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Three suspected teenage burglars shot dead in US


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2 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Plenty of US states that have stiffer laws on burglary but dont legalise executions , there is a middle path.

Listen Mr. Bleeding Heart,There is no middle path here.When you or your family's lives can be potentially considered in danger ,you can either be alive or dead.You Mr. Bleeding heart would proberly be the dead one.Go back to California or New York and hid under your bed whenever  danger occurs.

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These guys knew the consequences, I'm glad the USA has the right to protect your home. You break into my home with ill intent, you better believe I'll protect my family and myself! Serves as a warning too! The resident wasn't the one looking for trouble, it was the thugs that were looking and they found it!

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51 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

Maybe the Robbers should have been given a warning of DO NOT STEAL  or you will be shot.boomerangutang you are a bleeding heart liberal that has no idea of what you are talking about.

What has this to do with Trump?


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Normally, I would agree that you meet reasonable force with reasonable force- If someone strikes you with their fist- you either back away or strike them back in self defense. Most US states go by this rule.  The exception is when someone- in this case 3 masked and armed with a knife and brass knuckles- enters your home. You can assume you and your families lives are at risk. As much as I dislike and disapprove of violence- in this case I would have done one thing- shoot.  The risk is just too high to attempt to subdue the invaders any other way.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


These are the people who vote for Trump.  This is how they treat criminals. 


'It's an insult': Disbelief of William Petit who was forced to listen to wife being raped and killed and his daughters burned alive as Connecticut court overturns killer's execution because it's 'cruel'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3644078/Connecticut-man-listen-wife-raped-killed-daughters-burned-alive-says-s-sad-killer-death-sentence-commuted-new-state-laws.html#ixzz4cgmgx3hD 

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Sounds okay to me! Under Oklahoma Law (and many other states) the residents have the right to shoot anyone in their homes unlawfully. No questions asked! It doesn't matter if their 15 or 70.  They weren't children. They were criminals! As for the driver, I would charge her with Felony Burglary and Home Invasion not Murder!

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19 minutes ago, kowpot said:

These are the people who vote for Trump.  This is how they treat criminals. 


'It's an insult': Disbelief of William Petit who was forced to listen to wife being raped and killed and his daughters burned alive as Connecticut court overturns killer's execution because it's 'cruel'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3644078/Connecticut-man-listen-wife-raped-killed-daughters-burned-alive-says-s-sad-killer-death-sentence-commuted-new-state-laws.html#ixzz4cgmgx3hD 

Yes, the perp is now only sentenced to 6x life + 106 years in prison. That's a sentence not worth mentioning.

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5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Yes, the perp is now only sentenced to 6x life + 106 years in prison. That's a sentence not worth mentioning.

I agree that 106 years is a death sentence too. But, the fact that they took into consideration that any type of punishment for this crime is cruel is way beyond the scope. 

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9 minutes ago, kowpot said:

I agree that 106 years is a death sentence too. But, the fact that they took into consideration that any type of punishment for this crime is cruel is way beyond the scope. 

Sorry, 106 years is not a death sentence. The killer may still live to a ripe old age, still enjoying 3 meals a day, TV, books etc. Yes, he has lost his freedom but not his life, unlike his victims.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


I had an uncle that was who was assaulted and later died from his injuries when he was attached by two youngsters. They got less than 2 year jail time, so no sympathy for these teenagers. They got what they deserved.  

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17 minutes ago, kowpot said:

I agree that 106 years is a death sentence too. But, the fact that they took into consideration that any type of punishment for this crime is cruel is way beyond the scope. 

The State banned the death sentence, the killer wanted to be executed, now he will be incarcerated for the rest of his life.

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15 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

AR-15's a bit over the top, can't blame a guy for protecting himself and family in his own house though.

How is an AR-15 over the top. Would a mini-14 be better?  They both shoot the same round. Just that the ignorant news media thinks an AR-15 is an assault rifle. Which of course it is not.  One pull of the trigger = 1 round fired. Just like any other semi automatic gun. Pistol or rifle.


AR/ Armalite Rifle manufacturer 

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2 hours ago, Lancelot01 said:

What has this to do with Trump?


It has nothing to do with Trump,it is about a person with the belief of a bleeding heart,liberal,that has no back bone to stand up for himself and so with this believe of his not getting involved in what it takes to protect his home thinks that you should follow the same tactic. If your house is getting broke into by people with the intent to do you or your family harm,Which is the better tactic ? Calling the police with them responding on the average in about 15 minutes ,during which time you and your family could be raped,killed,or just beaten up ? Or point and fire your weapon seconds three 3 people?  

