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Possible blacklisted? Please help.

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I was living in Thailand for on and off four years until a domestic abuse from my ex Thai bf last year. However he managed to turn the matter around by showing the police photos of his wounds I inflicted on him out of self-defense. After that he even without my consent, forcefully threw me in a mental hospital for two weeks. I'm not entirely sure about the Thai laws regarding this. But in order to resolve things quicker, or so I was told by the police, I signed a paper admitting that I assaulted him, paid a tiny fine and was let go.


My question is, would I be considered blacklisted when I try applying for a Thai visa right now? It's been more than 5 months since I signed the paper, and more than half a year since the "assault". And no, I don't have the "stamp" some mentioned on this forum on my passport. Does that mean I'm not blacklisted? But my native country's embassy in Thailand seems to be bought by my ex, as they told me I would have trouble re-entering Thailand due to my record. Or are they bluffing?


Please help. Thanks in advance.

Edited by CharlotteQ
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Assuming you are not in Thailand now and if you can afford it book a one week cheapo package tour to Thailand. If you come in with a package holiday and don't have a problem then you'll know the answer.

Contacting any of the 'we will check if you're blacklisted' lawyer companies will take a lot more time and money. 

In the future never mention the situation to embassies or officials, they will spout the answer that covers them not you.

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8 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

You would not be blacklist for such a minor offense. Nothing to worry about.

Even if you were blacklist you could still get a visa since embassies and consulates do not check for it. Only when you tried to enter the country would there be a problem.

Thanks for your reply.

However I don't understand what you mean by if I was blacklisted I could still get a visa but would have trouble entering Thailand? Right now the point of getting my Thai visa is getting back in Thailand.

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5 hours ago, overherebc said:

Assuming you are not in Thailand now and if you can afford it book a one week cheapo package tour to Thailand. If you come in with a package holiday and don't have a problem then you'll know the answer.

Contacting any of the 'we will check if you're blacklisted' lawyer companies will take a lot more time and money. 

In the future never mention the situation to embassies or officials, they will spout the answer that covers them not you.

Thank you.

Since I didn't know the Thai language well I was pretty much tricked into signing the paper of "confession". And when I presented them the photos of the several abuse my ex inflicted on me, they told me they were just over one year old and won't be sufficient to open a case with. My ex even contacted my native country's embassy in Thailand making sure I had left a country. During that phone call they also informed my mother that I would have trouble re-entering the country. Is it really true? Pretty much the whole time I've been a victim of the abused system.


Could you elaborate a little more on how to check if I'm blacklisted pls?

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4 hours ago, CharlotteQ said:

Thanks for your reply.

However I don't understand what you mean by if I was blacklisted I could still get a visa but would have trouble entering Thailand? Right now the point of getting my Thai visa is getting back in Thailand.

The point @ubonjoe was making is that anything the Thai consulate tells you about your blacklisting status should simply be ignored. They have no knowledge about who is blacklisted. What was in Joe's mind, I think, is that people tend to assume that if you are issued a visa your status must be OK. That is not so. The consulate will issue a visa without checking if you are blacklisted. Indeed, they cannot check. On entry, immigration then does check, and will deny entry and deport you if you are on the list. Any visa you have makes no difference.


If there is no stamp in your passport, it is highly unlikely that you are blacklisted. It is sometimes difficult to know if you have been taken to court. That can happen without your presence. For the future, never sign anything in Thailand without a lawyer of your choice or a representative of your embassy present. It is conceivable, though unlikely, that you were blacklisted after your departure. Usually, that is the only way there would be no stamp in your passport.


It seems as though your ex boyfriend was pretty vindictive, and was trying to prevent your return. It might be better to have your status checked before trying to visit. Some services charge a fortune to do that, but there are some affordable options.

Edited by BritTim
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10 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

Sorry to hear you went thru all these. Hope your next trip to LOS brings you better luck and fortune. :)


one needs to make better choices when choosing their partners .....


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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

one needs to make better choices when choosing their partners .....


....and signing documents in foreign languages in police stations.

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7 hours ago, dbrenn said:

Don't worry. This was not a serious offence, it didn't go to court on any kind of assault charge and you won't have been blacklisted for it. The police here deal with lots of domestic abuse, and what they did to you is normal procedure - acknowledge the problem making you sign a letter to promise to behave, then taking no further action.


