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Booed in Berlin for praising father, IvankaTrump says fine-tuning role


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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I think sending his daughter was a good move even though it did backfire a bit. 

I personally think sending his daughter was beyond pathetic, and I would question Merkel also for doing so.  First lady - ok, but his daughter? A woman who has been given all the opportunities for business on the back of blank cheques from Daddy? Many of us could be on the way to being billionaires with that type of backing. Meanwhile her 'husband' - that's the man who has been given every main job in the administration that would normally occupy 20 people full-time has still not been heard to utter a word. A seemingly cuckold husband in the middle of a very weird Father Daughter relationship.

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I personally think sending his daughter was beyond pathetic, and I would question Merkel also for doing so.  First lady - ok, but his daughter? 

Merkel's desperate…she doesn't speak Trump.


First Lady will probably end up giving her dressing tips….but Muti is beyond help in that department.

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

Merkel's desperate…she doesn't speak Trump.


First Lady will probably end up giving her dressing tips….but Muti is beyond help in that department.

What were you saying about ungentlemanly conduct a few posts ago?

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9 hours ago, elephant45 said:

Why is Thai Visa, Bangkok Post etc so down on Trump. He's not your president. Could you imagine  US Newspapers putting down the General Prayut every day, day after day? Ridiculous, give the guy a chance to do his job. I voted for someone else but they lost,  fair and square.

If he wasn't a lair, and a loser, and simply incapable of this job, I'm sure he would be cut some slack.  And, I'm not sure if you heard, but Russia had a rather large cyber, TV, and social media campaign against Clinton. That could have something to do with an inept president.

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5 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Merkel's desperate…she doesn't speak Trump.


First Lady will probably end up giving her dressing tips….but Muti is beyond help in that department.

Merkel doesn't speak Trump, she is a world leader not a blustering fool.


Andaman Al


I get your point but Trump cannot speak to women who have a brain without making a fool of himself.  There is nobody in his administration who can do much better.  I am not saying for a moment that Ivanka is anything more than Trumps daughter but at least she can be a buffer between those who know what they are talking about and Trump, who doesn't.

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5 hours ago, Prbkk said:

It does show just how far removed from reality they are. Maybe they thought this would be some kind of charm offensive in the manner of Jackie Kennedy and Charles de Gaulle c1962. Instead it's just creepy in regard to this girl and her Machiavellian husband. The adult sons are even worse but aren't getting a guernsey, fortunately.

But they're in the White House and Ol' Hillary isn't. 

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14 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Not my president, not my first daughter-of-president, and I won't say anything about the merits or truth of what she says.


And I am also not picking on you, corsair, it's just that this myth of the gazillion american jobs doesn't sound right. It's not that if China is making products and exporting them to the US and employs 400,000 people to do so, then by cutting that import to zero will magically create 400,000 american jobs.


The more likely reality is that if China is making, say, trousers that cost 10$ each, americans will buy 1,000,000 of them. If americans made the same trousers, they would cost probably 100$ each, and americans would buy maybe 10 or 100 times less so that only relatively few new "american jobs" would be created.


Besides, global economy works usually both ways: I help you with your exports and you help me with my imports. Making it harder to import will have ripercussions on exports.



No interpretation, or adjustment, of the figures is required, cost versus consumption.


The article is quite explicit, and this is what is says


"Walmart's imports from China cost 400,000 jobs, says study"

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1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:


No interpretation, or adjustment, of the figures is required, cost versus consumption.


The article is quite explicit, and this is what is says


"Walmart's imports from China cost 400,000 jobs, says study"

Welcome to the left wing! That study you cited came from the Economic Policy Institute.  As part of your education you might want to consult this study which is about the H2B visa program. The one that allows Donald Trump and others to hire foreign workers on a temporary basis and pay low, low wages.


And here's one on the job killing aspects of the Republicans' health care plan


There's lots more where these came from. Dig in and welcome aboard!


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33 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Welcome to the left wing! That study you cited came from the Economic Policy Institute.  As part of your education you might want to consult this study which is about the H2B visa program. The one that allows Donald Trump and others to hire foreign workers on a temporary basis and pay low, low wages.


And here's one on the job killing aspects of the Republicans' health care plan


There's lots more where these came from. Dig in and welcome aboard!


"As part of my education"??    How patronizing!!


I don't need any left wing education thanks.   I may end up as delusional as the rest of you!!


Seriously, we can find links all day, and through the night, that will counter each other's points, and I see no gain in that, and my time is waaaay too valuable to do so.   I have stock markets to keep an eye on, and with the current volatility, there is serious money to be made.


More importantly, this banter is off topic, the title of which is


"Booed in Berlin for praising father, IvankaTrump says fine-tuning role"

Edited by F4UCorsair
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2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

"As part of my education"??    How patronizing!!


I don't need any left wing education thanks.   I may end up as delusional as the rest of you!!


Seriously, we can find links all day, and through the night, that will counter each other's points, and I see no gain in that, and my time is waaaay too valuable to do so.   I have stock markets to keep an eye on, and with the current volatility, there is serious money to be made.


More importantly, this banter is off topic, the title of which is


"Booed in Berlin for praising father, IvankaTrump says fine-tuning role"

You're the one who cited that study.  Accept the consequences.

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On 4/26/2017 at 0:07 PM, ilostmypassword said:

The question is what is Ivanka doing in the governmental arena at all? 


And the next question - why no mention or sighting or his actual wife who he seems to pretty much ignore and give no affection to?


And yes I understand she's living in Washington to take care of the young son. But she's still the first lady...

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14 hours ago, scorecard said:


And the next question - why no mention or sighting or his actual wife who he seems to pretty much ignore and give no affection to?


And yes I understand she's living in Washington to take care of the young son. But she's still the first lady...

No, the controversy is that she is NOT living in Washington, but has remained in New York so that Baron will not be disturbed by having to change schools ( at a cost to US taxpayers of around $18.2 million for security by June *)

* source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-cuts-education-melania-trump-tower-white-house-security-costs-a7639016.html

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A much more more insightful analysis of what was going on in Berlin and why Ivanka was invited in first place.

...here was, first, the achingly obvious oddity of deciding that Trump, whose experience on the public stage largely consists of marketing her clothing and jewelry lines, and her efforts to get her father, Donald Trump, elected, was qualified to sit between Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund, and Chrystia Freeland, the Foreign Minister of Canada




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Why is Thai Visa, Bangkok Post etc so down on Trump. He's not your president. Could you imagine  US Newspapers putting down the General Prayut every day, day after day? Ridiculous, give the guy a chance to do his job. I voted for someone else but they lost,  fair and square.

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14 minutes ago, sd44 said:


On 4/26/2017 at 8:47 AM, elephant45 said:
Why is Thai Visa, Bangkok Post etc so down on Trump. He's not your president. Could you imagine  US Newspapers putting down the General Prayut every day, day after day? Ridiculous, give the guy a chance to do his job. I voted for someone else but they lost,  fair and square.



Well for both of you - First the Bangkok Post is not quoted on Thai Visa and secondly this is world news and most of the stories are sourced from the world's press such as Reuters. So why not get back in your box.

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