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Midweek rant: Dear Songkran revelers – any chance of leaving me alone?


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29 minutes ago, dg1980 said:

I, I, I. Maybe songkran isn't just about you and your dear little comforts.

I am not asking for any comforts. I just want to be allowed to get on with my life without being an unwilling participant in Songkran idiocy. You want to have fun throwing water, then do so with like minded people in designated areas and leave me out of it thanks.

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32 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

With that rant. You have friends?  

Get a gun and have some fun!! 

It is not a rant. Soaking people who do not wish to be soaked is not my idea of fun. And, yes, I do have friends. Most of them are like minded on this subject. But those who want to participate do so, but without stepping on the toes of those who do not wish to.   

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9 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

One has to wonder why you came here it does not snow? If you wish to go out and experience Songkran go for it just quit trying to sell us on the idea of a serious religious holiday being retooled into a huge waste of a precious resource and injection of bahts by masses of madness called "tourists" Yes it is a divided world your side and the rest of us. 

There are really just a handful of posters who really seem to hate it or in better terms refuse to make alternate plans even though you know this great holiday is coming. Was Christmas a serious religious holiday long , long ago??  Get it? Hoilidays and traditions change. They change by mainly locals and then other outside reasons. For decades the water guns, water containers and tossing buckets have been going on. Just try to disprove this. Who cares what was going on  100 years ago.  Seems like from some posters even less than that the women were mostly topless ?  Some of you guys need to get out and really see that for example on Silom Rd a huge majority of the participants are Thais. Easily 85%+ the Thais have the largest buckets of both water and ICE water. They are local and prepare for this. The foreigners mainly have water guns along with the Thais. There are not that many obviously drunk people at all. Everyone gets along very well and it's an absolute blast. 

If you live in Pattaya then it's longer but really that is your FAULT.  It also seems a handful of posters are down right stubborn. Just read the posts. The Thais have made this a bigger and more fun holiday and tourists have just come and added to the fun. 

If anyone wants to put up a pic of a bunch of tourists on Kao Sarn rd and no Thais in the pic I can put up pics of groups of all Thais with no foreigners in the pic.  

Thais just don't see Songkran as a serious religious holiday just older crabby foreigners seem to drag this up every year. 

Its so simple plan right now for next year and leave!!  Don't be stubborn and don't complain and fight it. Modern day Songkran is here to stay. 

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2 hours ago, overherebc said:

Two things that don't appear at Songkran.

1. Common sense.

2. Compromise.

Couldn't agree more.


It doesn't take a tremendous amount of common sense to realise that throwing water at those on 'bikes is not exactly a good idea....


Similarly, it doesn't take tremendous brain power to realise its probably a good idea to restrict water fights to those similarly  'armed'  - i.e. with their own water gun.

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22 minutes ago, dg1980 said:

I, I, I. Maybe songkran isn't just about you and your dear little comforts.

Yes, I, I, I.  Or, maybe we, we, we.  And, nobody is talking about 'comforts'.  What we are talking about is, in some cases, out of control drunken mobs being given license to pretty much do whatever they want,whenever they want, to whomever they want, all over town, with little or no supervision.  We don't want dirty water thrown on us, ice thrown on us, buckets of water thrown on us that knocks us off our bikes, powder that came from who knows where rubbed on our face and into our eyes, etc., etc.  Not against Songkran at all--been there, done that.  Just have it on a few designated streets.  Hey, the drunken mobs will be concentrated--should be even more fun!

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1 minute ago, alex8912 said:

There are really just a handful of posters who really seem to hate it

This is the part of your statement that I feel is wrong an alternate truth. After I wrote that I felt you would make a comeback. Sorry I quit acting like a lemming years ago and started to think for myself. Yes the world is changing we have the likes of Trump, Park, Duerte, Najib, Putin, The nut in Iran and flat top in North Korea oh yes Mr. Xi in China as well running amok. Is the world changing for the better hmm not likely. What are we changing into well read post 59 and others where they were injured and almost killed by Songkran. I guess the loss of human life for the sake of a little madness means little to you. We share the planet and live by freedom of speech you have had your say and I have had mine. Bye now. 

