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'Mother' should not be used to describe a bomb, Pope says


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18 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

I have more respect for the big mullahs than this bloke. A deluded old fool stuck in the past, trying to divert attention from the real issues which have been noted here. Pathetic!

To be fair, a number of those who have risen to the 'top' in the Islamic faith are just as "stuck in the past" and determined to pursue their corporation's power at any cost.


Unfortunately, the moslem fundamentalists are pursuing this dream (via terrorism) nowadays, a couple of hundred of years after the catholics.

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 This most catholic person who has taken the role of the fisherman for two thousand years, should step into the present, and understand that the people have forgotten his God. If God was still alive, he would have made his presence known.This is all blind faith and subjugation of the ignorant.In the modern day, priests have <deleted> about with young boys and yet they hide knowledge of the gravity of the sins, they have committed.If i were a true catholic priest, i would now, be terrified of the fires of eternal damnation. But then again, another get out, they believe in God, but they dont believe in the Devil. How convenient.

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Mao once wrote;  ' Religion is the opiate of the people.'


As much as I don't like Mao, his words ring true, somewhat.  


          People need religion like little kids need fairy tales.  It fills out their lives. Just like nature doesn't like a vacuum, people don't like a void of myths.  They need belief systems as guide posts.  I've studied religions extensively for half a century. Most of that time I called myself a Buddhist.    Living in Thailand for nearly 20 years has shown me that Buddhism also has devolved to orthodoxy/rules/dictates/fluff/image, similar to the Catholic faith.  


                        There's a video drama on Netflix which takes place in Mexico during the Spanish occupation of the 17th century.  The interior shots of the Catholic shrine rooms made me grin, as they looked nearly identical to the interiors of Buddhist shrine rooms - same colors, same sorts of gaudy gold-plated, jewel encrusted icons everywhere, brocades, candles, and so on. Even the rituals/chanting are very similar.  It's all geared to keeping the clergy cloistered and the public awed/cowed.   


                         The Pope is only as important as his sheeple perceive him to be.  No much different than Trump or the US greenback.  A dollar is printed paper.  If a person gives it no more value than printed paper, then that's its value for that person.  


                       I know what's important in life, and it's not religion (man-made or otherwise), it's not politicians, it's not economics, it's not dollars.   Each individual has to find out for themselves what's most important.   I hope they get clear insight and find contentment.

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23 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

The name being MOAB meanings "Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb"

it was probably a servicemen's joke to call it mother of all bomb,

then I guess some journalists called it like that too , many people believing latter it was its official name...ri di cu lous!

Thank you, at least someone is on the ball here.  

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On 5/7/2017 at 9:13 AM, boomerangutang said:

There's another similar giant bomb called "The Daisy Cutter"  ....what's the Pope's spin on that?  Do I care?


The Pope should spend more time finding and punishing child molesters within his ranks.  Instead of allowing their transfer to other places where they can molest new kids.  Priorities, dude.




And "Father" should not be the name of some perverted sick child molesters.

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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Mao once wrote;  ' Religion is the opiate of the people.'


As much as I don't like Mao, his words ring true, somewhat.  


          People need religion like little kids need fairy tales.  It fills out their lives. Just like nature doesn't like a vacuum, people don't like a void of myths.  They need belief systems as guide posts.  I've studied religions extensively for half a century. Most of that time I called myself a Buddhist.    Living in Thailand for nearly 20 years has shown me that Buddhism also has devolved to orthodoxy/rules/dictates/fluff/image, similar to the Catholic faith.  


                        There's a video drama on Netflix which takes place in Mexico during the Spanish occupation of the 17th century.  The interior shots of the Catholic shrine rooms made me grin, as they looked nearly identical to the interiors of Buddhist shrine rooms - same colors, same sorts of gaudy gold-plated, jewel encrusted icons everywhere, brocades, candles, and so on. Even the rituals/chanting are very similar.  It's all geared to keeping the clergy cloistered and the public awed/cowed.   


                         The Pope is only as important as his sheeple perceive him to be.  No much different than Trump or the US greenback.  A dollar is printed paper.  If a person gives it no more value than printed paper, then that's its value for that person.  


                       I know what's important in life, and it's not religion (man-made or otherwise), it's not politicians, it's not economics, it's not dollars.   Each individual has to find out for themselves what's most important.   I hope they get clear insight and find contentment.


It was Karl Marx not Mao who initially wrote that religion was the opiate of the masses.





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21 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

 This most catholic person who has taken the role of the fisherman for two thousand years, should step into the present, and understand that the people have forgotten his God. If God was still alive, he would have made his presence known.This is all blind faith and subjugation of the ignorant.In the modern day, priests have <deleted> about with young boys and yet they hide knowledge of the gravity of the sins, they have committed.If i were a true catholic priest, i would now, be terrified of the fires of eternal damnation. But then again, another get out, they believe in God, but they dont believe in the Devil. How convenient.


You assume that should there be a God, he would think like you. A somewhat interesting assumption. Why would he/she make himself known? How do you know how he/she thinks? No one really knows and it can't be proved either way. So it then comes down to personal beliefs. Certainly humans are have emotions, and a large part of our brains remains unknown to us. Especially the sub-conscious. Do we also have a spirit, soul or whatever. I don't know but those who have been dead and been revived say interesting things.


You don't seem to know much about Catholics. They most definitely do believe in the devil, hell and eternal damnation. But their get out is the confession and repentance. Few dozen hail Mary's, twiddling the rosary and whatever and all is forgiven. 

