about Brexit are still there and need to be addressed if the EU wants to still be there some years down the road.

What do you mean by 'coming closer together'?



Edited by cabanlit
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10 hours ago, sanukjim said:

One of the advantage that The UK had during their membership in The EU was that they kept their monetary system in  the  pound ( Thank you Iron Lady) and not in Euros.so their exit will be less of an economical impact as it will in some other countries as they leave.

Gordon Brown, not that evil Thatcher woman

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12 hours ago, clockman said:

The EU is riddled with corruption. Costing yearly at least 120bn Euro. And they know the countries! involved..

Sound ideal  for   Tony  Bliar ,  to be  next  President of EU . He  has  Scottish connections .

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9 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

As should those who voted for Brexit. Our authoritarian PM advocate of the Snoopers' Charter now has one of her stooges suggesting that online privacy is not acceptable.

OMG ,    that means  the  establishment , can read  my  anti everything posts on TV .

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On 3/27/2017 at 9:54 AM, clockman said:

The EU is riddled with corruption. Costing yearly at least 120bn Euro. And they know the countries! involved..


22 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

What costs 120 billion Euro?  ....the governmental apparatus in Brussels?   I'm asking that sincerely.   


Overall, I think EU is a good thing.  I recommend they keep Turkey out, as Turkey is culturally closer to the M.East, as much as it would like to be considered European.   With Turkey as a member, it would serve as a sieve, with easy access into Turkey by Middle Easterners, who would thereby migrate northwest by the millions.    The migration problems we're seeing now would increase ten-fold.

I've no idea as to the financial numbers involved when it comes to EU corruption and waste.


But we do know that the EU wastes a HUGE amount of money.  There are so many examples, but moving the entire apparatus from one country to another every month - really??!  Not to mention the way individual member countries either obey or disregard rules dependent on whether it suits them.

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