Enjoy your trip to Thailand, and be careful to choose a nice man next time around. Life is to short to get beaten up all the time, especially at home. You deserve better than that.

Thank you for the reassurance dbrenn.

Can't believe I endured 4 years of domestic abuse for the man I thought I loved. I abandoned everything just to be with him in Thailand.


An additional question if I may. It was never easy to obtain a long-term Thai visa. Every few months you could probably imagine is a struggle to renew. So last year he bought me an all-purpose visa from a Chinese traveling agency. However the visa issued before that, with which I entered Thailand was a tourist visa that specifically says I can't work in Thailand. I had some trouble with the officials when entering as I couldn't explain about the purpose of my stay in Thailand. Although finally they let me through after a long talk with my ex. So if I do get questioned again at the border about why I stayed for a year in Thailand last time, how should I explain to them? I suppose I shouldn't tell them the truth as it's too complicated to understand.

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12 minutes ago, CharlotteQ said:

So if I do get questioned again at the border about why I stayed for a year in Thailand last time, how should I explain to them? I suppose I shouldn't tell them the truth as it's too complicated to understand.

There is no need to explain the full facts. Just tell them you were previously in a relationship which is now over.

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9 hours ago, CharlotteQ said:

Thank you.

Since I didn't know the Thai language well I was pretty much tricked into signing the paper of "confession". And when I presented them the photos of the several abuse my ex inflicted on me, they told me they were just over one year old and won't be sufficient to open a case with. My ex even contacted my native country's embassy in Thailand making sure I had left a country. During that phone call they also informed my mother that I would have trouble re-entering the country. Is it really true? Pretty much the whole time I've been a victim of the abused system.


Could you elaborate a little more on how to check if I'm blacklisted pls?

I don't think your embassy would have given any details about you to a random caller.Sounds like bs to me.In my experience Thais don't make good liars,their storys are usually full of holes.And when call them on their bs,another story is presented,then you know it's bs.

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5 hours ago, BritTim said:

The point @ubonjoe was making is that anything the Thai consulate tells you about your blacklisting status should simply be ignored. They have no knowledge about who is blacklisted. What was in Joe's mind, I think, is that people tend to assume that if you are issued a visa your status must be OK. That is not so. The consulate will issue a visa without checking if you are blacklisted. Indeed, they cannot check. On entry, immigration then does check, and will deny entry and deport you if you are on the list. Any visa you have makes no difference.


If there is no stamp in your passport, it is highly unlikely that you are blacklisted. It is sometimes difficult to know if you have been taken to court. That can happen without your presence. For the future, never sign anything in Thailand without a lawyer of your choice or a representative of your embassy present. It is conceivable, though unlikely, that you were blacklisted after your departure. Usually, that is the only way there would be no stamp in your passport.


It seems as though your ex boyfriend was pretty vindictive, and was trying to prevent your return. It might be better to have your status checked before trying to visit. Some services charge a fortune to do that, but there are some affordable options.

Thank you Tim.

What happened was, my ex and his family bribed and manipulated many to get away with their crimes. They broke into my hotel room, cuffed me and threw me in the cheapest mental hospital in Bangkok(as I was told by an inmate), despite my protest and request to speak to a lawyer or a family member first. Soon after, someone from the Chinese(my native country) consulate in Thailand called my family, passing on my ex's threat so that my mom would come pick me up and take me home. When I finally got out of the hell hole, I told my mom that I refused to go home until I find justice after all that had happened(the night I was sent to the hospital, my ex and his family and friends raided my room, stealing several of my important belongings). Then the Chinese consulate contacted my mom (clearly after being instructed by my ex to ensure my departure), even suggested to have my drugged and taken on the plane by force. When I finally left the country, feeling defeated that despite my efforts for months I still couldn't resolve my problem, the Chinese consulate called my mom again, asking her if I had returned. They also added that I would have trouble going back to Thailand again, so don't try anything.


So I'm very nervous at my chances of returning Thailand. Please understand that it would make a world of difference to me. So should I just ignore their threat and perhaps try and get a tourist visa from the help of a traveling agency?

