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Thai govt warns of driver's license fraud


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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

The "test" is an absolute joke. 2 minutes actually driving and a 5 minute multiple choice exam. Why anyone would feel the need to obtain a dodgy license, to avoid this simple exercise is really beyond me.

You must have done a different test to me.....let my licence lapse more than a year and had to do...5hrs video (1 vid. for 2 hrs..do twice). the 50 questions needing 90% for a pass.

Questions very ambiguous and badly translated...well, for me at least!

Took me 3 efforts to pass....meanwhile some Thais were on their 10th+ attempt

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2 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

I thought the same thing.........got my Bike and Car license 3 months ago, and asked about renewal in two years.....They told me just come down with license and passport copies etc. No test.......:huh:


There have been recent news reports of changes and it's not before time. 


Seems someone is well aware that. in the past, driving licenses are a joke and the wheels have started to turn to get it into a different picture.


My Thai son mentioned to me about 2 days ago he'll need to take time off work for the lesson etc., to renew his license. In fact he's not complaining, he well realizes that drastic action is needed to make overall improvements in this area.


A different example, maybe one month ago a Thai friend went to the LTO in Bkk to renew his license because his old one was very tattered (old style hand made, with the lamination all falling adapt.) He handed in his paperwork and a few minutes later the officer in charge came to see him with the old license in hand and quietly said 'we cannot renew this, it's a fake'.


The OIC took him to another room and told the staff to make a plan to get the guy through the new procedures as soon as possible, but he did have to complete the whole new procedures.


In the initial discussion with the OIC my friend mentioned 'but I got this license at the LTO office in xxxx'. OIC laughed and said, 'yes many LTO officers have done this before (nothing officially recorded, money direct into LTO officers pocket).


OIC also mentioned that within maybe one year the police will have an app on their phones to check if license numbers are genuine. 



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2 hours ago, SABloke said:



It sounds like you've got a temporary license (2 years) so the renewal requirements might be different. I don't however think that they would make people redo a written test, but maybe they'll make applicants do the reaction test (only about 5 min)



That's the way it's done.

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You must have done a different test to me.....let my licence lapse more than a year and had to do...5hrs video (1 vid. for 2 hrs..do twice). the 50 questions needing 90% for a pass.
Questions very ambiguous and badly translated...well, for me at least!
Took me 3 efforts to pass....meanwhile some Thais were on their 10th+ attempt

It took me 3 times to pass the written test too, do a Google, a guy has actually put the test online for everyone to practise. I took the test before lunch and failed, practised on the guys web page during lunch and took it again in the afternoon and passed.

I would still be there if it wasnt for that site

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5 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

"The same procedure is applicable to renewal of a driver’s license".  Is this correct, " physical exam, a 5-hour session and a written E-exam before a driving test"?


Is the above true, new or did I miss something way back?

1hr video and a renewal fee if u have a legite license. 

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Im warning of governmental fraud!


My wifes sisters and friends all paid for fake licenses some 15yrs ago. 

I got mine the legite way but got in to an argument about a drawing in the test. The car animation if going by rear light colors was red which gave a hint to which way the car was heading. But nope, stupid me. Thats the front!


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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The director-general elaborated that application for any type of driver’s license must conform to the regulations of the Department of Land Transport and it has the same standards nationwide. People who apply for a driver’s license must complete all tests by themselves. After the application, there are a physical exam, a 5-hour session and a written E-exam before a driving test, said the official. 

If they can recognize a crosswalk they are good to go. If all the above were true and applied I would imagine there would be 25% less drivers on the road throw in a physiatrist and knock off another 30%

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More excuses.

It's been going on for years. The authorities knew about the scams etc and did nothing, I wonder why? Hmmmm..? Corruption comes to mind?

Now they are playing the innocent, we care and will act upon the crimes.

Ya ya. Same old same old.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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37 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

So the news article in the OP is wrong - you think or you know?

41 minutes ago, bsdthai said:

1hr video and a renewal fee if u have a legite license. 


Yes, Plus the reaction and peripheral vision tests. ( no color blindness this time)


Just went recently to DLT sukhumvit for renewal. Done efficiently, takes 2.5 to 3 hours.

Docs required 5 year renewal = Old license, 1 Year visa/extension (or work permit), certification of residence and Passport/ ID.

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When I renewed my Thai drivers license last year in BKK, I went through the physical tests.
No problems or tea money or anything.

