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Red Bull heir seen living carefree life


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3 hours ago, sweatalot said:

I know it's not good. But when I read about things like this, the Benz driver who killed two students, the hiso girl who killed nine while driving a car with 16, the crimes in infamous Koh Tao, and .... and ... and....


I cannot help but having fantasies of a guy like Zorro or commandos with black masks who take care of justice when the police and the courts don't

Or just GOOD citizens to make a citizens arrest and drag his ass home?. i would do it but probably end up with life in prison for tarnishing the thai image..

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Never seen a truer example of one law for the rich and another one for the poor.

While the right to bail is one thing, being allowed out of the country to party it up, while waiting for court for killing someone is utterly wrong.

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5 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

It is embarrassing. A massive face loss for Thailand and its legal system.

No "loss of face" if it involves fellow hiso/connected/rich person. Just consign the whole sordid story to history and hope everyone forgets.


Why cannot the courts/police or whomever issue a warrant for his arrest on charges of causing death? Then extradite him from  a country with whom Thailand has agreements. Or do what the Russians and North Koreans do, "despatch" him in another country.

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6 hours ago, baboon said:

Thai spouses frequently have a hell of a job to set foot in the UK, but here this 'gentleman' is, living it up at Gordon Ramsey's. There's the UK for you...

Its all about the money.Do you think Hi-so's have any problem visiting UK or US or going to school there ? I met  a few in US who went to scool there ( University ) and while there bought condo and ran a restaurant  untill she graduated sold everything and came back to BKK bought a club and runs other business. If you have  a lot of money in bank own homes .car,  have family and business to return to there is no problem getting  a visa to US. They only make it hard for those without those requirements to get in. Afraid uneducated poorly skilled  Thai might try to stay in USA to work because they can make more than in Thailand. The Hi-so have more money in their banks than most USA workers so USA  says "come on in ".

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5 hours ago, JerryinTH said:

Can't blame other countries to let him in. He doesn't have some interpol red notice on his passport which flags him at every immigration counter. 


Yes you can, and should.
He and his crime have been made known very widely. I can't say how it is for every country, but I agree with the way America has it.
According to https://www.canadianlegal.org/denied-entry-united-states/ , "" You may also be denied for offences you admit to having committed even if no conviction resulted." It makes sense and I'd be willing to bet other countries also have vague things like this to give them a way to legally keep undesirables out of their country. The guy paid off the family he damaged... the admission of guilt can't get much stronger than that. There is no way any country should be allowing him entry. Perhaps some letters of complaint from citizens to the pertinent government representatives and/or agencies of countries allowing him entry might actually get him on a list. You never know....

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This has nothing to do with UK corruption They have paid someone off so Interpol will not be notified thus this guy can go anywhere he wants except Thailand


He will never half to face prosecution the family have too much money and they can hide him wherever he wants to.


No one in power has the gumption to bring him back to face his charges Simple If they did her would be back here already 

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3 hours ago, sandemara said:

It's not just the nephew at fault in this shameful exemplar of Thai justice.  The whole family had got in on the act of cover-up and lies to avoid any "inconvenience" in dealing with the Thai justice system. How many different "excuses" and hypotheticals were offered by members of the family and their mealy-mouth servants to whitewash the true circumstances of the policeman's death? The poor fellow died as a result of another family's self-indulgent excesses of consumption and enjoyment of the high life.

As luck would have it, the high-privilege family's right to enjoy life was hardly impeded by the death of what was, after all, just a simple, low-class peasant whose life and future aspirations simply didn't count when weighed against the lustre of lives ornamented with money and other rich friends.

In a democracy where the lives of the low classes just don't rate, an occasional death by misadventure of a peasant or two  causes no more grief or anger than a candle winked out.  In the meantime the rich and favoured can get on with the important job of living the life of Riley.  Thailand's pampered nouveau riche can claim a role in demonstrating  to the rest of the world how the military authorities have worked so hard to develop a fair and just democracy in Thailand.


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6 hours ago, Sphere said:

We are only hearing about this again because the foreign media brought it up. :coffee1:

Did you read the article? It said that social media groups that follow him has hundreds of thousands of followers. Meaning thai people are interested. This is why we heard about it now. 

