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Thousands at U.S. rallies demand Trump release tax returns


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There is some little guy with a funny hair cut trying to launch missiles at the US and your upset about tax returns. Try a group hug with puppies and hold you breath for 10 seconds . And while your on about tax returns, how much tax does google, apple and the big corporations pay? What a bunch of sore losers ,get over it, and turn up to vote if your real serious. 

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And yet you are.

If you consider mockery and derision "paying attention", I suppose you're right. But I was actually saying it was pointless for a president with infinitely more worthwhile ways to spend his time. Me, in the Songkran World of Water, I can spare some.

Reading skills there, mate...
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7 minutes ago, Monkeyrobot said:

There is some little guy with a funny hair cut trying to launch missiles at the US and your upset about tax returns. Try a group hug with puppies and hold you breath for 10 seconds . And while your on about tax returns, how much tax does google, apple and the big corporations pay? What a bunch of sore losers ,get over it, and turn up to vote if your real serious. 

I'm concerned with how a big guy with funny hair and not a clue about government or the military will respond to the little guy. 


I'm also concerned that he will sell out the Presidency for money, as he's already started doing by making Mar-a-Lago the "Winter White House" then doubling the membership fee.  Tax returns would provide evidence of any conflicts of interest, which I'm sure are plentiful, and could be used to remove the incompetent from the White House.   That's why he won't release them.


BTW, I voted and will continue to vote.  Also, Apple, Google and big corporations aren't part of this topic.  Stop trying to divert attention.

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21 minutes ago, heybruce said:

So your low standard for integrity is not being charged with a crime?


I don't know if Trump has been indicted for anything, though I wouldn't be surprised. He certainly has had more than his share of legal problems.  https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/01/donald-trump-scandals/474726/     




Tax lawyers try to stay barely within the tax law, but don't always succeed, especially when directed to push the limits.  However the IRS doesn't look for conflicts of interest, which is the major reason tax records of people in public office should be scrutinized.  Trump has the potential for conflicts of interest on an unprecedented scale, and his failure to put his finances in a blind trust, his appointment of family members in key positions without requiring them to put financial interests in blind trusts, and his refusal to reveal tax returns that could expose conflicts of interests is extremely suspicious and should not be tolerated.


Yes, one can find contradictions.  However contradictions, actually gross hypocrisy, as major as Trump criticizing Mitt Romney for being slow to release tax records then flatly refusing to do so himself are rare. 

lawsuits are filed every day in the usa and not all are justifiable. many are settled out of court simply to reduce the costs of a lengthy civil trial so you're inference that makes him guilty of anything is not without major flaws. your link is also off topic since it isn't a lawsuit regarding trump's payment of personal income taxes to the IRS.

no, my low standard isn't that only indictment... he was a businessman prior so there is a different level to be accounted to in the business world as opposed to the world of politics where the public trust resides, and he's never been accused in any way of criminal failure to pay taxes, which was my main point...  since this thread is about tax payments!

you're nitpicking on contradictions to find a reason for your dislike of the man regarding annual tax payments, so there's no use in debating... you'e allowed to not like him, so keep doing that.

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1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

lawsuits are filed every day in the usa and not all are justifiable. many are settled out of court simply to reduce the costs of a lengthy civil trial so you're inference that makes him guilty of anything is not without major flaws. your link is also off topic since it isn't a lawsuit regarding trump's payment of personal income taxes to the IRS.

no, my low standard isn't that only indictment... he was a businessman prior so there is a different level to be accounted to in the business world as opposed to the world of politics where the public trust resides, and he's never been accused in any way of criminal failure to pay taxes, which was my main point...  since this thread is about tax payments!

you're nitpicking on contradictions to find a reason for your dislike of the man regarding annual tax payments, so there's no use in debating... you'e allowed to not like him, so keep doing that.

You still refer to gross hypocrisy as "contradictions".  You also ignore evidence of conflicts of interest, lack of ethics, and suspicious hostility to traditional levels of scrutiny.


You are allowed to deny reality, so keep doing that.

