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"You are under arrest, my dear chap!"- Pattaya police learning English


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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

Teach them the meaning of the phrase "Don't talk to me talk to my lawyer"

the thai police dont need that phrase they just get people to beat you up everyday in jail and the sentance you will talk comes to mind 

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8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

30 hours should be enough to learn................... 'You pay me money !'

...18.000 baht so I can protect you more...;)


With ref to the chapter about "Firearms"





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Females have this genetic thing going on that allows them to learn languages more easily than men.

Men (some men) seem to learn technical skills more easily.

Something about how their brains are wired (left side and right side stuff)

So if the police want English speaking cops to deal with "the AEC (Asian Economic Community) era", maybe the police should be recruiting new police from the many (no prostitution in Pattaya) female workers that they will be putting out of work soon.


Try it, speak English with a bar girl, then try to speak to a cop!

One of them is clever and articulate.

The other is dumber than a box of rocks!

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A lot of negative  comments re Police learning English. At least its a start.

I just had 10 days touring the North East on a motor bike. Plenty of road blocks for licence and breath tests. Catching plenty by the look of the que set up at a table near by.

Each time I was polite, showed my Australian licence and was on my way in no time.


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Geez, on the positive side of this at least they are trying something to improve.  I have had interaction with a few Thai cops mostly on motorbike stops and they have all been reasonable. 

Most recently, I was parking my motorbike on BR and a motorbike Taxi AH pulled up to me and said "No park here, I pay police for this place". The guy abruptly pulled into my spot.   I am like "OK, Oh really."  I went to the police station on BR and there was a tall officer out front there who spoke some English and I told him what happened.  He went with me to the spot and had a short argument with the Taxi dude who then took off.

I guess my point is not every cop here is bad or corrupt.  I get that some(probably many) are, but not all from my experience.

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On 2017/3/29 at 7:18 PM, ffaarraanngg said:

Do you speak like the queen?


The spelling of American English makes far more sense.

A Thai tourist in London approached a policeman and asked, "What is Time sir?" The young policeman thought for a while and answered, "ah, that's a philosophical question I am afraid I cannot help you".

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  • English is the world's lingua franca.  It is also not a language one can learn in five days.  It would be more effective to teach the officers some basic phrases, their meaning, and context for five days and then have them attend one hour English classes during their off-duty time.  As a Communications Expert, I taught English to many company employees around the world.  The ability to communicate on a basic level is a priority which can be accomplished in a relatively short period of time; expanding the basics is a must, but is an ongoing process.  There are no shortcuts.
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On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 11:24 AM, gios50hk said:

Despite being (by a long way) the most 'populous' language on the planet - Chinese is not widely spoken outside of China or Chinese-speaking countries. However, English is still the 'language of business' as well being the pre-eminent language in commerce, law, computers, airline travel and numerous other professions. Indeed very recent research has revealed that many countries (even the French - who are arguably one of the most 'anti-English speaking' countries in the world!) are now adopting English as their main language.

And very interestingly, it's the language of choice for intercommunications within the EU.

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4 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

And very interestingly, it's the language of choice for intercommunications within the EU.

English is also the international language of air traffic controllers the world over, so I've heard.



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44 minutes ago, jaywalker said:

English is also the international language of air traffic controllers the world over, so I've heard.

As in " What is your height and position "  6' 4" and sitting up the front. :laugh:


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...bang,  bang.... stop or I'll shoot.


...up against the wall, MF, dear sport...


..are they learning the culture of  the English user?

...many of the AEC English speakers are not westerners..

....bilingual fluency...a better option..


All four skills..writing reports will be quite interesting.


... all the best with the learning approach... sitting in class for 6 hours...


....role playing must have been interesting.


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On 2017-03-30 at 8:35 AM, alfieconn said:

Hopefully that is the Queen's English and not one of the many other type's of English that is spoken around the world !


Queen's English? You mean the plum-in-the-mouth dialect, which was primarily adopted to distinquish the difference between the high class, and the rest of the underlings.

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