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Prosecutors bow to "Boss's" request for another postponement


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First thing I was told when I came to LOS ten years ago by an old bloke Eddie, from Wigan who had been here years - Money No1 


Nothing has changed...


This idiot waste of space will not do one minute of bird for his appalling actions and manslaughter of the unlucky police officer


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Prosecutors? Ha, I think not. Abettors more like it. This case needs more attention. Countries need to bar this POS from entering their country. Make him a pariah and maybe he will have to face up to what he did. It may not have been premeditated, but it was murder.

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He is only letting the Thai justice (?) system know who is BOSS.  Money Number 1.


The only time this POS will ever see the inside of a cell will be on a tour of historical prisons.



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A main pillar of Thai culture is that wealth, connections, and position, ensure privilege. The higher you go the more you are immune from consequence. Unless you start a war (eg, the elite VS the Thaksin). Little Boss is near the top of the charts on all three counts. There is no question he cannot go to jail. He could have taken a flame thrower to the police station and still be out of danger. The real struggle here is to how to ease him out of this bad publicity with the least amount of law bending and poo sandwich eating by people in the justice department. 

Eventually this little emperor will have new clothes and everyone will claim that they look magnificent.

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Now this is the way to run a country. A great lure for the rich and famous who need a break from the world where rule of law applies. Like a reciprocal arrangement for the scummier global glitterati.  While you've got money, you're more than welcome.

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7 minutes ago, sandemara said:

Now this is the way to run a country. A great lure for the rich and famous who need a break from the world where rule of law applies. Like a reciprocal arrangement for the scummier global glitterati.  While you've got money, you're more than welcome.


Sadly very common nowadays. Just look at the countries prepared to sell their nationality to anyone rich enough. Not all third world either. New Zealand apparently welcome billionaires, as do the Swiss.

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On 4/1/2017 at 3:33 AM, Ace of Pop said:

Eddie is still siting at Sailor Bar in Soi 6 talking trough his arse as usuall .emoji481.png

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Narr..., you got the wrong bloke pal, Eddie is one of the few people here in Thailand who doesn't talk out of his ar$ e unlike the people you seem to listen to?

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On ‎31‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 2:24 AM, Philthyphil said:

Yesterday I listed a few other cases where a Thai girl killed nine people, a tv star killed a cop, the  Thai merc driver who killed the two students, the Brit merc driver who killed a cop in cha am, another Brit merc driver who killed two women in Chiangrai, another Brit in a pickup who killed two Thais riding a motorbike etcetc


Everyone seems up in arms about this red bull heir, but this is the system works here, if you pay the family and they accept it, everyone pretty much moves on. 

The didn't murder anyone, it was an accident, even if negligent. 


If I were in the same boat, I would do the same thing. The cop is dead already, what is the point of going to jail.


A Russian I personally know killed a Thai riding his motorbike too fast. THe family wanted 300,000. He initially refused and spent 6months in jail before agreeing. As soon as he paid he was let out. 

Maybe it is a bit distasteful to some, but that is the system here. 


If you really think about it, it is very practical. Better than in western countries where the family gets sweet FA and the driver spends years in jail, at the taxpayers expense, for what was an accident.What is the point, apart from revenge?


And Prayut doesn't care what foreigners think. He is not working for foreigners, he is working for Thais, some more than others.

So your Russian mate has paid to get out and now knows the score. He jumps back on his motorbike and kills one of your loved one's daughter, son or your wife, how much would you ask for ? I guess 300,000 is the going rate.

The idea of jail is to stop someone doing it again, maybe learn the error of their ways.

'Boss' can afford to kill whomever he chooses and you are quite happy to go along with it.

People are strange.

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2 hours ago, JerryinTH said:

Who was the bugger from a policer officer who shot another officer in the head in a nightclub many years ago? Did he ever get prosecuted? Doubt it.. 

It was Duangchalerm Yubamrung and he was eventually tried but beat the rap when all the witnesses suffered mass amnesia



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