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Over 100 Thais detained in Bahrain for overstaying visa


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Over 100 Thais detained in Bahrain for overstaying visa

By The Nation


A total of 126 Thais are being detained in Bahrain for abusing and overstaying their tourist visas, the chief of the Labour Ministry’s Employment Department said on Saturday.


Waranon Pitiwan, the director-general of the Employment Department, said he had been informed by the Thai Labour Protection Office in Saudi Arabia that many Thais had abused the visa-on-arrival facility to illegally work in Bahrain.


Waranon said so far Bahraini authorities have detained 126 Thais for overstaying their visa on arrival.


He said some Thai women have also been lured to work as prostitutes in the Middle East country.

Waranon urged Thais wanting to work in Bahrain to seek employment via legal channels as Bahraini authorities have warned they would strictly enforce the immigration law against Thais.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/breakingnews/30314478


-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-05-07
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Reciprocation is good. Bring on the the 5 quid ATM fees for thai card holders abroad.. 


Surrounding countries (where the ATM is either free or max about 100thb - malaysia) should be the first to stick the boot in

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I just spent a year in Bahrain. There is a bridge from this island that connects to Saudi Arabia known as the Saudi Causeway. I met many Saudi Arabs on the weekends who came across the causway to drink, smoke, and hire prostitutes for the weekend.The prostitutes at many of the late night hotel bars were from former Soviet Union, China, Thailand, Phillipines, Moroco, and Ethiopia. Many of these men left their familes to have a boys night out. They would pray at the Grand Mosque during the day and party all night. I often asked those I met if this wasn't against the piety expected from Islam. To a man, the response was "Allah does not see across the bridge."

Look's like this has been going on for years. Must be another crackdown.
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I worked in Bahrain some years ago and thais have many legitimate businesses in operation there, shops, restaurants, etc...and yeah there are a lot of asian prostitutes...with the US naval facility close by Manama is a sailor's heaven and provides the demand along with the usual saudi men onna 'weekend holiday'...


fact is the royal family is involved in the flesh trade and they operate with impunity...same with Abu Dhabi and Dubai...they can't afford not to pick up a piece of the easy action...



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Thailand to Bahrain human sex trafficking criminal gangs !  many Bahrain based mama sans recruit lure Thai women on Facebook to come work fake massage shops then have them go prostitute to Bahrain area hotels and discos.  Bahrain is big party town that has US Navy 5 Fleet stationed there and incoming Saudi Aramco and contractors coming to town for R n R !  a real Pattaya in the Arab Desert ! 


Gang based Prostitution sex trafficking has become global human rights issue now !  many families have become suffering victims because they have lost daughters to this crazy criminal lifestyle ! 

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Should probably detain them a couple of weeks before sending them home, to show them that abusing a country's hospitality is wrong.


The thing is, when a country decides to open the door and give a chance to Thai people by allowing them to travel visa-free (ex: Japan), you'll see a bunch of poor Thais buying flights to that country and once they clear immigration, they disappear and start working illegally, selling their body, and abusing that place's welfare. Because of that low-class minority, genuine travelers have to face the consequences.


When I went to Japan with my wife 2 years ago, she passed right through, no questions asked. We went back 2 months ago, and immigration asked her for a return flight, the name of the hotel she was staying, and her occupation. They wanted to see a copy of her travel itinerary and they told her that they were questioning Thais a bit more due to overstaying. I was behind her with my home country's passport and the IO didn't even make a sound.

If more Thais start pulling that stunt, those "travel destinations" will start requiring Thais to obtain visas in advance, and genuine travelers will pay for the poor  ones who abuse the system. If a country decides to stop allowing visa-free travel for nationals of one country because of chronic overstaying, then countries who were in the process of allowing them visa-free will reconsider. Visa requirements are there to weed out the poor low-class people who are just looking to leave Thailand. If your flight tickets alone costs 5 months of your salary, you won't get a visa.

Edited by SiamBeast
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13 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:

Should probably detain them a couple of weeks before sending them home, to show them that abusing a country's hospitality is wrong.


The thing is, when a country decides to open the door and give a chance to Thai people by allowing them to travel visa-free (ex: Japan), you'll see a bunch of poor Thais buying flights to that country and once they clear immigration, they disappear and start working illegally, selling their body, and abusing that place's welfare. Because of that low-class minority, genuine travelers have to face the consequences.


When I went to Japan with my wife 2 years ago, she passed right through, no questions asked. We went back 2 months ago, and immigration asked her for a return flight, the name of the hotel she was staying, and her occupation. They wanted to see a copy of her travel itinerary and they told her that they were questioning Thais a bit more due to overstaying. I was behind her with my home country's passport and the IO didn't even make a sound.

If more Thais start pulling that stunt, those "travel destinations" will start requiring Thais to obtain visas in advance, and genuine travelers will pay for the poor  ones who abuse the system. If a country decides to stop allowing visa-free travel for nationals of one country because of chronic overstaying, then countries who were in the process of allowing them visa-free will reconsider. Visa requirements are there to weed out the poor low-class people who are just looking to leave Thailand. If your flight tickets alone costs 5 months of your salary, you won't get a visa.

 Poor Thais just want to work  illegally to earn a few silver coins.  As long as they are not robbing or stealing, let them do the bull work that other people do not want to do. 

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20 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

Most of them work in the prostitution industry.

Ramadan starts later this month - so an annual clear out was to be expected. Normal service(s) will be resumed at Eid.

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1 hour ago, Johnnyngai said:

 Poor Thais just want to work  illegally to earn a few silver coins.  As long as they are not robbing or stealing, let them do the bull work that other people do not want to do. 


There will always be locals wanting to do a certain kind of work. If you apply for a job and don't get it because an illegal immigrant snagged it from you, you'll probably see what I mean.


A country should focus on its people first before helping others. Staying in a country illegally to work is spitting in the face of the local laws, customs, locals who want a job, and thinking only about themselves.


There are jobs for everyone in Thailand - poor people can simply buy a noddle cart and start making money. It's really easy, as long as they want it.

Edited by SiamBeast
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Some Thai ladies go work for prostitution gangs in Bahrain and get into deep trouble with immigration and loans sharks.  Leading to death like this young Thai lady has.  Arab laws are a 180 degree different than Thai laws.  









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On 5/7/2017 at 3:37 PM, ezzra said:

Ahhh, a reciprocation acts at last, what's good for the goose, must be

good for the Thai gender....

It isn't anything to do with reciprocation. Bahrain is enforcing it's laws as a sovereign nation irrespective of Thailand's laws. If everything had to be reciprocal the world would be a dumber place. It would be like the no child left behind policy. 


Developed nations don't have a need to lower themselves to the dumbest policies on earth.

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I feel sorry for the Thai women and girls who got involved in the sex trade, then get sent to Bahrain to get into worse trouble.

  Send them back to Thailand and maybe that will save them from the loan sharks of Bahrain


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