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Japanese tourist gives honest cabbie 20,000 baht reward


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Japanese tourist gives honest cabbie 20,000 baht reward



Image: Daily News


A Japanese tourist was so impressed with an honest Bangkok cabbie that he handed over a 20,000 baht reward yesterday.

And the windfall for the driver came despite him refusing the fare.

Machaya Hawasaki, 55 said at FM 91 yesterday: "I always thought I'd get my wallet back - Thais are so kind - I want to thank the driver so much".

The driver in question was Jaroon Khwannet, 36, who said this was the fourth time he had returned a passenger's property.

The Japanese man and a woman had got in his cab near Sathorn Soi 12 and asked to be taken to a "rooftop restaurant" that he had never heard of.

He consequently said they should get another taxi because he didn't recognize their destination so they got out.

A short while later he checked on the back seat and saw a wallet. It contained 126,000 baht in Thai money and yen along with ID and credit card. He went back to try to find the tourist but failing that contacted the radio station.

In the meantime the Japanese tourist had gone to Yannawa police and yesterday the parties were reunited for the handing back ceremony and pictures with a radio station executive.

Twenty thousand baht was given as a reward by the Japanese man who said that this was his second visit to Thailand.


Source: Daily News



-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-04-29
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The honest taxi driver accounts are nice but they're getting a little old. How about some 'feel good' stories with  honest bar girls returning misplaced cash, expensive phones or lost jewelry.

Edited by Hayduke
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30 minutes ago, Hayduke said:

The honest taxi driver accounts are nice but they're getting a little old. How about some 'feel good' stories with  honest bar girls returning misplaced cash, expensive phones or lost jewelry.

Or a Ladyboy feeling guilty & going to the police station to return a gold chain after snatching it from a Chinese tourist.  ??

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A handing back ceremony. These people need Jesus. Why not simply give it back because you are kind hearted and that's it. 

There's no need to advertise it. 

Like the politicians that are on the front page, handing food to those in need. Why take pictures and advertise it?

Are you giving it because you are a good person or because you look to gain something from it?


And they even tell him what to say: 'Thais are so kind'. <deleted>


Do the authorities actually think that someone believe this staged nonsense or is it just for laughs?


Edited by metisdead
Profane acronym removed.
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Show do you fit 120,000 Thai baht in your wallet with the yen and credit cards ect? You could not sit on it ,  the story sounds a bit familiar after what happened a few days ago, but then again these story's always come a few days after  a bad rap for bad drivers. 

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2 hours ago, Monkeyrobot said:

Show do you fit 120,000 Thai baht in your wallet with the yen and credit cards ect? You could not sit on it ,  the story sounds a bit familiar after what happened a few days ago, but then again these story's always come a few days after  a bad rap for bad drivers. 

"Show do you fit 120,000 Thai baht in your wallet with the yen and credit cards ect? You could not sit on it "

Right not sure you could sit on this one, could hardly  put in any one's pocket by the way... so not sure your theory is good.?


 "the story sounds a bit familiar after what happened a few days ago, but then again these story's always come a few days after  a bad rap for bad drivers."

Following this theory the Japonese man would be an accomplice? 


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Wow.  This guy had $3,700 in his wallet.  He must have been going to that Expensive restaurant where they charge $125 per 15 course meal.  So the cab ride is $33 round trip.


Hmmm, wonder what the rest was for???? ?

Edited by SiSePuede419
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2 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Wow.  This guy had $3,700 in his wallet.  He must have been going to that Expensive restaurant where they charge $125 per 15 course meal.  So the cab ride is $33 round trip.


Hmmm, wonder what the rest was for???? ?

Some people are rich. A few thousand USD is not a lot for them for an evening enjoyed. Get over it.

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Another load of set up crap.And people are still believing this rubbish, that is set up the counter act all the reports of the crooked taxi drivers that, refuse fares, fiddle the meter, pull knives on customers, try to and those that succeed in the vile act of rape, those that throw customers out on the road, in the middle of nowhere, filthy cabs, and dont get started on the seat belt thing.But some one pretending to hand over money that someone has pretended to lose, that makes it all OK and idiots go back, so easily, convinced their next taxi driver will be 'Mr good driver' What a load of piffle .

