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China's Xi tells Trump 'peaceful resolution' needed on North Korea


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China's Xi tells Trump 'peaceful resolution' needed on North Korea

By Nobuhiro Kubo and Michael Martina




Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivers remarks on North Korea accompanied by U.S. President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida U.S., February 11, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria/Files


TOKYO/BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a peaceful resolution of rising tensions on the Korean peninsula in a telephone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday, as a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group steams towards the region.


Xi's call with Trump came after an influential state-run Chinese newspaper warned that the Korean peninsula was the closest it has been to a "military clash" since Pyongyang's first nuclear test in 2006.


Tension has escalated sharply on the Korean peninsula amid concerns that reclusive North Korea could soon conduct a sixth nuclear test or more missile launches and Trump's threat of unilateral action to solve the problem.


Trump had already ordered the US Vinson aircraft carrier group to head for the Korean peninsula in an attempt to deter North Korea's nuclear and long-range missile ambitions, which it is developing in defiance of United Nations resolutions and sanctions.


Wednesday's call between Xi and Trump came hard on the heels of their first face-to-face meeting in Florida last week. It was not immediately clear who initiated the call.


Trump, who has urged China to do more to rein in North Korea, had warned earlier on Twitter that Pyongyang was "looking for trouble" and that the United States would "solve the problem" with or without Beijing's help.


Xi stressed that China "is committed to the target of denuclearisation on the peninsula, safeguarding peace and stability on the peninsula, and advocates resolving problems through peaceful means," Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said of the exchange between the two leaders.


"China is willing to maintain close communication and coordination with the U.S. side", Xi said.


Earlier on Wednesday, two sources in Tokyo said Japan's navy planned exercises with the Vinson carrier group in a joint show of force.


The influential Chinese state-run Global Times also said in an editorial North Korea should halt any plans for nuclear and missile activities "for its own security". While widely read in China and run by the ruling Communist Party's official People's Daily, the Global Times does not represent government policy.


The editorial noted Trump's recent decision to launch 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airfield in response to a deadly gas attack last week.


"Not only [is] Washington brimming with confidence and arrogance following the missile attacks on Syria, but Trump is also willing to be regarded as a man who honours his promises," the Global Times said.


"The U.S. is making up its mind to stop the North from conducting further nuclear tests. It doesn't plan to co-exist with a nuclear-armed Pyongyang," it said. "Pyongyang should avoid making mistakes at this time."


North Korean state media warned on Tuesday of a nuclear attack on the United States at any sign of American aggression.


(Additional reporting by Ju-min Park in SEOUL, Tim Kelly in TOKYO, and Michael Martina, Christian Shepherd and Philip Wen in BEIJING; Writing by Michael Perry; Editing by Paul Tait)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-12
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Xi stressed that China "is committed to the target of denuclearisation on the peninsula, safeguarding peace and stability on the peninsula, and advocates resolving problems through peaceful means," Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said of the exchange between the two leaders.

100% agree with these comments.  But so far, it doesn't look to be working.  Sadly, dictators need tougher actions.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Xi stressed that China "is committed to the target of denuclearisation on the peninsula, safeguarding peace and stability on the peninsula, and advocates resolving problems through peaceful means," Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said of the exchange between the two leaders.

Considering this your trained dog Kim Jung whatever is on a pretty long leash. 

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Yep, write ' Peace " on a bout 100 Tomahawk missiles and let them rip.....
that's the only language this chubby dictator will understand.....

Better send 10,000, because Kimmy is crazy enough to retaliate with nuclear weapons if not wiped out first round.
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3 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Or we could all just put our guns back in their holsters and act like grown-ups, that why no innocent people have to die.

100% agreed.  So why is NK developing nuclear weapons?  Just to holster them?

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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Probably the main reason North Korea is developing nuclear weapons is that its conventional forces are no match for South Korea's.  Really, no match for any likely or even unlikely invaders. It's the only credible threat they've got.

I get that argument.  Problem as always when it comes to nuclear weapons is that it all depends on has the key to the button.  Can you imagine if it was some volatile, mentally unstable maniac like Kim/Trump.... Take your pick!

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Xi is doing what Chinese leaders have been doing for several US presidents now- saying one thing and doing another. If Xi wanted to he could remove the chubby one yesterday, so whatever happens in Nth Korea is down to what the Chinese allow.

He has a right as China would be the most affected by a North Korea regime collapse and power vaccum and possible civil war.
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100% agreed.  So why is NK developing nuclear weapons?  Just to holster them?

Given the long and sordid history and propensity of the USA (and Russia) to invade or attack other countries, there may be a bit of genuine truth to the defensive aspect of having nuclear weapons. Think Kimmy truly fears USA invading his country!
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25 minutes ago, deepinlaos said:


it's a deterrent against US aggression

Really? You mean the world's aggression towards NK?  LOL







The nuclear program can be traced back to about 1962, when North Korea committed itself to what it called "all-fortressization", which was the beginning of the hyper-militarized North Korea of today.[8] In 1963, North Korea asked the Soviet Union for help in developing nuclear weapons, but was refused. The Soviet Union agreed to help North Korea develop a peaceful nuclear energy program, including the training of nuclear scientists. Later, China, after its nuclear tests, similarly rejected North Korean requests for help with developing nuclear weapons.[9]


Under the 1994 Agreed Framework, the U.S. government agreed to facilitate the supply of two light water reactors to North Korea in exchange for North Korean disarmament.[14][15] Such reactors are considered "more proliferation-resistant than North Korea's graphite-moderated reactors",[16] but not "proliferation proof".[17] Implementation of the Agreed Framework floundered, and in 2002 the Agreed Framework fell apart, with each side blaming the other for its failure. By 2002, Pakistan had admitted that North Korea had gained access to Pakistan's nuclear technology in the late 1990s.[18]



I don't see US aggression here.  Just crazy dictators trying to obtain a nuclear weapon at all costs.

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12 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

The USA is not going to nuke NK, ever.  In fact even Trump isn't stupid enough to launch a nuclear missile.  Posturing and bluster is one thing but triggering a nuclear conflict is even beyond his madness.

Worst case would be a precision strike to take out the nuclear facilities.  Like Israel did to Iran several years ago.

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

Or we could all just put our guns back in their holsters and act like grown-ups, that why no innocent people have to die.

I'm glad to see at least one fellow poster who does not want to play fast and loose with the lives of countless innocent people, from the comfort of a safe distance away from the hostilities. 

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3 minutes ago, baboon said:

I'm glad to see at least one fellow poster who does not want to play fast and loose with the lives of countless innocent people, from the comfort of a safe distance away from the hostilities. 

If you could get KJ on board with that too, I'd give you 100 Baht.

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