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Two Surin children run over by truck on their way to earn some pocket money


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Must be great to live a privileged life then come live in a developing country and never stop judging the locals. Up my way there would be maybe 3 cops for the whole town and everyone morning couple hundred kids going to school on motorcycles. What do you want them to do? Fine them every single day and take even more money away from their family which they don't have? Or maybe start arresting 8 year olds. Such ridiculous colonial attitudes. All you natives should just start obeying the laws, learn better more efficient farming techniques, get a better education pull up your bootstraps and just get better jobs and start making more money and learn the Queens English dammit I am sick of trying to understand your pidgin English.

The delicious irony is these poor people with no money, little education and not much hope are some of the most happy I have had the pleasure to meet where conversely some of you privileged pricks on here making judgements from your ivory towers are some of the most miserable <deleted> to draw breath. 

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On 4/5/2017 at 4:52 PM, Essaybloke said:

Yeah, just what a pair of grieving parents needs. Do you have any empathy at all?

These kids would have LIVED if their parents had enough common sense NOT to allow them driving a lethal weapon like this motorbike.
Condemn ANY parent that looks away of ignorance - you get what you deserve.  

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20 hours ago, kcpattaya said:

These kids would have LIVED if their parents had enough common sense NOT to allow them driving a lethal weapon like this motorbike.
Condemn ANY parent that looks away of ignorance - you get what you deserve.  

It's one thing to get on your high horse and be judgemental about all of this but then there's the practicalities of it all. If this were the West we could all agree with your sentiment but here is not there, here comprises a different set of social rules and enforcement with a much lighter touch. Kids of 12 years riding motor bikes is the norm, especially in rural areas, it would be an unusual parent who would deny their kids the same privileges as any other, especially in rural villages - come to that, how do we know that the parents didn't forbid them and that the accident was simply the result of kids being kids.


Sure there's lots wrong here with the levels of education, safety training, enforcement etc but perhaps better to not  simply bash the parents without first considering the larger picture and asking whether all of this was not just an unfortunate accident.

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Somehow, other poor countries manage to avoid Thailand's massive road death toll. I wonder how they can do that. There is no excuse for kids riding bikes they are not strong enough to control. If you are too poor to provide proper transport for them then find another way instead of gambling with their life. Which is more important? Going to sell a chicken or protecting the kids from harm. You know, taking responsibility as a parent (no matter how difficult that is for a Thai).

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10 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Somehow, other poor countries manage to avoid Thailand's massive road death toll.

You mean like Cambodia or Laos ?  Smaller population and not good enough roads and high ways . Most of the deadly accidents in Thailand happens when speed is involved. I think the roads are a big factor and overspeeding.


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On 4/8/2017 at 6:03 AM, simoh1490 said:

Kids of 12 years riding motor bikes is the norm, especially in rural areas, it would be an unusual parent who would deny their kids the same privileges as any other, especially in rural villages.


No matter what others do or accept as the norm: When people jump off roofs - you'd be an idiot to follow.

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On 4/5/2017 at 6:09 PM, simoh1490 said:

A third world country is one that is aligned with neither Nato nor the Communist Bloc, what part of that do you not understand!

I do realize that this going off topic, but I have to correct you. Those countries that were neither NATO or Communist bloc inclined were called none-aligned countries. '3rd world countries' was a largely defunct expression that has been replaced with 'developing countries'. It is, no doubt, considered more PC.

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I almost smashed my fist into the screen when I read this article!


This tragic accident, more than another, that I have ever seen, brings into sharp focus, the futility of the authority's road safety efforts during this holiday period.


Whilst the police and their partner agencies are all out there, manning check points, stupid, utterly irresponsible parents (or guardians as is often the case) allow 2 small children to ride a totally unsuitable vehicle on a main road.


Anywhere else it would be considered beyond belief. Here, it's just another incident to be added to the statistics. Terrible!







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Christ! Why do these people continually allow youngsters to ride illegally on motorbikes!?

Now two young lives are gone. Ended. Terminated, because of the lack of respect for both the law and community.

All sectors of the community have a duty of care.

Up to you. Up to me. Your life. My life and so on. Typical, I don't give a rats about anyone or anything, outlook.

The boys did wrong but their lives should have been spared. The blame should also be placed on all those individuals that had the opportunity of informing the boys of their wrong doing and putting them back on the right path.

Again, very sad news, in the so called land of smiles!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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4 hours ago, Moonlover said:

I do realize that this going off topic, but I have to correct you. Those countries that were neither NATO or Communist bloc inclined were called none-aligned countries. '3rd world countries' was a largely defunct expression that has been replaced with 'developing countries'. It is, no doubt, considered more PC.