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7 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

There are really just a handful of posters who really seem to hate it or in better terms refuse to make alternate plans even though you know this great holiday is coming. Was Christmas a serious religious holiday long , long ago??  Get it? Hoilidays and traditions change. They change by mainly locals and then other outside reasons. For decades the water guns, water containers and tossing buckets have been going on. Just try to disprove this. Who cares what was going on  100 years ago.  Seems like from some posters even less than that the women were mostly topless ?  Some of you guys need to get out and really see that for example on Silom Rd a huge majority of the participants are Thais. Easily 85%+ the Thais have the largest buckets of both water and ICE water. They are local and prepare for this. The foreigners mainly have water guns along with the Thais. There are not that many obviously drunk people at all. Everyone gets along very well and it's an absolute blast. 

If you live in Pattaya then it's longer but really that is your FAULT.  It also seems a handful of posters are down right stubborn. Just read the posts. The Thais have made this a bigger and more fun holiday and tourists have just come and added to the fun. 

If anyone wants to put up a pic of a bunch of tourists on Kao Sarn rd and no Thais in the pic I can put up pics of groups of all Thais with no foreigners in the pic.  

Thais just don't see Songkran as a serious religious holiday just older crabby foreigners seem to drag this up every year. 

Its so simple plan right now for next year and leave!!  Don't be stubborn and don't complain and fight it. Modern day Songkran is here to stay. 

I do not see why you have to divide everything up between Thais and Felangs

This is about water fights and plenty of Thais do not like it either .

This is about Songran, rather than being about Thais and Felangs

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5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Couldn't agree more.


It doesn't take a tremendous amount of common sense to realise that throwing water at those on 'bikes is not exactly a good idea....


Similarly, it doesn't take tremendous brain power to realise its probably a good idea to restrict water fights to those similarly  'armed'  - i.e. with their own water gun.

Gee Dick your one of the few that one poster quotes as the few on TV that dislike Songkran. In this case dislike translates into common sense. 

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It's really too bad that some people cannot see the point of what others are trying to relate. I do not go to Pattaya during Songkran or much at all because the place has deteriorated from what it once was. I do not go to Khao San Road or Silom during the festival because I do not want to participate.  These are designated areas and the Thai Government is attempting to keep revellers in these areas. So, stay where you belong.

My objection is to the attitude hat some people have that it is open season on anyone anywhere should you as a reveller decide to go where you want and splash people with water who do not want it.

As long as you stay in your designated area go at it and splash  away  but if you come into my area where I do not want to have 'fun' because I have other activities to attend to- you are now encroaching on my freedom as a citizen/visitor to not participate.  It's called manners and respecting other people which never changes throughout history or the ages.


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7 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

There are really just a handful of posters who really seem to hate it or in better terms refuse to make alternate plans even though you know this great holiday is coming. Was Christmas a serious religious holiday long , long ago??  Get it? Hoilidays and traditions change. They change by mainly locals and then other outside reasons. For decades the water guns, water containers and tossing buckets have been going on. Just try to disprove this. Who cares what was going on  100 years ago.  Seems like from some posters even less than that the women were mostly topless ?  Some of you guys need to get out and really see that for example on Silom Rd a huge majority of the participants are Thais. Easily 85%+ the Thais have the largest buckets of both water and ICE water. They are local and prepare for this. The foreigners mainly have water guns along with the Thais. There are not that many obviously drunk people at all. Everyone gets along very well and it's an absolute blast. 

If you live in Pattaya then it's longer but really that is your FAULT.  It also seems a handful of posters are down right stubborn. Just read the posts. The Thais have made this a bigger and more fun holiday and tourists have just come and added to the fun. 

If anyone wants to put up a pic of a bunch of tourists on Kao Sarn rd and no Thais in the pic I can put up pics of groups of all Thais with no foreigners in the pic.  

Thais just don't see Songkran as a serious religious holiday just older crabby foreigners seem to drag this up every year. 

Its so simple plan right now for next year and leave!!  Don't be stubborn and don't complain and fight it. Modern day Songkran is here to stay. 

What you say is true but 99% of those taking part can't/will not leave people alone. I have seen people sitting having a meal at tables in a place close to the road and a pick up outside with expats in the back use water guns made from blue plastic pipe with quite a few yards range spray the restaurant and table then drive of laughing before anyone had the chance to get a hold of them.

Fun festival it is not.

In pattaya by the way.

