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Video: Minivan driver and conductress fined after fight with monk in Roi-Et


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4 hours ago, oldhippy said:

Monkman hits a woman.

Monkman attacks a man from the back.

Monkman does not get arrested.


Monkman was complaining about what he had to pay? I thought Monkmen can not touch money?

Come to think of it, Monkmen can not touch women too....


and  it seems  monkmen cant get a 5000 baht fine too

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I'm not a monk nor am I religious. Infact, I'm an atheist. We have no doctrine and we live by no rules. Yet, I've never, and never would, lay my hands on a woman. I guess even religulous people can have a moral code.


Hitting women is like sleeping with your sister. You just don't do it. 

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2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

I wonder was the video available to the Land Transport Dept. before they issued the fine. Appears to be totally unjust to fine a man for defending his wife from an attacker?

PS. And then to defend himself from a follow up attack from the same attacker.

Two wrongs don't make a right!!!

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3 hours ago, imagemaestro said:

The saffron clad layabouts yet again behave as they wish while an honest burgher and his wife get the tits fined off them.

....and the company they work for. The service is withdrawn, so the community at large suffers the inconvenience of no more bus. 


All because of a superstitious belief that young hooligans in orange robes are "holy" and wholly untouchable. 

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Anyone who spends time at temples will tell you that possibly 1% of the men wearing orange robes are monks.  The other 99% are there for reasons other than religion.  On the other side, pretty much everyone on here knows that Thai women don't know how to shut up once they get started.  They got the "monk" out of their van that should have been the end of the story.  Most of these people are not smart enough to know that, 1. someone is taking a video, 2. it's going to be posted on FB, 3. the police are going to see it 4. once the police get involved they are going to check into everything.  50000 baht is a pretty hefty fine for not knowing how to keep your mouth shut.  

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5 hours ago, oldhippy said:

Monkman hits a woman.

Monkman attacks a man from the back.

Monkman does not get arrested.


Monkman was complaining about what he had to pay? I thought Monkmen can not touch money?

Come to think of it, Monkmen can not touch women too....


The monk is allowed to commit the crime of assault? Since when? Citizen's justice looks well deserved here and should be supported by all.       These (orange) "blanket" laws that allow monks the inviolable position of immunity from just about everything only encourages them to get worse.

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

You'd thinks monks are much more calm and placid people with all that

meditations and attaining enlightenments and self control.. apparently

not so much...they're just like any of us...

And they are very smart business men....


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4 hours ago, r136dg said:

Don't forget, monkman spit on the cabs floor. Monkmen are just as materialistic with fragile egos as the majority here.

The majority? I think that's unfair, I think most Thai men are decent apart from when they are driving or riding.

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8 hours ago, imagemaestro said:

The saffron clad layabouts yet again behave as they wish while an honest burgher and his wife get the tits fined off them.

I was on a Bangkok bus not long after I came here, there were plenty of seats available, a monk came on and gestured to me rudely to

get up and give him my seat, I told him to <deleted> off, and he did. I then checked to see if anyone had any preference for where I was sitting, there

was no notice at my seat, not even in Thai.

I think maybe he wanted my seat as it was next to the door, or he did not want to share with anybody. I just hate the way they expect preference

over people for things, but they won't be getting any from me.

Edited by metisdead
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How to become a monk?

Flee from Burma, because convicted or prosecuted. Come with all your burdens, also tattoos, looking for accommodation and food. Decide to become a monk in order to be safe and earn a lot of money.

Sure that is only a part of tehm, but

when I entered the country my first time in the 70" there was a lack of monks. I talked to a couple of them. They told me young boys are looking for drugs, girls and money.

Well, there is no change up to now but the boys are now even monks.

I can't respect any of those 'monks". For me they are greedy and rude as anybody. "God" is only a word and Buddhism a cloak for greediness. Not all I admit.

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

So many Thais act like little kids in the playground, don't they. Every day we read on here and elsewhere so many examples of immature behaviour. Why is it they never grow up.

If you were in London or any other city, you would be saying the same thing. There are guys like that everywhere.

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

You'd thinks monks are much more calm and placid people with all that

meditations and attaining enlightenments and self control.. apparently

not so much...they're just like any of us...

Excuse me? Not like me, thank you, nor most of us as we do not beat on women.

A bully who puts on  monk's robes is not magically transformed into an enlightened being. he remains a bully  until he changes his behavior.

Hopefully, this monk is disrobed and the bud driver and wife sue the monk for his violent assault.


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As with most Thais there is rarely any compromise and the word diplomatic is not in the Thai dictionary.


Each one has to stress they are in the right and win an argument at all costs, the losing face syndrome. This is why even in Thai politics there is no such thing as a negotiating table and it always requires a third party to resolve matters.



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Just thinking here  The Monk was complaining about the fare What about the Monks when they charge 400 baht for farang to visit the golden temple in Bangkok and Thai get charged 40 Baht Next time that happens i might complain and deck one of the Monks  I am on the drivers side The Monk hit the lady and if it was my wife i would of flattened the Monk also Thugs in orange robes they are

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4 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

The usual 'all Thai' are the same' bs

Monk what a joke he is a disgrace to hit a woman he spat on  the floor for sure the way he over reacted when challenged hiding behind his saffron robe he attacks a woman , not meant to touch money or women kick him out jes no buddhist in it for money , give the fine money back to the driver his wife and company fine its not there fault,  fine the monk and kick him out , they we're doing the right thing he spat on  the floor for sure  yhe way he reacted over the top . I gave up visiting temples and donating money myself , they pocket it for them selves its sad inditement on thailand society and people its all to common start at thr top of government down theu r all so corrupt its an eperdemic here . Sad to say and see . Amazing thailand nothing amazes me here any more .

Edited by Mad mick
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