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Can you work overseas whilst retired in Thailand?

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Hi All,

I am planning to resign from the work I do in Thailand, but want to stay here based on a retirement visa but still continue to do some work overseas on a consultant/contractor basis where needed. Probably 1-2 weeks in a month working Os and 2 weeks stay in Bangkok. I don't plan to bring in the work funds into Thailand. So the question I have is can I legally work outside of the country whilst technically retired in Thailand? Appreciate if you can share any insights on this topic. Thank you in advance.


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I think so.  That certainly was plan when I retire to Thailand.  I get lots of calls for contract engineering work and 4 or 5 months back in the USA puts a lot of money in my pocket.  But I didn't pull the plug and move to Thailand yet.  This coup thing and the current <deleted>  just put me off.  To me, working overseas now and then while living as a retiree in Thailand is the same as having investments and stocks and bonds overseas that generate income I would then spend in Thailand.  As long as one is not working withing Thailand, I can't imaging how working overseas could be a problem

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This is REALLY a easy question. The main words here is "IN THAILAND".... You are retired IN THAILAND.. And Thailand have no business in what you are doing when outside of it, just inside of it.


So in Thailand absolutely NO WORK, outside do whatever you like... But do not forget to purchase a multiple RE ENTRY PERMIT, for your regular trips out of Thailand, otherwise your extension of stay based on retirement here in Thailand, dies when you leave Thailand.



Edited by glegolo
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It could be done.

However you would need to meet all your requirements here in Thailand inclualiveding 90 day reporting and have a valid re-entry permit to keep your retirement extension when entering and exiting Thailand. of your retirement annualy

But it could be done as nothing in the Thai law prohibits you from working outside of Thailand as a consultant while retired in Thailand.

It might be difficult however to get the timing down however and meet the renewal deadline each year.

But it would be theoretically possible.


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He will have absolutely NO PROBLEM in finding time to renew his extension every year. he will be here in Thailand two weeks at a time, and he can renew his extension at least up to 30 days before last day of that extension.



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7 hours ago, elviajero said:

I would, however, avoid mentioning your work abroad just to avoid any suspicion that you might be working in Thailand too.

Indeed, even checking your consultant/contractor emails while in Thailand could be construed by officialdom as working here.

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I have both a retirement visa in thailand and a work visa in china... so it is ok to do.... it also makes things easier when travelling so much between the 2 countries. 

I am almost sure that the requirement for thai retirement visa this that you can not workninside of thailand.. they dont care what you do in other countries. 


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2 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

It could be done.

However you would need to meet all your requirements here in Thailand inclualiveding 90 day reporting and have a valid re-entry permit to keep your retirement extension when entering and exiting Thailand. of your retirement annualy

But it could be done as nothing in the Thai law prohibits you from working outside of Thailand as a consultant while retired in Thailand.

It might be difficult however to get the timing down however and meet the renewal deadline each year.

But it would be theoretically possible.


he doesn't need to get 90 day reporting if he is not here for that long before he leaves the country again... He only needs to report his residence when he arrives and if it is a hotel.. they will report it for him. 

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Certainly what OP does outside Thailand has nothing to do with his status inside Thailand. But what happens when OP is back in Thailand and clients and business associates contact him by email and video conferences and OP is conducting business via internet from his home inside Thailand? Is that legal? If so then how is that different from the online teachers who give lessons to Chinese students via webcam from inside Thailand - and get caught and fined and deported for doing work inside Thailand without the appropriate visas & WP?

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50 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Because they are doing it all in Thailand and getting paid in Thailand.

Answering an e-mail at home ref' work in another country is not quite in the same bracket. You can argue the finer points on that from now til hell freezes over.

I've done most of my work outside Thailand and in my time off answered work questions on line a couple of times in each break. Never a problem.

Should have added the on-line teachers were probably violating visa rules etc as well, maybe on tourist visas etc.

Can't remember details but I remember the story.

Any way to the OP you won't have any problems.

If you get work in Korea for example you can work for three months without special visas or WP's etc.

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I have been staying in Thailand for five months in the winter only and I feel that I am abusing the system! It is a little worrying that people are using this visa to live in Thailand other than as a retiree which has the potential to make difficulties for all 'retirees' . On the plus side it could be good for TV.com, having the affect of increasing traffic as 'retirees' join other temporary stayers in posting of their ill treatment by Immigration.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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1 hour ago, tgeezer said:

I have been staying in Thailand for five months in the winter only and I feel that I am abusing the system! It is a little worrying that people are using this visa to live in Thailand other than as a retiree which has the potential to make difficulties for all 'retirees' . On the plus side it could be good for TV.com, having the affect of increasing traffic as 'retirees' join other temporary stayers in posting of their ill treatment by Immigration.