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27 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Another load of set up crap.And people are still believing this rubbish, that is set up the counter act all the reports of the crooked taxi drivers that, refuse fares, fiddle the meter, pull knives on customers, try to and those that succeed in the vile act of rape, those that throw customers out on the road, in the middle of nowhere, filthy cabs, and dont get started on the seat belt thing.But some one pretending to hand over money that someone has pretended to lose, that makes it all OK and idiots go back, so easily, convinced their next taxi driver will be 'Mr good driver' What a load of piffle .

Sheesh kabab, it's Sunday, Dave. When we all go to church. A day of charity and kindness.

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3 hours ago, Bang Bang said:

Sheesh kabab, it's Sunday, Dave. When we all go to church. A day of charity and kindness.

Sunday Shmunday

If you believe all that, then have a nice Sunday, but perleeze dont include me in your forgiveness and charity twaddle.Its naive of you to be taken in by smiling faces and money back ceremony's. Lets see if/when you lose a bunch of money, that you get it back.I think not. Why dont you jump in a taxi and leave your wallet with 50,000 baht in it.

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1 minute ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Sunday Shmunday

If you believe all that, then have a nice Sunday, but perleeze dont include me in your forgiveness and charity twaddle.Its naive of you to be taken in by smiling faces and money back ceremony's. Lets see if/when you lose a bunch of money, that you get it back.I think not. Why dont you jump in a taxi and leave your wallet with 50,000 baht in it.

Well, actually  just this Th. night the fare was about 90 and I gave the cabbie a purple one thinking it was orange, telling him to keep the change, and he laughed and asked if I wanted to tip 400b.


I take a cab at least twice a day every weekday and being doing that my 12 years here and can remember just a few bad situations. I speak some Thai, don't mind a bit of conversation, don't get annoyed at personal questions (it's the Thai way) and make sure to be a polite pleasant presence at the back.


Try it. If you have your mind made up before you even get in that the cab driver is out to get you, then you'll be giving off self-fulfilling jerk vibes.

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2 minutes ago, Bang Bang said:

Well, actually  just this Th. night the fare was about 90 and I gave the cabbie a purple one thinking it was orange, telling him to keep the change, and he laughed and asked if I wanted to tip 400b.


I take a cab at least twice a day every weekday and being doing that my 12 years here and can remember just a few bad situations. I speak some Thai, don't mind a bit of conversation, don't get annoyed at personal questions (it's the Thai way) and make sure to be a polite pleasant presence at the back.


Try it. If you have your mind made up before you even get in that the cab driver is out to get you, then you'll be giving off self-fulfilling jerk vibes.

Vibes? What is this? Language from the 60's. Are you still dancing through the daisy fields of so happy to be here? And advocating free love? are you a lay over from california. Get real man. So the guy gave you back 400 baht. I bet he wouldnt have been so quick to give you back your bag containing a s##t load of money in it. You say you speak some Thai? Then you understand the usual " mai mee, Mai leui" Are you really convinced that these photo's of the "honest cabbie are for real? As my old grandad would have said "if you believe that, then you're a 'Shmenderick, a putz, a shlemeil' all yiddish names for a mug.

 I dont know you, and maybe you are a nice guy, but i get the feeling that you see the good in everybody.Not so over here. That Thai smile that you see, is either a "hello", or ' i would kill you if i could". If i were you, i would stay away from dark places and Greeks bearing gifts.

 I sincerely hope you have a nice day


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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Vibes? What is this? Language from the 60's. Are you still dancing through the daisy fields of so happy to be here? And advocating free love? are you a lay over from california. Get real man. So the guy gave you back 400 baht. I bet he wouldnt have been so quick to give you back your bag containing a s##t load of money in it. You say you speak some Thai? Then you understand the usual " mai mee, Mai leui" Are you really convinced that these photo's of the "honest cabbie are for real? As my old grandad would have said "if you believe that, then you're a 'Shmenderick, a putz, a shlemeil' all yiddish names for a mug.

