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5 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

. Imagine being in suit and tie on the way to a job interview or work and you get soaked.




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3 minutes ago, Rob13 said:



Don't laugh, happened to me before.

When I know it's "official" I've got my rain gear, but that time was two days early and some backpacker poured water all over me, my laptop bag, and my job interview clothes.

8 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

days early and some backpacker poured water all over me, my laptop bag, and my job interview clothes.



in that case you should have smacked him. Best to  hunker down at home if you can til it all passes and leave the phone and any thing valuable behind if you go out.

  4 hours ago, rogeroc said:


Well at least you have recognised that it hasn't even started, I am sure you can answer your own question if you think about it. Yes it really does look like they intend a little dab or splash.

It's water.


ok its water chiangmaijoe


but how do the nice chinese tourists in the pic know where its  come from


pic ... green moat water outside siam tv yesterday :(


next week they will be throwing that over everyone without a thought :(




ps ... i also thought most of the group were :( 

green moat water for songkran 7 apr 17 20170407_094807~01.jpg

passports corners cut 21 sept 16 20160921_095507~01.jpg

15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Personally I hope they get a good beating and then arrested. I will read with great glee, any report of either happening to this bunch of complete morons.

I totally agree with you and they deserve a good beating so next time they will think twice before doing it .  I hope.

14 hours ago, canthai55 said:

As you should for the post above.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/abrahamlin109276.html

I agree with Darksidedog, walking up to a stranger in the street and throwing water over them is assault, and should be treated as such.

1 hour ago, Rob13 said:



in that case you should have smacked him. Best to  hunker down at home if you can til it all passes and leave the phone and any thing valuable behind if you go out.

Sure, everyone knows to hunker down for Songkran itself but you have a right to expect to not be assaulted prior to the date by some drunk twatpackers who think they're being funny. As others have said, they deserve to be arrested. 

5 hours ago, rogeroc said:

Don't know why, somehow they just look like Brits, maybe Dave can confirm from the accents.



No tatoos on arms and legs, no Brits.

1 hour ago, duanebigsby said:

Don't laugh, happened to me before.

When I know it's "official" I've got my rain gear, but that time was two days early and some backpacker poured water all over me, my laptop bag, and my job interview clothes.

I hope you took the appropriate action.


C M J you are a Idiot these People are A Holes  songramn is a Religious Festival foe Thais Not for Idiotic Farang who think they are No 1 if they came near me as this time of year I would retaliate with all I got and I hope the  A Holes have good medical insurance  because they will need it and all my Expat friends agree this use to be a great festival years ago but now is just a excuse for Drunken Farangs to act like complete Morons  and these Morons are over a week to early

10 hours ago, EricTh said:

And also ignorant morons!


Songkran is a Buddhist New Year and it's akin to Muslims celebrating Muslim New Year or the Christians celebrating Christmas holidays.


It's not a shooting water party . The original practice is to bathe the Buddha statues with water for purity.


Nowadays, people have forgotten the original meaning and start spraying humans just for joy.





That is not the original meaning of Song Khran at all.  Its was not Buddhist.  But it's got tangled up in Buddhism and temple rituals. It originated from Animist Dtai People. 


It's name is even derived from a Hindu harvest festival... not Thai language.  It is to celebrate the New Year and the coming of the rains as well as fertility. It was not about sprinkling water of Buddha statues. 


I agree, its got well out of hand now... and I much prefer the traditional festival.. where scented water was gently sprinkled on to peoples feed.  I had the great experience of going out into the countryside a few years back to a very rural village... and the children still did the traditional way.. even giving me a Wai and being very polite and funny. 


Farang tourists are way too aggressive, in your face, and loud (usually drunk) and really spoil it in the city.  Outside in country its much more relaxing and I prefer it. 

1 minute ago, jak2002003 said:

That is not to original meaning of Song Khran at all.  Its not even Buddhist.  But it's got tangled up in Buddhism and temple rituals. It originated from Animist Dtai People. 


It's name is even from a Hindu harvest festival... not Thai language.  It is to celebrate the New Year and the coming of the rains as well as fertility. 


I agree, its got well out of hand now... and I much prefer the traditional festival.. where scented water was gently sprinkled on to peoples feed.  I had the great experience of going out into the countryside a few years back to a very rural village... and the children still did the traditional way.. even giving me a Wai and being very polite and funny. 