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If you are over 50, married and have 800,000 in the bank you are perfectly entitled to get get a retirement extension. If you are offered work in a nearby country why would you not accept it. Your post makes it sound like it should be compulsory to stay at home and do nothing.  

Quite a few Imm' offices prefer you to have the retirement extension even if you apply for a married extension when they see the money in your bank and will convince you to go for it. The system is easier for them.

Not all of us who are retired sit in bars all day as the general feeling is on TV.

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29 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

I'm wondering what kind of work you can finish in 1-2 weeks??????  That doesn't sound like long enough to accomplish anything.  And then you're going back after two weeks in BKK?  Why?



Quite often companies have fabrication contracts running in nearby countries and will employ someone who is qualified to visit every couple of weeks and write progress and problem reports etc.

That suits many 'retired' expats in Thailand. Quite a few nearby countries are happy to let you do the job without the need for specific visas or WP's

Edited by overherebc
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I have said this many times before, but will repeat. I have had four different work permits in Thailand, from three different labour offices, while being on an extension to stay based on retirement. The first extension I got I asked for one based on marriage, but had the financials for retirement. The Immigration officer gave me one based on retirement. I explained to her I wanted to work, teach school, she said no problem.

Sent from my BLL-L22 using Tapatalk

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24 minutes ago, Issangeorge said:

I have said this many times before, but will repeat. I have had four different work permits in Thailand, from three different labour offices, while being on an extension to stay based on retirement. The first extension I got I asked for one based on marriage, but had the financials for retirement. The Immigration officer gave me one based on retirement. I explained to her I wanted to work, teach school, she said no problem.

Sent from my BLL-L22 using Tapatalk

You can repeat it as often as you like, however, the fact remains that The Immigration Bureau do not want someone with permission to stay based on retirement working in Thailand.


An immigration officer has no need for any paperwork showing you are working so they can have "no problem" and issue the extension.


If you tried to get an extension of stay based on retirement using income from employment in Thailand it would be refused.

Edited by elviajero
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I cannot see any reason why not.

I think there are many retirees in Thailand who have investments in their country of origin, and manage those investments in various ways. From Thailand. So technically, they are working. I haven't heard of any Thai law that prohibits that.

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If you are over 50, married and have 800,000 in the bank you are perfectly entitled to get get a retirement extension. If you are offered work in a nearby country why would you not accept it. Your post makes it sound like it should be compulsory to stay at home and do nothing.  
Quite a few Imm' offices prefer you to have the retirement extension even if you apply for a married extension when they see the money in your bank and will convince you to go for it. The system is easier for them.
Not all of us who are retired sit in bars all day as the general feeling is on TV.

As "perfectly entitled" as you are to do border runs ad infinitum? It wasn't the border guards or officers with whom we deal at various Immigration offices who made and later changed, the "perfect entitlement".

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2 hours ago, overherebc said:

If you are over 50, married and have 800,000 in the bank you are perfectly entitled to get get a retirement extension. If you are offered work in a nearby country why would you not accept it. Your post makes it sound like it should be compulsory to stay at home and do nothing.  

Quite a few Imm' offices prefer you to have the retirement extension even if you apply for a married extension when they see the money in your bank and will convince you to go for it. The system is easier for them.

Not all of us who are retired sit in bars all day as the general feeling is on TV.

no requirement to be married for a retirement extension

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8 hours ago, overherebc said:

Because they are doing it all in Thailand and getting paid in Thailand.

Answering an e-mail at home ref' work in another country is not quite in the same bracket. You can argue the finer points on that from now til hell freezes over.

I've done most of my work outside Thailand and in my time off answered work questions on line a couple of times in each break. Never a problem.

Where you get paid matters not a jot, all that matters is where you are when you carry out the work

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11 minutes ago, muzmurray said:

no requirement to be married for a retirement extension

Read carefully. If you are married and over 50 with more than 800,000 in the bank and you apply for a married extension many Imm' offices will try to push you in the direction of retirement extension is what I said. It's easier for them to do that.

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17 minutes ago, muzmurray said:

Where you get paid matters not a jot, all that matters is where you are when you carry out the work

Then maybe they were getting paid in Mongolia. The fact is they were not sitting at home doing it. If they had been doing it from home it's unlikely, very unlikely anyone would have given a big RA.

Anyway back on topic the OP will have no problems working outside Thailand and returning monthly or whatever.

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BTW, is not online work considered done there where the customer's company is incorporated? At least in Europe it is so, e.g if you live in Germany and work for a company in France, the work is considered to be done in France.

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More e.g. in here: https://www.out-law.com/page-7512


Supply of electronic services to business customers

Supplies of digitised products are treated as supplies of services rather than goods. Since 1 January 2010, the basic rule for supplies of services where the customer is registered for VAT is that services are deemed to be supplied where the customer belongs.




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