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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

This is the part of your statement that I feel is wrong an alternate truth. After I wrote that I felt you would make a comeback. Sorry I quit acting like a lemming years ago and started to think for myself. Yes the world is changing we have the likes of Trump, Park, Duerte, Najib, Putin, The nut in Iran and flat top in North Korea oh yes Mr. Xi in China as well running amok. Is the world changing for the better hmm not likely. What are we changing into well read post 59 and others where they were injured and almost killed by Songkran. I guess the loss of human life for the sake of a little madness means little to you. We share the planet and live by freedom of speech you have had your say and I have had mine. Bye now. 

The world is not changing because of a handful of leaders you listed. It's changing because it always does. Every generation thinks the generation before was different. I just think you need to change some habits during Songkran. Many many people DONT get hurt during this fun holiday like 99.99% 

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Just now, elgordo38 said:

Gee Dick your one of the few that one poster quotes as the few on TV that dislike Songkran. In this case dislike translates into common sense. 



I don't dislike Songkran as such - it can be good fun.  On the other hand I dislike the lack of basic common sense shown by so many.

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

I do not see why you have to divide everything up between Thais and Felangs

This is about water fights and plenty of Thais do not like it either .

This is about Songran, rather than being about Thais and Felangs

Its not Felangs its Farangs. You seem to be a Farang that likes to harangue. Your statement wanders all over the place what is your position. I have made an effort to smoke the peace pipe with you and failed but I am a sucker for trying. I am against fights of any kind and dislike people who say the "new" Songkran is progress and the evolution of things. Horse Pucky 

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1 minute ago, alex8912 said:

The world is not changing because of a handful of leaders you listed. It's changing because it always does. Every generation thinks the generation before was different. I just think you need to change some habits during Songkran. Many many people DONT get hurt during this fun holiday like 99.99% 

Thanks for the update I am now convinced that WE ARE DOOMED

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

Thanks for the update I am now convinced that WE ARE DOOMED

Oh well that's a totally different topic. We are doomed!  But it's not because of my Generation X people it's because of the millennials. At least we could agree on that. 

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5 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Oh well that's a totally different topic. We are doomed!  But it's not because of my Generation X people it's because of the millennials. At least we could agree on that. 

I am a boomer and I think the end started there. Big business saw how much prosperity we had and the decent life we enjoyed. They think like surgeons and severed off bits of prosperity from us for themselves the greedy bustards. It is only now in retirement that I can look back without the worries of work wife and family and see the truth. I am a nice guy and I think your a nice guy its just that nice guys don't always think alike. Keep that in mind and we call continue to kabitz here. 

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Every generation thinks the one before was different because each generation is faced with new challenges and the key to life is to learn from the past and accept those things that were positive and learn how to not make the mistakes of the past.


The thing that has to remain constant is basic morality; treating others as we want to be treated with respect and dignity and basic manners which are timeless. Unfortunately, as generations have evolved- too many have forgotten these basic things and try and impose on others. There's plenty of space for everyone if we live and let live.



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What's easier?  Taking Mohammed to the mountain, or bringing the mountain to Mohammed?

Just leave the city!  Easy as that. Thailand's a big country, a lot of it rural.  In my village, a handful of kids stake out the same places every year.  Other than in the exact vicinity of the kids, there ain't no water being tossed around.  Overall, it's just another day.  People still go to work, markets are still open, overall it's demure.  The highlight of our family Songkran is visiting old people.  So anyone who hunkers down in place and expects the festivities to simply flow around them like Moses parting the Red Sea - get real.  Take a vacation where others tend not to go for Songkran.  Think outside the box.  You'll be happier!  :smile:

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12 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Its not Felangs its Farangs. You seem to be a Farang that likes to harangue. Your statement wanders all over the place what is your position. I have made an effort to smoke the peace pipe with you and failed but I am a sucker for trying. I am against fights of any kind and dislike people who say the "new" Songkran is progress and the evolution of things. Horse Pucky 

As I live in the North, that is how its pronounced .

My position that there is no need to divide everything between Thais and Felangs

The issue is about whether people enjoy and participate in Songkan, the issues isnt about Thais or Felangs , as people from both categories both enjoy and dislike Songran

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

As I live in the North, that is how its pronounced .