Farang tourists are way too aggressive, in your face, and loud (usually drunk) and really spoil it in the city.  Outside in country its much more relaxing and I prefer it. 

Yes 100% agree I also a few years ago celebrated it in Village and had a great time  CMJ Read this and learn real Thai Culture

14 hours ago, eyecatcher said:

I think it was 2011 when it did this. It was very uncomfortable because there was no sun to at least make it enjoyable, just cold and miserable.


Not happened since though.....maybe this year

It rained the whole day in 1983 also, back then it was just a 'day' of water throwing.


16 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Personally I hope they get a good beating and then arrested. I will read with great glee, any report of either happening to this bunch of complete morons.

Look closely, they're only carrying water pistols, not military weapons.  You appear to be a very unhappy, disturbed soul.  I hope you get over it soon.


Songkran has obviously changed over the years, like a lot traditions around the world, they evolve...


But is it the tourists who are changing it, or is it the Thais exploiting the festival for financial gain ?? 

It's definitely promoted overseas now as a tourist attraction and a lot of tourism businesses rely on more than 1 day of celebration...


Anyway, Happy Songkran everyone :)

1 hour ago, Gerard052 said:

I totally agree with you and they deserve a good beating so next time they will think twice before doing it .  I hope.

Kindly define what you define as "a good beating"? broken bones, severe bruising, loss of teeth, black eyes and a broken nose, maybe a little brain damage and a few broken bones? This is real life, not the movies, maybe just talking to them would work? if not maybe? you could justify opening up that can of whoop-arse!

10 hours ago, dave2 said:

but ive not seen the men in the pics tonight coz they are probably trying to get in some slappers knickers from birmingham in a bar somewhere ?

Do knickers from Birmingham have a special brand identity? How do you recognise them? what makes them so special?  Or do you mean it's become part of tourist Songkrahn tradition for the males to model women's underwear in bars? I've never heard of these tourist-appropriated rituals.before.

53 minutes ago, jimstar1 said:

C M J you are a Idiot these People are A Holes  songramn is a Religious Festival foe Thais Not for Idiotic Farang who think they are No 1 if they came near me as this time of year I would retaliate with all I got and I hope the  A Holes have good medical insurance  because they will need it and all my Expat friends agree this use to be a great festival years ago but now is just a excuse for Drunken Farangs to act like complete Morons  and these Morons are over a week to early


4 hours ago, EricTh said:


Most Canadians have British ancestry so they don't look different from them.


You can only tell by their accents and not looks.

You can tell by their looks. Just look at their teeth!!  


Most of you  guys need a lot of cheese to go with your wine, wine, wine!  Honestly go back and read this thread it's a whine fest. 


is it legal to rip the gun from her hands then pummel her with it?


This is why I hide during Songkran. I believe in buddhism and do not want to rip people to pieces.



7 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

You can tell by their looks. Just look at their teeth!!  


Most of you  guys need a lot of cheese to go with your wine, wine, wine!  Honestly go back and read this thread it's a whine fest. 

And with good reason...????

33 minutes ago, sandemara said:

Look closely, they're only carrying water pistols, not military weapons.  You appear to be a very unhappy, disturbed soul.  I hope you get over it soon.


26 minutes ago, CGW said:

Kindly define what you define as "a good beating"? broken bones, severe bruising, loss of teeth, black eyes and a broken nose, maybe a little brain damage and a few broken bones? This is real life, not the movies, maybe just talking to them would work? if not maybe? you could justify opening up that can of whoop-arse!

I think you will note that I did not say that I personally would batter these retards. A few years back some dick managed to destroy my laptop several days before throwing water was supposed to start. Would I like to see the dick get a beating or arrested? Yes, I would. I am not stupid enough to attack anyone, local or foreigner here, as I am aware of the consequences. Doesn't mean I wouldn't enjoy being a fly on the wall if it happened though.

Some people get carried away with the thrill of it all, but that doesn't mean they should show zero respect for anyone, especially when they are doing it at the wrong time.

1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Why didnt you just go and explain to them that Songkran doesnt start until next week ?


Yes it is highly probable that they have come all the way from the UK to be at Songkran, yet they don't know when it is. And just what do you presume their reaction would have been ???  Anyway congratulations for getting a like from CMJ, 

1 minute ago, rogeroc said:

And just what do you presume their reaction would have been ???

You probably think that they would have got guns and knives out and murdered you, but they would more likely have said "Ah, thanks for letting us know"

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