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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Normally, I would agree that you meet reasonable force with reasonable force- If someone strikes you with their fist- you either back away or strike them back in self defense. Most US states go by this rule.  The exception is when someone- in this case 3 masked and armed with a knife and brass knuckles- enters your home. You can assume you and your families lives are at risk. As much as I dislike and disapprove of violence- in this case I would have done one thing- shoot.  The risk is just too high to attempt to subdue the invaders any other way.

You must have never been a real fight.One does not do equal force with equal force.You fight to win not for entertainment.If someone strikes me with their fist then as a small guy I will attemp to gain the upper hand by clobbering them with a club and even then break their arm or leg so they do not get to fight again.In Texas we say " Never bring a knife to a gun fight",And if you pull it ,use it..I carry something to make things equal or better ALL THE TIME.

Edited by sanukjim
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It's not so easy to kill with a .223/5.56 cal bullet.  It requires a a very well aimed shot to a vital body part ... not so easy to do when under pressure and with 3 attackers to bring down.  Right or wrong this guy was shooting to kill and must have expended a large number of rounds to kill three attackers.  Understand he may not have been able to see if they were carrying firearms.  Though man down may have been a sufficient signal of how much force was enough.


in my home country one man was eventually jailed for shooting off his hand gun into the air to scare off attackers.  Now that is not right either.

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5 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

It's not so easy to kill with a .223/5.56 cal bullet.  It requires a a very well aimed shot to a vital body part ... not so easy to do when under pressure and with 3 attackers to bring down.  Right or wrong this guy was shooting to kill and must have expended a large number of rounds to kill three attackers.  Understand he may not have been able to see if they were carrying firearms.  Though man down may have been a sufficient signal of how much force was enough.


in my home country one man was eventually jailed for shooting off his hand gun into the air to scare off attackers.  Now that is not right either.

Not so easy? Where and When  in the hell did you get your gun training? In video games? You have never shot at or shot any one have you ?

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Three intruders, one with a knife, one with brass knuckles, one presumably with nothing, all a similar age to the guy who shot them. Could there be more to this? Breaking in with the intention of giving him a beating over some previous feud, rather than a robbery?

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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


Your assumptions are silly and twisted by your Trump fixation.  This wasn't a movie where everything was rehearsed before hand.  It was a very young guy who mostly likely was in fear for his life.  He had seconds to react.  You probably would have begged for mercy and shit in your pants.


(no warning?)


“There was a short exchange of words and then gunfire happened.”  


(a redneck who voted for Trump?!)


Zach Peters works at Omni Air International, a local airline, as a crew schedule, according to his Linkedin profile. He also works at QuickFlight Services at Tulsa International Airport as an operations agent, he says on Linkedin.

He is a student at Tulsa Community College, where he is pursuing an associate’s degree in criminal justice. He is set to graduate this year.

Peters graduated from Broken Arrow High School in 2014.

“I have work experience in both retail and aviation with customer service experience in both fields. I also have my private pilot’s license, and studied the German language for four years,” he says on Linkedin.



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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


Also a view into the cold-blooded way the 3 dead were prepared to stab the residents if they got in the way - or maybe just pummel the shit out of them with the brass knuckles.  And the female who knew of this house and put them up to it, bailed out when she heard the gun shots. 


Read in OK sources yesterday, the shooter did confront them verbally first, before shooting.  You would probably be even more sanctimonious if the 3 dead kids were black.... but they were white.


Your quick off the mark with the red neck/Trump stuff.  As irrelevant as your puppy analogy.  But I realize now you're just trolling, and never think "What if it was me?  What would I do or have done?".  Nope, straight to your typical off-topic overkill red neck Trump BS. 

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5 hours ago, sanukjim said:

Listen Mr. Bleeding Heart,There is no middle path here.When you or your family's lives can be potentially considered in danger ,you can either be alive or dead.You Mr. Bleeding heart would proberly be the dead one.Go back to California or New York and hid under your bed whenever  danger occurs.

Ok Rambo

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1 hour ago, ballpoint said:

Three intruders, one with a knife, one with brass knuckles, one presumably with nothing, all a similar age to the guy who shot them. Could there be more to this? Breaking in with the intention of giving him a beating over some previous feud, rather than a robbery?

It's the 21 year old female driver (now in custody), Ms. Rodriguez, who had knowledge of and selected the house, and put the 3 younger guys up to doing the deed.  They dressed the part, armed themselves, broke in, and, apparently, didn't heed the warning they were given, and paid the price for the string of choices they made.  Choices they knew were wrong, which is why they went to the back door to break in instead of the front, and armed themselves as you've pointed out. 


There's no immediate indication in the local papers that the two parties knew each other.   The shooter is 23, out of school and working, not likely to be hanging out with 16~18 year olds, or a fat slob with criminal intent like Ms. Rodriguez.

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:


The right to bare arms and protect your home and your family at all cost

never rang truer.....

What has bare arms got to do with the subject?  He might get sunburned maybe?

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