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9 minutes ago, BritTim said:

There is no need to explain the full facts. Just tell them you were previously in a relationship which is now over.

Thank you.

But what if they asked me about the purpose of my last one-year long stay on the all-purpose visa? Should I tell them I was working?


Also in response to your last comment, you mentioned there are ways to have my status checked. Could you show me how to do that please?

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7 minutes ago, CharlotteQ said:

So I'm very nervous at my chances of returning Thailand. Please understand that it would make a world of difference to me. So should I just ignore their threat and perhaps try and get a tourist visa from the help of a traveling agency?

IMHO, you are right to be nervous. Usually, threats from Thai men about blacklisting can be ignored. However, your ex clearly has money and influence.

You should be very careful that your ex and his family are not aware of your visit. I think you should also pay a service to check your blacklisting status. Money and influence can get you blacklisted. Use of http://www.thaivisaservice.com/ has been recommended, at a cost of around 3,000 baht.

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16 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

I don't think your embassy would have given any details about you to a random caller.Sounds like bs to me.In my experience Thais don't make good liars,their storys are usually full of holes.And when call them on their bs,another story is presented,then you know it's bs.

I want to cry reading your comment.


The truth is, my ex and his family had been lying to me constantly during my four years of stay there. Being the logical person that I was, I often confronted my ex about his lies. And being in love with him, I often wished he could come up with a good reason for them. However, he's not a good liar. He could never come up with anything plausible, but even so still denied that he ever lied. It would eventually lead to his frustration and beating me to a pulp.


Even at the police station, he and his family constantly lied to me, my mom and the officials to manipulate the truth.

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2 minutes ago, BritTim said:

IMHO, you are right to be nervous. Usually, threats from Thai men about blacklisting can be ignored. However, your ex clearly has money and influence.

You should be very careful that your ex and his family are not aware of your visit. I think you should also pay a service to check your blacklisting status. Money and influence can get you blacklisted. Use of http://www.thaivisaservice.com/ has been recommended, at a cost of around 3,000 baht.

Thank you so much for the link.


Would they be able to tell me if I would be able to get a visa and return to the country without trouble?

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13 minutes ago, CharlotteQ said:

Thank you so much for the link.


Would they be able to tell me if I would be able to get a visa and return to the country without trouble?

They can tell you whether you are blacklisted. Basically, this means that (all things being equal) you should be allowed to enter when to arrive at the airport in Bangkok.

I could imagine all kinds of unlikely issues that would prevent getting a visa. Maybe, your ex has contacted and bribed someone senior at the Thai consulate you use in China to recognize and block attempts by you to get a visa (or inform him if you try). This is very unlikely, but not totally impossible.

You should treat all posts made in this thread as best attempts to provide advice, recognizing that we can all be wrong. If you stay well away from anyone who might inform your ex about your visit, and verify your blacklisting status first, I would say go for it. We all need to take small risks in life.

Edited by BritTim
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37 minutes ago, BritTim said:

They can tell you whether you are blacklisted. Basically, this means that (all things being equal) you should be allowed to enter when to arrive at the airport in Bangkok.

I could imagine all kinds of unlikely issues that would prevent getting a visa. Maybe, your ex has contacted and bribed someone senior at the Thai consulate you use in China to recognize and block attempts by you to get a visa (or inform him if you try). This is very unlikely, but not totally impossible.

You should treat all posts made in this thread as best attempts to provide advice, recognizing that we can all be wrong. If you stay well away from anyone who might inform your ex about your visit, and verify your blacklisting status first, I would say go for it. We all need to take small risks in life.

Already sent the website an email. If no reply I would follow up with a phone call. Thank you and everyone here. I was quite devastated thinking that I couldn't return to Thailand. Now I'm seeing glimpse of hope again :}


IF I was blacklisted, does that mean I would have to wait a long period of time before I could go back to Thailand. And if so, how long would I have to wait?

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1 minute ago, CharlotteQ said:

IF I was blacklisted, does that mean I would have to wait a long period of time before I could go back to Thailand. And if so, how long would I have to wait?

If you are blacklisted, the report you receive should indicate the expiry date. You can be banned for any period up to and including life.

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