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Macron wins French presidency, to sighs of relief in Europe


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LOL…the french turned out to be bigger pu##ies than i thought.


All the interviews I have seen on the Beeb involve frenchies who think macron is 

not the answer but voted for him anyway because they were too scared to give le pen a chance.


Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.


Thats the definition of insanity.

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

LOL…the french turned out to be bigger pu##ies than i thought.


All the interviews I have seen on the Beeb involve frenchies who think macron is 

not the answer but voted for him anyway because they were too scared to give le pen a chance.


Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.


Thats the definition of insanity.

I know what you mean. If aspirin doesn't work, why not try cyanide instead?

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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

LOL…the french turned out to be bigger pu##ies than i thought.


All the interviews I have seen on the Beeb involve frenchies who think macron is 

not the answer but voted for him anyway because they were too scared to give le pen a chance.


Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.


Thats the definition of insanity.

The French saw what a disaster it was in the USA that resulted in the election of Trump.  No way were they stupid enough to repeat that fiasco and so, in great numbers voted against the fascist Le Pen.  We should be very grateful for that.  Sanity at last!

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13 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Thats the definition of insanity.


5 months ago, he was a minister in the current government,  he plunged the country into deep chaos with "El Khomri law". the people who voted for him now will be back to the streets again, hard to understand their logic of thinking, or if the brains of the macron's voters are made of silicon.




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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

The French saw what a disaster it was in the USA that resulted in the election of Trump.  No way were they stupid enough to repeat that fiasco and so, in great numbers voted against the fascist Le Pen.  We should be very grateful for that.  Sanity at last!

Yes, and the potential power for Macron which he may or may not realize (many forces making it hard) is that positioning himself as a moderate with some sympathies for the left and some for the pro business right, he has more ideological flexibility than someone elected as an ideological purist.

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7 hours ago, lust said:

Yet I bet you hate Trump, right? Oh the irony. Liberalcucks, you made your beds, now go die in them. 

Considering last week's launch of Trumpcare and what it will mean for millions of eventually uninsured (if it passes the Senate) quite the unfortunate choice of words on all levels!

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4 hours ago, Xaos said:

Macron keep threatening my country Poland with sanctions, he even said few days ago he will destroy PL and it's dictatorship party. Mind theres none. All that cuz refusing taking refugees

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

I suggest you toughen up a bit. "threatening" in politics is part of the game that they play. However, people tend to only point it out when their candidates aren't the ones doing it.


PiS in Poland is anti-democratic party with fascist tendencies elected in a democratic process (kind of like 1933, remember). There is considerable resistance to the government and I applaud it.

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7 hours ago, lust said:

Yet I bet you hate Trump, right? Oh the irony. Liberalcucks, you made your beds, now go die in them. 


8 minutes ago, mrdome said:

Considering last week's launch of Trumpcare and what it will mean for millions of eventually uninsured (if it passes the Senate) quite the unfortunate choice of words on all levels!

Lust bites the dust.

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5 hours ago, Xaos said:

Macron keep threatening my country Poland with sanctions, he even said few days ago he will destroy PL and it's dictatorship party. Mind theres none. All that cuz refusing taking refugees

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

Just like a globalist, penalizing a strong nation for not cucking to Islam.

You guys have done a great job, don't capitulate to these elitist cry babies.

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I am no lover of le Pen, but i fear France has no hope ,they have just voted for more of the same , soon France will be in Trouble , Shame there was not a decent person to stand against Macron.

same  in Britain ,i am a conservative ,but i do like it when there is a strong opposition party , to keep things in check , but we have Laurel and Hardy , ,ie Corbyn and Abbott

one thing Macron was in love with his teacher at 15 , it really is a bit strange , that in Britain there would have been an outcry ,but in France its a love story .


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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

LOL…the french turned out to be bigger pu##ies than i thought.


All the interviews I have seen on the Beeb involve frenchies who think macron is 

not the answer but voted for him anyway because they were too scared to give le pen a chance.


Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.


Thats the definition of insanity.

