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90 day report date / cycle

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Yes, that has been my experience.  It even makes sense if you recall the report must be made after spending 90 consecutive days in Thailand, starting from the day you enter the country or make your 90 day report.  If they were to give you 90 days from the expiration of your current 90 day report you would be spending more than 90 consecutive days in Thailand before your 90 day report due date.  They do allow, however, a one week grace period to make the 90 day report after its due date.

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The next report should be day 180, of continuous stay, but you should go by the report date given by the immigration officer.


The requirement is to report every 90 days that you've stayed continuously in the country, not 90 days after the last report date. The concession to allow early reporting shouldn't change the 90 day cycle. I think immigration officer are just being lazy and can't be bothered to change the stamp date!

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At one point I actually had my 90 day report and my Extension synced up so that I was able to do both at the same time (Renewed my extension one day, came back the next to get my multi-reentry permit and did my 90 day report at the same time).

Unfortunately after that things went out of whack. Last year I had to do my 90 Day a month before my extension. Just did another one yesterday and in 2 months have to renew my extension, then do another 90 Day report a month later. I'll have to make another trip out of the country or do some fancy juggling with the dates to get them back in sync again but it's not worth the hassle.


If you could do the 90 day reports bang on the 90 day marks you could do your 4th one every year at the same time as you do your extension renewal. Unfortunately it's not a perfect world and those annoying things like weekends, holidays, power outages, coups and so on keep getting in the way ! 

Of course if the online reporting was more reliable it would make life a little simpler (and cut down on the lines at the immigration offices) !

(I still think Jomtien should just have a small kiosk outside the main door - or use that room on the left of the main door - and just have a "90 Day" report line separate for that purpose. Line up in that line, no number queue needed, hand over passport to be scanned, take 2 steps, get new print-out with next report date, step out exit door and be gone !)


Yesterday I went early (07:20ish) and the line was out to the flag pole. I got #405 for the 90 day desk. While I was waiting for them to start, other people were walking up to the desk and trying to get the IO to take their passport - apparently thinking they were first in line, despite having numbers in the high 440s ! 

It only took 5 minutes from the time they started processing people until I was finished (so basically about 1 minute per person if all they have to do is scan a barcode and hand you a new print-out.) As I was leaving and looking at the crowd of people inside, I was wondering just how many of them were only there for the 90 day report. (At least 45 but probably a lot more.) Having an "assembly line" process for the 90 day reports outside of the main office would speed things up a lot and cut down on the numbers of people inside. 


(While I was waiting in line I wondered at how long it will be before Jomtien either undergoes an major expansion, or they make a new office, perhaps in Naklua, which would greatly reduce the workload and traffic at Jomtien.)

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Another option is to do the 90 day reports by mail. Been doing mine for about a year and half that way to the office here. Started doing them by mail after they moved the office further away in 2015.

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3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Another option is to do the 90 day reports by mail. Been doing mine for about a year and half that way to the office here. Started doing them by mail after they moved the office further away in 2015.

Or use the 7 day grace period after due time and by your next extension date your back in sync.

No need for a trip out............

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