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Macron seen winning French presidential runoff with 62 percent of votes - poll


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5 hours ago, simple1 said:

Somewhat off topic, but below is a reality check as opposed to quoting somewhat hysterical claims...




We will never agree that the likes of FN policies are the best solution for a Western country facing societal challenges, policies that will accelerate, not resolve, destructive forces in our societies.

What have asylum claims got to do with illegal immigration? (Illegal by the standards of Schengen). And: what hysterical claims are you referring to? There will be one million more immigrants in France in five years. That isn't hysterical, it is based on what will happen if nobody takes things in hand, and especially if Erdogan makes good his threat to unleash millions on Europe soon.

Macron was useless as Minister of the Economy and he will be useless as President. He will do whatever Merkel tells him to do and continue to call people that care about France traitors. He's a rat.

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23 minutes ago, cooked said:

What have asylum claims got to do with illegal immigration? (Illegal by the standards of Schengen). And: what hysterical claims are you referring to? There will be one million more immigrants in France in five years. That isn't hysterical, it is based on what will happen if nobody takes things in hand, and especially if Erdogan makes good his threat to unleash millions on Europe soon.

Macron was useless as Minister of the Economy and he will be useless as President. He will do whatever Merkel tells him to do and continue to call people that care about France traitors. He's a rat.

He's a rat, is he?:stoner:



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6 hours ago, cooked said:

What have asylum claims got to do with illegal immigration? (Illegal by the standards of Schengen). And: what hysterical claims are you referring to? There will be one million more immigrants in France in five years. That isn't hysterical, it is based on what will happen if nobody takes things in hand, and especially if Erdogan makes good his threat to unleash millions on Europe soon.

Macron was useless as Minister of the Economy and he will be useless as President. He will do whatever Merkel tells him to do and continue to call people that care about France traitors. He's a rat.

As I said we don't agree, nor do millions of French voters. Personally I am convinced those to the right of centre blabbering on about being being patriots, along with their historical links to Vichy France are  laughable. To use your far right language, - they are the rats.

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Immigration is a real problem, and maybe Le Pen is not bad at this, but for the rest , ALL the rest, she is unable to lead a country, not clever enough with old ideas 

everything but FN, and I hope that we can solve the immigration problem , but without Le Pen 

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7 minutes ago, simple1 said:

As I said we don't agree, nor do millions of French voters. Personally I am convinced those to the right of centre blabbering on about being being patriots, along with their historical links to Vichy France are  laughable, - they are the rats.


But millions of ordinary people with genuine concerns are not rats. They are being ridden roughshod by mainstream politicians who are being bought and sold by globalists. That's why politicians with an alternative voice are on the rise. When will the globalists and the middle ground politicians wake up to reality? Ordinary people woke up a while ago. Do the Big Boys really want to end up being executed by firing squad like Ceausescu? That's where this will all end up if the masses are ignored for long enough.

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51 minutes ago, simple1 said:

As I said we don't agree, nor do millions of French voters. Personally I am convinced those to the right of centre blabbering on about being being patriots, along with their historical links to Vichy France are  laughable. To use your far right language, - they are the rats.

Now you must be a little tired, it is Macron that accused FN of  hankering after Vichy France and it is Macron that keeps calling his ownparty patriots. The FM has been transformed by Le Pen, it is unjust to start citing historical  happenings. Research into the cupboards of most political parties will reveal a skeleton or two.

Almost impossible to read , or listen to, news about Le Pen without hearing the words 'extreme right', 'neo-fascist' or the like. Even the BBC indulges in these kind of slurs. macron will bend to the will of Merkel and Brussels and not only will nothing change for the better, they will get a lot worse.

I know France very well, which doesn't mean that I am an expert but from what I have seen, this kind of business as usual isn't what is needed.

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17 minutes ago, cooked said:

I know France very well, which doesn't mean that I am an expert but from what I have seen, this kind of business as usual isn't what is needed.

