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Couple puts ‘Pacquiao’ their pit bull up for adoption after severe attack


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1 hour ago, starky said:

Don't worry mate you can't win with ignorant people who only believe what the media wants them to believe. My family has owned and breed APBT's since the 70's around many many children guess what? Never an issue. Ive got 5 of them up on my farm, on the 3Rd Generation of APBT's in Thailand and guess what? Never an issue.  Muppets on here will tell you " just wait it's only a matter of time" and other shit but if you love nurture and train your dog, your pibble will be just like any other dog breed. Ignore ignorant haters. Oh and don't worry your dog isn't illegal at all more ignorant rubbish the APBT like many other breeds is on the banned for importation list but no it is not illegal to own an APBT in Thailand. 

The bad language you use in your comments makes you a perfect candidate for owning a pitbull. These breeds of dogs are banned in many countries for good reasons, because they are dangerous. Although any breed of dog can turn vicious, even a Chihuahua can give a nasty nip, there are certain breeds of dogs that are not recommended to be kept as family pets. The pitbull is a first choice of dog for the low class and criminals that like to use them as a form of intimidation. I would not trust any breed of dog around young children, but a pitbull is a definite no, no.

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29 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

The bad language you use in your comments makes you a perfect candidate for owning a pitbull. These breeds of dogs are banned in many countries for good reasons, because they are dangerous. Although any breed of dog can turn vicious, even a Chihuahua can give a nasty nip, there are certain breeds of dogs that are not recommended to be kept as family pets. The pitbull is a first choice of dog for the low class and criminals that like to use them as a form of intimidation. I would not trust any breed of dog around young children, but a pitbull is a definite no, no.

Excuse me for my use of the word shit. My apologies. I normally do not comment on bully threads for this very reason. Your overwhelming ignorance on this topic however in this instance compels me to. The dog you describe as a "pitbull" is a mix 1/2, 1/4 or even less breed of any number of dogs including but not limited to: Staffordshire terrier, bull terrier, Amstaff, APBT, Mastiff, Bull mastiff, British and American bulldogs. The APBT is a separate recognised breed by many kennel clubs

At one time bloodhounds were the most dangerous dog on the planet then in turn it was Alsatians,  Dobermans, Rottweillers and yes "pitbulls" Unfortunately any plastic gangster or wannabe tough guy can make a dog nasty and vicious and the "pitbull" became the Poster child for idiots. I could point you to the many websites speaking of how the most undesirable trait in original APBT was any sort of man aggression or how well they consistently do in temperament testing or  how they are considered excellent choices as therapy dogs for children and the elderly but people like you just don't want to know. None so blind as those that will not see. Cheers.

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9 hours ago, stubuzz said:

They are banned in Thailand.

Absolute rubbish. I have been living here with APBT's before the "temporary" ban on importation came in, in 2005. They like many other breeds are banned from importation. Thats all. They only restrictions are that in cities pitties are required by law to be on a leash and muzzled. Just look at clubs like pitbull zone in Bangkok 5000 members strong and still meet up every Sunday. Your post is more uninformed nonsense from people who no nothing about this breed of dog. Just half truths, scare mongering and lies you have picked up from the media.

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3 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

2! i am currently in a 1 bedroom condo. i am currently shopping around to buy a house this year.


then i am bringing another 2 more ( 2 thai dogs that i have kinda adopted around my shop) once i relocate to my new house.  

In that case you will never be my neighbour cause where i live max. 2 dogs are allowed.


We have pitbull soidogs though.

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7 hours ago, jvs said:

So you are calling me a drug dealer?

No,   I don't know you  :stoner:


But those are the type of people that like to keep dangerous dogs.

Lovely cuddly things they are. :bah:


Every owner of this type of dog i have met,  are at least one one of the list below

General bad guys,  social misfits,  life's rejects., drug dealers,  dog fighters,  wannabe hard guys criminals.   :jap:


Dangerous dog owners are the responsible dog owners of the world.  they make me so proud, 

Bet this little boys mum and dad would have a few words of wisdom to you dangerous   dog owners .   :bah:



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Breeds of dog, like that one, are not pets!

It's not surprising the dog attacked it's owners, but more importantly, the thing could attack young children? In fact , it can attack anyone!

As for the dogs plight?

Personally, I'd put it to rest. Sorry...

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1 hour ago, onemorechang said:

No,   I don't know you  :stoner:


But those are the type of people that like to keep dangerous dogs.

Lovely cuddly things they are. :bah:


Every owner of this type of dog i have met,  are at least one one of the list below

General bad guys,  social misfits,  life's rejects., drug dealers,  dog fighters,  wannabe hard guys criminals.   :jap:


Dangerous dog owners are the responsible dog owners of the world.  they make me so proud, 

Bet this little boys mum and dad would have a few words of wisdom to you dangerous   dog owners .   :bah:



Generalise much? Sorry mate not everyone fits your sterotypes and narrow little view of the world.

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27 minutes ago, starky said:

Generalise much? Sorry mate not everyone fits your sterotypes and narrow little view of the world.

