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Find the dog killer! Reporters called in after dozens of deaths from strychnine poisoning


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2 hours ago, fasteddie said:

In my 51yrs of visiting/living in Thailand I have never had a problem with soi dogs, just talk to them nicely and give them titbits and they'll be your friends for life.

I don't know how you've managed that.. I've been coming for 10 years and have had many dog incidents... been chased by packs of soi dogs, been bitten once, had dogs try to bite me whilst jogging and also when riding the moped, had to swerve at speed to avoid dogs trying to attack me, had dogs defend a soi to a point where I've had to turn back..


I think you should get out more

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I have lived in Thailand for 25 years. In Bangkok and the last 8 years up country. 

I also have never had a problem. The dogs i know sometimes bite people but never me, presumably becuase I am never afraid of them. 

For those who encourage poisoning I presume you have never seen the agony of a poisoned dog. Where i come from we shoot them when necessary. 

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5 hours ago, foxboy said:

I don't know how you've managed that.. I've been coming for 10 years and have had many dog incidents... been chased by packs of soi dogs, been bitten once, had dogs try to bite me whilst jogging and also when riding the moped, had to swerve at speed to avoid dogs trying to attack me, had dogs defend a soi to a point where I've had to turn back..


I think you should get out more

Ha Ha, you might be right.

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I know at least two person that had been bitten by these malicious dogs and the owner of one dog said it was the third time he had done that.

That dog has been a lucky one if he would of come after me he would be dead.

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13 hours ago, fasteddie said:

In my 51yrs of visiting/living in Thailand I have never had a problem with soi dogs, just talk to them nicely and give them titbits and they'll be your friends for life.

please come and visit a few more soi's other than yours.

They chase, bite and menace the kids and elderly,  some have muzzles on so they obviously are dangerous.  It's better to relocate them to China or cull them.

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14 hours ago, howard ashoul said:

So why are you living here? This is part of what Thailand is.

If you like western standars stay in the west.

You're like muslims in Europe. Come to foreign country and starts complain how everything is different and should change to the standars of country where you escaped from in the first place.


I never saw thai person having problems with street dogs. I only saw thai people giving them food and providing them with blankets when puppies come.

I'll quote this one & also relates to the 51 yr old

* First Thais do have a problem with the Soi dogs EG : I see it every day when they come to the shop across the road from me in a newish Moo Baan ( they try & attack anyone that doesn't live in the immediate area ) 

One Thai man came back with a big steel curtain rod going crazy & abusing the shop owner (get to that soon ) - Kids (local ) & workers (building the houses ) carrying poles - Guard riding around on motorbike raising his feet all the time 

* The Developer has had to put a sign up saying do not feed the dogs ( I'm only talking of 4 dogs in front of me but there are others )

* Now for the people giving them food as cute little puppies ( if you learn why its called making Merit ). This is why the 4 dogs remain as they were treated like children from a baan owner & now left to fend for themselves recieving hand outs of food in the immediate area (hence why they never attack the neighbors )

* the only advantage i can see is they make good guard dogs but still have to worry about my young lad & his friend riding push bikes

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14 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Nobody should kill any dogs unless they are dangerous, they have a right to live on this earth the same as we do.

Really?   The same right rats and cockroaches do... but do you kill them?


What about your chicken from KFC, or your beef steak?  Don't those animals have the right to life same as we do?


Are you vegan?



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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

it's a pity Thailand hasn't fully embraced this ....

Hey Steven i know some Thais who have eaten dogs A village up north of Thailand buried some dogs that had Rabies. Some of the Villages mostly males in there 20s who wont work and sooner starve dug up these dogs and ate them They all landed in hospital with Rabies poisoning 

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6 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

Hey Steven i know some Thais who have eaten dogs A village up north of Thailand buried some dogs that had Rabies. Some of the Villages mostly males in there 20s who wont work and sooner starve dug up these dogs and ate them They all landed in hospital with Rabies poisoning 

yeah right ....  I want them to eat the soi one's ... not the poisoned one's.  If they ate 5,000,000 soi dogs we wouldn't have any safety concerns.

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1 minute ago, jak2002003 said:

Really?   The same right rats and cockroaches do... but do you kill them?


What about your chicken from KFC, or your beef steak?  Don't those animals have the right to life same as we do?


Are you vegan?



No I don't kill rats, in fact I caught one alive in a trap which had been damaging my property, and took it miles into the country and set it free.

I will kill almost any insect that comes into my house, I have to admit you are right about chicken and cows, pigs etc, though they are bred for food, but every living creature has to eat some other living creature to survive, and no, I am not a vegan.


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2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

yeah right ....  I want them to eat the soi one's ... not the poisoned one's.  If they ate 5,000,000 soi dogs we wouldn't have any safety concerns.

