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Pickups allowed to carry passengers until new rules done: police


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When I first came here,I bought a pick up for my business that was easy as I could get a few people in the back as well.I went to renew my insurance and they asked,do you carry people in the back,I told them yes,they said do you realise that only the people in the cab are insured,and if you have a accident you will have to pay for the people in the back. After that I never allow anybody in the back of the truck. That was 15 years ago,the wife still gives me hassle when I won't let the family in the back.

Edited by lee68
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Fickle! As per norm...

It's unsafe for passengers to ride on/in the flat bed of pick up trucks. Flat beds where/are specifically designed to transport limited amounts of cargo, not for individuals/gangs of people to travel on/in.

Again. Life is cheap!

For those who harp on about, "it's the only means of transport for many", I've no sympathy at all. That form of transportation is very dangerous.

Period! Fact!

Why do they have pick ups? Why not cars? I see many pick ups, polluting the environment with no cargo at all!

They have big engines, unsafe and are used more as an everyday social vehicle, and not as utilitarian vehicle, as they are deigned for.

More a case of ' LOOK AT ME'!


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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When I first came here,I bought a pick up for my business that was easy as I could get a few people in the back as well.I went to renew my insurance and they asked,do you carry people in the back,I told them yes,they said do you realise that only the people in the cab are insured,and if you have a accident you will have to pay for the people in the back. After that I never allow anybody in the back of the truck. That was 15 years ago,the wife still gives me hassle when I won't let the family in the back.

15 years! :blink: I'm surprised the family still bother trying. You should tell the missus to watch Frozen..."let it go" 'n all that ;):lol:
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Fickle! As per norm...

It's unsafe for passengers to ride on/in the flat bed of pick up trucks. Flat beds where/are specifically designed to transport limited amounts of cargo, not for individuals/gangs of people to travel on/in.

Again. Life is cheap!

For those who harp on about, "it's the only means of transport for many", I've no sympathy at all. That form of transportation is very dangerous.

Period! Fact!

Why do they have pick ups? Why not cars? I see many pick ups, polluting the environment with no cargo at all!

They have big engines, unsafe and are used more as an everyday social vehicle, and not as utilitarian vehicle, as they are deigned for.

More a case of ' LOOK AT ME'!


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As opposed to "LISTEN TO ME, DO AS I SAY"?
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6 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

An inane comment.


Not really.


There is the world that relatively rich farangs live in based on the cities of Thailand and the real world that perhaps 70% of poor Thais live in, called rural Thailand where the Thais live on 300 or 400 baht a day.


 Can YOU live on 400 baht a day, find somewhere to live, feed your wife and 2 kids, pay all your bills on 10,000 baht a month?


I certainly couldn't and I am sure that you couldn't either.


Try living like a rural Thai for 2 or 3 months then come back and tell us all how easy it is.


Out in rural Thailand there is little or no public transport. My nearest railway station is 130 km away as is the nearest airport. We have a great bus service from the big village to BKK some 350 km away but have to rely on baht buses to Khampaeng Phet, that is assuming someone will take you to the big village 6km form where I live.


Not a problem for me but I have 2 motorbikes and a pickup truck.


My son went to school 65 km away because I paid the fees plus 2,000 baht a month for a private bus. Kids out here either take a school bus if one is going the right way, a school baht bus if they are lucky, Mum's motor bike, a bicycle or they walk, whatever the weather.


Walk 10 km in their shoes if you can for a month and then come back and talk about inane comments and I will believe you.

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So, we brought in a new law, didn't think it through, its not going to work- we'll suspend it, then quietly let it go away then reintroduce a proper law when we've thought it through.


...... and -breathe.

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4 hours ago, pentap said:

Fickle! As per norm...

It's unsafe for passengers to ride on/in the flat bed of pick up trucks. Flat beds where/are specifically designed to transport limited amounts of cargo, not for individuals/gangs of people to travel on/in.

Again. Life is cheap!

For those who harp on about, "it's the only means of transport for many", I've no sympathy at all. That form of transportation is very dangerous.

Period! Fact!

Why do they have pick ups? Why not cars? I see many pick ups, polluting the environment with no cargo at all!

They have big engines, unsafe and are used more as an everyday social vehicle, and not as utilitarian vehicle, as they are deigned for.

