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LIAR'S THAI LIFE Scheming pensioner swindled £94k in benefits… while secretly living in Thailand


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LIAR'S THAI LIFE Scheming pensioner swindled £94k in benefits… while secretly living in Thailand

By Andrew Parker



Barlow had been living in Thailand with his family while claiming to be in a council flat in Stoke


Alan Barlow was receiving a disability allowance and three other handouts that lasted at least seven years


Alan Barlow, 67, got disability allowance and three other handouts in a scam that lasted at least seven years.


But he lived abroad with a new wife and two children. And he used his UK council flat solely as a base to return for NHS treatment.


Full story: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3218704/scheming-pensioner-swindled-94k-in-benefits-while-secretly-living-in-thailand/


The SUN: 2017-04-01

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48 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

best not return to the UK

Bit late for that. The full article says he got 16 months.

This does raise the case though about being overseas and losing what would have been legitimate payments if he had been at home.

I have never been a fan of that, especially where pensions you worked all your life to build up are concerned.

Having said that, in this case he was definitely fraudulent in some aspects, so I guess a bit of jail is warranted.



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Unusual to get time in jail for it,a program on BBC,and most of

them seemed to be getting suspended sentences,stealing from 

the public purse should be a very serious crime and dealt with

prison time, I suppose this guy was getting the heating allowance

as well. 

regards worgeordie


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This sort of story plays right into the hands of Sun readers who are lead to believe that their own personal taxes will be plundered if HMG cave in re the frozen pension fiasco.


As for this case; If someone is genuinely ill or unable to work there must be better options for both parties than '13 weeks and you're out!'' 

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6 minutes ago, Chris Lawrence said:

Australia' Government are trying to stop pensioners from enjoying themselves.

The British Government is not against pensioners enjoying themselves. But they are against them doing so at the taxpayer's expense. There is a difference!


And I say this as a British taxpayer and pensioner living, legitimately in Thailand.

Edited by Moonlover
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2 hours ago, Jack Mountain said:

Luckaly i am born in Holland where we not have such a jealous judicial system .... yet.

And I'm from Belgium, same thing as Holland ! Lucky for me !!!

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1 hour ago, Chris Lawrence said:

Australia' Government are trying to stop pensioners from enjoying themselves.

The Australian government under current legislation allows pensioners who have qualified to get their pension to go and come as they please, after 26 weeks (currently) they will cut off your extra's like electricity subsidies etc etc, they are looking at curbing that back to 6 weeks, (fair call), if your not using it, why not.


If you are living overseas, and have not reached the pension age, you will have to return and stay for 2 years, otherwise they will cut it off if you leave before the 2 years, oh and don't worry, immigration, border control, call them what you like are linked, so as soon as you go your info goes straight to their site and you get cut off the pension, having to start all over again.


The 2 year "jail term" as I refer to it, is there to discourage Xpats to return and claim their pension (rights), sit it out and apply for it, just to think that you have to return to rent a place for 2 years to get the pension doesn't make it feasible for most, unless your a hardliner, and rent a single room, work for cash and do your time.

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1 hour ago, Moonlover said:

The British Government is not against pensioners enjoying themselves. But they are against them doing so at the taxpayer's expense. There is a difference!


And I say this as a British taxpayer and pensioner living, legitimately in Thailand.

You worked all of your life, you paid your taxes, you are therefore entitled to your pension.


The government shouldn't have a saying or concern as to where, how and why you spend your pension, perhaps they should turn their focus more so on guys like this one and others scamming the system, you know the ones that come to the country, don't contribute, yet get more than you do on the pension.


Might have something to do with the money being put back into the economy as opposed to being injected into the Thai economy no doubt 555

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1 hour ago, Moonlover said:

The British Government is not against pensioners enjoying themselves. But they are against them doing so at the taxpayer's expense. There is a difference!


And I say this as a British taxpayer and pensioner living, legitimately in Thailand.

Sorry mate but im not getting  the bit about the Taxpayers expense.... surely all who have worked all

there working life have paid taxes  pardon me but what has it got to do with present day Taxpayers

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3 hours ago, Jack Mountain said:

Luckaly i am born in Holland where we not have such a jealous judicial system .... yet.

As long as the "new" arrivals are welcomed, the older arrivals are "guarded", it won't happen either.

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9 minutes ago, oldgent said:

Sorry mate but im not getting  the bit about the Taxpayers expense.... surely all who have worked all

there working life have paid taxes  pardon me but what has it got to do with present day Taxpayers

The governments spend everything they receive in taxes immediately - they don't invest your tax money for the future. So a taxpayer has to pay tax today to pay your pension today, else the money has to be borrowed..


Don't expect too much from countries run by a Sociopathic/ Pedophile Elite..


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2 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

however might solve some peoples accommodation worries

I watched a item on TV where pensioners in Japan are committing crimes to get free room and board. As one ages and has no money can governments get blood out of a stone? It seems as we age and get closer to the end the tables are turned a bit. 

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1 hour ago, oldgent said:

Sorry mate but im not getting  the bit about the Taxpayers expense.... surely all who have worked all

there working life have paid taxes  pardon me but what has it got to do with present day Taxpayers

Maybe you haven't watched "Britain on the Fiddle' on the BBC. Millions, if not Billions are being stolen, yes that is the correct word stolen every year by thieving scum like Mr. Barlow.


And they are stealing from government's coffers which is deposited there by taxpayers.


It is at the taxpayers expense, or if you like to their determent, because that money is no longer available for legitimate use for the benefit of taxpayers, or dependent persons who are unable to fend for themselves.


And although I am now retired and am in effect a beneficiary, I still pay tax and I would prefer to see my small contribution being used legitimately, not stolen.



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Not being familiar with the UK system, I can understand the monies for his UK housing and housing costs should have stopped when he moved overseas, but should he not be able to return to the UK for medical treatment as necessary if he is still paying the National Health costs, especially since he apparently was disabled?


From the US, we do not get such great benefits such as housing and allowances, for pensioners, but as long as I pay my medicare bill each month (it is deducted from my social security payment), I can live wherever I please and can return to the US for treatment.  Unfortunately, we cannot receive benefits under medicare outside of the US even though  1.  we paid for it all our lives and 2. the cost overseas to medicare would probably be less than 25% of that same treatment in the US. But the government is not interested in saving money, just screwing over people who chose to live where they want to.

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12 minutes ago, snooky said:

Not being familiar with the UK system, I can understand the monies for his UK housing and housing costs should have stopped when he moved overseas, but should he not be able to return to the UK for medical treatment as necessary if he is still paying the National Health costs, especially since he apparently was disabled?


No, he can only receive free NHS treatment if he were to return to the UK and take up residence. He must also register with an NHS doctor. He cannot get free treatment whilst he's only 'on holiday' there.


It's a big bone of contention amongst UK expats, especially those who paid their contributions throughout their working lives. But that's the rule and the government won't shift on it.



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