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Video: Overloaded pick up - Thais ask how did the police miss that one!


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2 hours ago, kannot said:

The stupidity of the law here says he must cover the entire load which he more or less has done.......out of  sight out of  mind.

Ive watched Police drive round a  4  foot by 2  foot  metal cage  in the  middle  of the road which obviosuly  fell off something and yet they failed to stop to remove it and all the potential accidents it  may have caused............did the driver of the filming  vehicle have both hands on the wheel?

samo samo ad infinitem

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2 hours ago, leeneeds said:

Oversize for sure,

not over loaded, = weight 

only trying to save money your honor by doing one trip.




Overloaded and overweight.

Have you tried holding a pool cue at the tip-end straight out?  Same weight both ends but the force is greater at the fulcrum point.

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1 minute ago, kingstonkid said:

How the hell did they get thru the tool booths LOL


To me every toll booth that they would have gone through along with the cops that are at them should be find.


But then again they won't



It is no bigger than a truck or coach.  As for the police, to much for them to think about!



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2 hours ago, kannot said:

The stupidity of the law here says he must cover the entire load which he more or less has done.......out of  sight out of  mind.

Ive watched Police drive round a  4  foot by 2  foot  metal cage  in the  middle  of the road which obviosuly  fell off something and yet they failed to stop to remove it and all the potential accidents it  may have caused............did the driver of the filming  vehicle have both hands on the wheel?

Several years ago before the military take over,the PM proposed a law that companies or individual  that owned the  trucks with over loaded loads were the ones to be fined heavily and the truck taken off the road.The idea of fining the owners was a good start but it took the bribe money going to the police and gave it to the Transportation Department. The police themselfs actually opposed this law in a demonstration at the Transportation department.so no law went into effect.Thus allowing the BIB to continue collecting their bribes.Why you see cops letting them go in that the bribe has been paid before hand.

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2 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

this is their way of saving time n cost but do not realise that if an accident does occur, then more time n money would actually be wasted.



The word accident does not come into their hit or miss thinking. Its the one time that they truly think outside of the box. 

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