Edited by hobz
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Yeah, read about this online this morning. Well, I mean, if the RTP don't/not interested to bring this guy to justice when he kills one of 'their own' then if he kills more Thais they'll turn the other way. I could be wrong, but doesn't travel depend on a 'conviction'? If so the RTP are letting him roam free because he hasn't been convicted. 

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2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Thailand needs a decent vigilante. If the police won't do their job...... Meanwhile, why haven't his parents been arrested for harbouring a fugitive? I know, silly question.

I have thought the same thing for years now.  I was under contract

 for  2 years in the State of NJ, USA.  Big Italian, PR  maffia Area.  They

had an unwritten justice system...if someone was let off on a small


 error of the law, they would make sure that Justice Was

Served, an accident where the criminal would be killed;  a fall, where

they would become disabled...

The Family members of those killed by these so called Hi So,

imfluencial murders should organize and make sure their loved

ones receive justice......Perhaps it's already happening, how many

of these cops kids, Hi So drunk driving killers have met with

accidents???   Interesting statistic!

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2 hours ago, Robm579 said:

what happened to the other two Hiso related killers.... mr 280 kms/h and miss 9 over the elevated section 


news blackout?

And our Farang friend above?


the bird in the accident that killed 9 didn't flee the scene, went to court, paid up, and was sentenced to community work.


Not quite the same as the Brit in the Benz and the Thai in the Ferrari who tried to blame it on others and have refused to show up to the police.

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7 hours ago, z42 said:

A truly reprehensible individual. Scum of the earth in the truest sense of the word.

The hiso set clearly have no morals whatsoever as is shown by his mother in some of the leaked pictures.

If this rat is allowed to simply avoid a trial (and subsequent conviction) because he has been overseas simply living the high life then what chance do the authorities have of claiming the justice system is fair and impartial.

Surely steps must now be taken to arrest him on sight. This is an outrageously disturbing case. 


All involved in the cover up / shielding deserve the most severe penalties possible. Just the sight of this idiot is repulsive ?

He only has traffic offences outstanding, you do know that?

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7 hours ago, baboon said:

Thai spouses frequently have a hell of a job to set foot in the UK, but here this 'gentleman' is, living it up at Gordon Ramsey's. There's the UK for you...

There's Asian money for you! Happens all over the world.

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7 hours ago, Dodgydownunder said:

Family of policeman accepted the $100,000 blood money so they are partly to blame for the lack of justice in this case IMHO.

They agreed to receive compensation and also agreed not to press charges so they are not to blame for anything.  They are not involved in the court or prosecutors decision about traffic offences.

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5 hours ago, catman20 said:

i dont think for 1 minute the dead policeman family were not taken care of financially.

if you call 100,000 baht to split among several to be "taken care of financially"

chump change for this arrogant P.O.S. & his hiso family

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1 minute ago, jenifer d said:

if you call 100,000 baht to split among several to be "taken care of financially"

chump change for this arrogant P.O.S. & his hiso family



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3 hours ago, Dogmatix said:


Correct and killing a policeman through reckless driving is an offence in most countries which would permit extradition. 

He's not being charged with killing anyone, the victims family dropped those charges and settled with compensation, which is normal.

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3 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

must be very comforting for the police to know if one of them ever gets killed by some pseudo hi-so, that person wont get prosecuted. If I was on the force, I would be livid!

You need to direct that to the family who agreed to no charges.

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3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Thailand needs a decent vigilante. If the police won't do their job...... Meanwhile, why haven't his parents been arrested for harbouring a fugitive? I know, silly question.

They'd have to be harbouring a fugitive for that to stick.

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Never seen a truer example of one law for the rich and another one for the poor.

While the right to bail is one thing, being allowed out of the country to party it up, while waiting for court for killing someone is utterly wrong.

He's not "waiting for court for killing someone", there are no charges relating to the death, the victims family made sure of that.

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3 hours ago, sanukjim said:

Unless he returns to LOS he can live as he pleases.His crime ( and he has yet to be indited) is not a State offense and therefore LOS can not ask for an extradition or revoke his passport.

in the story this morning, it was said that some of the pix from his family/cousins show him at a beach resort south of Bangkok,

within the last year so...

he is entering and exiting with impunity;

and why not? he's only charged with minor offenses and the meager blood money has already been accepted by the victim's family,

as well as brown envelopes up the chain of BiB command, most likely more than the family's share


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