You say you know France, so explain why ( normally, we''ll see it tonight ) French will choose Macron with a very big score ? in 2002, Le Pen father for the second round  had only 20% 


We just don't want far right in France, that's all ; for me, that Germany leads Europe is not a problem; being with a powerful neighbour and friend is better than to be alone , future is union ,  we depend all of each other, more and more, everything which happens somewhere ( for instace USA or North Korea ) has influence on us , even when we live in Thailand, far from our countries 

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Now you must be a little tired, it is Macron that accused FN of  hankering after Vichy France and it is Macron that keeps calling his ownparty patriots. The FM has been transformed by Le Pen, it is unjust to start citing historical  happenings. Research into the cupboards of most political parties will reveal a skeleton or two.
Almost impossible to read , or listen to, news about Le Pen without hearing the words 'extreme right', 'neo-fascist' or the like. Even the BBC indulges in these kind of slurs. macron will bend to the will of Merkel and Brussels and not only will nothing change for the better, they will get a lot worse.
I know France very well, which doesn't mean that I am an expert but from what I have seen, this kind of business as usual isn't what is needed.
You're so wrong. French history is very relevant in this election.


The dark history at the heart of the French election

“When you place them within the framework of the continuity of French history, you cannot find one single new element brought by the Le Pen family and their movement,” Zeev Sternhell, a prominent historian of French fascism, said in an interview.

“This is classic hard-right nationalism with the usual xenophobia, the hatred of the ‘other’ and the cult of the people against the elite.”

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're so wrong. French history is very relevant in this election.


The dark history at the heart of the French election

“When you place them within the framework of the continuity of French history, you cannot find one single new element brought by the Le Pen family and their movement,” Zeev Sternhell, a prominent historian of French fascism, said in an interview.

“This is classic hard-right nationalism with the usual xenophobia, the hatred of the ‘other’ and the cult of the people against the elite.”


You quote the Huffington Post and then the Washington Post. Good luck with that. Try reading another point of view: http://theduran.com/france-verge-nervous-breakdown/

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4 hours ago, simple1 said:

I prefer intelligence to links…..anyone can paste a link


The fact remains that she met him in the public eye, not in some basement carpark where one could suspect some mischief.


I cant stand this anti putin ism. He's just a smart guy trying to do what he thinks is best for his country. His people probably saved some of our people's asses in WW2.

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I prefer intelligence to links…..anyone can paste a link


The fact remains that she met him in the public eye, not in some basement carpark where one could suspect some mischief.


I cant stand this anti putin ism. He's just a smart guy trying to do what he thinks is best for his country. His people probably saved some of our people's asses in WW2.


According to Putin, the best for Russia is to weaken western democracies , and that's what he is achieving.

Anti Putism therefore is an act of resistance.


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1 minute ago, Opl said:


According to Putin, the best for Russia is to weaken western democracies….


Gee…..and Im sure somewhere else someone is thinking just the opposite…so what?


How does standing up for france and against reckless immigration weaken western democracy?


I seem to remember western democracies flourishing way before all this cr#$ started.


People are manipulated as much under the guise of democracy as they are under authoritarianism.


UK stood up to it with brexit…now its vive le france time.





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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Duran? It's filled with pro Putin propaganda. No thanks. I get it. The alt right as well as trump and Le Pen identifies with strong man dictator Putin.


Well there you go, you fall for the propaganda that Putin is the worst thing in the world while ignoring what is a much greater threat, Islam. It's only a short article, try taking a deep breath and reading it with an open mind.

You disappoint me. Who brought , at least for the time being, peace to Syria?  Ok, don't read that but try this one from the Spectator, which isn't pro_Putin at all.




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1 hour ago, cooked said:

Well there you go, you fall for the propaganda that Putin is the worst thing in the world while ignoring what is a much greater threat, Islam. It's only a short article, try taking a deep breath and reading it with an open mind.

You disappoint me. Who brought , at least for the time being, peace to Syria?  Ok, don't read that but try this one from the Spectator, which isn't pro_Putin at all.




Ain't a reference for Le Pen, far from it. However, as you probably well know the author isn't neutral being a neoconservative apologist. Regards Putin's Russia, there are a number of senior threat analysts who totally disagree with you and others with the same POV.

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23 hours ago, simple1 said:

Don't know where you source your info, but personally I have listened to and read main stream security people claiming the situation regards Islamic terror in our societies will continue for a number of years and highly likely with some mass casualty attacks.


Deportations can only occur so long as their are government to government agreements in-place. I understand currently there are more than a few countries with whom the French and other Western countries have yet to have reached such agreement.


Don't know what Le Pen would actually do to have more 'guts' than Macron, One would assume any actions would have to comply with constitutional law and ruling by the Court of Cassation, otherwise you're talking to a fascist society; some on this forum do seem to wish for such an outcome.

By hewing to the present course, elitists will be bringing in fascist governments, as the voters rebel against the present unworkable policies. That's why Hitler was elected, if one has forgotten.