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8 hours ago, haroldc said:

Makes perfect sense.  The protesters want to know if President Trump is not working for the best interests of the United States.  Why should we not know if the protesters are not working for the best interests of the United States?  What's good for the goose should be good for the gander...

Well the protesters obviously feel that they have to try to stop Trump destroying their once great country.


Trump will not release his tax returns because he really does have something to hide.  A liar, cheat and thoroughly dishonest character that today is POTUS.  Of course people could just roll over and let him continue sailing for the abyss or they could use their voices to try and expose him for what he is.

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10 hours ago, haroldc said:

Perhaps all these protesters should release all their tax returns before demanding that President Trump releases his.  As Mr. Dinkin said: "Without seeing his [their] taxes, we'll never really know who he's [they are] working for."

How about Trump and the protesters release their taxes returns simultaneously?  I'll bet the overwhelming majority of these protesters would release theirs if Trump releases his.  I certainly would.

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11 minutes ago, heybruce said:

How about Trump and the protesters release their taxes returns simultaneously?  I'll bet the overwhelming majority of these protesters would release theirs if Trump releases his.  I certainly would.

Don't fall for the bait. Protesters tax returns are irrelevant unless they are running (or holding) a high public office.



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5 hours ago, heybruce said:

I see.  I assume you condemn Trump for demanding that Mitt Romney release his tax records.


5 hours ago, heybruce said:

I see.  I assume you condemn Trump for demanding that Mitt Romney release his tax records.

Yes I do, and anybody else who makes these types of stupid demands.  

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3 hours ago, heybruce said:

How about Trump and the protesters release their taxes returns simultaneously?  I'll bet the overwhelming majority of these protesters would release theirs if Trump releases his.  I certainly would.


3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Don't fall for the bait. Protesters tax returns are irrelevant unless they are running (or holding) a high public office.



I agree, but if that is what it takes to get Trump to let us know what he's hiding, I'll happily release my returns.  I'm actually something of a privacy nut, but I have nothing to hide.  Does anyone think Trump has nothing to hide?

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The releasing of tax returns by Presidents and presidential candidates started with Nixon. It started when he as Vice Presidential candidate and wanted to appear to be a regular guy, challenged Adlai Stevenson to release his financial statements. Later during 1973  he did that only because he was under audit and there were questions about his personal taxes. It turned into a "tradition" moving forward.  The only real purpose tax returns reveal to the public is fodder for political discussion.  The IRS has a requirement that the President and Vice Presidential tax returns are subject to mandatory mandatory examinations. This is all just anti-Trump protest trying to make something out of nothing.  You can bet Donald Trump has been audited by the IRS more than once in his life. If during his business career he has done business with Russia, China, or Canada - so what?  If he had done anything illegal, surely the IRS would have gotten involved. He is not going to release them and I don't blame him.  It would only give people like Rachael Maddow an opportunity to make something out of nothing and feed the press frenzy for a week or two.  It's doubtful that 90% of the people marching for release of his taxes could read them if they were in front of them. How much money a person makes, from where is comes, what "legal" deductions are taken, and how much one gives to charity are private matters and should not be subject to public review whether you are President or the average Joe. If there is something done that's illegal, the IRS will take issue with it.  

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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Not convincing. We want to see his returns. The fact that he refuses to release them makes people think there is probably something extremely damaging in them. Make excuses, fine, the majority aren't buying them. 

I hope he never shows them. I just love watching you people boil over...............

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It is the State Department's job to monitor what foreign dealings a private citizen has with foreign governments. So, what's the point of the public seeing his tax returns? Obviously he has done nothing illegal. 




The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

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11 hours ago, heybruce said:

You still refer to gross hypocrisy as "contradictions".  You also ignore evidence of conflicts of interest, lack of ethics, and suspicious hostility to traditional levels of scrutiny.

You are allowed to deny reality, so keep doing that.