 I dont know you, and maybe you are a nice guy, but i get the feeling that you see the good in everybody.Not so over here. That Thai smile that you see, is either a "hello", or ' i would kill you if i could". If i were you, i would stay away from dark places and Greeks bearing gifts.

 I sincerely hope you have a nice day


I am going try to help. I am going to try to dejerkify you. Don't usually do this for strangers but what the hell it's Sunday.


So here's how we go. I'm going to like your post. Then I want you to like mine. Real slow. Moving the mouse over like Bang Bang may hurt at first. Not a problem. Maybe back off if it gets too much and then in again. But I want you to do it. Click!


Great! Do you feel better? Just a little? Thought so.


Ok, that's enough for day 1. Now, I want to see you every evening next week because we need to keep the intensity up. Then the week after I'm going to be asking reports from cab drivers who pick you up. I'll wager we'll see the needle move from farang yaabkhai to nisai dee.

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1 hour ago, Bang Bang said:

I am going try to help. I am going to try to dejerkify you. Don't usually do this for strangers but what the hell it's Sunday.


So here's how we go. I'm going to like your post. Then I want you to like mine. Real slow. Moving the mouse over like Bang Bang may hurt at first. Not a problem. Maybe back off if it gets too much and then in again. But I want you to do it. Click!


Great! Do you feel better? Just a little? Thought so.


Ok, that's enough for day 1. Now, I want to see you every evening next week because we need to keep the intensity up. Then the week after I'm going to be asking reports from cab drivers who pick you up. I'll wager we'll see the needle move from farang yaabkhai to nisai dee.

My dear bang bing, bing bong, boom bot, ok lets do that. I aquies (is that right) to your helpful sessions. It may take a while because i am still of the 'bah humbug brigade, but lets take it slowly and i may find that your flower power type of advances have some effect on my harsh and cynical out looks.I, in the mean time, will hire a grab taxi to a destination, not far from me and leave 50,000 pounds in Monopoly money on the back seat.We shall see what we shall see.

Until our next session dear bing bung, have a good week.



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Several years ago I took a taxi in the Ratchatawi area then caught the BTW to my dentist in Silom. When I went to pay the dentist bill, I noticed that my wallet had slipped out and I had no money. The dentist office not only told me I could pay it later, they gave me 500 THB so I could get back to my hotel and have dinner. As I was going through phone calls to cancel credit cards, I got a phone call from the tourist police that the taxi driver had turned in my wallet so I got a ride to the police station and got back my wallet with my 8000 THB and credit cards. Fortunately for me, I had managed to cancel only one of my cards so I could still get money. At the police station, I asked for the cab driver's number and called him. He met me the next day and I gave him half of what I had in my wallet, 4000 THB. He was delighted and so was I. There definitely are some wonderfully honest people out there.


And, by the way, I now carry a wallet with a chain attached to by belt.

Edited by Flutterby
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10 hours ago, Flutterby said:

There definitely are some wonderfully honest people out there.

Great story and I would posit most people are basically honest.


It's just that in a foreign country, where we understand neither language nor culture well,  our level of paranoia goes up several notches. And then, if something goes wrong, of course it's their fault. I could see evil in their eyes ... And it's a slippery slope from there on.

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On 2017/4/30 at 3:38 AM, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Vibes? What is this? Language from the 60's. Are you still dancing through the daisy fields of so happy to be here? And advocating free love? are you a lay over from california. Get real man. So the guy gave you back 400 baht. I bet he wouldnt have been so quick to give you back your bag containing a s##t load of money in it. You say you speak some Thai? Then you understand the usual " mai mee, Mai leui" Are you really convinced that these photo's of the "honest cabbie are for real? As my old grandad would have said "if you believe that, then you're a 'Shmenderick, a putz, a shlemeil' all yiddish names for a mug.

 I dont know you, and maybe you are a nice guy, but i get the feeling that you see the good in everybody.Not so over here. That Thai smile that you see, is either a "hello", or ' i would kill you if i could". If i were you, i would stay away from dark places and Greeks bearing gifts.