I wasn't trying to hold master class on the term third world, instead trying to merely refute what that poster had written and in that respect the definition I used served that purpose. But since you seem to be trying to hold master class on the subject: the term was indeed adopted during the cold war, it was the world bank who subsequently changed the designation of many of those countries from third world to developing since many had begun to use the term in reference to both a country and an economy interchangeably - it therefore follows that a country might be third world whilst their economy was regarded as developing or newly emerging.

Third World - the group of developing nations, especially of Asia and Africa, that do not align themselves with the policies of either the U.S. or the former Soviet Union.http://www.dictionary.com/browse/third-world


The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO, or the Communist Bloc.





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On 4/5/2017 at 2:13 PM, Fatboysrule said:

Unfortunately sidecars in Thailand also tend to be very unstable and can get into a very bad speed wobble even when ridden by adults, let alone children.

I was very lucky several years ago on a main highway, when a small child and his little sister veered across the road in front of me. The front wheel was wobbling in a manner that could not be controlled by his little arms. I braked hard and narrowly missed him as he left the road and rolled over in the ditch. Fortunately they were both ok.

I know how the truck driver must feel.

The police need to stop turning a blind eye to this kind of thing. Go to any school first thing in the morning and just watch 2, 3 or even 4 children arriving on bike, operated by a child. 

RIP to the two poor kids.




If I recall correctly from my young days, a motorcycle and sidecar rig has to aligned correctly to make it stable. There has to be the right angle of 'toe-in' between the bike wheels and the sidecar wheel, otherwise the speed wobble that you describe can take place They've probably never even heard of toe-in here.

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On 4/6/2017 at 1:29 AM, balo said:



Unfortunately you can't change the mindset of Thai families.  Buddha is also a part of this culture.  

"No helmets today because everything is going to be fine" , "my son is 12 and he is protected , it will be another fine day" until tragic happens.  Then there will be a funeral and the loss will be "accepted" , and back to normal rural life again . Sure the family will suffer and hopefully have other kids that will grow up and take care of them when they get old.  


Rinse and repeat , it's just crazy and unacceptable for my western thinking. But all I can say is R.I.P.   










Do you mind if I correct just one sentence of your message? 'Buddhism is also a part of this culture'. Please, the Buddha is not responsible for any of this.


Otherwise I agree with what you have said. 

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1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:


I wasn't trying to hold master class on the term third world, instead trying to merely refute what that poster had written and in that respect the definition I used served that purpose. But since you seem to be trying to hold master class on the subject: the term was indeed adopted during the cold war, it was the world bank who subsequently changed the designation of many of those countries from third world to developing since many had begun to use the term in reference to both a country and an economy interchangeably - it therefore follows that a country might be third world whilst their economy was regarded as developing or newly emerging.

Third World - the group of developing nations, especially of Asia and Africa, that do not align themselves with the policies of either the U.S. or the former Soviet Union.http://www.dictionary.com/browse/third-world


The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO, or the Communist Bloc.





I do accept that the original comment that started this little sub-thread  (Ugh....3rd world) was somewhat opaque, but I think we can agree that he was referring to Thailand as a 3rd world country. And that would be correct by whichever definition one chooses.


But the definition itself is somewhat opaque.  Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Finland, and Switzerland were also none-aligned countries, but they certainly would not have been classed as 3rd world would they?


So maybe we are both 'splitting hairs' somewhat don't you think?

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5 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

I do accept that the original comment that started this little sub-thread  (Ugh....3rd world) was somewhat opaque, but I think we can agree that he was referring to Thailand as a 3rd world country. And that would be correct by whichever definition one chooses.


But the definition itself is somewhat opaque.  Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Finland, and Switzerland were also none-aligned countries, but they certainly would not have been classed as 3rd world would they?


So maybe we are both 'splitting hairs' somewhat don't you think?

The poster would not have been correct in any event since he was neither referring to the economy of Thailand nor its political leanings, instead he was using the term "third world country" as a broad derogatory slur in a social context. But yes, it is a pedantic debate since we both appear to understand the correct definition of the expression.

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1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

The poster would not have been correct in any event since he was neither referring to the economy of Thailand nor its political leanings, instead he was using the term "third world country" as a broad derogatory slur in a social context.

Yes, agreed. Which could well be why the team has fallen into disuse in favour of 'Developing Nations'. As I mentioned earlier, it is regarded is being more PC.

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On 05/04/2017 at 1:00 PM, tracker1 said:

And I would be sure that the truck driver like hundreds more was driving sensibe  like most I see evey day Driving like maniacs !

RIP kids unfortunatly you arnt the first and wont be the last !


This has to be one of the worst posrs this year.The only person not at fault here was the truck driver.Most truck drivers drive ok.

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On 05/04/2017 at 4:52 PM, Essaybloke said:

Yeah, just what a pair of grieving parents needs. Do you have any empathy at all?