Elitists forget who the voters are, in their arrogance.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I prefer intelligence to links…..anyone can paste a link


The fact remains that she met him in the public eye, not in some basement carpark where one could suspect some mischief.


I cant stand this anti putin ism. He's just a smart guy trying to do what he thinks is best for his country. His people probably saved some of our people's asses in WW2.

Off topic, but not for Russia Hitler would have won in Europe. The propaganda machine has most thinking that the western powers did, but the German military was by far the best in the world at that time.

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28 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

By hewing to the present course, elitists will be bringing in fascist governments, as the voters rebel against the present unworkable policies. That's why Hitler was elected, if one has forgotten.

Elitists forget who the voters are, in their arrogance.

What immutable present course are you talking about??? Most, if not all, Western government have already updated their legislation and where necessary tightening up with additional ruling.


Hitler elected as a backlash against the elites? We have a very different understanding of history - he was supported into power by section of the elites.

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1 minute ago, simple1 said:

What immutable present course are you talking about??? Most, if not all, Western government have already updated their legislation and where necessary tightening up with additional ruling.


Hitler elected as a backlash against the elites? We have a very different understanding of history - he was supported into power by a section of the elites.


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9 hours ago, vogie said:

A French lady just interviewed on the news said "this election is not about who you vote for, but who you don't vote for"

Sounds like she caught US Voter Dichotomyitis. A strange virus - UVD2016 that leaves voters with pangs of guilt and regret for years after. The only known cure is another election as quickly as possible with additional completely different credible choices. Thought to be highly contagious and capable of wiping out the world as we know it. Now considered to be capable of propagating an official mass extinction event if it reaches critical mass.

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" The French press is showing the corporate US media how it should be done, as they have imposed a voluntary blackout on the Russian Macron campaign email hack until after the election."




"Journalists could face criminal charges for violating laws preventing influence on vote" ( Vitali Kremez, director of research with US-based cyber intelligence firm Flashpoint, told Reuters APT 28, a group tied to Russia’s military intelligence directorate, was behind the leak.)


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1 hour ago, Opl said:

" The French press is showing the corporate US media how it should be done, as they have imposed a voluntary blackout on the Russian Macron campaign email hack until after the election."




"Journalists could face criminal charges for violating laws preventing influence on vote" ( Vitali Kremez, director of research with US-based cyber intelligence firm Flashpoint, told Reuters APT 28, a group tied to Russia’s military intelligence directorate, was behind the leak.)


The press wouldn't anyway report about the content of the leaked documents. Well, let the French elect a Rothschild puppet.  Good luck with that.

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1 hour ago, Opl said:

" The French press is showing the corporate US media how it should be done, as they have imposed a voluntary blackout on the Russian Macron campaign email hack until after the election."




"Journalists could face criminal charges for violating laws preventing influence on vote" ( Vitali Kremez, director of research with US-based cyber intelligence firm Flashpoint, told Reuters APT 28, a group tied to Russia’s military intelligence directorate, was behind the leak.)



14 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

The press wouldn't anyway report about the content of the leaked documents. Well, let the French elect a Rothschild puppet.  Good luck with that.

It appears the leaks are fake, possibly designed by the Macron team to defeat fancy bears. Wikileaks now expressing doubts

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19 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

The press wouldn't anyway report about the content of the leaked documents. Well, let the French elect a Rothschild puppet.  Good luck with that.

If these documents contain revelations, I have no doubt the press will publish them after having investigated, in accordance with  journalistic and ethical rules, without being instrumentalized by the calendar of publication of anonymous actors

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7 hours ago, simple1 said:

What immutable present course are you talking about??? Most, if not all, Western government have already updated their legislation and where necessary tightening up with additional ruling.


Hitler elected as a backlash against the elites? We have a very different understanding of history - he was supported into power by section of the elites.

Open slather by illegal immigrants that get treated better than citizens would be one and globalisation would be another. The poor masses have had enough of it, whether  that is the reality or not.


Hitler was supported by a section of the elites because they thought they could control him, but he was voted in by the masses looking for a strong man to sort out the problems their country was experiencing.

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18 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:


It appears the leaks are fake, possibly designed by the Macron team to defeat fancy bears. Wikileaks now expressing doubts

Wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that his own team leaked fake e mails in hope of a backlash. If they had been genuine, it should have happened long before.

Can't believe anything anymore.

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