No that's called a Fact,  The little boy is  Dead.

facts like that are just swept under the carpet BY devil dog owners.


But that's the sort of response,  I  expect from Devil dog owners.


These owners should show some responsibility to the community they live in

and put the devil dogs down,    and go get a nice friendly pet for the family.

Also it makes it safe for other peoples children to come to your homes.


Irresponsible pet owners,  the devil dog owner brigade,   go get a rabbit for the kids to play with.or a shih-Tzu dog,     they are great with kids.

Not a devil dog :bah:


If people dont like the above, then they are most likely,    on this list below.


General bad guys,  social misfits,  life's rejects., drug dealers,  dog fighters,  wannabe hard guys criminals.  



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Even my medium size crossed breed dogs, usually docile, will bite is stroked while they are eating. Most dogs will. But pitbulls, the breed should be banned anyway. Not suitable to be kept as family pets.

Ooh, careful - Pitbull owners will soon be on here explaining that they're actually the most caring and gentle pets and the bad ones are all the fault of the owners B)
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There are no bad pitbulls only bad owners. More people are bitten by German Shephards but there is no call  to ban them is there?


I don't see many in Chiang Mai but In the US it IS majority low-class people who keep them,  to intimidate. Go look at any beach. Message sent "I am a brutal thug, so is my dog". Leading them on a heavy chayne with studded collars.  There is underground dog-fighting going on. They have been known to steal peoples dogs to use them as kill bait.

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No doubt these folks had other issues with the dog. I've had pit bulls in the past and they are like any other dog....if not raised and trained properly you will have problems. 

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2 hours ago, onemorechang said:

Coochy  Coochy  Coo, nice doggy



Coochie coochie coo yourself peanut. we can all pull stock photos off Google.cos all dogs are the same right?  Oh no devil dogs, devil dogs, kill em all. Clown





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There are no bad pitbulls only bad owners. More people are bitten by German Shephards but there is no call  to ban them is there?
I don't see many in Chiang Mai but In the US it IS majority low-class people who keep them,  to intimidate. Go look at any beach. Message sent "I am a brutal thug, so is my dog". Leading them on a heavy chayne with studded collars.  There is underground dog-fighting going on. They have been known to steal peoples dogs to use them as kill bait.

Why don't you mention the fact that more people are killed by pitbulls than German shephards though? Doesn't suit the cuddly pitbull narrative? :unsure:
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9 minutes ago, SABloke said:


Why don't you mention the fact that more people are killed by pitbulls than German shephards though? Doesn't suit the cuddly pitbull narrative? :unsure:



half the problem is the people who buy pitbulls and socialze them 


a lousy owner results in a lousy dog.


I have known a great number of pitbulls and the majority are lovely dogs, but very strong. 

they need a clear hierarchy, and they need to be handled by someone who knows dogs - not a thug who wants a fashion accessory.

unfortunately, given their reputation,  a great number or pitbulls are purchased and trained by morons, hence the problem.

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19 hours ago, stubuzz said:

They are banned in Thailand.

Lol. A local Pitbull breeder told me his best customers are the police. There's one Italian neighbour with SIX and a Boxer, all well trained when he walks them, another some English guy keeps locked up in his little piece of sterile (not a leaf in sight) paradise for 'protection', another nice German guy with a lovely well behaved pitty he regularly walks .. and then there's the idiot feeble Thai couple whose dog has bitten so many passers by as they were too idle to walk it themselves and simply let it out on the soi with it's equally nasty corgi mix mate. It's now confined to barracks, well, it'll haul itself at the garden gate anytime someone passes by.


It's not the dog it's the owner.

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5 hours ago, onemorechang said:

No that's called a Fact,  The little boy is  Dead.

facts like that are just swept under the carpet BY devil dog owners.


But that's the sort of response,  I  expect from Devil dog owners.


These owners should show some responsibility to the community they live in

and put the devil dogs down,    and go get a nice friendly pet for the family.

Also it makes it safe for other peoples children to come to your homes.


Irresponsible pet owners,  the devil dog owner brigade,   go get a rabbit for the kids to play with.or a shih-Tzu dog,     they are great with kids.

Not a devil dog :bah:


If people dont like the above, then they are most likely,    on this list below.


General bad guys,  social misfits,  life's rejects., drug dealers,  dog fighters,  wannabe hard guys criminals.  




i would include morons on that list, but you prove me wrong.


devil dog indeed, you do seem to enjoy looking foolish.

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2 minutes ago, HooHaa said:


half the problem is the people who buy pitbulls and socialze them 


a lousy owner results in a lousy dog.


I have known a great number of pitbulls and the majority are lovely dogs, but very strong. 

they need a clear hierarchy, and they need to be handled by someone who knows dogs - not a thug who wants a fashion accessory.

unfortunately, given their reputation,  a great number or pitbulls are purchased and trained by morons, hence the problem.

Exactly.  In this case we have a couple who clearly had no idea about dogs - and yet decided to buy/adopt a pit bull terrier :shock1:!


