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Bad Bananas


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Bananas is not a good food. It's high in sugar content. There is a chemical in bananas that causes pain in joints especially for older people. Well, not exactly causes the pain, it sort of aggravate the pains. Make it worse.

If you are having pains in the joints you could try to take note when you eat bananas and see if it aggravates the pains. Of course for some people it causes no problem at all even when they are having some pains in the joints. It varies from person to person.

The same with "Bitter Gourd" a very green plant with slight bitter taste, often fried with egg..

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18 minutes ago, madusa said:

Bananas is not a good food. It's high in sugar content. There is a chemical in bananas that causes pain in joints especially for older people. Well, not exactly causes the pain, it sort of aggravate the pains. Make it worse.

If you are having pains in the joints you could try to take note when you eat bananas and see if it aggravates the pains. Of course for some people it causes no problem at all even when they are having some pains in the joints. It varies from person to person.

The same with "Bitter Gourd" a very green plant with slight bitter taste, often fried with egg..

Yet if you Google the subject your told different and left confused. I find Pineapple the only fruit that hates me .

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If you buy bananas in a bag then take them out off the bag as soon as you get home. The bag ripens them .

I get my wife to buy bananas but most sellers sell about 12 or so in a bunch and no less where we are so unless she eats some im eating the lot in 3-4 days as they go off after about 2 days.

Don't keep them in a fridge as being in the fridge destroys any benefit the banana may give you.

Fruit smoothies or shakes are a good way to get rid off a lot quickly.

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6 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

If you buy bananas in a bag then take them out off the bag as soon as you get home. The bag ripens them .

I get my wife to buy bananas but most sellers sell about 12 or so in a bunch and no less where we are so unless she eats some im eating the lot in 3-4 days as they go off after about 2 days.

Don't keep them in a fridge as being in the fridge destroys any benefit the banana may give you.

Fruit smoothies or shakes are a good way to get rid off a lot quickly.

Can you link to a credible source confirming what you say that refrigerating bananas destroys their nutritional value? 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Can you link to a credible source confirming what you say that refrigerating bananas destroys their nutritional value? 


Bananas are a tropical fruit, and although we can usually get them at the supermarket all year round, it is important to remember that they are originally a fruit that thrives in a hotter climate.  If you keep bananas in the fridge, enzymes that cause them to ripe are inactive, conversely a different set of enzymes which are responsible for browning and cell damage are activated at lower temperatures.

This means bananas quickly go black when stored in the fridge, but are not necessarily ripe and soft.  Like onions, bananas also tend to give other produce stored nearby a banana flavour, especially fats such as butter.

Bananas are best stored at room temperature.  They should also be separated from other fruits if you do not want them to ripen too fast,  as close proximity can cause bananas to ripen faster. See also: Are bananas suitable for a weight loss diet?

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 I Eat bananas every day,  I doubt if there are as many as 10 days in the whole year when I can't find a banana to eat.  I nearly always eat a variety called "glue naam whaa". Dont know the english name.  I find this variety lasts longer than most  and they say it has the best health benefits.  They are often kept in the fridge and I note that the skin doesn't go black and inside doesn't go black or mushy and they as tasty as normal.  

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28 minutes ago, nickcar said:

 I Eat bananas every day,  I doubt if there are as many as 10 days in the whole year when I can't find a banana to eat.  I nearly always eat a variety called "glue naam whaa". Dont know the english name.  I find this variety lasts longer than most  and they say it has the best health benefits.  They are often kept in the fridge and I note that the skin doesn't go black and inside doesn't go black or mushy and they as tasty as normal.  

I've got you beat. I've been eating a banana daily for several years now. Maybe a few exceptions taking long flights. I don't recall even one day living in Thailand where I haven't had a banana. In some ways, it's kind of a neurotic thing. Gotta have my banana! OK, sometimes it's a group of the small ones, small diff.