You know i use to go walking I was so afraid of these bloody dogs i use to take a stick with me to hit them so they would not bite me. In the end i just gave up and went walking in the park. But today i was walking in the park and some bloody dog shit on the walkway where people walk and i stood in the bloody thing Stuff the bloody dogs Is there no place safe from these dogs?

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16 hours ago, fasteddie said:

In my 51yrs of visiting/living in Thailand I have never had a problem with soi dogs, just talk to them nicely and give them titbits and they'll be your friends for life.


You give them titbits! I hope you clean up the poop this causes. If not, and I suspect NOT, then you are as filthy as the dogs. Keep Thailand clean and that includes NO DOG POOP on our public streets and beaches.


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1 hour ago, BEVUP said:

I'll quote this one & also relates to the 51 yr old

* First Thais do have a problem with the Soi dogs EG : I see it every day when they come to the shop across the road from me in a newish Moo Baan ( they try & attack anyone that doesn't live in the immediate area ) 

One Thai man came back with a big steel curtain rod going crazy & abusing the shop owner (get to that soon ) - Kids (local ) & workers (building the houses ) carrying poles - Guard riding around on motorbike raising his feet all the time 

* The Developer has had to put a sign up saying do not feed the dogs ( I'm only talking of 4 dogs in front of me but there are others )

* Now for the people giving them food as cute little puppies ( if you learn why its called making Merit ). This is why the 4 dogs remain as they were treated like children from a baan owner & now left to fend for themselves recieving hand outs of food in the immediate area (hence why they never attack the neighbors )

* the only advantage i can see is they make good guard dogs but still have to worry about my young lad & his friend riding push bikes

You are correct about Thai dogs making good guard dogs. However nobody is going to steal the street. The dogs should be behind a locked gate where it can guard its owner's property. Dogs kept this way are far less likely to end up poisoned.


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1 hour ago, BEVUP said:

I'll quote this one & also relates to the 51 yr old

* First Thais do have a problem with the Soi dogs EG : I see it every day when they come to the shop across the road from me in a newish Moo Baan ( they try & attack anyone that doesn't live in the immediate area ) 

One Thai man came back with a big steel curtain rod going crazy & abusing the shop owner (get to that soon ) - Kids (local ) & workers (building the houses ) carrying poles - Guard riding around on motorbike raising his feet all the time 

* The Developer has had to put a sign up saying do not feed the dogs ( I'm only talking of 4 dogs in front of me but there are others )

* Now for the people giving them food as cute little puppies ( if you learn why its called making Merit ). This is why the 4 dogs remain as they were treated like children from a baan owner & now left to fend for themselves recieving hand outs of food in the immediate area (hence why they never attack the neighbors )

* the only advantage i can see is they make good guard dogs but still have to worry about my young lad & his friend riding push bikes

Then we have to each live in a different Thailand.


In about 7 years I'm living in North Thailand I never saw a single dog attack. All of the dogs here know their place, all of them are very lethargic and mind their own business. I saw some dogs fights, but that's it. Never a single dog vs. person fight.


Yep, some dogs can come very close and sometimes even bark. But if you react like a Thai, scream at him "paiiiiiii" or raise your hand he will be running away like Usain Bolt. Of course if you start acting like a pussy or even start running away he will probably start to chase you. Which could be quiet hilarious to watch. :sleepy: Just stand you ground, scream at him paiiiiiii and he will never bother you again.

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20 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

I don't like these miserable retards that hurt animals. There's really no need to poison the dogs. The world needs dogs but definitely doesn't need good for nothing idiots so with all due respect he could have just used the poison on himself. 

It reminds me of these wannabe foreign criminals in Chiang mai, at one of the gates communities, the guy had a gun, for a second he thought he was tough and shot one of the stray dogs. A Chinese dude, belonging to a gang. I always wondered why didn't he just leave the dog alone and shoot himself. I mean we all know that the world is in no need of sweethearts like these. 

You are the retard . why does the world need dogs ?
 When i was 9 i was walking back from a park about 50 metres from my house when i was attacked by 2 dogs and ended up in hospital with stitches in my leg and bum . Always nervous about dogs since then and they feel it and always attack me . Unfortunately i became a runner , x country and marathons so done a lot of street running . I have been attacked by dogs prob over 100 times been bitten about 12 times ., killed about 10 dogs . I had a neighbour who kept 3 dogs in cages which barked all day for 12 yrs and is one of the reasons i am in thailand as i would either would have to kill  the guy or  leave . I left now i am in thailand in a village plagued by dogs . 14 dogs between me and the shop 200 m to my right . cannot walk to the shop . 11  ogs between me an the shop on my left 50 metres away , cannot walk to the shop  and these dogs are at the entrance to my village . They are just around a ben which has a 2 km straight so the traffic is fast coming around the corner . the dogs live in the middle of the road .I have seen 5 accidents , 2 fatal with these dogs  but nothing done still on the road . My neighbour has a dog which barks 24 hours a day for 8 yrs .
 Bejind my house about 300m away a woman has 37 dogs in a walled compound . They do not get out but the noise in the morning and evening when i assume they are fed is crazy . Glad i not live next to her but her thai neighbours are really upset about it and do not speak to her but nothing is done .
 I would  say all my life dogs have been a pain on my existence and if i had my life over i would find somewhere to live where there are no dogs . And all people experience things like this andNOBODY LOVES YOUR DOGS EXCEPT YOU !!!