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


You assume that should there be a God, he would think like you. A somewhat interesting assumption. Why would he/she make himself known? How do you know how he/she thinks? No one really knows and it can't be proved either way. So it then comes down to personal beliefs. Certainly humans are have emotions, and a large part of our brains remains unknown to us. Especially the sub-conscious. Do we also have a spirit, soul or whatever. I don't know but those who have been dead and been revived say interesting things.


You don't seem to know much about Catholics. They most definitely do believe in the devil, hell and eternal damnation. But their get out is the confession and repentance. Few dozen hail Mary's, twiddling the rosary and whatever and all is forgiven. 

I worked for the catholic church years ago. we were renovating a church called 'The holy innocent's' in Orpington. The priest there was a father Mac Namara, who absolutely did not believe in the Devil. He said that, that was best left to the jesuits. The church was also a seminary for trainee priests. There were several bedrooms that the priests stayed in while doing their training, so to speak.Let me tell you, i have caught a few of the young priests with women on their laps. There are women that are 'priest hags', and just love to try and lead a young, celibate man into temptation.  and the dear Father was very fond of a bottle of gold watch a day.I know enough about Catholic priests to last a life time.

Also i do not believe in an all powerful, all knowing, omnipotent, celestial being that knows every thing about us.In fact the god of Moses was a violent and jealous god, also the Arc Angels that are meant to surround him, are not the heavenly creatures that believers think they are, they are an army of bloody, violent soldiers, who are meant to protect heaven against the evil that is Lucifer.If you choose to believe all that, that's up to you, but perleeze dont preach to me bout the Catholic religion, whose hierarchy wander about in grand garments and rings of gold, when they are being so pious, but are ignorant of the fact that their rules are spreading HIV and other diseases through the catholic world with their condemnation of contraception.

There is no God, no heaven,no everlasting life, no soul, and definitely, no spirit.Even when the Nazarene was on the cross , there was the 50/50 split, in the guise of Gesmos and Dismas,(if you know who they were) to conflict with

Yossal Ben Yoseph's true identity, how convenient was that? Have you read the Bible? Because as a kid, i read most of it.or are you of the"hey, i just found Jesus' brigade.

This is a world of science and technology, that will lead us through the centuries to come.There is no room in it for unproven Gods and messiahs who lived 2000 years ago.

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I think that maybe the pope and his people should all commit to cleaning up the abuse of boys  by the members of the male

Catholic religions priests and such  around the world , once all the perps are found and jailed , and publically shamed, then he can move on to

some other agendas.


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9 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I think that maybe the pope and his people should all commit to cleaning up the abuse of boys  by the members of the male

Catholic religions priests and such  around the world , once all the perps are found and jailed , and publically shamed, then he can move on to

some other agendas.


But not commit to cleaning up abuse of girls?

Edited by ilostmypassword
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21 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I worked for the catholic church years ago. we were renovating a church called 'The holy innocent's' in Orpington. The priest there was a father Mac Namara, who absolutely did not believe in the Devil. He said that, that was best left to the jesuits. The church was also a seminary for trainee priests. There were several bedrooms that the priests stayed in while doing their training, so to speak.Let me tell you, i have caught a few of the young priests with women on their laps. There are women that are 'priest hags', and just love to try and lead a young, celibate man into temptation.  and the dear Father was very fond of a bottle of gold watch a day.I know enough about Catholic priests to last a life time.

As a trainee plumber in the 70's a recurring job that befell my brother was the constant unblocking of the sewage pipes @ the local Nunnery after they had been visited by priests. Officially the cause was recorded as sanitary towels but this was nonsense; the drains had more Johnneys up 'em than a Patters Brass! :shock1:

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11 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I think that maybe the pope and his people should all commit to cleaning up the abuse of boys  by the members of the male

Catholic religions priests and such  around the world , once all the perps are found and jailed , and publically shamed, then he can move on to

some other agendas.


They are doing that, worldwide.


Your suggestion to try to stop abuse and other things no good in the world until all perps are found and jailed is IMHO nonsense.

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On 5/7/2017 at 11:19 AM, ballzafire said:

ezzra, you mean, "...less and less RELEVANT."

(and it's not 'sad', either. If people only knew the level of evil hiding behind the Catholic Church, they would not call themselves Catholic...)

Or alternatively: "more irreverent" :)

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2 hours ago, evadgib said:

As a trainee plumber in the 70's a recurring job that befell my brother was the constant unblocking of the sewage pipes @ the local Nunnery after they had been visited by priests. Officially the cause was recorded as sanitary towels but this was nonsense; the drains had more Johnneys up 'em than a Patters Brass! :shock1:

Exactly my point, thank you.

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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

They are doing that, worldwide.


Your suggestion to try to stop abuse and other things no good in the world until all perps are found and jailed is IMHO nonsense.

Unfortunately, your comment is true, although i do think that the word 'nonsense', was a trifle harsh. Wishful thinking maybe. This abhorrent behaviour will never stop all the time that there are perverts and the like around. All the time, there are clubs, for want of a better word that are being investigated and exposed. And there are many politicians, old school boys, judges and Lords that sweat daily every time they pick up a news paper. The computer has made things worse, due to these miscreants, being able to vet future members on line.Even the sex offenders register (a great idea at the time) has failed because people are finding it easy to obtain passports, new identities and are having the ability to make their escapes to places like this.

But i too am a member of the 'wishful thinking' club.

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