It's obvious that since you cannot do much except go back in time to when running for elected office wasn't even an issue from Mr. Trump to seek out this imagined lack of integrity etc. from President Trump. You are suffering from what is known as 'confirmation bias'. Confirmation bias works backwards from an opinion, and seeks out any item, circumstantial or not, to confirm one's conclusion. That extends to the presumption of guilt over not making tax returns public, despite it not indicating anything other than a right to keep one's earnings internal, which seems to be a right stripped from elected officials, 

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6 hours ago, heybruce said:


I agree, but if that is what it takes to get Trump to let us know what he's hiding, I'll happily release my returns.  I'm actually something of a privacy nut, but I have nothing to hide.  Does anyone think Trump has nothing to hide?

Donald Trump is a highly successful individual in business, and that has now extended to the world of politics. The highly successful are routinely sought out, and criticized by others. For some reason people like to see the highly successful have a setback, or even fail, and the larger the stage, the better.  This is a main reason for the suspicion I have seen cited here and elsewhere, and why many are calling for release of Trump's tax returns.

You?  No one in the public domain gives a rip who you are, and don't care about you, or your tax returns. It is definitely not a quid pro quo situation. You aren't in Donald Trump's league.


ps. I'm not either, but I didn't make the offer... 

Edited by Ramen087
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32 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

It's obvious that since you cannot do much except go back in time to when running for elected office wasn't even an issue from Mr. Trump to seek out this imagined lack of integrity etc. from President Trump. You are suffering from what is known as 'confirmation bias'. Confirmation bias works backwards from an opinion, and seeks out any item, circumstantial or not, to confirm one's conclusion. That extends to the presumption of guilt over not making tax returns public, despite it not indicating anything other than a right to keep one's earnings internal, which seems to be a right stripped from elected officials, 

Like his imaginary payment of 25 million in a civil fraud case?

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22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Makes no sense. They're private citizens. trump is to so called president. He's supposed to be working for the citizens.

This crook is working ONLY for himself/Putin/ and other wealthy individuals and corporations. He doesn't give a crap a/b America/American values/ or Americans. I'll be so glad when he's GONE. He's a disgrace to The U.S. and all things decent.

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33 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Donald Trump is a highly successful individual in business, and that has now extended to the world of politics. The highly successful are routinely sought out, and criticized by others. For some reason people like to see the highly successful have a setback, or even fail, and the larger the stage, the better.  This is a main reason for the suspicion I have seen cited here and elsewhere, and why many are calling for release of Trump's tax returns.

You?  No one in the public domain gives a rip who you are, and don't care about you, or your tax returns. It is definitely not a quid pro quo situation. You aren't in Donald Trump's league.


ps. I'm not either, but I didn't make the offer... 

What a pile of poppy-cock.   Most people don't care how successful Trump is or isn't.   Most people want the country to run well and to have a president they can be proud of.   Trump isn't fulfilling either of those.   

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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:


That is a baldfaced lie. It was a limited leak of one year. Proves nothing about the bigger picture of what may be in his returns. If he has nothing to hide ... release, release, release. He obviously has something to hide BIGLY. 

I agree with you Jingthing. Just had a thought. He appointed a few individuals into his gang who are/were foreign agents PAID by Russia/Turkey/ etc. Does anyone think crookedD wan't in on the take? Does anyone think he didn't get some ???? kick back/token of appreciation money? He does NOTHING without financial benefits. Remember his mentality of zero sum gain? 

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1 hour ago, Trouble said:

The releasing of tax returns by Presidents and presidential candidates started with Nixon. It started when he as Vice Presidential candidate and wanted to appear to be a regular guy, challenged Adlai Stevenson to release his financial statements. Later during 1973  he did that only because he was under audit and there were questions about his personal taxes. It turned into a "tradition" moving forward.  The only real purpose tax returns reveal to the public is fodder for political discussion.  The IRS has a requirement that the President and Vice Presidential tax returns are subject to mandatory mandatory examinations. This is all just anti-Trump protest trying to make something out of nothing.  You can bet Donald Trump has been audited by the IRS more than once in his life. If during his business career he has done business with Russia, China, or Canada - so what?  If he had done anything illegal, surely the IRS would have gotten involved. He is not going to release them and I don't blame him.  It would only give people like Rachael Maddow an opportunity to make something out of nothing and feed the press frenzy for a week or two.  It's doubtful that 90% of the people marching for release of his taxes could read them if they were in front of them. How much money a person makes, from where is comes, what "legal" deductions are taken, and how much one gives to charity are private matters and should not be subject to public review whether you are President or the average Joe. If there is something done that's illegal, the IRS will take issue with it.  