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36 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I've got you beat. I've been eating a banana daily for several years now. Maybe a few exceptions taking long flights. I don't recall even one day living in Thailand where I haven't had a banana. In some ways, it's kind of a neurotic thing. Gotta have my banana! OK, sometimes it's a group of the small ones, small diff.

My main reason for eating bananas is the are a good supply of potassium and i dont want to take another supplement. They say that bananas have many good health properties and all i can add to that is i am 73 and still strong. :)

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Yes, from December through to now, looking for decent bananas has become like searching for gold. Fresh on the market stalls, not packaged, most were already spotted black. Never seen this before on fresh bananas. I usually go to the market 3 times a week and buy smaller quantities as they don't keep. I also noticed that the mangos were not as delicious as before, either not sweet and juicy, or sour. Also, way too many of them on the stalls. I buy a lot of papaya, and found them a little too ripe as well. Maybe it's all to do with too much mass production. ? 

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Buy your banana at your local farmers market. Get tree ripened ones. There will be half a dozen varieties, all delicious. Hang them up on a rope in your kitchen to keep them. Never put in the fridge. Eat with coconut cream  & honey.

Edited by Brahmz
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Bananas emit ethylene, which causes them to ripen. Bananas wrapped in plastic will ripen faster.

I buy from the local market, prefer the small ones because they are tastier. Buy them slightly green, they will usually last a week.

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Still not convinced there is anything wrong with refrigerating bananas to keep them ripe longer:


In other words, the banana won't ripen in the refrigerator and its skin will darken — but it won't become poisonous. On the contrary, the experts _recommend_ refrigeration as a good way to stop ripening, if you can get past the darkening of the peel.



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jezuz, banana plants around here grow like weeds...just place some to shield the wall from the sun and then eat the fruit when it becomes available...the first thing that the MiL did when we moved into our shophouse and me and the plants keep company thru the kitchen window while I chop onions fer the stir fry...


and then the plants collapse in the wind and the leaves decompose and then come up and do it all over again...provides a nice view as well as the fruit...small birds like to perch in the leaves and I can watch them thru the window about a foot from my nose...



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8 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Bananas emit ethylene, which causes them to ripen. Bananas wrapped in plastic will ripen faster.

I buy from the local market, prefer the small ones because they are tastier. Buy them slightly green, they will usually last a week.

And ethylene is used to ripen them faster if they are shipped quite green.  You can put them in a bag with tomatoes to help ripen the tomatoes.  But bananas are best kept in open air.


As mentioned earlier, "gluey nam waa" are good.  Watched my wife eat one the other evening on a Facebook video chat.  :)


after I got back from my stint in Thailand as a Peace Corps volunteer, I was considering going to grad school.  Could have had an assistant-ship at Univ. of Florida researching post-harvest physiology of oranges. Decided that studying ripe and rotten fruit wasn't a very exciting career.

Edited by Damrongsak
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On 3/30/2017 at 2:08 PM, Jingthing said:

Well, if they're not the fast mush kind, you can take the JUST ripe ones and refrigerate and they will still not be mush for a week or so even though the skin turns black. The fast mush ones treated the same way go total mush much quicker.

There is a level of mushiness that I will still eat as it's still OK in breakfast cereal. Total mush of course is bin worthy but I guess you could still use those for banana bread or something like that. 


I'm big on the health benefits of bananas so I feel I need a big ol' banana every day. It's not always easy having an edible one in stock. 

My dad peeled and froze bananas , he loved em straight out of the freezer. Try it.

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Bananas emit ethylene, which causes them to ripen. Bananas wrapped in plastic will ripen faster.
I buy from the local market, prefer the small ones because they are tastier. Buy them slightly green, they will usually last a week.

If you wrap just the stalk in cellophane, they keep longer , most high end stores in the states do itvthis wat

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Most fruit as they ripen release ethylene. This hastens the ripening process. Therefore, keeping them in a plastic bag hastens the ripening process. Once they start ripening, there is no going back although placing them in a cool room minus the plastic bag may slow the process down a little. Don't buy large amounts of bananas and freeze and make smoothies from the excess 

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