 I sincerely hope you have a nice day


Lately I have been reading a lot of Greek mythology. But never come across this saying "Greeks bearing gifts"- does it means people trying to trick you? Please enlighten me on this.

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11 hours ago, madusa said:

Lately I have been reading a lot of Greek mythology. But never come across this saying "Greeks bearing gifts"- does it means people trying to trick you? Please enlighten me on this.

Sure. It comes from the siege of Troy. A mythological  City on the shores of the Agean sea. The city was the kingdom of King Priam, whose son had stolen away the beautiful Helen, from Agamemnon, i think. The Greeks launched an Armada of ships to retrieve her. She was so beautiful, that they said she had the face that launched a 1000 ships. The siege went on for 10 years. Until Achilles slew Hector in single combat.But still, could the Greeks not breach the walls of Troy.

One bright spark (Homer) i believe, formed a plan that they would build a huge wooden horse and fill the inside with Greek soldiers, led by Achilles.Then they would leave it outside the walls of Troy as a gift for the victorious Trojans over the Greeks who had admitted defeat. The horse would appeal to Priam's vanity and be dragged into the city. Then, the Greeks would emerge from the horse and open the gates of Troy for the rest of the Greek soldiers, who had hidden their ships and pretended to go home. And it came to pass, that thus did Achilles and his cohorts gain entry into Troy and burned, sacked, raped, and pillaged, and totally destroyed Troy. What became of Helen, is not really known. They say she committed suicide for love of her Trojan Prince. Achilles was a protected warrior. The Gods made his body impervious to harm, but his heel was not protected, and he was shot by an arrow in the heel and then was pounced upon by angry Trojans. Hence the "Achilles heel" as a weakness and the saying 'beware of Greeks bearing gifts' Here endeth the story of Troy. Next week i shall read you the story of the Alamo, or maybe Roukes Drift.Please be on line at 8 pm next Tuesday.

Your pal KKD

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19 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Sure. It comes from the siege of Troy. A mythological  City on the shores of the Agean sea. The city was the kingdom of King Priam, whose son had stolen away the beautiful Helen, from Agamemnon, i think. The Greeks launched an Armada of ships to retrieve her. She was so beautiful, that they said she had the face that launched a 1000 ships. The siege went on for 10 years. Until Achilles slew Hector in single combat.But still, could the Greeks not breach the walls of Troy.

One bright spark (Homer) i believe, formed a plan that they would build a huge wooden horse and fill the inside with Greek soldiers, led by Achilles.Then they would leave it outside the walls of Troy as a gift for the victorious Trojans over the Greeks who had admitted defeat. The horse would appeal to Priam's vanity and be dragged into the city. Then, the Greeks would emerge from the horse and open the gates of Troy for the rest of the Greek soldiers, who had hidden their ships and pretended to go home. And it came to pass, that thus did Achilles and his cohorts gain entry into Troy and burned, sacked, raped, and pillaged, and totally destroyed Troy. What became of Helen, is not really known. They say she committed suicide for love of her Trojan Prince. Achilles was a protected warrior. The Gods made his body impervious to harm, but his heel was not protected, and he was shot by an arrow in the heel and then was pounced upon by angry Trojans. Hence the "Achilles heel" as a weakness and the saying 'beware of Greeks bearing gifts' Here endeth the story of Troy. Next week i shall read you the story of the Alamo, or maybe Roukes Drift.Please be on line at 8 pm next Tuesday.

Your pal KKD

Thank you so much Khon kean Dave. That's quite a story. So that's the Greek bearing Gift, now I got it. Look forward Tuesday for more story....... cheers.

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Culturally speaking it is odd for a Japanese to tip that much. In Japan no reward is ever expected. Nice that the initial encounter of the taxi refusing the customer ended up to be positive.


Machaya Hawasaki, 55 said at FM 91 yesterday: "I always thought I'd get my wallet back - Thais are so kind - I want to thank the driver so much".


This is the reason I keep coming to Thailand. When the taxi doesn't know of a roof top in Sathorn that should be painfully obvious I expect to get my money back when I drop $3,000 or more in their car.


Well done to all involved the story writing and production skills are getting better. 



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