During the elections, yes, it is all just political discussion.


However we have passed that stage a long time ago already, it is about the integrity of the president now and how his business dealings are affecting his presidency.


And no, this has nothing to do with the IRS.

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4 minutes ago, kowpot said:

  Gee, I wonder why.  Can you say George Soros?


 The second one is traced back to Planned Parenthood by the phone#    Pretty stupid!!  But, then again, no one ever accused them of being smart.

trump rally.jpg


planned parenthood.png

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7 minutes ago, kowpot said:

  Gee, I wonder why.  Can you say George Soros?

trump rally.jpg

That's a nice try.   It leads to a non-functioning phone number.

Continuing to post fake news will result in a suspension.



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20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Not that B.S. again.

Nobody said the election isn't over. 

The U. S. elected an absurd clown that directly threatens core American democratic institutions. 

Protest is the most patriotic thing to do in the face of such a direct threat from within. (Within the white house.)

It's hilarious to me that trumpists think they can shut down the resistance with insults. The man has a teeny tiny approval rating and it isn't going to get better. Deal with that. 

I'm not a Trump supporter at all but, come on, please don't quote 'approval ratings' after the Polls debacle that had Clinton winning easily 

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19 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

REALLY???? Im happy to show you MINE...am i PRESIDENT..am i the REPRESENTATIVE of my country????..What purpose do MY taxes prove though ive nothing to hide....he claimed a BS audit

is ongoing,,thats STILL not valid..so WHATS his excuse --LIE now?...he has folded on all his lies

faster than superman on laundry day....your comment is baffling and without merit and im pretty

sure if these people are marching they would happily release them--are u suggesting they are all

cheating--seems THEY are NOT the ones under constant AUDIT==theres a REASON he is.....


HE works for US..not the OTHER way around..look at your own comment...hes a PUBLIC servant!

I doubt this charlatan has the mental/moral capacity to understand he is a public servant. In his mind he "owns" America. Listen to his - usually unintelligible - talk e.g. "my military" " my generals" etc.


He is bilking America every minute of every day. He also brought his sleezy family into the trough. America is PAYING for all of them 24x7 which include trips abroad/skying/ etc. Oh and while their in other countries they are working to enhance the family business. But Americans are paying for all of this. And he BITCHED a/b Obama going on vacation. The phony goes golfing - at taxpayers expense - EVERY weekend. He is SCUM. 

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19 hours ago, thaihome said:


The reason why it is important  for Trump's tax returns across multiple years to be made public is to be able to understand who are his partners and fellow shareholders and what is the sources of the financing for the many domestic and international ventures. Without this data it is impossible to assess the  motivations in many actions taken by the President.


If, for instance, Trump is involved with russian oligarchs close to Putin in financing and partnerships to the tune of billions of dollars this puts his actions in regards to Russia in a different context then he has been portraying them.


Trump has obviously made the decision that the negative fallout from withholding such disclosures are less then the price of the actual disclosures themselves. This is of course, significantly helped by the knowledge that his base (you, for example) doesn't care. This is made plain by his statement on being able to shoot somebody on 5th Ave  and his base would stay loyal.



Thanks for educating those who "can't keep up."  I wouldn't bother. If one doesn't know what's going on or at stake that's b/c they remain ignorant to various reports i.e. FBI/ UK intelligence and others. GEEZE Are all clown defenders really this think?

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

What a pile of poppy-cock.   Most people don't care how successful Trump is or isn't.   Most people want the country to run well and to have a president they can be proud of.   Trump isn't fulfilling either of those.   

You have that opinion regarding fulfillment of a president's duties, and that is fine. But if he wasn't so successful as a businessman no one would now who he is. Trump is a global brand and I assure you millions of people in the USA care, and a lot, about how successful he was in business, and now in politics.... 


but it doesn't have anything to do with the topic which is the filing of annual, personal taxes with the IRS, except of course to find another reason to dislike, criticize and malign him..

Edited by Ramen087
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