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Bt2m aid for 'mushroom pickers'


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Logs? Over a thousand? how big are these logs and how long? Where are the logs now? Many questions, not enough answers. If they had all these 'big logs' why had they not moved them on? perhaps they haven't fulfilled the requirements by not naming the Boss!

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

turns out one of my western staff reported another of my western staff to immigration after they got into an argument.


Yep, a lot of issues with Farangs are caused by other Farangs with a grudge and too much time on their hands.


They should chill out a bit more, and stop doing the "high and mighty" act. 

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6 hours ago, Beats56 said:

This just makes me angry

 If that all they did picking mushrooms what the hell is wrong with the justice system in this country. 5 years come on.


Don't feed the fish, either!

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3 hours ago, phetpeter said:

Logs? Over a thousand? how big are these logs and how long? Where are the logs now? Many questions, not enough answers. If they had all these 'big logs' why had they not moved them on? perhaps they haven't fulfilled the requirements by not naming the Boss!

Not enough room on the photo lens to show the logs AND the pointing fingers!

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This is a classic case of police scapegoating - just like Koh Tao & the stitched-up teacher - and many others.

The details, as far as the English media will go are:

The police & forest rangers were after a gang of illegal loggers who escaped.

The mushroom pickers (MP) fled the area (for an unmentioned reason) leaving their motorbike behind.

The police traced the MP and arrested them for illegal logging.

The MP's lawyer (free legal?, appointed by the court?, 'friend'? - not mentioned) stupidly advised them to plead guilty to illegal logging and they were sentenced to 30 years, halved for pleading guilty.

The case has 'progressed' to the Supreme Court where the sentence was reduced to 5 years (maybe a bit of guilty conscience on behalf of the judges).

There was no evidence AFAIK presented to any court that this pair were loggers (just police finger-pointing) and no evidence of any logs in their possession.



Note: there may be more details in the Thai media. I hope that the current lawyer that is to present evidence of a mistrial, is a lot more competent than their original lawyer.

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9 hours ago, canopy said:

Quick recap: picking mushrooms was their claim and they were never found guilty of this. They were found guilty of encroaching on 72 rai of national forest land, cutting down over 1000 valuable trees, and possessing restricted timber illegally.


1 poor couple happends to be found in a national park picking mushrom. In the same area it has been stolen 1000`s of vauable trees which require both heavy equipment, significant workforce and organized logistics far beyond this couples ability... 


Up to date nothing that proof their involvement with the missing trees except a statement they where tricked to sign at the police station despite their repeted denying of any involvement rather than picking mushrooms...  


This case seems to be sorted out by the police the same way as with the 2 cambodian teens related to the rape and murder of the young UK couple on Koh Tao - no clear  evidence what so ever, just happened to be in the crime area in addition to a statement signed under pressure...

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8 hours ago, timewilltell said:

I wonder how the 2 million baht fund was calculated for two bail applications?


Interesting point, for much more serious matters bail if often very small compared.  

Edited by scorecard
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1 hour ago, ttrd said:

1 poor couple happends to be found in a national park picking mushrom. In the same area it has been stolen 1000`s of vauable trees which require both heavy equipment, significant workforce and organized logistics far beyond this couples ability... 


Up to date nothing that proof their involvement with the missing trees except a statement they where tricked to sign at the police station despite their repeted denying of any involvement rather than picking mushrooms...  


This case seems to be sorted out by the police the same way as with the 2 cambodian teens related to the rape and murder of the young UK couple on Koh Tao - no clear  evidence what so ever, just happened to be in the crime area in addition to a statement signed under pressure...

Minor point, but the convicted pair are from Myanmar, not Cambodia, and both were 22 when the offence took place.

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5 minutes ago, sambum said:

Minor point, but the convicted pair are from Myanmar, not Cambodia, and both were 22 when the offence took place.

Thx for the correction - hopefully those minor mistakes didnt shade the point...;)

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8 hours ago, ujayujay said:

Funny.....most prisoners claim to be innocent:coffee1:

not just in TH.

Not true......claiming innocence in court get's you the full sentence....claiming guilty as you likely know, usually halves the sentence.

Proving innocence is costly....and very lengthy......one virtually has to prove the cops wrong.

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27 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

Not true......claiming innocence in court get's you the full sentence....claiming guilty as you likely know, usually halves the sentence.

Proving innocence is costly....and very lengthy......one virtually has to prove the cops wrong.

It would be interesting to know how many people who pleaded not guilty in Thai courts were actually found to be not guilty  - I would suspect quite a low number compared to other countries!  

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15 hours ago, z42 said:

And from where did you hear this fairytale then my friend? Look at the people, I doubt very much they'd chance a foot race with any authority figures (due to their age and fragility for 2)... The court documents (as shown on CSI LA) said they were done on encroachment and for having 1000 logs from restricted trees in their possession. Unless pictures are shown proving this, and some background on how they transported all 1000 to wherever they were found remains inexplicable.
How exactly they're carrying them defeats me.. Care to hazard a guess.. Am all ears

I am constantly amazed as to what Thais can get on a motcy.

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Having seen what lawyers do here up close ourselves, if this country values justice they should jail the lawyer who recommended they plead guilty. If they do not,  it sends a message to the world that lawyers here cannot be trusted and not to do any kind of business here.


I hear there is a website on the way to promote how lawyers con people, all stories will be welcome so I am told.


Disgusted with other unprintable words around that word

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Off topic posts and replies about the Koh Tao case have been removed as well. 

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