No.They gave up their rights for empathy the moment they let the kids get on the bike.Parents have to stop being friends with their children and start being parents.

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On 05/04/2017 at 5:24 PM, Essaybloke said:

At age 9 I was regularly driving the farm Massey Ferguson and the ute. What a shame I wasn't killed in a roll over or head on with a road train. Would've taught my evil parents a valuable lesson! <deleted>. (Will that get deleted?)

Yes it would of and if you were killed by a road train,your grieving parents would be charged for their stupidity.

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On 05/04/2017 at 6:08 PM, kingkenny said:

I saw a number of motorcycles in that video, some with more that two people, I saw only one helmet being worn in the entire video. I have been here 14 years and the safety has never improved in all that time. Sometimes I think I might be over protective to my two sons but then I think it's needed.

All you can do is give them the best chance for survival.That means no major roads until they are 16 and compedant on bikes.

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On 05/04/2017 at 10:17 PM, wvavin said:

If only this type of Thai killer truck has a regulated speed limit, many accidents could have been avoided. 

The truck was not at fault here as you seem to imply.By the way,they have rules on truck speeds,the same as they have rules about dodgy motor bike sidecars and the age that you can ride those bikes.

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Imagine the truck drivers nightmare..parents are quick with explaining yet failed to act

2 young lives wasted....R.I.P.

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On 06/04/2017 at 11:40 PM, starky said:

Must be great to live a privileged life then come live in a developing country and never stop judging the locals. Up my way there would be maybe 3 cops for the whole town and everyone morning couple hundred kids going to school on motorcycles. What do you want them to do? Fine them every single day and take even more money away from their family which they don't have? Or maybe start arresting 8 year olds. Such ridiculous colonial attitudes. All you natives should just start obeying the laws, learn better more efficient farming techniques, get a better education pull up your bootstraps and just get better jobs and start making more money and learn the Queens English dammit I am sick of trying to understand your pidgin English.

The delicious irony is these poor people with no money, little education and not much hope are some of the most happy I have had the pleasure to meet where conversely some of you privileged pricks on here making judgements from your ivory towers are some of the most miserable <deleted> to draw breath. 

How many kids funerals have you been to.I have been to a few,caused by underage speeding on bikes.Funny thing,didn't see too many smiling faces those days.

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On 08/04/2017 at 6:03 AM, simoh1490 said:

It's one thing to get on your high horse and be judgemental about all of this but then there's the practicalities of it all. If this were the West we could all agree with your sentiment but here is not there, here comprises a different set of social rules and enforcement with a much lighter touch. Kids of 12 years riding motor bikes is the norm, especially in rural areas, it would be an unusual parent who would deny their kids the same privileges as any other, especially in rural villages - come to that, how do we know that the parents didn't forbid them and that the accident was simply the result of kids being kids.


Sure there's lots wrong here with the levels of education, safety training, enforcement etc but perhaps better to not  simply bash the parents without first considering the larger picture and asking whether all of this was not just an unfortunate accident.

But it doesn't stop there.After a work accident,especially causing death,there is an inquiry and a corenors report and recommendations.In this accident several mistakes would be highlighted and maybe even new laws to prevent it happening again.Sadly,in Thailand,there is no follow through and nothing will be learnt from these boys death.

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On 08/04/2017 at 5:32 PM, balo said:

You mean like Cambodia or Laos ?  Smaller population and not good enough roads and high ways . Most of the deadly accidents in Thailand happens when speed is involved. I think the roads are a big factor and overspeeding.


But this doesn't need to be the price of progress.The boys should not have been on that road,simple as that.

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13 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

How many kids funerals have you been to.I have been to a few,caused by underage speeding on bikes.Funny thing,didn't see too many smiling faces those days.

Been to a few myself, what's your point? I'm not talking about speeding. Talking about all the other reasonable sensible kids I see every day who go and come home from school with their brothers and sisters and friends on their bikes with no problems. My point was that it's just too easy for falangs to make these massive blanket statements about how Thais should stop this and stop that. Things aren't ideal but they are what they are.

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On 4/5/2017 at 2:13 PM, Fatboysrule said:

I was very lucky several years ago on a main highway, when a small child and his little sister veered across the road in front of me. The front wheel was wobbling in a manner that could not be controlled by his little arms. I braked hard and narrowly missed him as he left the road and rolled over in the ditch. Fortunately they were both ok.


Kind of same crap happened to me 5 years ago, small boy crossed the street in big (way too big) bicycle right in my face, could not avoid him but i made a suicide braking so i only hitted him at very low speed (i was being thrown above my bike before i hit him).


Worst scary shit in my life.

When i got up i was mixed between "are you okay" and i'm gonna kick your ass you almost had us all killed.


Usual stuff around here, happening every days, only time will change people's minds and we're talking decades not years.

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