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Sturgeon: May election move 'huge miscalculation'


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Sturgeon: May election move 'huge miscalculation'


Nicola Sturgeon has described Theresa May's plans for a snap general election as a "huge political miscalculation".


Ms Sturgeon said the move was an "extraordinary u-turn" by Mrs May, but that she relished the prospect of campaigning against the Tories.


The prime minister wants to have an election on 8 June - arguing that it will give the country certainty and stability following the EU referendum.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-39630699

-- © Copyright BBC 2017-04-19
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6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well Sturgeon has her chance to prove herself. If I was a betting man I think she will fail and may will be the victor in getting more seats at Westminster. If this happens hopefully then Sturgeon will shut up or even better resign.


No, she will just demand another election, and keep on doing so until everyone is fed up and give her what she wants...

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1 minute ago, JAG said:


No, she will just demand another election, and keep on doing so until everyone is fed up and give her what she wants...

I am not against the Scots having another referendum, if that's what they want. She's was/is trying to derail the Brexit talks so this should shut her up on that point. Depending on the size of TM's win, it could hold a referendum back a  good few years.

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8 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well Sturgeon has her chance to prove herself. If I was a betting man I think she will fail and may will be the victor in getting more seats at Westminster. If this happens hopefully then Sturgeon will shut up or even better resign.

Prove herself?, the SNP has 56 of the 59 seats in Scotland, you seriously think May will add to the one Conservative MP they have.

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41 minutes ago, phutoie2 said:

They will be wiped out in Scotland, SNP will get 59 out of 59, suggest you stop reading the Daily Brexit.?


I have my doubts about that - I think we will be fortunate and see the backs of both Carmichael and Mundell, but I suspect that the hardcore BritNats will rally round the one hope they have of smiting the SNP, and we will see a resurgence in the Tory vote. I expect that the SNP will come back with around 50 MPs next time round - which would still be a clear mandate for independence, as Thatcher herself made clear when she said, "Scotland does not need a referendum on independence, she just needs to send a majority of Nationalist MPs to Westminster to have a mandate for independence."


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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well Sturgeon has her chance to prove herself. If I was a betting man I think she will fail and may will be the victor in getting more seats at Westminster. If this happens hopefully then Sturgeon will shut up or even better resign.

If The Con Party get more seats, Nicola will probably succeed at indyref2. The Scots won't like crashing out of the EU and being condemned to further inequality, capital/labour imbalance and eroded living standards.

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I am not against the Scots having another referendum, if that's what they want. She's was/is trying to derail the Brexit talks so this should shut her up on that point. Depending on the size of TM's win, it could hold a referendum back a  good few years.

I don't see it quite that way. 


If the Con Party get an increased majority, then a hard or crashout brexit is more likely. That would tend to push Scotland towards independence.


OTOH, if a Labour/Lib Dem/SNP coalition wins and either soft Brexit or no Brexit happens, that would make independence less likely



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Most of the real Scots that I know seem full of confidence that people are seeing through the SNP, their broken promises and inefficiency and that Nicola will get a rough time with the voting. Not sure I share their optimism, but time will tell.

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1 minute ago, rott said:

Most of the real Scots that I know seem full of confidence that people are seeing through the SNP, their broken promises and inefficiency and that Nicola will get a rough time with the voting. Not sure I share their optimism, but time will tell.

What are the differences between real and fake Scots?

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3 minutes ago, rott said:

Nationalists like you are fakes. You are just a small minded bigot who regurgitates the the tired cliches of lazy journalists without understanding a word of it.

Thank you for clarifying that. You just melted the irony meter, but at least you are true to form. 

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2 hours ago, phutoie2 said:

They will be wiped out in Scotland, SNP will get 59 out of 59, suggest you stop reading the Daily Brexit.?

I look forward to the 8th June so we can see who is right. As for reading the Express which I assume you mean, I read it along with the Times, The Guardian,  The Daily Mail,The Telegraph, the Mirror and the Daily Star on occasion. I always feel it is best to get a broad spectrum of views and opinions before I make my own. May I suggest you do the same.

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What are the differences between real and fake Scots?

Back when I was in the Army we used to have the phenomenon of what we used to call "plastic jocks".


The Scottish Regiments struggled to recruit, so they often took in quite large numbers of recruits from Commonwealth Countries, Zimbabwe and Fiji were well represented as I recall.

A 6' Fijian in full highland regalia gave The Black Watch a whole new meaning.


They were collectively known as " plastic jocks".