Only problem was misspelling of my name in Thai on the new 5 year card.
When I told them they made a new card without any problems or extra charge.....

My life is so boring... :sad:



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36 minutes ago, jojothai said:
41 minutes ago, bsdthai said:

1hr video and a renewal fee if u have a legite license. 


Yes, Plus the reaction and peripheral vision tests. ( no color blindness this time)


Just went recently to DLT sukhumvit for renewal. Done efficiently, takes 2.5 to 3 hours.

Docs required 5 year renewal = Old license, 1 Year visa/extension (or work permit), certification of residence and Passport/ ID.

How strange. I renewed my 5 year license in Chiang Mai (Mae Tang actually) last year and here's what was required of me:


Colour blindness test

Reaction Test

Old Thai license

Sit through a one hour video/talk

NO passport

NO certificate of residence

NO request to see my visa, why would they!

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9 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

How strange. I renewed my 5 year license in Chiang Mai (Mae Tang actually) last year and here's what was required of me:


Colour blindness test

Reaction Test

Old Thai license

Sit through a one hour video/talk

NO passport

NO certificate of residence

NO request to see my visa, why would they!

Yes. If you don't have  the last three then you must have shown a work permit?

That changes things substantially.

I am on a retirement extension, and have to go through the rest of the requirements.

Note that we don't have to get the medical cert for renewal.

To be honest, its the certificate of residence that narks me. If I own my condo here, why is the chanote not enough? 

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Anyone having an idea where to get a lifelong license - for what fee? Had one, expired and did a new one some twenty years ago and ever since on the dreadfully tedious 5-year ticket. Whatever it takes - I would go for a change ;-) 

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5 hours ago, jojothai said:

Yes. If you don't have  the last three then you must have shown a work permit?

That changes things substantially.

I am on a retirement extension, and have to go through the rest of the requirements.

Note that we don't have to get the medical cert for renewal.

To be honest, its the certificate of residence that narks me. If I own my condo here, why is the chanote not enough? 

Nope, no work permit, I'm on an O-A visa also.

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3 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

Anyone having an idea where to get a lifelong license - for what fee? Had one, expired and did a new one some twenty years ago and ever since on the dreadfully tedious 5-year ticket. Whatever it takes - I would go for a change ;-) 

They don't issue life long licences any more.

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Yep I can believe it.


Having taught Thais to drive in the UK, it's a hard job explaining that they do not have the right of way in all situations and slower is faster

Edited by wakeupplease
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On 08/05/2017 at 8:06 AM, mahjongguy said:

" Why they test for color vision I have no idea "


Umm, what about red lights versus green?

Hi, I was under the impression that for the majority of the indig pop, there was very little difference.


I was in the navy for a number of years and as a deck officer had to be tested as not colour blind but that was sensible as at night if you cannot easily distinguish between the starboard running lights (right side) and the port running lights ( left) you would have a problem


when I recently went to transform my coveted local 1yr License ( heavily expired) into a 5 yr one along with a motorcycle license ( for which I have never had any training anywhere in the world) it was immediately clear that there was some hanky panky going on. My reaction test was extremely fast switching between the lights but after having failed it a couple of times and the current Mrs D Lord getting a bollocking for trying to explain to me what was required, I stood back to observe an indig female try it. I could have stopped a supertanker, discharged several hundred thousand tonnes of oil , cleaned all the tanks with a toothbrush, cleaned myself up, had my tea and watched an episode of Black Adder  in the same time that it took to change the same lights that had just minutes before almost sent me into convulsions as they flashed rapidly back and forth. 


It was then then that I noticed the light changing mechanism in the examining plods hand!



I caught the current Mrs D Lords eye and directed her view to this indicating to her not to say anything. I also made sure that I played the idiot farang and when going for the test again made a point if asking  the CurrentMrs D Lord what it was in plots sweaty Lawanda very pointedly pointed at it. 


Enough said i I'd I sailed through that obstacle that time. 


The peripheral vision tests were a doddle then key then I was directed to a large vacant but very hot school room type place where it was indicated to me that I would have to watch what was possibly the most idiot catching five hour video in Thai about who is responsible for maintaining the roads, who for the rules and regs ( different apparently) why you should always display a red square behind you if you  are carrying a long load........ but that was enough for the currentMrs DL. 


She was not not going to sit and listen to all this crap for five hours ( though she has a proven ability to be able to do so at home with these badly dubbed Korean faux love / fashion / dynasty series that are constantly on local TV) so she stormed right through the Plod sitting at desks and trying to look busy straight into the head plods office. 


