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Machines to make bottled water


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Hello there, does anyone know of a factory that makes the equipment to make bottled water? If, for example, you wanted to build your own small factory which produced and then sold bottled water, like the 10 Baht ones you see in the street, you obviously need the machinery to do that. I've been looking for a little while now and don't know how to find a company that makes the machinery for someone to do this. How do I go about this? Contact Nestle and ask them when they got the machinery theyuse from?

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It's natural water from a mountain. A friend wants to construct a production line. Where can associates buy the machinery to construct a production lineof approximately 5000 bottles produced per hour? There must be people in Thailand producing it, they certainly drink more than their fair share of water.

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The gf told me a while ago that her family own Nestle (Thai). and only buys their water . She's away on business at the moment and I can't promise that she will help but I could ask her. She may be able to find the right person there for you to contact. But like I say no promises, from what I've seen Thais don't like to nurture the competition much. Just sayin.

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Yes we have encountered the competition and ensuing secrecy. Where the companies that make this equipment are I just don't know and not really into trapesing round industrial estates on the off chance...

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You have to have a secure source of water, not good if someone with land

further up the mountain,blocks your water supply,

You will need filtration system,UV or Ozone treatment plant,bottling system,

plastic shrink equipment to pack your filled bottles,and to start 1 truck to 

deliver the water.

Look at Alibaba the Chinese web site,I am sure you will find everything on

there,but check what Thai customs charge in import fees etc., 


We get a delivery  by our water man,same one for last 20 years, we buy 2x24  500cc

glass bottles cost 56 Thb per case ,4 cases per week,  so in one delivery they charge

112 THB, just think what they must do to earn that gross amount, clean bottles,Ozone

the water,bottle it,put it into crates,put it on lorry, deliver to my house for 112 THB, if

that was all profit it's still nothing,  good luck.

regards worgeordie

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