My position that there is no need to divide everything between Thais and Felangs

The issue is about whether people enjoy and participate in Songkan, the issues isnt about Thais or Felangs , as people from both categories both enjoy and dislike Songran

Well we partially agree on something your last statement. Have a good time over Songkran don't forget your shower cap. If you do not show up onsite next week we will know what happened. Have a great day. I live in the North to and never heard of Felang. My g/f comes from Chang Rai and she has not heard of it either. 

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Oh-my-sweet-baby-Jesus....not another one!

It get's so boring and tiresome!

Do you also complain about "Rudolph the red nosed raindeer" blaring out of every given loudspeaker during Christmast?

Are you also sick and tired, of people, wishing you a "Happy New Year" on Dec 31st or Jan 1st?

Get over yourselves, puuuuuleaze! 

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Not another cry-baby Songkran rant. It seems so simple; if it hurts, don't do that.  Go out of country for Songkran. Stay at home for Songkran. If you have to go out; drive your car, or wear a raincoat and goggles.  

Are you serous? Not everyone wants to blow 15k to fly out of the country and book hotels, taxis, the wasted half days at the airport all because of water wars.

Shame the good general doesn't reign in this deadly festival to one day.. Many lives would be saved including children

I am prepared to accept 1 day and get wet even.
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14 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I am a boomer and I think the end started there. Big business saw how much prosperity we had and the decent life we enjoyed. They think like surgeons and severed off bits of prosperity from us for themselves the greedy bustards. It is only now in retirement that I can look back without the worries of work wife and family and see the truth. I am a nice guy and I think your a nice guy its just that nice guys don't always think alike. Keep that in mind and we call continue to kabitz here. 

Yup I agree. I just wish I was fully retired but I have to go back to the West late Friday night and go work for 6 months and come back to Thailand in October. Maybe that is part of the reason I need to go out and let my aggressions out by water fighting tomorrow and a little bit on Friday. But as I have posted many times my only real life Songkran play has only been on Silom Rd and this is my third one. I have to say up country sounds like a bunch of drunken hicks and Pattaya well.....I'm not a big fan and at least it's concentrated there. 

I think for anyone who wants to have fun and get soaked and laugh with lots of cool Thais and some foreigners Silom Rd is a great Songkran experience. If that is not what you want then you really have to make other plans and try not to complain. But this is TVF! 

We all need some cheese ? with our Wine ? 


And nd my comment about up country seems to not be completely true some villages seem about as boring and quiet as can be according to some posters 

Edited by alex8912
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Oh-my-sweet-baby-Jesus....not another one!
It get's so boring and tiresome!
Do you also complain about "Rudolph the red nosed raindeer" blaring out of every given loudspeaker during Christmast?
Are you also sick and tired, of people, wishing you a "Happy New Year" on Dec 31st or Jan 1st?
Get over yourselves, puuuuuleaze! 

Hundreds of people do not die from those events.. But who cares about that.. It's all about me me me!
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43 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The thing that has to remain constant is basic morality; treating others as we want to be treated with respect and dignity and basic manners which are timeless. Unfortunately, as generations have evolved- too many have forgotten these basic things and try and impose on others. There's plenty of space for everyone if we live and let live.


A must read for all TV posters. 

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16 minutes ago, Ijustcashier said:

Oh-my-sweet-baby-Jesus....not another one!
It get's so boring and tiresome!
Do you also complain about "Rudolph the red nosed raindeer" blaring out of every given loudspeaker during Christmast?
Are you also sick and tired, of people, wishing you a "Happy New Year" on Dec 31st or Jan 1st?
Get over yourselves, puuuuuleaze! 

Another "I am at the end of my rope" statement covered by freedom of speech of course. I can relate to Christmas and Rudolph and Happy New Year as mentioned it gets to be a bit much at my age. There I said it. Time seems to spin these events faster and faster as I age. OK where are my cranky pills. 

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I have only been in Bangkok for Songkran one time. I wore a really good raincoat with a hood. I pulled the hood as tight as it would go, so that only a small portion of my face was exposed. I then walked in a semi-hunched fashion, past the revelers. Most looked at me, and said something like "he is no fun", and left me alone. 


Some of the reveling is fun. But, when you are going to the mall, traveling on the sky train, going to the movies, etc, wearing wet clothes is no fun.

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