In French, we have a proverb ( sorry, I dont' translate in English ,too complicate ) 

"entre deux maux, autant choisir le moindre "; maybe English have not the same philosophy 



iclaudius said : 

one thing Macron was in love with his teacher at 15 , it really is a bit strange , that in Britain there would have been an outcry ,but in France its a love story .


 in France, we are not like the " Sun ", we don't speak of political people personal life, it doesn't count to be elected or not 

again, different philosophy 








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22 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

Was the concept of the EU properly studied before it was implemented?

The problem is, the EU has never been stable, negative growth rates for all periphery states, there is always some kind of crisis. And unstable states, federations and unions are doomed to fail. Why? Too much diversity. Unless we give up on ethnicity, nationality, patriotism and religion, we can never create a long lasting Union. And to put it simply, humans are not intelligent enough for such a thing. few years ago they were even planning to add Turkey !! had they froze the expansion and kept it to only 12 members it might work, now it s too late to mend things !

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2 hours ago, heroKK said:

even a former member of a radical left party is not happy with Macron !

The return of propaganda in Europe : «Not that!» by Thierry Meyssan, "The French Presidential campaign has strayed from the democratic path. We are now witnessing a conditioning of the electorate such as Europe has not known since the Second World War. The example we analyes here is irrefutable. It concerns a work of propaganda - in the dictatorial sense of the term - which should lead to the election of Emmanuel Macron."



Well argued point. However, I view the history differently from both sides. Who was really responsible for the unnecessary WW1. May I recommend The Sleepwalkers?


Better we stick together my friend ?

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No sighs of relieve in EUROPE as the titel suggests. Of course it should read The EU  ( /Brussels/Juncker/Timmermans and more of those bandits).

Next time better for Le Pen and Wilders. Sheeple are not yet shaved to the bare skin.

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45 minutes ago, BangkokBaksida said:

So, anyone who doesn't want an Islamic Europe is a neo-fascist?  Good luck living there when the Muslims are in the majority.  Idiots.

I think idiots as a label might be better applied to the mathematically inept who keep issuing dire warning about an imminent Muslim majority.

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if you analyze all the election results of all French embassies abroad, you will find only one specific country where Macron obtained a whopping score of 96,3 % which surpasses the wildest dream of any African dictator, next time we wont held any elections and let this country vote and decide for all of us, better then to waste our time and efforts !!! since they decide everything for us !

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3 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

Just like a globalist, penalizing a strong nation for not cucking to Islam.

You guys have done a great job, don't capitulate to these elitist cry babies.

What utter balderdash!

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2 hours ago, BangkokBaksida said:

So, anyone who doesn't want an Islamic Europe is a neo-fascist?  Good luck living there when the Muslims are in the majority.  Idiots.

No. I have no time for Muslims but I'm a "centrist", social democrat if you like. We can handle this without resorting to extremism; we are much too clever for that

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11 hours ago, dandythai said:

Great news ! reason to drink the champagne ! puts GB in shame. 

4% approval rate at the end of his mandate, 30% unemployment rate after all the companies will relocate abroad, WW3 with Russia because of Iran and endless streams of terrorist attacks, good reasons to celebrate indeed ! you got not a single clue what the bankers is gonna do to your country! sad that the French do not have the mental power to elect someone like François Asselineau.


"A vote for Macron is a vote for national suicide."  - Paul Joseph Watson.



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40 minutes ago, heroKK said:

4% approval rate at the end of his mandate, 30% unemployment rate after all the companies will relocate abroad, WW3 with Russia because of Iran and endless streams of terrorist attacks, good reasons to celebrate indeed ! you got not a single clue what the bankers is gonna do to your country! sad that the French do not have the mental power to elect someone like François Asselineau.


"A vote for Macron is a vote for national suicide."  - Paul Joseph Watson.



Well, you may well know more about French politics than I but I am delighted Le Pen was kept out. It's a pity that like so many others, you are so blinded by anti EU hatred that you can not take a balanced view.


I hope Macron works out well; let's see.


BTW, pointless posting polemics from that totally discredited young tosser. He should save up to buy a razor and read a bit of history. Nonsense.

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10 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Well, you may well know more about French politics than I but I am delighted Le Pen was kept out. It's a pity that like so many others, you are so blinded by anti EU hatred that you can not take a balanced view.


I hope Macron works out well; let's see.


BTW, pointless posting polemics from that totally discredited young tosser. He should save up to buy a razor and read a bit of history. Nonsense.



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