Therein she launched into a lecture to the head Plod about how the Plod working under him were showing to her husband what a collection of ignorant, useless corrupt swine they really were with all this stupid tests. Furthermore the top Plod was shaming Thailand and its reputation and she would be talking to her ( fictitious senior Plod ) brother when she next went to Bangkok. 


Was he incapable of seeing this and the shameful way in which the honest (?) hard working (?) but poorly paid people were being treated which only went to further deter such folk from even attempting to get a license? Surely his responsibility was to improve road safety...


Had these ignorant Plod  people not sufficient sense to look at this foreigners license before making him do these ridiculous tests? Could they not see that his (UK) license was an international one which he has used in Saudi Arabia, UAE, ISC, Singapore ...( she listed a number of countries but I will not bore you with detail)  and how on earth could they explain why they would send someone to get an eye test which would involve them driving to and from the opticians? Surely even a Plod could see (sorry) that if the person was blind that by sending them to an eye test in which they would have to drive there........


the top plod grasping the opportunity of one of those rare moments when an indig female stops talking for an intake of air, jumped in apologising for the misunderstanding and that he would personally talk to the concerned Plod and would her esteemed husband like to sit there and supply two photos please....


five minutes lster i had both licenses in my law and tears of laughter running down my cheeks as up to then ( and we have been together since the RomanOccupation of England)  the only person I know who has received such a brutal tongue lashing from her ( and still lives) was me. 


She still to this day cannot fully fully understand why I found that so funny but puts it down to the usual case if farang ba ba. 


On on a side note, the majority of the other attendees at this "Palace of Wonder" were local farmers and pretty poor people all of whom were being lined up to be scammed (a reasonable bribe gets you a get out of having to watch the film card)  and who were being spoken to by the desk Plod like scum. When the current Mrs D Lord exited top plods office they clapped her which I am pretty sure did not make top Plod or desk plods day.


could this indicate that the ordinary silen Thai has started to have had enough?  Do they just need an inspirational leader, one who can combine integrity with ability and who could perhaps drive positive change or am I living in cloud cuckoo land? 


Either way way there is one driving test centre that has started to realise that even the poor indig have limits.....


To any of my chums on TVF who doubt the veracity if this story, I can assure you that it is perfectly true though the translation of "the rant" may be a bit out.

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5 minutes ago, Redline said:

"...only the department or government transportation offices are authorized to issue a driver’s license". 


Now, does that really matter in this case?

Yes, because there are lots of people out there who think that some driving schools can issue drivers licences.

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32 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Yes, because there are lots of people out there who think that some driving schools can issue drivers licences.

Why would they think a school can give them a valid government issued license?

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17 minutes ago, Redline said:

Why would they think a school can give them a valid government issued license?

There are private schools for all manner of things in Thailand, anyone with experience in this or that can (and does) set up a school to train those willing to pay the tuition fees, hairdressing, cookery, airline employee, tour guide, degree, driver, you name it and I expect it exists. One common feature of them all is that they all "guarantee" the successful student will be rewarded with whatever it is they are after, a job, a certificate, a license, a permit etc etc. People buy into these schools and courses because they think they will get something they could otherwise never get or not get easily, mostly out of desperation or ignorance, that's why.



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4 hours ago, jojothai said:

You got a license without any ID !!!

Nuff said.


No, my ID was my old license, which seems very sensible to me since that's what it's primary purpose is.

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On 08/05/2017 at 10:06 AM, darksidedog said:

The "test" is an absolute joke. 2 minutes actually driving and a 5 minute multiple choice exam. Why anyone would feel the need to obtain a dodgy license, to avoid this simple exercise is really beyond me.

Surely you can see from some of the drivers on Thai roads why such a test might be difficult for some.

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On 5/9/2017 at 6:33 PM, simoh1490 said:

There are private schools for all manner of things in Thailand, anyone with experience in this or that can (and does) set up a school to train those willing to pay the tuition fees, hairdressing, cookery, airline employee, tour guide, degree, driver, you name it and I expect it exists. One common feature of them all is that they all "guarantee" the successful student will be rewarded with whatever it is they are after, a job, a certificate, a license, a permit etc etc. People buy into these schools and courses because they think they will get something they could otherwise never get or not get easily, mostly out of desperation or ignorance, that's why.



Oh!  Maybe I have found my calling?

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