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4 hours ago, phutoie2 said:

Prove herself?, the SNP has 56 of the 59 seats in Scotland, you seriously think May will add to the one Conservative MP they have.

Yes I do.  Don't know how many but Sturgeon must be worried about her massive majority being eroded by this election.

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3 hours ago, Grouse said:

I don't see it quite that way. 


If the Con Party get an increased majority, then a hard or crashout brexit is more likely. That would tend to push Scotland towards independence.


OTOH, if a Labour/Lib Dem/SNP coalition wins and either soft Brexit or no Brexit happens, that would make independence less likely



I pray to God that such an alliance materialises but it does seem a tad unlikely right now. We can only hope. 

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Results in Scotland will be interesting to see; but whether the SNP increase the number of their seats or lose some, what does that show about support in Scotland for independence?


Many Scottish people vote SNP even though they, themselves, are unionists.


This is due to them seeing the SNP as a progressive, left of centre party and voted for them  because they did not see Labour of the LibDems as viable alternatives to the Tories.


A situation summed up nicely in this blog: Election results #2: why did the SNP take nearly every seat in Scotland?


Jan Eichhorn of the University of Edinburgh, writing for the LSE’s British Politics and Policy blog, does not believe that the increase in SNP support is tied to increasing nationalism. He argues — with evidence, which you can see for yourself — that “if anything, fewer people than before emphasise their Scottish national identity distinctively”; and that “the strongest determinants of both independence and SNP support were pragmatic evaluations about economic prospects, trustworthiness and political personnel”.


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10 hours ago, phutoie2 said:

They will be wiped out in Scotland, SNP will get 59 out of 59, suggest you stop reading the Daily Brexit.?

If that were the case then Sturgeon, should be happy, after all this will prove if she really has a mandate for a referendum or if Scots have had enough of her. After all the last indy referendum was supposed to be a once in a generation vote. Maybe Sturgeon worries she won't have such a mandate, do Scots really want the EU more than they want to stay in the UK? She is not offering true independence is she!  

Edited by CharlieK
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11 hours ago, JAG said:


No, she will just demand another election, and keep on doing so until everyone is fed up and give her what she wants...


Interesting that Sturgeon talks of U-Turns - like her once in a life time referendum and promise to respect the vote! 


She is a fanatic who will simply go on and on and on. At some point Scots will get fed up of her. Maybe this time.


She also judges others by her own standards - in accusing others of putting their self interests before the Country's. Something she continues to do.

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10 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


I have my doubts about that - I think we will be fortunate and see the backs of both Carmichael and Mundell, but I suspect that the hardcore BritNats will rally round the one hope they have of smiting the SNP, and we will see a resurgence in the Tory vote. I expect that the SNP will come back with around 50 MPs next time round - which would still be a clear mandate for independence, as Thatcher herself made clear when she said, "Scotland does not need a referendum on independence, she just needs to send a majority of Nationalist MPs to Westminster to have a mandate for independence."



Are you seriously suggesting everyone who voted for SNP candidates, either to Westminster or Holyrood, supports Scotland seceding from the UK?


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9 hours ago, Grouse said:

If The Con Party get more seats, Nicola will probably succeed at indyref2. The Scots won't like crashing out of the EU and being condemned to further inequality, capital/labour imbalance and eroded living standards.


But many Scots want to see the Brexit deal first and are also suspicious of Sturgeon and her cronies claims that Scotland will be out the UK one day and in the EU the next.

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53 minutes ago, CharlieK said:

If that were the case then Sturgeon, should be happy, after all this will prove if she really has a mandate for a referendum or if Scots have had enough of her. After all the last indy referendum was supposed to be a once in a generation vote. Maybe Sturgeon worries she won't have such a mandate, do Scots really want the EU more than they want to stay in the UK? She is not offering true independence is she!  


Sturgeon only uses the EU and Brexit as an excuse to have another go. She knows it will be very very hard once out of the UK for Scotland to meet the EU criteria, and that many unpopular decisions would have to be made. High increased taxes, cuts in services, potentially both. With no currency, no State bank, and no handouts from either UK or EU to rely on.


She is very cagey and careful when answering questions around this, But Andrew Neil rattled her and she splutted out something along the line that she "never said being Scottish was easy" and that people would make the sacrifices for an independent country.


One things for certain - bet she and her SNP CEO hubby won't make many.

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18 hours ago, phutoie2 said:

Prove herself?, the SNP has 56 of the 59 seats in Scotland, you seriously think May will add to the one Conservative MP they have.

There are 650 seats up for election! If the SNP loses a few that would be to the Conservatives advantage.

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