More a case of ' LOOK AT ME'!


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Complete rubbish- in the right circumstances its perfectly safe. The problem is that its happening in the wrong circumstances here.


Driving down rural roads and farm tracks- fine. Racing down Highways -wrong.


If the agricultural workers can't get to work where is the food going to come from? its an agrarian society and the pickups fulfill a n important role.


You've clearly never worked in a rural area or on farm- I have.  Sometimes (and this was in the west) there were practical reasons for riding in the back (off-road as I know you'll chip in with 'but it's illegal in the west"). 


Its the standard of driving NOT the vehicles that are at fault. 





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On 4/18/2017 at 9:00 AM, binjalin said:

these people could not organise sex in a Pattaya soapy


When I first came here I was critical of 3/4 riding motor bikes etc. until I learnt, fairly swiftly, many have NO choice and same with pick-ups. Bet they hate riding in those to and from work and bet they have NO choice.


The Hi-So Junta have no empathy for the poor only contempt.


They have no choice other than to DIE???? There are plenty of good choices. Better wages so they can afford safe transport is the first that comes to mind.


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On 4/18/2017 at 7:34 AM, biplanebluey said:


That figure does not mean they were all at fault. I'd bet that many weren't but unfortunately got in the way of a drunk and/or speeding 4 wheeler.


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10 hours ago, billd766 said:


Not really.


There is the world that relatively rich farangs live in based on the cities of Thailand and the real world that perhaps 70% of poor Thais live in, called rural Thailand where the Thais live on 300 or 400 baht a day.


 Can YOU live on 400 baht a day, find somewhere to live, feed your wife and 2 kids, pay all your bills on 10,000 baht a month?


I certainly couldn't and I am sure that you couldn't either.


Try living like a rural Thai for 2 or 3 months then come back and tell us all how easy it is.


Out in rural Thailand there is little or no public transport. My nearest railway station is 130 km away as is the nearest airport. We have a great bus service from the big village to BKK some 350 km away but have to rely on baht buses to Khampaeng Phet, that is assuming someone will take you to the big village 6km form where I live.


Not a problem for me but I have 2 motorbikes and a pickup truck.


My son went to school 65 km away because I paid the fees plus 2,000 baht a month for a private bus. Kids out here either take a school bus if one is going the right way, a school baht bus if they are lucky, Mum's motor bike, a bicycle or they walk, whatever the weather.


Walk 10 km in their shoes if you can for a month and then come back and talk about inane comments and I will believe you.

Well said Bill! So many tv posters who make derisory comments about Thais and in this thread their modes of transportation appear to be quite divorced from how the vast majority of Thais actually live outside of the big cities like BKK or CM, or the seaside resorts in the south of the country. It really is a different world 'up north' and reminds me very much of the 'north-south divide' that still pervades in the UK.

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15 hours ago, pentap said:

Fickle! As per norm...

It's unsafe for passengers to ride on/in the flat bed of pick up trucks. Flat beds where/are specifically designed to transport limited amounts of cargo, not for individuals/gangs of people to travel on/in.

Again. Life is cheap!

For those who harp on about, "it's the only means of transport for many", I've no sympathy at all. That form of transportation is very dangerous.

Period! Fact!

Why do they have pick ups? Why not cars? I see many pick ups, polluting the environment with no cargo at all!

They have big engines, unsafe and are used more as an everyday social vehicle, and not as utilitarian vehicle, as they are deigned for.

More a case of ' LOOK AT ME'!


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Consider what form of transportation is most very dangerous, and what is going to happen if the ban is imposed.

If people cant travel in the back of pickups, how do you think they are going to travel?

Is it not obvious - By the most dangerous form of transport available  ie the motorbike.


Life is so cheap, yes especially for the poor. No sympathy at all, eh




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On 4/18/2017 at 7:43 AM, faraday said:

ndBut at least he is attempting to address the whole road safety issue, rather than just implementing a poorly thought out law.


Instead of just heaping criticism on this whole debacle, why don't people suggest some workable solutions?


Or is this just yet another opportunity for tv members to denigrate Thailand again?



Why would we want to "'denigrate Thaiiland" for such a well-thought out plsn?



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