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‘Big cleaning day’ planned at Parliament canteen after rat incident


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‘Big cleaning day’ planned at Parliament canteen after rat incident

By The Nation




The Parliament will hold a “big cleaning day” event in its canteen next week after a photo of a rat scuttling along a food tray went viral on the Internet when it was posted on Thursday. (See how big the rat is inside the story)


Officials yesterday inspected the Parliament club’s canteen and found lots of garbage lying around. Now they are preparing to implement stricter cleaning measures, starting with the special event.


The Dusit District Office will lead the cleaning event and will be responsible for increasing the frequency of garbage collection and regularly cleaning drainpipes around the Parliament, which is located in its district.


The district office will also send experts to lecture food sellers in the canteen about hygiene.


Yesterday, officials conducted contamination testing on food and containers at the food hall and collected some specimens to take away for examination. The results will be submitted to the Parliament later.


Sorasak Pienwej, secretarygeneral of the Office of the House of Representatives, admitted that the district had found rats in the area, which came through the drainpipes.


The hygieneboosting measures would start next week, he said, adding that the Parliament might also hire private companies to collect garbage in addition to the services from the district office.


He said his office had not ignored the food hygiene problem and would discuss the matter next week to find solutions. Immediate issues would be taken care of as soon as possible, but any major renovation might be subject to budgetary considerations, Sorasak added.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/breakingnews/30310937

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-3-31
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Heaven forbid that politicians in parliament house should be expected to eat the same rat contaminated food which infests at least one well known supermarket and other eating establishments. At least the klong rat is not fussy about whose food it eats. Snacking from the PM's buffet lunch bowl shouldn't be a problem.

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The question that comes to my mind is not the rat and health and safety in the dining area but security in the building.

Someone leaked the photo onto social media after using their smartphone to capture an image of the rat.

How come you are allowed to take a mini computer or smart phone into a secure location where the Prime Minister is often residing? You could be a spy and photograph classified documents in one of the offices. You could be trying to hack the central computer system to gain access to secret files. And more scary than that is you could have planted an explosive outside in the grounds and use the mobile to set it off. I'm sure when you visit the white house you have all electronic devices removed. Even at the government complex in Chang Wattana Road where immigration is you have your mobile phone taken off you at the door and given back when you leave.

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They would have known about the rats before the photo was leaked. Just acting now because they got exposed.


My biggest issue in tHailand is the piles of garbage that are all over the country. I was hoping the new military government might get around to fixing this. I always think to myself "are the local authorities blind?"


So I was disappointed to read that even government headquarters has "lots of garbage around"' and as a result is vermin infested. 

if they don't see it or care about it, what hope have I got about ever living in a garbage free Thailand? 

It just doesn't worry them. Even at the very top!

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If I found a rat in my kitchen, I think I would start work on the problem immediately, rather than wait till next week.

I admit that I am not overly keen on the possibility of rat poo in my food, but would have hoped food vendors at Parliament would have held similar standards.

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1 hour ago, snoop1130 said:

The Parliament will hold a “big cleaning day” event in its canteen next week...


Ubonrat, Chalongrat, Amornrat, Wimonrat, Thidarat and others are extremely worried and have decided to stay home all of next week. :passifier:

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9 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

The question that comes to my mind is not the rat and health and safety in the dining area but security in the building.

Someone leaked the photo onto social media after using their smartphone to capture an image of the rat.

How come you are allowed to take a mini computer or smart phone into a secure location where the Prime Minister is often residing? You could be a spy and photograph classified documents in one of the offices. You could be trying to hack the central computer system to gain access to secret files. And more scary than that is you could have planted an explosive outside in the grounds and use the mobile to set it off. I'm sure when you visit the white house you have all electronic devices removed. Even at the government complex in Chang Wattana Road where immigration is you have your mobile phone taken off you at the door and given back when you leave.

Your deep perception, imagination and conclusions from the rat having a good old tuck in on the PM's food is fascinating. Perhaps the rat was fitted with a chip so he could hack into the big boys smart phones; or maybe he carried a bomb on a collar around his neck or he was on a suicide mission and had a mobile phone to trigger his own bomb. By the way ...where is this place you call the White House?

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Now they are preparing to implement stricter cleaning measures, starting with the special event.


Why was there not stricter cleaning measures when it was first opened...


The reason I do not eat on the street.  I have seen that much absolutely filthy habits by vendors everywhere...


Example: On two occasions, from different vendors a fish stick and chicken piece fell on the footpath, and both were just picked up an put in with others....:shock1:

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These measures should be introduced nationwide.... not just in their canteen.

The amount of filth and rubbish strewn around is disgusting and unhygenic to say the least.  

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That's a Big rat ! Unfortunately there is no hygiene in Thailand. Lately in a "good " restaurant end of evening, unsold steaks , fish , skewers, were recuperated from the front of the restaurant and put into the big plastic containers full of ice !  Serve yourself sushi stalls , where people are breathing and coughing on, ( death traps) , food left in the sun all day , rats  and cockroaches everywhere. It's disgusting. It's become difficult to find a clean place to eat, more and more I eat at home, and I'm not a good cook ! Went to an Italien restaus rant on koh Chang lately. Went to the loo, past the kitchen, it was spotless , no food lying about, and only one Italien lady there cooking. I ate there every day ! 

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19 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Your deep perception, imagination and conclusions from the rat having a good old tuck in on the PM's food is fascinating. Perhaps the rat was fitted with a chip so he could hack into the big boys smart phones; or maybe he carried a bomb on a collar around his neck or he was on a suicide mission and had a mobile phone to trigger his own bomb. By the way ...where is this place you call the White House?

Probably next to the white temple at Chiang Rai?

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Your deep perception, imagination and conclusions from the rat having a good old tuck in on the PM's food is fascinating. Perhaps the rat was fitted with a chip so he could hack into the big boys smart phones; or maybe he carried a bomb on a collar around his neck or he was on a suicide mission and had a mobile phone to trigger his own bomb. By the way ...where is this place you call the White House?

- All "big boy" smartphones will have already been hacked by the ministry of defence.


- A rat can carry a bomb.



- 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500


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