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don't know if you can say this is what thailand is ...  so it thailand to be chased by a soi dog and get bitten and get rabbies   ? or being elderly and get attacked  ?
Also, not sure but have many thai friends who agree the dogs are pests ... so maybe just the dumb uneducated feed these pests as they don't know any better.

Call them (the people who feed them) what you like but all the soi dogs I've seen in Pattaya are fed by somebody, making them all somebody's pet.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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The humane answer that has also been shown to be effective elsewhere in reducing stray dog populations is to spay and neuter the animals. Soi Dog have had a lot of success in Phuket and things have vastly improved here. It does take time though and education is important. 


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21 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

Let me start by saying I am a dog lover and own a dog here in Thailand.

I would never want anything bad to happen to my dog and whoever is responsible for any harm coming to my dog without reason is in for some bad times.


That said, I can completely understand people stoop this low to get rid of dogs in their neighborhood.

There are simply no other options...


If these dogs bite you, your kid, or your dog, nobody will claim ownership and pay for the damages.

If you call the police to have the dogs removed before they bite anybody they will not take any action.

If you tell the perceived owner to be more responsible they will not do anything.


So what are your options?

Option 1: get bitten, let your kid get bitten, let your own dogs/cats be bitten. When that happens you pay for the VET and nothing will change. They might get bitten again, and again, and again.

Option 2: poison the dogs


My final question would be, where can one buy strychnine?


Jamlong Phonsombat, 65, called in reporters yesterday after seven of the dogs she looked after at her Makham district orchard were found dead from poisoning in just a few days."


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4 hours ago, Ausladyinpatong said:

The humane answer that has also been shown to be effective elsewhere in reducing stray dog populations is to spay and neuter the animals. Soi Dog have had a lot of success in Phuket and things have vastly improved here. It does take time though and education is important. 


But that solution would not work here, because


1.  It requires organization,

2.  It cost money

3.  It takes effort and hard work

4.  That is the best and logical method to use



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9 hours ago, howard ashoul said:

Then we have to each live in a different Thailand.


In about 7 years I'm living in North Thailand I never saw a single dog attack. All of the dogs here know their place, all of them are very lethargic and mind their own business. I saw some dogs fights, but that's it. Never a single dog vs. person fight.


Yep, some dogs can come very close and sometimes even bark. But if you react like a Thai, scream at him "paiiiiiii" or raise your hand he will be running away like Usain Bolt. Of course if you start acting like a pussy or even start running away he will probably start to chase you. Which could be quiet hilarious to watch. :sleepy: Just stand you ground, scream at him paiiiiiii and he will never bother you again.

yes i don't have a problem with them & i do agree with you & about the dogs being behind the gate as i watched a man before when i was in the village carry a machete - ounce they're outside the gate it's self defence

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3 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

But that solution would not work here, because


1.  It requires organization,

2.  It cost money

3.  It takes effort and hard work

4.  That is the best and logical method to use



Ha ha, I understand what you're getting at but that's probably exactly what people were saying in Phuket 10 years ago...



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On 5/1/2017 at 10:18 AM, howard ashoul said:

So why are you living here? This is part of what Thailand is.

If you like western standars stay in the west.

You're like muslims in Europe. Come to foreign country and starts complain how everything is different and should change to the standars of country where you escaped from in the first place.


I never saw thai person having problems with street dogs. I only saw thai people giving them food and providing them with blankets when puppies come.


Did it never cross your mind that the poisoner in chief is ... Thai?

Edited by AlexRich
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12 hours ago, Keesters said:


You give them titbits! I hope you clean up the poop this causes. If not, and I suspect NOT, then you are as filthy as the dogs. Keep Thailand clean and that includes NO DOG POOP on our public streets and beaches.


Yeah I have a strict routine, talk to them nicely, feed them titbits then follow them around until they crap. You know, it's mealy mouthed miseries like you that give many of us the opinion, dogs are better than humans!

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On 01/05/2017 at 10:59 AM, jak2002003 said:

So you carry dog treats in your pockets 24 / 7 do you?  You must smell nice.


I don't have the time to stop, give a few treats, and have a nice conversation with the 100s of dogs in my area every day.... I am jealous of you if you have nothing else to do apart from having you doggy chats and tea parties every single day you are here.



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