I hope this dog finds the right 'owner'.

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Dogs are beautiful animals, all amenable to training.  When a dog bites a person - especially their "master - it's the master's fault.  People need to know how to train and bring up a dog as a family member. Ut's not difficult when you have the right knowledge and attitude.  People who deprive any animal of its normal, natural lifestyle have a moral and ethical responsibility to provide proper care and training to ensure that captive animal's  saety and contentment.They are not toys or fashion statements or extensions of our own deluded egos.I hope the couple in this article take th very sensible step of acknowledging they are not ready to taken on pet ownership and responsibility.  Pacquiao looked like an intelligent dog with potential. It's sad but his owners have probably doomed him to a very brief stay on this planet, unless they can find someone who wants to brutalise the animal and develop the undesirable traits in his character. A harsh, cruel existence no dog deserves.

If his owners wanted security in their home, they probably would have been better off buying a gun, far less demanding in time, money and commitment. And of course they'll miss out on the unconditional love and companionship a creature like Pacquiao could have provided.

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And there are t___ts around who still swear these dogs are trainable, controllable, and great pets. One 'expert' ran a mini golf course in a 'city' not a million miles from here, and had a pit bull lolling around in the reception area. Then it decided to come onto the course and growl threateningly at my son. I can take dogs, or leave them, but one threatens my family, I'll take to its head whatever is to hand; obviously, on a golf course, a golf iron. Its moronic owner got to it before I did.


But at least this recent one bit its owner(s).

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5 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

And there are t___ts around who still swear these dogs are trainable, controllable, and great pets. One 'expert' ran a mini golf course in a 'city' not a million miles from here, and had a pit bull lolling around in the reception area. Then it decided to come onto the course and growl threateningly at my son. I can take dogs, or leave them, but one threatens my family, I'll take to its head whatever is to hand; obviously, on a golf course, a golf iron. Its moronic owner got to it before I did.


But at least this recent one bit its owner(s).

And then again we have pit bulls that are softies and wouldn't dream of biting anyone.


Why on earth can't so many people realise that the 'owners' are at fault (particularly in this case - unable to even train the dog to realise that guarding food is unacceptable?) - not the dog.

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38 minutes ago, HooHaa said:


i would include morons on that list, but you prove me wrong.


devil dog indeed, you do seem to enjoy looking foolish.

If you say so.


Dangerous dog owners,   people taking care of your community !!!!!!!:stoner:

Get them down the f-dentist and get the teeth taken out.

Then they would be fine.


I bet you disprove of muzzles

as well on dangerous dogs ( devil dogs)


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20 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Even my medium size crossed breed dogs, usually docile, will bite is stroked while they are eating. Most dogs will. But pitbulls, the breed should be banned anyway. Not suitable to be kept as family pets.


Don't agree. Many dog breeds can be aggressive if not handled correctly. Pit Bulls make loving family pets - but require time, attention and lots of exercise and play.


A friend breeds them and they are very careful who they let have puppies. They even have running exercise machines which the dogs use as well. 


You can't have a pit bull, keep it at home, left alone and never exercised. Or rotweiler, doberman, alsatian and many others for that matter.

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23 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

And there are t___ts around who still swear these dogs are trainable, controllable, and great pets. One 'expert' ran a mini golf course in a 'city' not a million miles from here, and had a pit bull lolling around in the reception area. Then it decided to come onto the course and growl threateningly at my son. I can take dogs, or leave them, but one threatens my family, I'll take to its head whatever is to hand; obviously, on a golf course, a golf iron. Its moronic owner got to it before I did.


But at least this recent one bit its owner(s).


Is that right? And where did you get your vet and pet psychology degrees from - Kahaosan Road?


I know a Thai biker guy who has a lovely young pit bull. Plays with his two young kids wonderfully. He takes it to markets where he has stalls. 


Few days ago a very large (body builder) type Thai guy was with his pit bull at Central Eastville, Lovely looking dog who clearly wanted to join his kids playing. We had a chat with him and his wife as my kids wanted to see the dog. The dog loved the extra attention.

The owners know about their breed and understand their responsibilities.

But I'll pass on that you think they're a couple of t--ts.

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1 hour ago, HooHaa said:


no, but I sent you an order, er message by pm

Thanks for chiming in HooHaa at least someone has the sense to lighten the mood, end the day their all dogs some are good some aren't. 

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13 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Is that right? And where did you get your vet and pet psychology degrees from - Kahaosan Road?


I know a Thai biker guy who has a lovely young pit bull. Plays with his two young kids wonderfully. He takes it to markets where he has stalls. 


Few days ago a very large (body builder) type Thai guy was with his pit bull at Central Eastville, Lovely looking dog who clearly wanted to join his kids playing. We had a chat with him and his wife as my kids wanted to see the dog. The dog loved the extra attention.

The owners know about their breed and understand their responsibilities.

But I'll pass on that you think they're a couple of t--ts.

No no you must be wrong there are no good pit bulls they are all evil monster's 

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